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Dendritic cells (DC) expanded in the presence of GM-CSF from the bone marrow of C57BL/6 mice process Gram-negative bacteria expressing the model antigen Crl-OVA for peptide presentation on MHC class I molecules. Here we show that presentation of OVA(257-264) processed by DC co-incubated with E. coli expressing Crl-OVA, which contains the Kb-binding OVA(257-264) epitope, occurs by a cytosolic MHC-I presentation pathway. First, we demonstrate the requirement for the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) by showing that DC from TAP1-/- mice co-incubated with E. coli expressing Crl-OVA did not result in Kb presentation of OVA(257-264). Second, the proteasome inhibitor MG132 abrogated presentation of OVA(257-264) on Kb when C57BL/6 DC phagocytosed and processed E. coli expressing Crl-OVA. Third, inhibiting protein synthesis using cycloheximide or blocking exocytosis of newly synthesized proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum using brefeldin A abrogated presentation of OVA(257-264) processed from bacteria expressing Crl-OVA by C57BL/6 DC. Finally, peptide regurgitation and loading of OVA(257-264) on neighboring bystander Kb-expressing antigen-presenting cells after BALB/c (H-2d) DC phagocytosed E. coli expressing Crl-OVA could not be detected. Together, these data support a cytosolic MHC-I presentation pathway for OVA(257-264) processed from E. coli expressing Crl-OVA by bone marrow-derived DC.  相似文献   

Glycogen-storage diseases type I (GSD type I) are due to a deficiency in glucose-6-phosphatase, an enzymatic system present in the endoplasmic reticulum that plays a crucial role in blood glucose homeostasis. Unlike GSD type Ia, types Ib and Ic are not due to mutations in the phosphohydrolase gene and are clinically characterized by the presence of associated neutropenia and neutrophil dysfunction. Biochemical evidence indicates the presence of a defect in glucose-6-phosphate (GSD type Ib) or inorganic phosphate (Pi) (GSD type Ic) transport in the microsomes. We have recently cloned a cDNA encoding a putative glucose-6-phosphate translocase. We have now localized the corresponding gene on chromosome 11q23, the region where GSD types Ib and Ic have been mapped. Using SSCP analysis and sequencing, we have screened this gene, for mutations in genomic DNA, from patients from 22 different families who have GSD types Ib and Ic. Of 20 mutations found, 11 result in truncated proteins that are probably nonfunctional. Most other mutations result in substitutions of conserved or semiconserved residues. The two most common mutations (Gly339Cys and 1211-1212 delCT) together constitute approximately 40% of the disease alleles. The fact that the same mutations are found in GSD types Ib and Ic could indicate either that Pi and glucose-6-phosphate are transported in microsomes by the same transporter or that the biochemical assays used to differentiate Pi and glucose-6-phosphate transport defects are not reliable.  相似文献   

Progressive myoclonus epilepsy of the Lafora type (Lafora's disease) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by epilepsy, myoclonus, dementia, and periodic acid-Schiff-positive intracellular inclusion bodies. The inclusion deposits consist of branched polysaccharides (polyglucosans) but the responsible biochemical defect has not been identified. Onset is during late childhood or adolescence and the disease leads to a fatal outcome within a decade of first symptoms. We studied nine families in which Lafora's disease had been proven by biopsy in at least one member. In order to locate the responsible gene, we screened the human genome with microsatellite markers spaced an average of 13 cM. We used linkage analysis in all nine families and homozygosity mapping in four consanguineous families to define the Lafora's disease gene region. Two point linkage analysis resulted in a total peak lod score of 10.54 for marker D6S311. Six additional chromosome 6q23-25 microsatellites yielded lod scores ranging from 5.92 to 9.60 at theta m = f = 0. An extended pedigree with five affected members independently proved linkage with peak lod scores over 3.8 at theta m = f = 0 for D6S292, D6S403, and D6S311. The multipoint one-lod-unit support interval covered a 2.5 cM region surrounding D6S403. Homozygosity mapping defined a 17 cM region in chromosome 6q23-25 flanked by D6S292 and D6S420 that contains the Lafora's disease gene.  相似文献   

Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) is caused by missense mutations in the beta cardiac myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene in less than half of affected individuals. To identify the location of another gene involved in this disorder, a large family with FHC not linked to the beta MHC gene was studied. Linkage was detected between the disease in this family and a locus on chromosome 1q3 (maximum multipoint lod score = 8.47). Analyses in other families with FHC not linked to the beta MHC gene, revealed linkage to the chromosome 1 locus in two and excluded linkage in six. Thus mutations in at least three genetic loci can cause FHC. Three sarcomeric contractile proteins--troponin I, tropomyosin and actin--are strong candidate FHC genes at the chromosome 1 locus.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis cells respond almost immediately to different stress conditions by increasing the production of general stress proteins (GSPs). The genes encoding the majority of the GSPs that are induced by heat, ethanol, salt stress or by starvation for glucose, oxygen or phosphate belong to the sigmaB-dependent general stress regulon. Despite a good understanding of the complex regulation of the activity of sigmaB and knowledge of a very large number of general stress genes controlled by sigmaB, first insights into the physiological role of this nonspecific stress response have been obtained only very recently. To explore the physiological role of this reguIon, we and others identified sigmaB-dependent general stress genes and compared the stress tolerance of wild-type cells with mutants lacking sigmaB or general stress proteins. The proteins encoded by sigmaB-dependent general stress genes can be divided into at least five functional groups that most probably provide growth-restricted B. subtilis cells with a multiple stress resistance in anticipation of future stress. In particular, sigB mutants are impaired in non-specific resistance to oxidative stress, which requires the sigmaB-dependent dps gene encoding a DNA-protecting protein. Protection against oxidative damage of membranes, proteins or DNA could be the most essential component of sigmaB mediated general stress resistance in growth-arrested aerobic gram-positive bacteria. Other general stress genes have both a sigmaB-dependent induction pathway and a second sigmaB-independent mechanism of stress induction, thereby partially compensating for a sigmaB deficiency in a sigB mutant. In contrast to sigB mutants, null mutations in genes encoding those proteins, such as cIpP or cIpC, cause extreme sensitivity to salt or heat.  相似文献   

Cassettes based on a hisG-URA3-hisG insert have been modified by the addition of an KmR-encoding gene and flanking polylinker sites, greatly simplifying construction of gene disruption vectors in Escherichia coli. After gene disruption in yeast, URA3 can then be excised by recombination between the hisG repeats flanking the gene, permitting reuse of the URA3 marker.  相似文献   

Early infancy (< 1 year of age), massive tumor cell burden, and extremely poor prognosis are characteristic features of a particular subset of childhood acute leukemias (AL). In these cases, chromosome aberrations at the 11q23 band are the most frequently reported cytogenetic abnormalities. We have recently cloned a genetic locus named ALL-1, in which DNA breakpoints are clustered in leukemic patients with 11q23 aberrations. Analysis of the ALL-1 genomic configuration in DNA from 15 infants with AL showed specific ALL-1 rearrangements in 12 cases (80%), including 5 with normal karyotypes. These findings indicate that a consistent genetic defect underlies this particular leukemic subset.  相似文献   

A single familial hemiplegic migraine locus has been previously mapped to 19p13.1 and associated with mutations in a calcium channel gene (CACNL1A4). We describe a new 39-member four-generation family from Wyoming of German-Native American descent with autosomal dominant familial hemiplegic migraine that is not linked to the chromosome 19p locus. Affected individuals showed a stereotypic pattern of migrainous headache associated with hemisensory and hemiparetic attacks, without other headache types. Eighty-three percent reported minor head trauma as a trigger for individual attacks. Seventy-two percent reported other typical migraine triggers for the attacks. Attack frequency decreased with age and the overall course was benign. Genetic linkage studies of this family found strong evidence for the disease gene in this family being located at chromosome 1q31. Multipoint analysis showed lod scores > 3 in a 44-cm region flanked by D1S158 and D1S2781, using 80% penetrance and a phenocopy rate of 1/50. Haplotype and multipoint analysis, including flanking markers, suggested incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity of the disease. A single affected patient who reports atypical symptoms including daily headaches likely represents a phenocopy. This new locus for hemiplegic migraine suggests that mutations of additional calcium channels in the region may cause the disease.  相似文献   

The sequence of a cDNA clone encoding porcine transthyretin (prealbumin) was used to develop polymorphic markers for the TTR locus. The single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) detected is caused by a silent A/T mutation in the penultimate coding codon and can also be revealed as a SacI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The TTR locus was mapped to chromosome 6q by segregation and linkage analysis with these polymorphisms. This assignment confirms the predictions of homology between human chromosome 18 and pig chromosome 6q2.5-q2.6.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ADHED) is a disorder characterized by fine, slow-growing scalp and body hair, sparse eyebrows and eyelashes, decreased sweating, hypodontia, and nail anomalies. By genetic linkage analysis of a large ADHED kindred, we have mapped a gene for ADHED (EDA3) to the proximal long arm of chromosome 2 (q11-q13). Obligate recombinations localize EDA3 to an approximately 9-cM interval between D2S1321 and D2S308, with no apparent recombinations with markers D2S1343, D2S436, D2S293, D2S1894, D2S1784, D2S1890, D2S274, and CHLC.GAAT11C03.  相似文献   

We report that the Bjornstad syndrome gene maps to chromosome 2q34-36. The clinical association of sensorineural hearing loss with pili torti (broken, twisted hairs) was described >30 years ago by Bjornstad; subsequently, several small families have been studied. We evaluated a large kindred with Bjornstad syndrome in which eight members inherited pili torti and prelingual sensorineural hearing loss as autosomal recessive traits. A genomewide search using polymorphic loci demonstrated linkage between the disease gene segregating in this kindred and D2S434 (maximum two-point LOD score = 4.98 at theta = 0). Haplotype analysis of recombination events located the disease gene in a 3-cM region between loci D2S1371 and D2S163. We speculate that intermediate filament and intermediate filament-associated proteins are good candidate genes for causing Bjornstad syndrome.  相似文献   

Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (TNDM) is a rare form of childhood diabetes which usually resolves in the first 6 months of life but which predisposes to type 2 diabetes of adult onset. We recently reported paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 6 (UPD6) in two children with TNDM and proposed that there may be an imprinted gene important in the aetiology of diabetes on chromosome 6. We now describe two unrelated families which independently suggest that the gene is imprinted, is paternally expressed and maps to 6q22-q23. One family has a duplication while the other, with familial TNDM, shows linkage to a marker in this region.  相似文献   

Cerebral palsy has an incidence of approximately 1/500 births, although this varies between different ethnic groups. Genetic forms of the disease account for approximately 1%-2% of cases in most countries but contribute a larger proportion in populations with extensive inbreeding. We have clinically characterized consanguineous families with multiple children affected by symmetrical spastic cerebral palsy, to locate recessive genes responsible for this condition. The eight families studied were identified from databases of patients in different regions of the United Kingdom. After ascertainment and clinical assessment, we performed a genomewide search for linkage, using 290 polymorphic DNA markers. In three families, a region of homozygosity at chromosome 2q24-q25 was identified between the markers D2S124 and D2S148. The largest family gave a maximum LOD score of 3.0, by multipoint analysis (HOMOZ). The maximum combined multipoint LOD score for the three families was 5.75. The minimum region of homozygosity is approximately 5 cM between the markers D2S124 and D2S2284. We have shown that a proportion of autosomal recessive symmetrical spastic cerebral palsy maps to chromosome 2q24-25. The identification of genes involved in the etiology of cerebral palsy may lead to improved management of this clinically intractable condition.  相似文献   

Cleft lip with or without cleft palate, CL(P), a common human birth defect, has a genetically complex etiology. An animal model with a similarly complex genetic basis is established in the A/WySn mouse strain, in which 20% of newborns have CL(P). Using a newly created congenic strain, AEJ.A, and SSLP markers, we have mapped a major CL(P)-causing gene derived from the A/WySn strain. This locus, here named clf1 (cleft lip) maps to Chromosome (Chr) 11 to a region having linkage homology with human 17q21-24, supporting reports of association of human CL(P) with the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA) locus.  相似文献   

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the most common eye disorder worldwide. "Pathologic" high myopia, or myopia of <=-6.00 diopters, predisposes individuals to retinal detachment, macular degeneration, cataract, or glaucoma. A locus for autosomal dominant pathologic high myopia has been mapped to 18p11.31. We now report significant linkage of high myopia to a second locus at the 12q21-23 region in a large German/Italian family. The family had no clinical evidence of connective-tissue abnormalities or glaucoma. The average age at diagnosis of myopia was 5.9 years. The average spherical-component refractive error for the affected individuals was -9.47 diopters. Markers flanking or intragenic to the genes for the 18p locus, Stickler syndromes type I and II (12q13.1-q13.3 and 6p21.3), Marfan syndrome (15q21.1), and juvenile glaucoma (chromosome 1q21-q31) showed no linkage to the myopia in this family. The maximum LOD score with two-point linkage analysis in this pedigree was 3.85 at a recombination fraction of .0010, for markers D12S1706 and D12S327. Recombination events identified markers D12S1684 and D12S1605 as flanking markers that define a 30.1-cM interval on chromosome 12q21-23, for the second myopia gene. These results confirm genetic heterogeneity of myopia. The identification of this gene may provide insight into the pathophysiology of myopia and eye development.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: A case report. OBJECTIVES: To document a fracture of the 11th thoracic vertebra after spine fusion for adult idiopathic scoliosis. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Three cases of vertebral fractures associated with spine fusion for scoliosis were found in the literature. METHODS: Medical and radiologic records and related literature were reviewed. RESULTS: A 30-year-old woman had undergone anterior and posterior fusion with Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation for progressive idiopathic scoliosis. Two years after surgery, she was in a car accident. A radiographic study and computer tomographic scanning depicted a fracture of T11 and bending of the rods. Observation was instituted and symptoms resolved. CONCLUSIONS: Fracture of a vertebra within an extensive spine fusion for scoliosis is rare. The 360 degrees solid fusion together with strong posterior instrumentation may have had some protective effect in this patient.  相似文献   

Asthma is a genetically complex disease, and the investigation of putative linkages to candidate loci in independent populations is an important part of the gene discovery process. This study investigated the linkage of microsatellite markers in the 5q and 11q regions to asthma-associated quantitative traits in 121 Australian Caucasian nuclear families. The families were recruited on the basis of a child proband: a cohort of 95 randomly recruited families of unselected probands (n = 442 subjects) and a cohort of 26 families of probands selected on the basis of severe symptomatic asthma (n = 134 subjects). The quantitative traits assessed included serum levels of total IgE and specific IgE to house dust mite and mixed grass, blood eosinophil counts, and the dose-response slope (DRS) of FEV1 to histamine provocation. Multipoint linkage analysis using Haseman-Elston sib-pair methods provided evidence of significant linkage between the chromosome 5q markers and loge total serum IgE levels, specific serum IgE levels, and loge blood eosinophil counts. The chromosome 11q markers showed evidence of significant linkage to specific serum IgE levels. Neither region demonstrated significant linkage to the loge DRS to histamine. Phenotypes were residualized for age and sex. These data are consistent with the existence of loci regulating asthma-associated quantitative traits in both the 5q31-33 and 11q13 chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

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