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现代生活方式与家居坐具的整合设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周曙  罗坤明  张烜之 《包装工程》2010,31(6):18-20,98
从现代生活方式与家居坐具设计之间的关系角度,从人类最基本的生活形态——坐,再延伸到与之相关的坐具的设计,从古代坐具的设计到现代生活方式下坐具的设计。从坐具设计的文化、人机工程学、环境色彩学、材料学、还有现代坐具的雕塑化设计趋势等角度分析了现代坐具设计中应该考虑到的一些因素,对现代家居坐具设计有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

论十里红妆的坐具与卧具设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张芳兰  徐明高  董超 《包装工程》2011,32(12):36-38
通过对婚嫁器物文化的研究,以十里红妆婚嫁器物对生活的影响与意义为启示,从形态、功能、色彩、装饰图案、材料、制作工艺等方面,重点论述了红妆坐具与卧具,分析了红妆坐具与卧具的设计特点,得出其形态与功能设计的合理性,最后阐述了红妆坐具与卧具的文化意义。在此基础上,提出传承与整合红妆坐具与卧具设计,对形成具有中国婚俗风格的现代家具意义深远。  相似文献   

坐具设计中的设计符号学解析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
傅凯  俞莲 《包装工程》2012,33(2):36-38,50
旨在从设计符号学的角度来研究坐具设计,在坐具设计的符号系统下,论述设计符号学的能指与所指关系、编码与传达以及其在坐具设计中的应用。把坐具产品作为符号,把符号学原理运用到坐具设计中,分析坐具符号的所指与能指内涵,更好地体现出坐具设计的实用价值、审美价值、象征价值等,为人类生活提供更人性化的服务。  相似文献   

申明倩  李军  滕佳华 《包装工程》2016,37(22):140-143
目的研究古代女性坐具的"役人"思想,挖掘古代女性坐具的设计特色以及对现代设计的启发。方法通过挖掘古代女性坐具在形制、尺度、功能等方面体现出的"役人"思想,分析这种设计思想与封建礼教的关系,并从设计与艺术的角度分析古代女性坐具在线条、功能、形制等方面呈现出的设计特点,在此基础上进行现代女性坐具的设计创新实践。结论通过揭示古代女性坐具的设计思想,提炼传统女性坐具的设计特色,为现代女性坐具的"宜人"设计创新提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文是对X形座椅演变历史的溯源。从古埃及法老王座到现代的巴塞罗那椅,X形座椅在不同时期以一种特殊的坐具样式出现在家具设计史中。这种特殊的坐具样式中包含了人类对于功能性、象征性、审美性等诸多方面的设计智慧。文章分别论述了古代西方和中国X形坐具发展历史,又对现代主义设计中的经典X形椅——巴塞罗那椅进行分析,以期重新梳理X形座椅的设计脉络,对今后的坐具设计有所帮助。  相似文献   

蒋兰 《包装工程》2012,33(12):40-43,79
分析了坐姿下身体各部分组织结构所处的状态、不适和坐姿下人体多动的特点,从多个角度提出如何通过坐具设计来满足多种坐姿需求,归纳出为应对坐姿多样性,坐具设计所采用的多变性设计手法。以经典实例论证了坐具在座部、靠背、脚垫等位置可采用可调节设计手法,以可组合形态设计来丰富就坐选择,用独特的坐具形式给予坐姿多样可能的多功能设计手法,以及以固定形态满足多环境的多变性设计方式。  相似文献   

龚芸 《包装工程》2019,40(10):288-293
目的以情感化设计的视角为出发点,阐述城市坐具设计的理论背景,论述城市坐具设计的情感化内容及城市坐具情感化的意义。方法立足于特定的场景空间,以系统化整体思维来分析情感化设计的基本原理,把握情感化设计的3个层次,即本能层次、行为层次、反思层次的相互关联,并结合实例进行分析,分别将城市坐具的形态、材质、色彩、功能、可用性、文化、品味与感官、使用乐趣、自我意识按层级对接起来进行针对性设计指导。结论将情感化设计运用在城市坐具中可提升人对城市环境的认知程度,唤起人们对城市的认同感,通过最大程度地强化城市坐具与人的情感关联,实现设计的价值。  相似文献   

申明倩  李军 《包装工程》2017,38(10):160-165
目的研究中国古代不同时期女性坐具形制特征及设计思想,为设计具有民族文化特征的现代女性坐具提供借鉴。方法详细考证文学典籍、绘画作品、实物遗存等历史资料中所涉及的女性坐具,梳理其形制演变脉络,从形制、功能、尺度等方面挖掘设计思想。结论考证了中国古代女性坐具在矮形期、过渡期、高形期和鼎盛期的常见形制,提炼出古代女性坐具中所蕴含的役人思想以及在"文"和"质"上的相得益彰,并以古代绣墩为原型进行设计实践。  相似文献   

城市户外坐具情感化设计研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
杨玲  刘富升  王亚丽 《包装工程》2017,38(8):156-161
目的探讨情感化理念在城市户外坐具设计中的应用。方法从当下城市户外坐具设计的现状与不足出发,通过对"城市户外坐具"、"情感"以及"情感化设计"的理解与阐释,在人—城市户外坐具—环境的交互场域范围,从本能的、行为的、反思的3个递进层次,对城市户外坐具的情感化设计策略以及地域性策略与应用进行研究。结论将情感化理念引入城市户外坐具设计中,既能提升环境品质,又能激活城市空间。在满足基本使用功能的前提下,也更符合人们日益增长的审美需求和情感需求,体现深层次的人文关怀,以达到人—城市户外坐具—环境的良性互动与和谐共生。  相似文献   

刘莹  王国光 《包装工程》2020,41(6):322-328
目的基于混凝土材料的改性问题,总结出改性混凝土公共坐具的设计要点和表现形式,尝试在建造技术与发展过程中,利用参数化设计手段进行创新设计。方法分别从功能、造型、质感设计方面,对改性混凝土公共坐具设计案例进行分析,归纳出功能模块自由组合、超高性能与弯曲造型、不同材料混搭共生三方面的设计要点,并据此尝试利用参数化技术介入设计与建造过程,进行改性混凝土公共坐具设计实验。结果改性混凝土坐具设计通过混凝土外加剂的添加、参数化设计方法的应用,不仅能满足一般公共坐具设计的功能要求,还能展现出使用者的个性需求。结论随着新材料、新技术的不断应用,混凝土坐具不再只是作为艺术品陈设,更可通过添加外加剂、掺合料来创造出超性能的产品,赋予其更多的价值与内涵。改性混凝土材料的设计视域必将更加广阔,应用前景也将更值得期待。  相似文献   

重型发动机气门座圈工艺、材料研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析重型发动机气门座圈所处化学介质、温度、应力等环境条件对材料磨损影响的基础上,介绍了气门座圈的磨损机理.根据其磨损机理,进一步阐明了重型发动机气门座圈的选材原则及当前气门座圈材料的种类和工艺发展的概况.最后提出了气门座圈材料未来的研究和发展方向.  相似文献   

毛红  杨道陵  邢明 《包装工程》2017,38(16):102-107
目的在现有的市场现状和常规设计模式下,设计师对老年人坐椅设计的主观经验因素较多,容易导致结果的偏差,使用科学仪器对老年人的坐椅相关因素进行定量化测试,归纳数据并修正设计方向,探索新的设计方法。方法使用多导生理仪、眼动仪、脑电仪等科学仪器,对老年人的坐姿生理数据、眼动注意力轨迹数据、脑电数据所反映的心理关注信息等进行研究,归纳出合理的数据范围,为后续设计提供相对精确的指导方向。结论通过使用科学仪器测试产生的数据对老年人坐椅设计方向进行修正,将传统的设计经验加入科学仪器的量化校正,使老年人坐椅设计量化方法的探索得到了合理验证。  相似文献   

This study used telephone interview data on booster seat use from a state-wide probability sample of parents with children ages 4-8-years-old who were living in Michigan. Interviews were completed with parents of children in 350 households. Analyses examined the entire sample, and three sub-groups: always users, part-time booster seat users, and booster seat non-users. Results indicated that booster seat legislation was a key determinant of the level of use and the motivation to use booster seats. Nearly 70% of part-time users said that they used booster seats because they believed it was the law. Similarly, 60% of part-time and non-booster seat users said that they would be more likely to use booster seats if use were mandated by law, with non-users being 3.5 times more likely than part-time users to agree that a law would increase their booster seat use. Finally, over 90% of part-time and non-booster seat users said it would be easier for them to use booster seats if a law required it, and non-users were almost six times more likely than part-time users to agree that a law would make use easier. The need for booster seat laws, issues of social equity, and implications for intervention were discussed.  相似文献   

龙圣杰  胡虹 《包装工程》2013,34(8):124-126
通过对汽车座椅造型设计因素的分析,提出在进行汽车座椅造型时所需要解决的问题,以帮助设计师在设计中快速准确地确定目标进行调查和问题的分析,从而使汽车座椅的造型设计更加有效,为企业和设计师提供分析资料和理论支撑。  相似文献   

老年代步车的助立座椅设计   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
通过问卷调查获得目前老年代步车座椅所存在的问题,提出了利用椅面的运动来辅助老年人站立的代步车座椅设计方案,并进行了优化设计,该方案完善了老年人原有的起立方式,给出了具体功能与结构的设计方法以及主要材料的选择。最后对方案的合理性进行了相关分析,从助立、轻便和舒适的角度为老年代步车座椅提供了一种设计思路。  相似文献   

Most industrialized countries and many developing countries have passed laws that require the use of seat belts in motor vehicles. It is widely believed that seat belt use is an effective way to reduce road accident fatalities and injuries. Saudi Arabia joined these countries when it enacted a similar law on 5 December 2000 making seat belt use compulsory for all drivers and front-seat passengers. This study measures seat belt use rate and its impact on the number of road accident injuries during the first few months that followed the enactment of the law. It also investigates drivers' behaviour and personal characteristics and their relationship with using seat belts by using a questionnaire specially prepared for this purpose. Results show that seat belt use rate in two Riyadh suburbs were 33% and 87%, respectively, for drivers and 4% and 41%, respectively, for front-seat passengers (FSP's). Such belt use rates are considered low yet encouraging when compared with use rates before enacting the law. Results also show that there was a significant drop in certain types of injuries due to traffic accidents after the enactment of the seat belt law. Questionnaire results show that certain personal characteristics were correlated with seat belt use rate. Finally, implications of these findings in terms of future plans for improving traffic safety are discussed.  相似文献   

The expected effects of increasing seat belt use on the number of killed or seriously injured (KSI) light vehicle occupants have been estimated for three scenarios of increased seat belt use in Norway, taking into account current seat belt use, the effects of seat belts and differences in crash risk between belted and unbelted drivers. The effects of seat belts on fatality and injury risk were investigated in a meta-analysis that is based on 24 studies from 2000 or later. The results indicate that seat belts reduce both fatal and non-fatal injuries by 60% among front seat occupants and by 44% among rear seat occupants. Both results are statistically significant. Seat belt use among rear seat occupants was additionally found to about halve fatality risk among belted front seat occupants in a meta-analysis that is based on six studies. Based on an analysis of seat belt wearing rates among crash involved and non-crash involved drivers in Norway it is estimated that unbelted drivers have 8.3 times the fatal crash risk and 5.2 times the serious injury crash risk of belted drivers. The large differences in crash risk are likely to be due to other risk factors that are common among unbelted drivers such as drunk driving and speeding. Without taking into account differences in crash risk between belted and unbelted drivers, the estimated effects of increasing seat belt use are likely to be biased. When differences in crash risk are taken into account, it is estimated that the annual numbers of KSI front seat occupants in light vehicles in Norway could be reduced by 11.3% if all vehicles had seat belt reminders (assumed seat belt wearing rate 98.9%), by 17.5% if all light vehicles had seat belt interlocks (assumed seat belt wearing rate 99.7%) and by 19.9% if all front seat occupants of light vehicles were belted. Currently 96.6% of all (non-crash involved) front seat occupants are belted. The effect on KSI per percentage increase of seat belt use increases with increasing initial levels of seat belt use. Had all rear seat occupants been belted, the number of KSI front seat occupants could additionally be reduced by about 0.6%. The reduction of the number of KSI rear seat occupants would be about the same in terms of numbers of prevented KSI.  相似文献   

系统设计观念下的高速列车座椅设计程序解析   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
李娟  徐伯初 《包装工程》2011,32(8):30-33
引入系统设计观念,把高速列车座椅的设计影响因素分解为内部和外部系统元素,并构建内、外系统元素之间的结构关系。建立了一套适用于高速列车座椅的系统设计程序,包括设计规划、设计定位、设计展开和设计评价4个阶段,以人为本,兼顾车体及座椅的各种既有因素,系统全面地解析了各个设计阶段所要解决地关键问题,对高速列车座椅的系统设计具有指导参考意义。  相似文献   

The effect of seat belt legislation on self-reported seat belt use among male and female college students was investigated. Questionnaires inquiring about seat belt use were administered to college students on three separate occasions: (i) two months prior to the time a mandatory seat belt law went into effect, (ii) two months after the law went into effect, and (iii) 16 months after the law went into effect. Reported seat belt use increased significantly for male and female college students two months after the law took effect. At 16 months postlaw, reported seat belt use remained high for female students but declined almost to the prelaw level for males. Possible reasons offered for these findings are that male college students may be more resistant to having their behavior regulated and, therefore, less likely to internalize changes forced on them, and college-age males may be more inclined to engage in risk-taking behavior than college-age females. The importance of considering males and females separately with respect to seat belt use and interventions designed to increase seat belt use is discussed.  相似文献   

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