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Cicchetti and Lynch have conceptualized ecological contexts as consisting of nested levels with varying degrees of proximity to the individual. These levels of the environment interact and transact with each other over time in shaping individual development and adaptation. With a sample of maltreated (n = 188) and nonmaltreated (n = 134) children between the ages of 7 and 12 years, this investigation employed a 1-year longitudinal design to conduct an ecological-transactional analysis of the mutual relationships among community violence, child maltreatment, and children's functioning over time. Indicators of children's functioning were externalizing and internalizing behavior problems and self-rated traumatic stress reactions, depressive symptomatology, and self-esteem. Either full or partial support was obtained for the study's primary hypotheses. Rates of maltreatment, particularly physical abuse, were related to levels of child-reported violence in the community. In addition, child maltreatment and exposure to community violence were related to different aspects of children's functioning. Specific effects were observed for neglect and sexual abuse and for witnessing and being victimized by violence in the community. Finally, there was evidence that children and their contexts mutually influence each other over time. Results were discussed within the framework of an ecological-transactional model of development.  相似文献   

Seven of 63 children (11%) treated with clobazam (CLB) for refractory epilepsy developed a severe behavior disorder. This disorder was characterized by aggressive agitation, self injurious behavior, insomnia, and incessant motor activity occurring between 10 and 55 days after initiation of drug therapy. The affected children were relatively young (mean age 6.4 years) and developmentally disabled (four were autistic and two had isolated mental retardation). The disorder occurred with a short latency after initiation of therapy and at a relatively low dosage of CLB. Serum levels of other coadministered antiepileptic drugs were unchanged by the administration of CLB. One child was taking CLB monotherapy. This behavioral deterioration required the discontinuation of CLB, after which patients returned to their previous behavior within 3 weeks. After > 3 years of follow-up all children continue to require multiple antiepileptic drugs but have not had a recurrence of this aggressive agitation. The mechanism of the behavioral change is unclear.  相似文献   

Violence is a major public health problem that increasingly involves children and adolescents as both victims and witnesses. Exposure to violence is now implicated in the development of stress conditions. This article uses Terr's typology to describe responses to various kinds of violence and suggests that the posttraumatic stress model adds a unique dimension to our understanding of the effects of violence on children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Sixty-two 3- to 4-month-old African American infants from lower, middle, and upper socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds were each observed in naturalistic contexts for 12 hr. The social experiences of infants in the 3 groups were similar in many ways: Infants from all backgrounds slept and were vocalized to for similar amounts of time. However, infants in the upper SES families engaged in more self-play, vocalized less, fussed less, had fewer but longer naps, and fewer but longer bouts of social interaction than did infants in the middle- and lower SES families. Infants in the upper SES families also received more verbal affection and soothing responses to their fussing and crying than did the other infants, whereas infants in the lower SES families interacted more with extended kin than did infants in the upper SES families. These results underscore the need to study African American families in a variety of socioeconomic contexts because families in more advantaged circumstances may greatly differ from those who are more disadvantaged, especially in terms of reliance on extended kin as caregivers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the effectiveness of verbal communication among 37 6-yr-old middle-class children from families exemplifying a person or a position social code. Families' social code was the percentage of person-oriented regulatory appeal statements made by mothers in response to questions concerning how they would attempt to regulate their children's behavior. On each of 5 measures comparing the form and content of messages to sighted and blindfolded listeners, children from person-oriented families showed greater evidence of accommodating their communication to the listener's perspective than did children from position-oriented families. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Marital adjustment, verbal aggression, and physical aggression have long been associated in the marital literature, but the nature of their associations remains unclear. In this study, the authors examined these 3 constructs as risk factors for physical aggression during the first 2 years of marriage in 634 couples recruited as they applied for marriage licenses. Couples completed assessments at the time of marriage and at their 1st and 2nd anniversaries. Results of path analyses suggest that prior verbal aggression and physical aggression by both partners are important longitudinal predictors of physical aggression but do not support the role of marital adjustment as a unique predictor of subsequent physical aggression. Contrary to prior research, results also failed to support physical aggression as a unique predictor of marital adjustment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discourses on violence conceptualize the phenomenon as a property of (1) individuals, (2) social circumstances, and (3) social relationships. Rigorous comparative tests fail to support the first and second hypotheses. Survey data collected in 1990 from a national random sample of 407 men and women aged twenty to forty-five from the West Indian island of Barbados indicate that one of four experienced physical and emotional violence as children. Boys and girls were equally likely to be abused by both mothers (or other female caregivers) and fathers (or other male caregivers); stepparents were no more likely to treat children violently than were biological parents. However, the presence of a stepfather increased the likelihood that women battered their daughters and decreased the likelihood that women battered their sons. In general, powerful women protected their children from violence, treated them affectionately, and elicited affection for them from their men. The probability that a son experienced an affectionate relationship with a biological father rose with the length of time the two lived together, but only for sons with powerful mothers. By contrast, men battered powerless women and the children of powerless women. Powerless women battered their own children.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure to violence on young children.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Violence has been characterized as a "public health epidemic" in the United States. At the same time, children's witnessing of violence is frequently overlooked by law enforcement officers, families, and others at the time of a violent incident. Although mothers describe the panic and fear in their children and themselves when violence occurs, little research or clinical attention has focused on the potential impact on children of living under conditions of chronic community violence. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of available research and clinical understanding of the effects of exposure to violence on school-age and younger children. Suggestions for future research and public policy initiatives are offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A theory of cultural differences in emotions was tested in a questionnaire study. Hypotheses about the differences between emotion in individualist and collectivist contexts covered different components of emotion: concerns and appraisals, action readiness, social sharing, and belief changes. The questionnaire focused on 6 types of events that were rated as similar in meaning across cultures. Participants were 86 Dutch individualist respondents and 171 Surinamese and Turkish collectivist respondents living in the Netherlands. As compared with emotions in individualist cultures, emotions in collectivist cultures (a) were more grounded in assessments of social worth and of shifts in relative social worth, (b) were to a large extent taken to reflect reality rather than the inner world of the individual, and (c) belonged to the self–other relationship rather than being confined to the subjectivity of the self. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of adolescents' self-report of health insurance coverage, using parents' report as a comparison standard. METHODS: Two separate samples of urban, school-based adolescents and their parents completed self-administered questionnaires about type of health insurance coverage. Sample 1 included 123 and Sample 2 included 93 adolescent-parent pairs. Percent agreement and the kappa statistic were determined for each of the sample groups, and for males versus females and older (> 14 years) versus younger (< or = 14 years) adolescents. RESULTS: In Sample 1, 33% of adolescent respondents responded "don't know" to the question about type of insurance coverage, and 4% left the question blank; in Sample 2, 3% answered "don't know," with none leaving the question blank. For Sample 1, we found a 57% rate of agreement of adolescents with their parents, and a corresponding kappa of .21. Females and older subjects demonstrated greater accuracy, with kappa's all in the range .13-.29. In Sample 2, 73% of subjects agreed with parents' report, with a kappa of .48. Females and older subjects also demonstrated greater accuracy, with the highest kappa of .59 demonstrated by older females. Excluding those responding with "don't know," we found overall percent agreement with parents of 87% in Sample 1 and 73% in Sample 2; the corresponding kappas were .47 and .51. Females demonstrated higher agreement with parents in both samples. The results stratifying by age were inconsistent. In Sample 1, privately insured subjects were more accurate reporters than those either on medical assistance or uninsured. In Sample 2, no differences were seen by type of insurance. CONCLUSIONS: Many adolescents do not know their health insurance coverage status. However, for those who did claim to know, acceptable rates of accuracy using both percent agreement and the kappa statistic were demonstrated. Further research is needed to determine how information about insurance is communicated to adolescents and how this knowledge affects access to and use of health services.  相似文献   

This foreword describes the purpose of this special issue and its origin. There is an emerging literature in the field of consulting psychology that describes consultants' experiences in their practices and proposed models related to work in multicultural contexts. Multicultural dilemmas are found both within a country, such as the United States, as well as when consultants work abroad. The present group of authors offers a diverse interpretation of culture and illuminates psychologists' multifarious understandings of a highly visible topic. They focus on vastly different areas of psychological research and literature and describe approaches used in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the behavioral differences among liked and disliked hyperactive children and their normal peers during joint activities. 25 hyperactive children and 39 normal control subjects were selected and observed in high- and low-structured play settings (counterbalanced for order) in one of 3 dyadic groupings (10 liked hyperactive children, each with a control; 15 disliked hyperactive children, each with a control; and 7 control–control pairs). For the most part, the differences observed did not depend on setting or gender comparisons. Hyperactive children were more active, talkative, and physically off-task than their peers, but they made fewer positive social statements. Disliked hyperactive children made more negative statements with accompanying negative physical interactions. Specifically, in response to disliked hyperactive children, normal partners became more negative and active, were less talkative and cooperative, and engaged in more solitary play than when playing with other normal children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Summarized and integrated results of 2 large-scale longitudinal studies (L. D. Eron, see PA, Vol 38:2452; Eron et al, in press). The relationship between TV violence and aggression in Ss was corroborated in 2 different geographical areas of the US and was found to hold for both boys and girls. The causal effect is circular, with TV violence affecting S's aggression and aggressive Ss watching more violent TV. Contributing increments to a S's level of overt aggression were popularity, intellectual ability, aggressive fantasy, extent of physical punishment, rejection by parents, and the tendency of parents to endorse attitudes and behaviors often seen in sociopathic individuals. It is shown that it is possible to intervene to attenuate the relationship between TV violence and aggression with simple tuitional procedures that supercede the influence of the parent variables studied. Important intervening variables in the TV violence–aggression relationship are S's identification with aggressive characters and the extent to which S believes TV portrays reality. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the idea of aggression as a defence against threats to the psychological self. This aspect of the self allows reflection about people in psychological terms and develops, in the first three years of life, through appreciation of mental states in the other. When the object is unpredictable or hostile, recognition of this is painful to the child, and his reflective function will not be adequately established. The defences of aggression or avoidance will be invoked very frequently. In time, aggression may become an organising influence in the construction of the self; pathological destructiveness then takes the place of emotional relatedness and concern for the other. Psychoanalytic treatment no longer works primarily by addressing conflict. Instead, particularly through interpretations of transference and countertransference, the analyst recreates an intersubjective process which enhances the patient's reflective self, this time in the safety of a benign relationship.  相似文献   

Exposure to child physical abuse and parents' domestic violence can subject youth to pervasive traumatic stress and can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This article presents evolving conceptualizations in the burgeoning field of trauma related to family violence exposure and describes how the often repeating and ongoing nature of family violence exposure can complicate a PTSD diagnosis. In addition, recent literature indicates that children exposed to family violence may experience problems in multiple domains of functioning and may meet criteria for multiple disorders in addition to PTSD. Considerations salient to the recognition of traumatic stress in this population and that inform assessment and treatment planning are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: The authors examined moderators and mediators of a school-based psychosocial intervention for children affected by political violence, according to an ecological resilience theoretical framework. Method: The authors examined data from a cluster randomized trial, involving children aged 8–13 in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (treatment condition n = 182, waitlist control condition n = 221). Mediators (hope, coping, peer/emotional/play social support) and moderators (gender, age, family connectedness, household size, other forms of social support, exposure to political violence, and displacement) of treatment outcome on posttraumatic stress symptoms and function impairment were examined in parallel process latent growth curve models. Results: Compared with the waitlist group, those receiving treatment showed maintained hope, increased positive coping, maintained peer social support, and increased play social support. Of these putative mediators, only play social support was found to mediate treatment effects, such that increases in play social support were associated with smaller reductions in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Furthermore, the authors identified a number of moderators: Girls showed larger treatment benefits on PTSD symptoms; girls, children in smaller households, and children receiving social support from adults outside the household showed larger treatment benefits on function impairment. Conclusions: Findings provide limited evidence for an ecological resilience theoretical framework. On the basis of these findings, the authors recommend a stronger separation between universal prevention (e.g., resilience promotion through play) and selective/indicated prevention (e.g., interventions aimed at decreasing posttraumatic stress symptoms). Play-based interventions should be careful to exclude children with psychological distress. In addition, treatment effects may be augmented by selecting girls and socially vulnerable children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted an experiment with 48 male and 28 female Long-Evans rats. Small colonies were established, using adult Ss that had either received continuous social experience or had been isolated since weaning. Unfamiliar intruder rats-with or without postweaning social experience-were exposed individually to the colonies for a 21-hr period. Behavioral observations and an assessment of the intruder's physical condition indicated that serious fighting, physical injuries, and large weight losses occurred only when an isolation-reared intruder was placed into a colony of socially experienced Ss. Results demonstrate that aggression is a joint function of the rearing history of both the colony and the intruder and that social experience plays an important role in the behavioral development of this species. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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