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“退一步海阔天空”——有感于三峡库区城镇迁建规划邢忠“退一步海阔天”,我们礼仪之邦的先人精辟地道出为人处事的哲理。将此理念注入规划设计中,尤其与三峡库区建设中保护生态环境、创造城市特色之旨吻合。三峡库区生态系统相对脆弱,城(集)镇迁建,机遇与挑战并存...  相似文献   

赵珂  巫昊燕 《室内设计》2013,28(4):61-65
地形复杂、生态敏感以及多地缘移民的社会融合是三峡库区移民迁建城市建设面临的主要问题。本研究以云阳县城总体规划为例,通过对云阳县城迁建十余年来城市建设所出现问题的全面解析,以"生态维护与培育"为第一要义,综合运用生态适宜性评价和景观生态学的相关方法,探索复杂地形条件下人地和谐的三峡库区移民新城建设的生态规划途径,构建非建设用地与建设用地契合的城市生态图景。  相似文献   

一在传统计划经济体制下,我国城市国有土地资源配置和使用的主要形式甚至是唯一形式就是行政划拨制,其主要特征就是依靠国家的强制力量将土地划拨给用地单位(主要是国有企业),由它们无价无限期无流动地使用,这种土地使用制度是与传统计划经济体制和外延扩大再生产方式相适应的。在实践中,它曾为我国大规模工业化和城市化提供了大量的廉价土地,避免了许多国家所经历的土地私有权对国家大规模经济发展和经济增长所产生的巨大阻碍作用。然而,这种行政划拨制的土地使用制度是历史的产物,它是在特定的历史条件下形成的,并与当时的社会…  相似文献   

关于房地产开发项目大型化的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>最近一段时期,在一些城市陆续产生了若干房地产大型项目,房地产开发规模越来越大。笔者通过调研得出几点思考。一、大型房地产开发项目的基本特点 1、主要是存量土地。在目前的土地管理制度下,大规模地征用农用士地已很难做到,大型房地产项目用地,更多的是存量土地。广东省大型项目(主要集中于华南板块)的土地来源基本都是上个世纪90年代初、中期各级政府批出的各类建设用地,包括政府统征地、预征地、闲置土地和违法用地,现项目取得用地的方式有政府收回原使用者的土地再出让的,政府主导下闲置土地  相似文献   

城市(镇)发展是人类文明的标志,城市化水平是经济发展的综合体现。近年来,随着改革开放的进一步深入,经济的迅速发展,为城市的发展创造了良好的契机,一定程度上提高了群众的整体生活质量,促进了经济的良性循环。但就目前状况看,在城市的发展过程中存在着人口规模的重复计算,城市(镇)规模较大,土地利用率较低的状况,脱离可能实现的规划目标,潜在着土地利用的低水平,也潜在着人类的发展及生存危机。本文从城市(镇)的规划现状进行解剖分析,对城市(镇)的规模及调控方法,提出一些肤浅的看法。一、城市(镇)总体规划的现状…  相似文献   

南京陶林二公祠(以下简称二公祠)是清代名臣两江总督陶澍和林则徐的祠堂,由时任两江总督的左宗棠于清光绪年间(1883年)奏请建造,1992年被列为南京市文物保护单位。2001年由于南京市城市建设的需要,二公祠被落架拆卸,祠堂原址成为其它建设项目用地。2006年,在地方政府牵头下,迁建复原工程启动。  相似文献   

近30年来,中国一直在经历城市(镇)化的过程,可以说这一过程喜忧参半,目前国家提出了新型城镇化的发展方向。新型城镇化,既关乎国家的政策研究,更是涉及经济发展、土地制度、人口制度、城市规划、建筑设计等多方面内容的、跨学科的综合性课题。毫无疑问,目前中国的城市发展面临转型,新型城镇化的核心即在如何转型。  相似文献   

本文对市场经济及其运作机制简析后,对当前我国城市土地使用制度和土地市场现状进行剖析,指出:解决城市规划用地管理中的问题,需要城市土地有偿使用制度的完善和土地市场的规范。强调:城市规划不仅要适应城市土地的资源市场配置方式的转变,而且要为这一转变创造条件。尝试建立城市规划用地管理新机制,以解决当前的规划用地管理问题。  相似文献   

21世纪的住宅建设,将从解决住宅有无问题转向切实提高居住水平,改差居住环境。表现在每户建筑面积增大,分区明确,户外环境高质量;与此同时存在的问题是城市土地资源的进一步匮乏,住宅用地的紧张,迫使城市居住区(包据城市内、城市近、远郊居住区)建设的英要志针之一仍是节约用地。这对建筑师和规划师提出挑战,要来住宅设计在从小面积问中高面积标连过通中,民书约用地,又创造天冒多变的空间形式。城市土地的百偿使用,使城市特别是大城市用地紧张,越来越多的大进深住宅被采用,现在日曾通这到11~12m。从目前国家试难小区着新建…  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国务院《关于促进节约集约用地的通知》精神,将节约土地和集约用地的要求落实在政府部门决策和各项建设中,建设资源节约型、环境友好型城市,加强和规范北京城市建设节约用地管理,由北京市规划委员会和北京市国土资源局共同编制了《北京市城市建设节约用地标准(试行)》(以下简称《标准》),针对建设用地标准过高、过多、过粗甚至缺失的具体情况,提出节地指标及建议。交通场站设施是其中的重点内容之一。  相似文献   

任维  吴丹子  王向荣 《风景园林》2017,24(2):91-100
三峡库区消落带是我国最重要的人工消落带,垂直落差达30m,其生态保护、科学利用与健康发展一直是一个世界性难题,关系着上游诸多库区城镇人居环境的健康发展。基于风景园林学的综合视角,以重庆市云阳县城市区域消落带为研究对象,梳理与归纳其特征为周期性、层级性、多样性、脆弱性;构成为自然草地、农田、自然林地、硬质堤岸、码头、荒地、公园绿地、临时性建筑;功能为生态功能、社会功能;问题为生态环境恶化、江城景观割裂。在此基础上,探索提出其景观规划的内涵与原则,并着重从土地利用模式与植物景观营造两方面开展其景观规划策略的探索性研究。以期为云阳县及其他三峡库区城镇城市区域消落带景观规划构建研究框架,也为其他区域的消落带人居环境建设开拓思路。  相似文献   

Resource-based cities (RBCs) are cities that have emerged from the utilization of natural resources and are dominated by resource-based industries. Industry is the leading economic activity of resource-based cities. However, industrial land in resource-based cities is faced with the challenges of inefficient use, to which little attention has been paid. Because RBCs are the location of leading economic activity, improving industrial land use efficiency is pivotal in these cities. This study used sub-vector Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) to calculate the industrial land use efficiency (ILUE) of China's 109 resource-based cities from 2006 to 2015. The empirical results proved that there was redundancy of industrial land in most of China's RBCs, but the overall degree of redundancy is decreasing. There were obvious differences in ILUE among different regions, different resource types and different development stages. Factors influencing ILUE were analyzed using the Tobit model. Regional economic development, industrial development and science and technology development had significant positive effects on ILUE, while the labor structure and the ownership structure of enterprises have significant negative effects. The conclusions that are drawn from the results support recommendations to improve ILUE for RBCs. The ILUE should be taken as the guidance for the layout of industrial land use in a RBC and should be incorporated into new industry spatial development strategy planning.  相似文献   

针对库区坡地城市消防设施的现状,提出城市总体规划编制中消防规划编制的设计要素、注意事项和旧城工业与居住区消防安全条件的改善措施。  相似文献   

Asian mega cities have experienced rapid population growth and continue to grow. Urbanization in those areas is proceeding differently from the patterns of city growth experienced in Western countries. Understanding the characteristics of Asian urbanization will be indispensable for the establishment of a local landscape planning system. In this study, we used the Clark linear exponential model and the Newling quadratic exponential model to compare the spatial distribution of population densities in three Southeast Asian mega cities: Jakarta, Bangkok, and Metro Manila. We analyzed land-use patterns in each of the three cities by examining the mixture of urban and agricultural land use. The Clark and Newling models showed that the three cities were at different stages of urbanization. Jakarta had entered the suburbanization stage, Metro Manila was still at an early stage of urbanization, and Bangkok was at an intermediate stage between Jakarta and Metro Manila. Analysis of spatial patterns revealed areas of mixed land use within and around the city region in the three cities and that these areas of mixed land use would shift outward as urbanization proceeds. These findings indicate that planning concepts need to respect the vernacular landscape of each Asian mega cities as well as its stage of urbanization.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the integration of land‐use and transport indicators in current European planning practice. Integrated land‐use and transport planning is considered to be one of the instruments to reduce car dependency in European cities and regions and to promote economic, social and environmental improvement. Within the framework of the TRANSPLUS project more than 20 cities were analysed in depth about their integrated transport and land‐use monitoring activities. The cities were selected taking into account geographical spread, size, innovative character of policies and the availability of information. It is found that most cities acknowledge the interrelation between land‐use planning and mobility planning, but in most cases an integrated monitoring system has not yet been set up. The general tendency in the cities investigated is a dominance of transport‐oriented monitoring. In a number of cities, ad hoc projects have been set up, involving both the transport and the land‐use department. In other cities, efforts in relation to integrated land‐use and transport monitoring are stimulated by higher policy levels. Whereas a number of cities try to combine land‐use and transport data, only a few of them monitor the institutional integration of the land‐use and transport departments. Integrated land‐use and transport models are hardly used, and efforts are directed mainly at developing integrated indicators. A number of good practices have been identified and two are discussed in this paper. The Cologne case illustrates the use of land‐use and transport data, combined with indicators, to monitor the planning and implementation of a car‐free neighbourhood project and the potential for the reduction of parking places. In Orléans the development of a mobility observatory acts as an instrument to monitor the implementation of the PDU (Plan de développement urbain) in an integrated way.  相似文献   

The development of effective metropolitan planning research requires the adoption of a uniform land use classification for all cities in the United States. Classification systems now vary from city to city, and the data resulting from land use surveys are therefore not comparable among the cities. Comparative studies are essential if we are to understand the regularities of urban form and land use distributions that hold for cities in general. The suggested classification scheme is a modification of the Standard Industrial Classification. It would permit adaptation to special local requirements but would still allow comparisons of land use among cities.  相似文献   

于洋  魏哲  赵博 《室内设计》2018,(3):61-68
我国一部分早期开发的资源型城市 已经进入转型发展期,主城区内部失去功能 价值的铁路线成为城市发展的障碍,如何优 化主城区铁路沿线用地和交通也成为转型发 展的重要命题。从用地形态与类型、道路网 衔接、交通出入口开设等方面分析了铁路对 沿线空间的影响,提出相应的空间优化策略。 并以黄石市主城区汉冶萍铁路磁湖南岸段为 例,运用策略提出选择性拆除与保留、整合用 地与规整形态、提高道路网衔接度、功能更 新与空间再造等优化措施,促进主城区铁路 沿线用地与交通优化及城市工业历史遗产保 护,以此作为带动资源型城市整体空间修补与 转型发展的触媒,促进城市的可持续发展  相似文献   

城市产业集群用地研究--以长江三角洲地区中小城市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王世营 《规划师》2005,21(4):80-83
产业集群用地是产业集群各个组成功能在空间上的投影,包括生产性用地、商贸性用地、服务性用地三大基本类型。产业集群是一种新的地域功能组织模式,其用地在城市中特别是中小城市用地中占有较大的比重,主要有集约性,兼容性与扩张性等特性。专业市场和优势产业是产业集群的主体,产业集群的用地组织围绕二进行。  相似文献   

Land use planning is a comprehensive instrument for managing non-agricultural land growth in China, and the evaluation of its implementation effect on growth control is of great significance for policy improvement. However, little empirical research has been done to estimate its implementation effect at the city level of the whole country. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of land use planning on construction land growth control at the city level in China. Taking 288 cities as the research object, an econometrics model was built to estimate the effect based on socioeconomic and land use data from 2006 to 2012. The results show that the implementation of land use planning has a certain effect in curbing the expansion of construction land, and that the incremental amount of construction land decreases by 107,449 ha due to the planning implementation. In addition, the implementation effect of land use planning presented significant differences among cities, which shows that there is a weaker effect in megacities and large cities than in medium-small cities. Besides, the implementation effect of land use planning also shows temporal differences: its effect is better in 2007–2009 than in 2010–2012. Furthermore, considering both planned goals and effectiveness, planning implementation is judged to be able to slow but not fully prevent the rapid expansion of construction land. Finally, to further improve efficiency and success, this research puts forward some suggestions such as improving the existing quota system, delineation of the urban development boundary and integrating the special plan system.  相似文献   

The regulation of urban land in China has become more important as a policy instrument, suggesting that land supply may be a catalyst for urban economic growth. Based on official data on land use change for the period 2005 to 2014, an econometric model of urban GDP growth reveals lagged effects of land supply on economic growth. Land supply has a more significant effect on economic growth in prefecture-level cities than in county-level cities. City size and development stage also shape the effects of land on economic growth; in addition, land plays different roles in economic growth in eastern coastal cities and in cities in the central and western parts of China. Different land use allocations have been successfully used as a tool for fostering economic growth in urban China.  相似文献   

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