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随着Internet网络的迅猛发展,传统互联网架构面临着严峻挑战,尤其是路由可扩展问题。本文阐述了互联网路由可扩展问题的背景,分析了导致路由系统可扩展性问题的内在原因和外部原因,在此基础上讨论了设计新型网络架构时所需要满足的要求,并对目前主要的技术策略及思路,以及几个重要解决方案进行了分析与对比。  相似文献   

在层次化路由模式发展出现局限的现今,紧凑路由的研究已经受到了关注。针对扁平空间上的紧凑路由技术也逐步展开。现有的紧凑路由算法在完善性、动态性以及复杂性方面存在较多限制,针对典型的扁平命名紧凑路由策略在完善性和延展复杂性方面提出改进策略,并且实验验证改进策略的正确性。  相似文献   

基于最小干扰路由的流量工程动态路由算法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析目前流量工程动态路由算法研究现状,以提高网络吞吐量为目标,提出一种改进的流量工程动态路由算法,综合考虑了网络拓扑和流量分布状况,提出分级的链路关键度定义,将流量工程目标有效转化为路径约束。仿真结果表明所提算法性能比Kodialam算法及其它几种典型的动态路由算法好。  相似文献   

基于优先级的MPLS重路由转发机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了MPLS流量工程中重路由技术和保护切换恢复模型,结合IPv6特性,提出了基于优先级的重路由转发机制——优先级MPLS机制(P-MPLS).该机制为数据流设置不同的优先级,当工作路径发生故障时,将高优先级的数据流优先切换到保护路径上,从而使高优先级的数据流得到QoS保证.实验表明,P-MPLS降低了延迟和丢包率,提高了吞吐量.  相似文献   

流量工程中静态路由算法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕航  孙雨耕  吴雪 《电子与信息学报》2003,25(10):1403-1410
该文提出了一种应用于流量工程环境中的静态路由算法。考虑当前的网络资源情况,分优先级别在网络中计算并配置标记交换路径(Label Switched Path,LSP),当某一优先级有多条 LSP需要并行配置时,利用遗传算法搜索最优或较优的配置方案,使得网络的链路带宽使用率低于管理员定义的某个限定值,达到合理分布资源的目的。此外,提出了一种改进的 Dijkstra 算法计算 LSP的最短路径。  相似文献   

岳俊梅  苏颖  李庆义 《激光杂志》2014,(12):132-137
车载网VANETs(Vehicular ad hoc networks)属于高速移动的无线网络,可供车辆安全、交通监测以及其他的商业服务的应用。然而,为此,提出混合式的位VANETs中车辆的快速移动导致通信链路频繁地断裂,增加路由开销,降低了可扩展性。议地理位置路由的特点。HLAR(Hybrid location-based ad hoc routing)。HLAR结合了反应式路由、HLAR克服了反应式路由的扩展性问题,并改善了地理位置路由对位置误差的敏感性。同时,通过理论分析,量可扩展性,并推导了路由开销的表达式。通过分析、仿真表明,提出的路由协议具有很好的扩展性,并降低了路由开销。在仿真中引入位置误差因子,结果表明。同时,与同类的其他协议相比,输时延方面HLAR到对位置误差具有很强的鲁棒性HLAR在数据传输率、端到端传提升。  相似文献   

本文首先对流量工程作了简要的介绍,重点在于当网络情况或者资源请求发生变化时对于两种LDP技术都提出了建立新的LDP的要求,即进行重路由.然后分别在简要介绍了CR-LDP的机制和RSVP-TE机制基础上,对这两种LDP技术的重路由机制进行了讨论.最后,对这两种技术的重路由机制进行了对比,并给出结论.  相似文献   

何晓明  卢泉  邢亮 《电信科学》2016,(6):186-194
分段路由网络是对IP路由技术的继承和创新,在实现网络虚拟化、快速重路由、网络可编程、负载均衡和流量工程等方面具有独特优势.深入研究了分段路由的实现机制,全面介绍和剖析了IGP和BGP支持分段路由网络的协议扩展,探讨了分段路由在运营商网络中典型应用场景的流量工程实现.随着技术的成熟和标准的完善,分段路由网络将具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

李兴和  张林杰 《电讯技术》2007,47(3):174-177
传统的IP路由协议采用最短路径算法(SPF),极易造成网络的拥塞.流量工程是目前网络中实现负载均衡和提高网络性能的一个重要技术.文中简要介绍了MPLS流量工程,重点分析了MPLS流量工程中所使用的路由协议约束路由,给出了约束的计算方法以及路由度量选择的准则.  相似文献   

电信改革形成多家电信运营商后,由于体制和技术的原因,造成网间互联互通不畅,严重影响着信息服务质量。本文针对广电网络互联网出口的互联互通现状,从技术层面引进以流量工程为基础的智能化路由技术,提出多链路接入的智能化路由解决方案,实践证明效果显著。  相似文献   

互联网规模扩大,相应路由表大小呈指数增加,形成下一代互联网可扩展路由“瓶颈”。基于复杂网络和可扩展路由的相关理论与主要策略,文章对相关研究成果。如小世界效应所表现出来的特性、小世界和无标度网络模型,网格、层次及隐藏度量等3种可扩展路由网络模型,随机游走、贪婪、最大度、优先、本地介数、距离与度及相似性与度混合等多种路由策略等进行了分析与归纳。这些研究结果和方法为因互联网规模不断扩大所带来的路由系统可扩展性问题提供解决方案  相似文献   

In the traditional Internet Protocol (IP) architecture, there is an overload of IP semantic problems. Existing solutions focused mainly on the infrastructure for the fixed network, and there is a lack of support for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). To improve scalability. A routing protocol for MANETs is presented based on a locator named Tree-structure Locator Distance Vector (TLDV). The hard core of this routing method is the identifier/locator split by the Distributed Hash Table (DHT ) method, which provides a scalable routing service. The node locator indicates its relative location in the network and should be updated whenever topology changes . Locator space is organized as a tree-structure, and the basic routing operation of the TLDV protocol is presented. TLDV protocol is compared to some classical routing protocols for MANETs on the NS2 platform. Results show that TLDV has better scalability.  相似文献   

提出一种可扩展的无线Mesh适配树路由协议(SMTRP),解决无线Mesh随着网络规模扩大引起路由延迟增大,网络性能严重下降的问题.该协议引入Mesh适配树和自适应地址块机制,通过将网络拓扑反映在逻辑地址上,每个节点仅需维护自己的N跳邻居节点的信息,判断出数据包该往哪个方向转发,无需维护大量的路由表,节省了存储空间,减少了通信开销以及能量消耗.理论证明了SMTRP算法的可扩展性,并在OPNET仿真平台上验证了SMTRP协议的有效性.  相似文献   

Ad hoc networks have the notable capability of enabling spontaneous networks. These networks are self-initializing, self-configuring, and self-maintaining, even though the underlying topology is often continually changing. Because research has only begun to scratch the surface of the potential applications of this technology, it is important to prepare for the widespread use of these networks. In anticipation of their ubiquity, the protocols designed for these networks must be scalable. This includes scaling to both networks with many nodes, and networks with rapidly changing topologies. This paper presents two hierarchical clustering protocols that improve the scalability of ad hoc routing protocols. The Adaptive Routing using Clusters (ARC) protocol creates a one-level clustered hierarchy across an ad hoc network, while the Adaptive Routing using Clustered Hierarchies (ARCH) protocol creates a multi-level hierarchy which is able to dynamically adjust the depth of the hierarchy in response to the changing network topology. It is experimentally shown that these protocols, when coupled with an ad hoc routing protocol, produce throughput improvements of up to 80% over the ad hoc routing protocol alone.  相似文献   

Scalable Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In this paper we present a scalable routing protocol for ad hoc networks. The protocol is based on a geographic location management strategy that keeps the overhead of routing packets relatively small. Nodes are assigned home regions and all nodes within a home region know the approximate location of the registered nodes. As nodes travel, they send location update messages to their home regions and this information is used to route data packets. In this paper, we derive theoretical performance results for the protocol and prove that the control packet overhead scales linearly with node speed and as N 3/2 with increasing number of nodes. These results indicate that our protocol is well suited to relatively large ad hoc networks where nodes travel at high speed. Finally, we use simulations to validate our analytical model.  相似文献   

Recently, Distributed-Hash-Table (DHT)-based routing protocols have been proposed for large scale mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The motive behind using DHT is to avoid/reduce network wide flooding in MANETs in route discovery phase leading to achieve more scalable network. The challenge of deploying DHT at network layer for routing purpose in MANETs is to achieve more matching between logical and physical networks. The paper describes that existing DHT-based routing protocols for MANETs lack this feature. The paper presents a new DHT based scheme [called an efficient and scalable routing for MANETs (ESR)] which reduces the ill-matching between logical and physical networks. This is achieved be distributing the logical identifier (LID) space of DHT structure among the nodes such that the physical neighbors have consecutive LID space portions, i.e. all physical neighbors of a node are also the logical neighbors of the node. Therefore the logical ID space portion of a node may be non-contiguous. Based on this logical structure, a node builds up binary-search-tree (BST) using both logical ID space portion of itself and its neighbors. This BST at the node is traversed to find the next hop for a query/message. Through simulation, the paper shows the proposed approach (ESR) performs better than the existing one in term of routing overhead, average end-to-end delay, path-stretch values and false-negative ratio.  相似文献   

考虑拥挤度和性能的全芯片可控布线系统框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一个全新的全芯片可控布线系统框架,同时考虑布线拥挤度和芯片性能.为了在总体布线和详细布线之间架起桥梁,该框架把总体布线和详细布线集成起来,交互进行,每完成一个线网的布线,都及时对布线资源进行更新,由此可以得到精确的资源估计结果,有利于指导后续总体布线决策.该系统框架的主要特征包括快速的基于模式的和基于外框约束下最短路算法的总体布线器、基于迷宫算法的拥挤度驱动的详细布线器以及在两个布线器之间很好的交互性.在该布线系统框架中,为了优化电路性能,在布线中关键线网被赋予更高的优先级.同时,为了优化不同的布线目标,可以采用不同的线网排序策略.该布线系统框架在一套公用的测试电路上完成测试,并与之前提出的多级布线系统框架进行比较,实验结果表明,文中提出的布线系统框架在电路性能、布通率和运行时间方面都取得了很大改进.  相似文献   

Ad Hoc 网络中的路由机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ad Hoc网络是一种无中心式(分布式)的无线通信网络。它为局域内的移动或无线主机的互连提供了灵活的解决办法。由于其支持主机移动以及无中心的特点,合适的路由策略在Ad Hoc网络中是至关重要的。对Ad Hoc网络的路由机制进行了介绍和分析,并结合其分布式及对移动的支持提出了扩展的网络管理策略。  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用FPGA来实现8路OTU1-L或8路[OTU2v-L]/4到2路OTU2v-L的处理。用1块FPGA完成8路OTU1-L或8路[OTU2v-L]/4到2路OTU2v-L拆分的映射/解映射,并实现主备无损倒换,每片FPGA处理2路10G业务。具体讲解了信号在通道传输中怎样被检测的设计思路和实现方法。  相似文献   

【】针对齐齐哈尔市公安视频监控系统中每天所产生的大量视频数据,这对视频图像的检索、管理及安全产生了迫切的需求,视频图像的检索存在两个急需解决的问题,一个是视频检索的准确度的问题,另一个是检索效率的问题。面对海量的视频数据库,本文提出了基于Map/Reduce分布式计算模型与关键帧算法的结合。既提高检索效率,又提高了检索的准确率。  相似文献   

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