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The ability of the finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) method to calculate radiation patterns, input impedance, and gain for a monopole antenna on a conducting box is demonstrated. Results are given for the bare box and with the box coated with a dielectric layer. Radiation patterns are compared with measurements and with the method of moments for the bare box. Radiation patterns for the dielectric-covered box and all impedance and gain results are compared with measurements only. Good agreement is obtained in all cases. The FDTD approach includes a dielectric covering quite easily, while this would be quite difficult for a method of moments approach. The FDTD method requires similar computer time as the method of moments for a single-frequency result, but produces wide-bandwidth impedance and gain results with much less computer time  相似文献   

This letter presents an ultra wide-band (UWB) antenna with a printed monopole structure fed by a coplanar waveguide (CPW) line. The antenna is analyzed by using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and genetic algorithm (GA) to achieve an ultra wide bandwidth characteristic. The measured frequency response shows an impedance bandwidth of 7.25GHz or 104.7% over 3.3 to 10.55GHz for VSWR less than 2.  相似文献   

根据一种具有分域基和全域基各自优点的混合域基函数,采用伽列金矩量法对对数周期天线(LPDA)进行方向图和电流分布计算.由于该混合域基函数的运用,仅需将天线振子剖分较少分段即可得出较为精确的解,计算结果证明了所提方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

The design construction and testing of a wide-band circularly polarized antenna suitable for ionospheric research is described. The antenna operates in the range 2 to 7 MHz. Simple design formulas are given for the required broad-band phase shifting networks. Broad-band dipole antennas are used and suitable "balancing networks" are developed to match these antennas to the phase shifting networks ever the frequency range. A satisfactory compromise solution is found to the problem of matching the networks to the receiver using a broad-band transformer. Measurements of the rejection ratio of the system show that it is always better than approximately 16:1 over the required frequency range.  相似文献   

A new design of a monopolar plate-patch antenna is proposed and experimentally studied. The proposed antenna is a planar rectangular monopole top-loaded with a shorted square or circular patch, which is shorted to the antenna ground by two ground plates placed symmetrically on each side of the planar monopole. Prototypes have been constructed and experimental results show, that with an antenna height less than 10% of the free-space wavelength of the center operating frequency, the proposed antenna can have a monopole radiation pattern with an impedance bandwidth larger than three times that of a corresponding monopolar wire-patch antenna.  相似文献   

A wide-band single-layer patch antenna   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The typical single-layer patch printed on a dielectric substrate is a narrow-band element. This well-known fact is mainly due to the limitations imposed by the dielectric substrate. From efficiency and cost considerations, in most of the cases, the substrate cannot be too thick. In order to increase the microstrip element bandwidth, additional resonators in different configurations and combinations can be used: parasitic elements, slots, etc. However, the microstrip antenna element with the widest bandwidth (a variation of the aperture-fed stacked-patch element) is about 40-50%. This antenna, an aperture-fed stacked patch, has a relatively poor front-to-back ratio, due to the fact that it has a slot in the ground plane. In this paper, a new type of patch element is presented. The patch is suspended over the ground plane and supported by a nonconductive pin. It is fed by a three-dimensional (3-D) transition connecting the patch to a perpendicular connector. The typical bandwidth of this element (in terms of VSWR) is 90%. When built on a large ground plane, the front-to-back of this element is better than 25 dB across the band  相似文献   

This paper presents the simulation and experimental investigations of a printed microstrip slot antenna. It is a quarter wavelength monopole slot cut in the finite ground plane edge, and fed electromagnetically by a microstrip transmission line. It provides a wide impedance bandwidth adjustable by variation of its parameters, such as the relative permittivity and thickness of the substrate, width, and location of the slot in the ground plane, and feed and ground plane dimensions. The ground plane is small, 50 mm/spl times/80 mm, and is about the size of a typical PC wireless card. At the center frequency of 3.00 GHz, its width of 50 mm is about /spl lambda//2 and influences the slot impedance and bandwidth significantly. An impedance bandwidth (S/sub 11/=-10 dB) of up to about 60% is achieved by individually optimizing its parameters. The simulation results are confirmed experimentally. A dual complementary slot antenna configuration is also investigated for the polarization diversity.  相似文献   

In order to overcome the narrow-bandwidth of the patch antenna, one kind of configuration which can widen the bandwidth significantly is discussed in this letter. Analyzed by the equivalent-circuits method and simulated by HFSS, a rule derived from simulated results that can aid to design the microstrip antennas is found. Finally, the structure parameters are optimized out, which reaches 44.67% impedance bandwidth. Furthermore, this kind of configuration can also be applied to the multi-layer patch antenna.  相似文献   

The full wave design of an active integrated antenna using the extended FDTD method is presented. An active circulator using three gain blocks and a short circuited quarter wavelength patch are combined to form a transceiver. The effects of parasitic coupling are identified, and the isolation between transmit-receive is predicted  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel evolutionary optimization methodology for multiband and wide-band patch antenna designs. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) are combined to achieve the optimum antenna satisfying a certain design criterion. The antenna geometric parameters are extracted to be optimized by PSO, and a fitness function is evaluated by FDTD simulations to represent the performance of each candidate design. The optimization process is implemented on parallel clusters to reduce the computational time introduced by full-wave analysis. Two examples are investigated in the paper: first, the design of rectangular patch antennas is presented as a test of the parallel PSO/FDTD algorithm. The optimizer is then applied to design E-shaped patch antennas. It is observed that by using different fitness functions, both dual-frequency and wide-band antennas with desired performance are obtained by the optimization. The optimized E-shaped patch antennas are analyzed, fabricated, and measured to validate the robustness of the algorithm. The measured less than - 18 dB return loss (for dual-frequency antenna) and 30.5% bandwidth (for wide-band antenna) exhibit the prospect of the parallel PSO/FDTD algorithm in practical patch antenna designs.  相似文献   

提出并设计了一种带寄生单元宽带单极子天线,该天线由一个单极子天线附加两个寄生振子组成.仿真及实验结果证明:天线在保持单极子天线特性的同时,实现了其宽带特性.该天线在750~2240 MHz的频带内反射损耗小于-10 dB,具有水平全向的方向图、稳定的增益.天线的结构和电特性决定了天线有广阔的应用前景,非常适用于移动通信终端设备,作为手持终端天线和车载天线将大有可为.  相似文献   

A rigorous measurement effort on the gain estimation of a wideband double-ridge horn antenna in the 2.0- to 4.8-GHz frequency range is presented. A systematic uncertainty analysis is carried out.  相似文献   

渐变开槽相控阵天线的FDTD分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对UHF波段无限大开槽阵列天线进行了时域分析,应用Floquet原理对阵列的结构进行区域划分,同时采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)进行数值仿真,研究了作为相控阵天线应用时的频率和空间扫描特性,给出了数值计算结果,得到一些有参考价值的结论。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of making a swept-frequency antenna gain measurement which yields a result based upon the known gain vs. frequency of a standard antenna. This antenna consists of a 295-mm length ofX-band waveguide with a cover flange on one end. It is an inexpensive and very satisfactory gain standard. The error analysis, which gives the accuracy of the resulting gain figure, consists of evaluating the conjugate mismatch losses at the antenna feed point or junction. This method of measuring gain is shown to yield useful gain data from an antenna test range that is not free of reflections. Gain vs. frequency curves are given for the standard gain antenna and a test antenna, having estimated accuracies of at least 0.27 dB and 1.00 dB, respectively.  相似文献   

A novel three layers microstrip antenna element that has the advantages of wideband and high-gain is proposed. The eigenvalue equation and the frequency characteristic formulas of the input Voltage Stand Wave Ratio ( VSWR ) are obtained by using the spectral domain method and equivalent circuit method, respectively. With the aid of the numerical results, a C-band microstrip antenna element with bandwidth of 16% (VSWR<1.5) or 25% (VSWR<2) and gain of 10.2-11.3 dB is developed, which are much larger than the bandwidth of 5-6% and the gain of 6-7 dB of the common microstrip antenna element.  相似文献   

A technique employing the use of parallel feeds is applied to the recently proposed L-probe coupled patch antenna design. By employing only two L-probes, with proper separation, for feeding one single patch, a twin-L-probe coupled patch antenna is designed with both high-gain (10 dBi) and wide-band [25%, standing wave radio (SWR) /spl les/ 1.5] characteristics. In addition, the 1-dB-gain bandwidth is around 26%, which covers the impedance bandwidth. Furthermore, a noticeable suppression of cross-polarization radiation is observed. Simulation results are in good agreement with those noteworthy characteristics obtained from experiments. The proposed antenna is suitable for modern mobile communication applications.  相似文献   

A special frequency scale is proposed for use in describing the fundamental limitation on wide-band matching of a small antenna by means of a fixed reactive network. This scale isu = - 1/omega^{3}, normalized to unit frequency (omega_{1} = 1)-It has unit width for the high-pass band above this frequency. In terms of the familiar matching exponentmu = ln 1/|rho|, the matching area over this scale is limited to3 pi p_{1}, whereP_{1}is the (small) radiation power factor atomega_{1}. The corresponding limit on matching efficiency is6 pi p_{1}. A double-tuned matching network can approach2/pithis area over any bandwidth on this scale.  相似文献   

介绍了一种S波段宽频带宽角的矩形波导天线单元的设计,并进行了8×8矩形网格天线小阵E面宽角扫描实验。与相应频段的矩形标准波导相比,该单元的尺寸明显减小。  相似文献   

FDTD analysis of probe-fed cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is employed to analyze a probe-fed cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna. Numerical results for the input impedance and radiation patterns of the dielectric resonator (DR) antenna operating in HEM11δ mode are presented and compare favorably with measurements. The effects of various parameters on the characteristics of the DR antenna are studied. Fabrication imperfection effects and the cross-polarization characteristics of this type of DR antenna are also investigated for the first time  相似文献   

田方  李东风  龚中麟 《通信学报》2003,24(8):101-107
设计了一种新型单馈点双频平面倒F手机天线(PIFA),用时域有限差分方法(FDTD)计算了该天线的电流分布和辐射方向图,以验证设计原理。该天线可用于GSM和DCS1800两个系统,中心工作频率分别为0.94GHz和1.8GHz,反射损失小于-10dB的阻抗带宽可达到10%以上。通过简单调节天线的两个参数,天线两个频段的中心工作频率独立可调,来消除手机设计制造误差对天线工作频率的影响。  相似文献   

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