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Forty boys weighing less than 25 kg undergoing unilateral orchidopexy were randomly allocated to receive one of two analgesic regimens. Group C received a caudal epidural block with 0.25% bupivacaine 1 ml.kg-1 and preservative-free ketamine 0.5 mg.kg-1; Group L received an ilioinguinal nerve block with 0.25% bupivacaine 0.5 ml.kg-1 and infiltration of the wound with 0.25% bupivacaine 0.5 ml.kg-1. All subjects received diclofenac sodium 1-2 mg.kg-1 as a rectal suppository. Postoperative pain was assessed by means of a modified Objective Pain Score and analgesia was administered if this exceeded a value of 4. The median duration of analgesia was 10 h (range 2.6 to > 24 h) in Group C and 2.9 h (range 0.7 to > 24 h) in Group L (p < 0.05). There were no differences between groups in the incidence of motor block, urinary retention, postoperative vomiting or postoperative sedation. Subjects in Group L required significantly more doses of postoperative analgesia than those in Group C (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

The surgical treatment of the common inguinal hernia has been one of the most analyzed and debated topics in medicine. Recently, with the success of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, interest in minimally invasive surgical techniques has led to it's application for inguinal hernia repair. Current laparoscopic herniorrhaphies are based on the principles of conventional open preperitoneal repairs and are classified into two types: 1) transabdominal preperitoneal repair (TAPP) and 2) totally extraperitoneal repair (TEP). Common advantages to both techniques include a decrease in postoperative pain, earlier return to normal activity, and improved cosmesis. Both laparoscopic techniques have the disadvantage of requiring general or regional anesthesia and increased procedural costs. Lastly, there is a concern that laparoscopic hernia repair has not been around long enough to know the risk of late recurrences. Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, however, is a viable alternative to standard open inguinal hernia repair.  相似文献   

Over 75 pc of 138 patients prospectively studied tolerated field block local anaesthesia for inguinal herniorrhaphy. This tolerance was, however, lower in the younger age groups. There were few complications and patients were discharged within 24 to 72 hours.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the study is to determine what concentration of ketorolac and morphine administered together i.v. achieve best synergic effect between NSAID antiinflammatory and opioids analgesic properties. DESIGN: Randomized comparative study was carried out on 180 patients, ASA II-IV, undergoing major general surgery, in an University Clinic. METHODS: Postoperative pain therapy by i.v. PCA: group 1 morphine 0.75 mg.ml + ketorolac 0.75 mg.ml; group 2 morphine 0.50 mg.ml + ketorolac 1.50 mg.ml; group 3 morphine 0.25 mg.ml + ketorolac 1.50 mg.ml; in saline solution. Initial bolus: 2 ml. Continuous infusion 1.5 ml.h. Demand bolus: 0.2 ml. Lockout time: 30 minutes. Evaluations included: pain intensity (T0, T3, T18); total amount of infused drugs (T18); number of valid demands and attempts (T18); amount of autoadministered analgesic drugs in percent of highest available amount (T18); side effects (T18); patient's judgment. DATA ANALYSIS: ANOVA and Student's "t"-test. RESULTS: A statistically significant reduction of pain intensity was found after 3 and 18 hours in the three groups, no differences were found among the groups. Group 2 required an amount of autoadministered drugs significantly lower than other groups. Rare side effects. Patient's judgment was generally positive. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest a greater synergetic effect between morphine and ketorolac in concentrations used in group 2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of postoperative biliary leak. METHODOLOGY: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was performed in eight patients with postoperative biliary leak. Of 8 cases, 6 had biliary leak alone (4 cases with a cystic duct leak and 2 cases with a bile duct leak) and 2 cases with a bile duct leak were associated with a bile duct stricture. Endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) and endoscopic biliary stenting (EBS) were employed in 5 patients and nasobiliary tube drainage (NBD) without ES was performed in 3 patients. RESULTS: In all the patients, ERCP was successfully performed and could demonstrate exact nature and site of postoperative bile duct injuries. In 2 patients with a concomitant bile duct stricture, repetitive endoprosthesis placements were required. The remaining six patients with biliary leak alone were successfully treated by temporary stenting, i.e., ES and EBS (n = 3), and NBD (n = 3). CONCLUSIONS: The patients with postoperative biliary leaks can be successfully diagnosed by ERCP and treated by temporary endoscopic methods. Among various endoscopic treatments, NBD alone appears to be preferable in treating patients with small bile leaks. However, cases with a concomitant bile duct stricture were intractable and required longer period of stenting.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Controversy exists as to the risk for postoperative apnea in former preterm infants. The conclusions of published studies are limited by the small number of patients. METHODS: The original data from eight prospective studies were subject to a combined analysis. Only patients having inguinal herniorrhaphy under general anesthesia were included; patients receiving caffeine, regional anesthesia, or undergoing other surgical procedures were excluded. A uniform definition for apnea was used for all patients. Eleven risk factors were examined: gestational age, postconceptual age, birth weight, history of respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, neonatal apnea, necrotizing enterocolitis, ongoing apnea, anemia, and use of opioids or nondepolarizing muscle relaxants. RESULTS: Two hundred fifty-five of 384 patients from eight studies at four institutions fulfilled study criteria. There was significant variation in apnea rates and the location of apnea (recovery room and postrecovery room) between institutions (P < 0.001). There was considerable variation in the duration and type of monitoring, definitions of apnea, and availability of historical information. The incidence of detected apnea was greater when continuous recording devices were used compared to standard impedance pneumography with alarms or nursing observations. Despite these limitations, it was determined that: (1) apnea was strongly and inversely related to both gestational age (P = 0.0005) and postconceptual age (P < 0.0001); (2) an associated risk factor was continuing apnea at home; (3) small-for-gestational-age infants seemed to be somewhat protected from apnea compared to appropriate- and large-for-gestational-age infants; (4) anemia was a significant risk factor, particularly for patients > 43 weeks' postconceptual age; (5) a relationship to apnea with history of necrotizing enterocolitis, neonatal apnea, respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or operative use of opioids and/or muscle relaxants could not be demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis suggests that, if it is assumed that the statistical models used are equally valid over the full range of ages considered and that the average rate of apnea reported across the studies analyzed is accurate and representative of actual rates in all institutions, the probability of apnea in nonanemic infants free of recovery-room apnea is not less than 5%, with 95% statistical confidence until postconceptual age was 48 weeks with gestational age 35 weeks. This risk is not less than 1%, with 95% statistical confidence, for that same subset of infants, until postconceptual age was 56 weeks with gestational age 32 weeks or postconceptual age was 54 weeks and gestational age 35 weeks. Older infants with apnea in the recovery room or anemia also should be admitted and monitored. The data do not allow prediction with confidence up to what age this precaution should continue to be taken for infants with anemia. The data were insufficient to allow recommendations regarding how long infants should be observed in recovery. There is additional uncertainty in the results due to the dramatically different rates of detected apnea in different institutions, which appear to be related to the use of different monitoring devices. Given the limitations of this combined analysis, each physician and institution must decide what is an acceptable risk for postoperative apnea.  相似文献   

The search for new effective analgesics without unwanted effects on the coagulation mechanism and a longer duration of activity has been intensified. One such development is diflunisal and the aim of this study was to compare the analgesic effect of diflunisal with that of paracetamol. A combined single dose (500-mg tablets), double-blind, randomized, controlled design in out-patients (n = 104) with moderate or severe pain caused by the surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars was used in this study. Pain intensity and relief were assessed postoperatively for 8h using category-rating scales. The results showed a statistically significant difference in favour of diflunisal in each and every parameter used in determining the efficacy of the treatment.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic shoulder surgery has a 45% incidence of severe postoperative pain. Opiates and interscalene nerve blocks have a high incidence of side effects, and intraarticular local anesthetic has been shown to be ineffective when used for postoperative pain relief. The suprascapular nerve supplies 70% of the sensory nerve supply to the shoulder joint, and local anesthetic block of this nerve is effective in certain shoulder pain disorders. To determine the efficacy of a suprascapular nerve block, subcutaneous saline was compared with a suprascapular nerve block using 10mL of 0.5% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine before general anesthesia was induced. In the immediate postoperative period, a 51% reduction in demand and a 31% reduction in consumption of morphine delivered by a patient-controlled analgesic system was demonstrated. There was more than fivefold reduction in the incidence of nausea, as well as reduced visual analog and verbal pain scores for patients who received a suprascapular nerve block. The duration of hospital stay was reduced by 24% in the suprascapular nerve block group. A 24-h phone call interview revealed a 40% reduction in analgesic consumption and a reduction in verbal pain scores at rest and on abduction. There were no complications from the suprascapular nerve block. This study demonstrates that a suprascapular nerve block for pain relief in arthroscopic shoulder surgery is an effective and safe modality of postoperative pain relief.  相似文献   

We performed a prospective observational study to examine the role of postoperative pain and its treatment on the development of postoperative delirium. Pain was measured in direct patient interviews using a visual analog scale (VAS) and was assessed for pain at rest, pain with movement, and maximal pain over the previous 24 h. Postoperative delirium was diagnosed during these interviews by using the confusion assessment method (CAM) and/or by using data from the medical record and the hospital's nursing intensity index. The method of postoperative analgesia, type of opioid, and cumulative opioid dose were also recorded. After controlling for known preoperative risk factors for delirium (age, alcohol abuse, cognitive function, physical function, serum chemistries, and type of surgery), higher pain scores at rest was associated with an increased risk of delirium over the first 3 postoperative days (adjusted risk ratio 1.20, P = 0.04). Pain with movement and maximal pain were not associated with delirium. Method of postoperative analgesia, type of opioid, and cumulative opioid dose were not associated with an increased risk of delirium. We conclude that more effective control of postoperative pain reduces the incidence of postoperative delirium. Implications: We performed daily interviews in a large population of patients undergoing noncardiac surgery to measure their level of pain and development of delirium. We found an association between higher pain levels at rest and the development of delirium. Our results suggest that better control of postoperative pain may reduce this serious complication.  相似文献   

Clinical and bacteriological efficacies of lomefloxacin and ofloxacin were comparatively estimated in the treatment of 104 urologic patients with nonspecific inflammatory diseases and in 36 urologic patients for prophylaxis of inflammatory complications after surgical interventions. The majority of the urinary tract pathogens i.e. Enterobacteriaceae spp. and gramnegative nonfermenting bacteria were highly susceptible to both the fluoroquinolones. The clinical and bacteriological efficacies of lomefloxacin amounted to 94.4 and 80.7 per cent and those of ofloxacin to 92 and 79.2 per cent respectively. The prophylactic use of lomefloxacin and ofloxacin was efficient in 94.7 and 94.1 per cent of the cases respectively. The antibacterial prophylaxis in urologic patients should be applied not only at the period of surgical interventions but also during the early postoperative period.  相似文献   

In order to improve the management of postoperative pain many publications insist on progressive changes in care organization. The following list outlines steps to be taken for implementation of these changes: 1) an initial analysis of management of post-operative pain allows awareness of reforms to be proposed; 2) participation of health teams in special training in order to use evaluation tools and collect data (use of analgesics, adverse effects); 3) establishing policies and procedures: recovery room, guidelines for analgesic use and adverse effects; 4) notifying patient about the various procedures to be used in postoperative period--discussion with the patient during the preoperative interview; 5) current use of standard patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) and locoregional analgesia; 6) use of combined techniques in order to achieve a balanced analgesia; 7) implementing a quality assurance programme which should include analgesic effectiveness, patient satisfaction and prevention of complications; and 8) planning of an Acute Pain Service based on a clinical nurse co-ordinator which offers highly effective forms of postsurgical analgesia.  相似文献   

Within one year three patients, women aged 31, 28 and 26 years, presented with a cyclic painful small mass in the inguinal region. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen showed a pattern consistent with an extra-abdominal localization of endometriosis in the round ligament. The patients' complaints disappeared after surgical resection. It is concluded that in case of a painful mass in the inguinal region in a fertile woman endometriosis of the round ligament should be considered.  相似文献   

It is always important to treat conditions which may be cancerous with respect and, where there is suspicion, to take biopsies for histological examination. A hoarse voice may, in addition, be a sign of tuberculosis of the larynx, and the clinical appearance can be similar to a carcinoma. Preoperative chest x-ray (not always performed) and an awareness by the histologist of such a possibility are important now that this condition is increasing in frequency in parallel with conditions where immunological status is compromised.  相似文献   

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