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通过实验,研究了螺杆转速、注射温度、胶料种类、喷嘴直径等参数对注射压力的影响。对实验因素和实验结果进行了统计分析,确定了各因素的显著水平,并建立注射压力与各参数之间的定量计算的数学模型。 相似文献
塑料注射成型流动过程仿真 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文通过对塑料注射成型流动、保压过程的分析,得到一组描述注射成型流动、保压过程的控制方程,采用有限元/有限差分混合法进行求解,实现注射成型流动、保压过程仿真;为优化工艺参数、提高制品质量提供了有效的手段。 相似文献
聚氨酯反应注射成型固化过程数值模拟 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
依据反应动力学和能量守恒方程的基本理论,对聚氨酯反应注射成型的固化过程进行了合理的假设和必要的简化,建立了体系反应程度和温度的数学模型。采用显示有限差分法并结合数学软件Matlab对固化过程进行了动态模拟.结果表明:固化初始的20s内交联反应剧烈。体系迅速升至最高温度,交联度达到80%所需时间与经验值一致.约为17s。同时为优化反应注射成型工艺因素,探讨了催化剂浓度、原料初始温度和模具温度等对体系的影响。结果表明:催化剂浓度增加,使体系固化周期缩短,制品内部交联度的变化减小,但延长了制品处于高温部分的时间;模具温度主要影响制品壁面附近的反应,而物料初始温度则能影响到体系的最高温度,尤其是在低模温情况下更加明显. 相似文献
研究一步法注射成型注射压力与螺杆转速、注射温度、喷嘴直径和胶料种类的关系.建立注射压力与各参数之间定量计算的数学模型,并采用最小二乘法得到回归方程.实测值和计算结果对比表明,回归方程误差较小,可用于一步法注射成型机注射压力的预测. 相似文献
以车载蓝牙外壳为例,运用Moldlow软件对其最佳浇口的位置进行分析,在此基础上对高光无痕注射成型过程中的流动填充进行了模拟,并以填充时间和填充结束时压力分布进行流动分析,提高了试模一次成功率,降低了高光无痕注射成型成本. 相似文献
气体辅助注射成型过程的数值模拟技术 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文描述了气体辅助注射成型过程中熔体充填及气体穿入的数学模型,采用有限元/控制体积法计算充填阶段的压力场,确定两类移动边界,熔体前沿和熔体-气体边界。并对典型制件进行模拟验证了模型的可行性。对不同成型参数如熔体充填百分比及气道直径的影响进行了研究,结果表明熔体充填百分比不够,使气体吹入薄壁,较高的充填比又会阻止气体进入气道;较大直径的气道较小直径的气体不易进入薄壁处。 相似文献
本文介绍了我国已经开始使用的两个注塑模具CAD软件Moldflow和C-Mold,说明了流动传热分析在注塑模CAD软件设计中的作用,并简单讨论了注射成型过程中流动传热的基本数学模型。 相似文献
运用Moldflow/MPI模块对UPS电源壳体注塑成型过程进行了数值模拟分析,预测了熔体充模过程中的型腔压力分布、温度分布、锁模力大小、体积收缩率及翘曲变形;根据分析结果,提出了工艺优化方案,从而缩短模具设计制造周期。 相似文献
气体辅助注射成型流动分析模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据气体辐助注射成型流动过程的特点,从流体力学基本理论出发,引入合理的假设和简化,建立了熔体流动和气体穿透的数学模型,并在边界条件中反映出气体穿透和表面张力对熔体充填流动的影响。 相似文献
S. Fathi 《Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering》2013,52(7):666-672
This paper presents a quantitative visualization analysis of flow behavior that was carried out to study flow behavior during weld-line formation. A visual mold with an obstacle pin in a plate-shaped cavity was designed, and weld-line formation was recorded for post-analysis. The main focus was on the motion behavior of the two adjacent flows originated by the obstacle pin. A particle tracking technique was used to track the melt and quantify its motion at the merging front to investigate flow behavior in orientation point of view. A micro-photography study on the cross-section of the weld-line was also carried out. 相似文献
介绍了冰箱接水盒注塑件的成型工艺特点及注塑模具的结构特点及工作过程。通过采用斜导柱,弹簧等为动力实现了侧孔,卡钩等注塑件上的侧成型特征。该注塑模具设计成为需要侧成型开关的注塑模具典范。 相似文献
Fully-Coupled Numerical Analysis of High-Frequency Induction Heating for Thin-Wall Injection Molding
Hyeju Eom 《Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering》2013,52(10):1070-1077
In recent years, rapid mold heating has served to enable the injection molding of thin-walled parts or micro/nano structures. Induction heating is an efficient way to heat metal parts by means of an electric current that flows through a conductive material by electromagnetic induction. The present study covers a numerical investigation of high-frequency induction heating of an injection mold in order to rapidly raise the mold temperature. To take into account the effects of thermal boundary conditions of induction heating, a fully coupled numerical analysis effectively connecting electromagnetic field calculation, heat transfer analysis, and injection molding simulation was carried out. The proposed integrated simulation was applied to the injection molding of a thin-wall part, and its results were compared with experimental findings in order to verify the validity of the proposed simulation. 相似文献
文章从BMC的基本物理性能,力学性能以及与其他塑料不同的固化特征出发,着重讨论注射BMC制品工艺性设计。 相似文献
《Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering》2013,52(1):91-102
Computer simulation packages have been successful in predicting filling behavior in extremely complicated geometries, and most of the current numerical solutions are based on a hybrid finite-element/finite-difference scheme and the middle-plane model. This imported model causes some inconvenience during applications. This study introduces surface model as the datum plane, instead of the traditional middle-plane model and additional boundary conditions in the gapwise direction are employed to keep the flows in the surfaces at the same section coordinative. The simulation presented here is compared with the experimental results obtained with instrumented test mold and C-Mold results. It is demonstrated that the present formulation is well suited to handle cavities generated directly by mold design process with computer aided design (CAD) tools. 相似文献
注射成型中模腔内振动剪切流动的理论模型 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
采用Leonov本构模型,首次研究了在注射成型中模腔内聚合物熔体的振动剪切流动时所产生的振动剪切应力。结果表明,振动剪切应力的振幅随着聚合物熔体的粘度,振动频率和应变振幅的增加而增加,随着熔体温度的增加而减小。 相似文献