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Autism spectrum disorder is a common, heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder lacking targeted treatments. Additional features include restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviors and differences in sensory processing. We hypothesized that detailed sensory features including modality specific hyper- and hypo-sensitivity could be used to identify clinically recognizable subgroups with unique underlying gene variants. Participants included 378 individuals with a clinical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder who contributed Short Sensory Profile data assessing the frequency of sensory behaviors and whole genome sequencing results to the Autism Speaks’ MSSNG database. Sensory phenotypes in this cohort were not randomly distributed with 10 patterns describing 43% (162/378) of participants. Cross comparison of two independent cluster analyses on sensory responses identified six distinct sensory-based subgroups. We then characterized subgroups by calculating the percent of patients in each subgroup who had variants with a Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion (CADD) score of 15 or greater in each of 24,896 genes. Each subgroup exhibited a unique pattern of genes with a high frequency of variants. These results support the use of sensory features to identify autism spectrum disorder subgroups with shared genetic variants.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by repetitive and stereotyped behaviors as well as difficulties with social interaction and communication. According to reports for prevalence rates of ASD, approximately 1~2% of children worldwide have been diagnosed with ASD. Although there are a couple of FDA (Food and Drug Administration)—approved drugs for ASD treatment such as aripiprazole and risperidone, they are efficient for alleviating aggression, hyperactivity, and self-injury but not the core symptoms. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) as a neurotransmitter plays a crucial role in the early neurodevelopmental stage. In particular, 5-HT has been known to regulate a variety of neurobiological processes including neurite outgrowth, dendritic spine morphology, shaping neuronal circuits, synaptic transmission, and synaptic plasticity. Given the roles of serotonergic systems, the 5-HT receptors (5-HTRs) become emerging as potential therapeutic targets in the ASD. In this review, we will focus on the recent development of small molecule modulators of 5-HTRs as therapeutic targets for the ASD treatment.  相似文献   

Recently, autism-related research has focused on the identification of various genes and disturbed pathways causing the genetically heterogeneous group of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The list of autism-related genes has significantly increased due to better awareness with advances in genetic technology and expanding searchable genomic databases. We compiled a master list of known and clinically relevant autism spectrum disorder genes identified with supporting evidence from peer-reviewed medical literature sources by searching key words related to autism and genetics and from authoritative autism-related public access websites, such as the Simons Foundation Autism Research Institute autism genomic database dedicated to gene discovery and characterization. Our list consists of 792 genes arranged in alphabetical order in tabular form with gene symbols placed on high-resolution human chromosome ideograms, thereby enabling clinical and laboratory geneticists and genetic counsellors to access convenient visual images of the location and distribution of ASD genes. Meaningful correlations of the observed phenotype in patients with suspected/confirmed ASD gene(s) at the chromosome region or breakpoint band site can be made to inform diagnosis and gene-based personalized care and provide genetic counselling for families.  相似文献   

The genetic background of pain is becoming increasingly well understood, which opens up possibilities for predicting the individual risk of persistent pain and the use of tailored therapies adapted to the variant pattern of the patient’s pain-relevant genes. The individual variant pattern of pain-relevant genes is accessible via next-generation sequencing, although the analysis of all “pain genes” would be expensive. Here, we report on the development of a cost-effective next generation sequencing-based pain-genotyping assay comprising the development of a customized AmpliSeq™ panel and bioinformatics approaches that condensate the genetic information of pain by identifying the most representative genes. The panel includes 29 key genes that have been shown to cover 70% of the biological functions exerted by a list of 540 so-called “pain genes” derived from transgenic mice experiments. These were supplemented by 43 additional genes that had been independently proposed as relevant for persistent pain. The functional genomics covered by the resulting 72 genes is particularly represented by mitogen-activated protein kinase of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and cytokine production and secretion. The present genotyping assay was established in 61 subjects of Caucasian ethnicity and investigates the functional role of the selected genes in the context of the known genetic architecture of pain without seeking functional associations for pain. The assay identified a total of 691 genetic variants, of which many have reports for a clinical relevance for pain or in another context. The assay is applicable for small to large-scale experimental setups at contemporary genotyping costs.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by the early onset of communication and behavioral problems. ASD is highly heritable; however, environmental factors also play a considerable role in this disorder. A significant part of both syndromic and idiopathic autism cases could be attributed to disorders caused by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent translation deregulation. This narrative review analyzes both bioinformatic and experimental evidence that connects mTOR signaling to the maternal autoantibody-related (MAR) autism spectrum and autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders simultaneously. In addition, we reconstruct a network presenting the interactions between the mTOR signaling and eight MAR ASD genes coding for ASD-specific maternal autoantibody target proteins. The research discussed in this review demonstrates novel perspectives and validates the need for a subtyping of ASD on the grounds of pathogenic mechanisms. The utter necessity of designing ELISA-based test panels to identify all antibodies related to autism-like behavior is also considered.  相似文献   

Mammalian chromosomes are comprised of complex chromatin architecture with the specific assembly and configuration of each chromosome influencing gene expression and function in yet undefined ways by varying degrees of heterochromatinization that result in Giemsa (G) negative euchromatic (light) bands and G-positive heterochromatic (dark) bands. We carried out morphometric measurements of high-resolution chromosome ideograms for the first time to characterize the total euchromatic and heterochromatic chromosome band length, distribution and localization of 20,145 known protein-coding genes, 790 recognized autism spectrum disorder (ASD) genes and 365 obesity genes. The individual lengths of G-negative euchromatin and G-positive heterochromatin chromosome bands were measured in millimeters and recorded from scaled and stacked digital images of 850-band high-resolution ideograms supplied by the International Society of Chromosome Nomenclature (ISCN) 2013. Our overall measurements followed established banding patterns based on chromosome size. G-negative euchromatic band regions contained 60% of protein-coding genes while the remaining 40% were distributed across the four heterochromatic dark band sub-types. ASD genes were disproportionately overrepresented in the darker heterochromatic sub-bands, while the obesity gene distribution pattern did not significantly differ from protein-coding genes. Our study supports recent trends implicating genes located in heterochromatin regions playing a role in biological processes including neurodevelopment and function, specifically genes associated with ASD.  相似文献   

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