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FZF1基因在酿酒酵母中对亚硫酸盐转运蛋白编码基因SSU1具有正向调节作用,但在贝酵母中尚无相关报道,本研究拟通过对该基因进行克隆和生物信息学分析为后续研究做出参考。首先对贝酵母FZF1基因进行克隆,并利用在线分析工具Prot Param、Prot Scale、TMHMM、Predict Protein、Swiss-Model等软件对其编码蛋白质的基本理化性质进行分析,同时预测了该基因所编码蛋白质的二级结构和三级结构。结果表明:该核苷酸序列含有一个长900 bp的开放阅读框,可编码299个氨基酸;编码的蛋白质为在细胞核中行使调控功能的亲水蛋白,含有18个丝氨酸(S)激酶潜在磷酸化位点、一个Coil区和4个锌指结构域,与酿酒酵母FZF1基因所编码的蛋白质结构和性质极为相似。可初步认为贝酵母FZF1基因与细胞的耐硫性相关;而贝酵母FZF1基因所编码的蛋白质中仅有4个锌指,则可能是贝酵母硫耐受能力比酿酒酵母弱的重要原因。   相似文献   

高级醇是在酒精发酵过程中由酿酒酵母代谢产生,在酿酒酵母细胞质和线粒体中由基因编码相关的酶催化α-酮酸脱羧还原而成,是酒的重要香气成分,对酒的香气和口感有重要影响。该文综述了高级醇代谢的相关途径及部分关键基因及功能,以期深入分析了解高级醇并为通过分子生物学方式构建适用于工业生产的低产高级醇的酵母菌株提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Nicotinamidase (NAMase) from the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was purified by Ni(2+) affinity chromatography and gel filtration. N-terminal microsequencing revealed sequence identity with a hypothetical polypeptide encoded by the yeast YGL037C open reading frame sharing 30% sequence identity with Escherichia coli pyrazinamidase/nicotinamidase. A yeast strain in which the NAMase gene, hereafter named PNC1, was deleted shows a decreased intracellular NAD(+) concentration, consistent with the loss of NAMase activity in the null mutant. In wild-type strains, NAMase activity is stimulated during the stationary phase of growth, by various hyperosmotic shocks or by ethanol treatment. Using a P(PNC1)::lacZ gene fusion, we have shown that this stimulation of NAMase activity results from increased levels of the protein and requires stress response elements in the 5'non-coding region of PNC1. These results suggest that NAMase helps yeast cells to adapt to various stress conditions and nutrient depletion, most likely via the activation of NAD-dependent biological processes.  相似文献   

The expression of the PMA1 and PMA2 genes during Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth in medium with glucose plus increasing concentrations of ethanol was monitored by using PMA1-lacZ and PMA2-lacZ fusions and Northern blot hybridizations of total RNA probed with PMA1 gene. The presence of sub-lethal concentrations of ethanol enhanced the expression of PMA2 whereas it reduced the expression of PMA1. The inhibition of PMA1 expression by ethanol corresponded to a decrease in the content of plasma membrane ATPase as quantified by immunoassays. Although an apparent correspondence could exist between the increase of plasma membrane ATPase activity and the level of PMA2 expression, the maximal level of PMA2 expression remained about 200 times lower than PMA1. On the other hand, ethanol activated the plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity from a strain expressing only the PMA1 ATPase but did not activate that from a strain expressing only the PMA2 ATPase. These results provide evidence that in the presence of ethanol it is the PMA1 ATPase which is activated, probably by a post-translational mechanism and that the PMA2 ATPase is not involved.  相似文献   

A general method is described for screening Saccharomyces cerevisiae colonies for the intracellular expression of native proteins. Colonies are replicated onto nitrocellulose membranes and yeast cell walls are removed enzymatically. The resulting spheroplasts are rapidly lysed by placing chromatography paper soaked in hypotonic buffer on the membranes. Intracellular proteins released by spheroplast lysis are bound in situ to the nitrocellulose under non-denaturing conditions and potentially can be examined using enzymatic or immunologic methods. For example, in the present study colonies were screened for the presence of elongation factor 2 (EF-2) that can be [32P]ADP-ribosylated by diphtheria toxin and [32P]NAD+. Recognition by the toxin requires the presence in EF-2 of the unique post-translationally modified histidine derivative, diphthamide. The procedure described here reliably discriminates between wild-type yeast colonies and mutant colonies that do not synthesize diphthamide. In addition to facilitating the study of diphthamide biosynthesis in yeast, the more general application of this procedure will enable the screening of colonies with assays that require native proteins.  相似文献   

The LUC gene coding for Photinus pyralis firefly luciferase was cloned in different yeast episomal plasmids in order to assess its possibilities as an in vivo reporter gene. Activity of the enzyme in transformed cells in vivo was measured by following light emission and assay conditions optimized in intact cells, with regard to oxygen concentration, temperature, cell concentration in assay mixtures and external ATP concentration. Among the factors tested, light emission was drastically influenced by the external pH in the assay (which resulted in a ten-fold amplification signal) and by substrate permeability. The growth phase of the cells was also important for the level of activity detected. Cloning of firefly luciferase gene under the control of different yeast-regulated promoters (ADH1, GAL1–10) enabled us to measure their strength which correlated well with previously described data. We conclude that firefly luciferase is an adequate gene reporter for the in vivo sensitive determination of gene expression and promoter strength in yeast.  相似文献   

A low-affinity glucose transporter gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cloned by complementation of the rag1 mutation in a strain of Kluyveromyces lactis defective in low-affinity glucose transport. Gene sequence and effects of null mutation in S. cerevisiae were described. Data indicated that there are multiple genes for low-affinity glucose transport.  相似文献   

A dextranase-encoding cDNA from L. starkeyi KSM22 was isolated and characterized. The 2052 bp cDNA fragment (lsd1) harbouring the dextranase gene exhibited one open reading frame (ORF) composed of 1824 bp flanked by a 41 bp 5'-UTR and a 184 bp 3'-UTR, including a 27 bp poly(A) tail. The lsd1 gene contains no introns. The open reading frame encodes a 608 amino acid polypeptide (LSD1) with a 67.6 kDa predicted molecular mass. There was a 77% deduced amino acid sequence identity between the LSD1 dextranase and the dextranase from Penicillium minioluteum. The primary structure of LSD1 dextranase exhibits distant similarity with the enzymes of the glycosyl hydrolase family 49 that comprises Penicillium dextranase. The optimum pH of LSD1 was 6.0 and the optimum temperature was 37 degrees C. LSD1 dextranase activity was substantially abolished by exposure to 1 mM Hg2+, Ag3+ and Mn2+. LSD1 exhibited high hydrolysing activity towards dextran (100%), soluble starch (22%) and mutan (8%).  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, there is a general amino acid permease, regulated by nitrogen catabolite repression, and several specific permeases whose nitrogen regulation is not well understood. In this study, we used continuous cultures to analyse the effect of nitrogen limitation and pH on the activity of general and several specific amino acid permeases. General permease activity was maximal in severe nitrogen limitation and diminished 400-fold in cells grown under nitrogen excess. For the specific permeases, the maximal uptake activity was found between mild limitation and nitrogen excess, while very small activity was detected under strict limitation. These results indicate that the nitrogen regulation of the general and the specific amino acid carriers is coordinated in such a way that no redundancy exists in amino acid transport. The regulation of the specific permeases was similar to that found for a system with anabolic function in nitrogen metabolism. All of these permeases are supposed to work through a proton symport mechanism, and thus rely on pH gradients to carry out their function. We studied the effect of pH on the kinetic constants of the general permease. Our results show that the effect of pH on the Km was different for acidic, neutral and basic amino acids, while the effect on Vmax was independent of the electrical charge of the amino acids.  相似文献   

目的:克隆CAD1基因,对其结构和功能进行预测,为后期研究利用该基因用于重金属镉的解毒作用及其他有毒物质的抗性研究打下基础。方法:使用PCR技术对酿酒酵母BZL06的CAD1基因序列进行全长克隆,再对其进行染色体定位和亲缘关系分析,使用在线分析工具ExPASy、ProtParam等对其编码蛋白质的一级结构、二级结构、三级结构、结构域和蛋白互作进行预测分析。结果:该CAD1基因位于Ⅳ染色体1318046~1319275;全长1230 bp,可编码409个氨基酸,亲缘关系分析表明该基因与酿酒酵母CEN.PK113-7D菌株CAD1基因(GenBank序列号为EIW11633.1)最为接近,同源性达到99%;编码的蛋白质为在细胞核中进行代谢调控的不稳定的亲水蛋白;存在明显的卷曲螺旋区域,不存在跨膜结构,二级结构预测中发现该蛋白主要存在α-螺旋和随机卷曲,β-转角与延伸链分散分布;预测存在bZIP和PAP1结构域;蛋白互作分析中相关系数0.7以上的蛋白有9个,其中相关系数为0.937的SKN7蛋白是CAD1蛋白。结论:分析结果得出克隆CAD1基因正确,其编码的蛋白结构不稳定,在细胞核中代谢,含有与重金属镉与其他有毒物的过表达中存在抗性的表达紧密相关的结构域bZIP和PAP1,在表达抗性时并与SKN7蛋白功能联系密切。  相似文献   

The genetics of flocculation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are poorly understood despite the importance of this property for strains used in industry. To be able to study the regulation of flocculation in yeast, one of the genes involved, FLO1, has been partially cloned. The identity of the gene was confirmed by the non-flocculent phenotype of cells in which the C-terminal part of the gene had been replaced by the URA3 gene. Southern blots and genetic crosses showed that the URA3 gene had integrated at the expected position on chromosome I. A region of approximately 2 kb in the middle of the FLO1 gene was consistently deleted during propagation in Escherichia coli and could not be isolated. Plasmids containing the incomplete gene, however, were still able to cause weak flocculation in a nonflocculent strain. The 3′ end of the FLO1 gene was localized at approximately 24 kb from the right end of chromosome I, 20 kb centromere-proximal to PHO11. Most of the newly isolated chromosome I sequences also hybridized to chromosome VIII DNA, thus extending the homology between the right end of chromosome I and chromosome VIII to approximately 28 kb.  相似文献   

采用通用载体质粒融合系统UPS构建了一种以绿色荧光蛋白GFP为报告基因的酿酒酵母表达载体pYES-GFP,并研究了其在重组酿酒酵母中的稳定性。实验表明,所构建的附加型质粒pYES-GFP在经近100代传代后,仍未发生丢失,具有良好的稳定性。同时,通过实验验证了,UPS在进行表达载体构建时快速、简便、高效。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母是最常见且应用最为广泛的酵母菌种,是以糖质和淀粉质为原料的乙醇发酵最经典的菌株.在发酵过程中,有很多不可避免的胁迫环境如高温条件、高渗条件等出现,这些胁迫会阻碍细胞生长并降低细胞的发酵能力,给发酵行业带来一定的经济损失.因此,为改善菌种的耐受性,该研究主要以实验室现有菌株AY12a为亲本菌株,URA3基因作筛选...  相似文献   

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