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Effective population size (Ne) of a natural fish population was estimated from temporal changes in allele frequencies at seven microsatellite loci. Use of a historical collection of fish scales made it possible to increase the precision of estimates by increasing the time interval between samples and to use an equation developed for discrete generations without correcting for demographic parameters. Estimates of Ne for the time intervals 1961-1977 and 1977-1993 were 35 and 72, respectively. For the entire interval, 1961-1993, the estimate of Ne was 48 when based on a weighted mean derived from the above two estimates or 125 when calculated from 1961 and 1993 samples only. Corresponding ratios of effective size to adult census size ranged from 0.03 to 0.14. An Ne of 48 over a 32-year period would imply that this population lost as much as 8% of its heterozygosity in that time. Results suggest the potential for using genetic methods based on microsatellite loci data to compare historical trends in Ne with population dynamic parameters. Such comparisons will help to evaluate the relationship between genetic diversity and long-term persistence of natural populations.  相似文献   

There are few objective means by which disability caused by low back pain (LBP) can be quantified. The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of motion measurements in the assessment of LBP. The motion characteristics of 138 LBP subjects were investigated, and the data compared with a previously published database of normal subjects. Values of range of motion and angular velocity were obtained for all subjects in each plane of motion. Analysis of these motion characteristics demonstrated significant differences (P < 0.0001) between the two populations; however both populations demonstrated considerable intersubject variation. Multiple regression analysis revealed that some of the variance in the LBP population was attributable to the underlying diagnosis. Patients with a spondylolisthesis tended to be hypermobile whilst those with spinal stenosis, disc prolapse or degenerative disc disease tended to be hypomobile. All diagnostic groups showed impairments in their velocity characteristics.  相似文献   

The movement of 1763 badgers trapped between 36 social groups in Woodchester Park, Gloucestershire, over 18 years was analysed to determine the frequency and duration of moves, the factors associated with a predisposition to move and the spatial pattern of movements. Of those badgers whose capture history could be categorized, nearly half had moved. Of these, 73.1% were classified as 'occasional movers', 22.1% as 'permanent movers' and 4.8% as 'frequent movers'. Most adult badgers that moved made occasional moves (78.8%, n = 67). Cubs made all types of move including permanent moves (29%, n = 10). Seventy per cent of females were non-movers compared with 37% of males. Badgers were significantly more likely to move to smaller groups, whereas male badgers were significantly more likely to move to groups with a greater proportion of females. The spatial pattern of movement differed from the distribution of groups with bovine tuberculosis in the study area. However, temporal changes in movement were significantly related to the incidence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in the following year, indicating that as the movement of badgers between groups varies so does the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in the population. This finding is of central importance in the formulation of badger control policy.  相似文献   

Although Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) rates have been reported to be higher in American Indian populations, no screening tool has been validated for alcohol use in American Indian women. The objectives of this study were to compare the detection of prenatal alcohol use by a self-administered questionnaire to detection by clinical interview; and to ascertain whether the screening tool would increase detection of pregnant women who are abusing alcohol. The hospital records of the women were reviewed for any history of alcohol-related illnesses or injuries to compare with results obtained from the questionnaire. Seventy women attending their first prenatal clinic visit on a reservation were screened for alcohol use. There was a wide range in detection of prenatal alcohol use (20%-71% of the sample detected) depending on the method used. There was a large variation in sensitivities (7%-93%) of the individual questions in identifying patients detected as "high risk" by the clinicians. The T-ACE screening questions significantly increased detection of alcohol use compared to detection by the clinicians (p = 0.04 Fisher's exact test). Due to the large variation between different methods of detection, it is recommended that screening tools that increase detection of alcohol use should be combined with methods of higher specificity such as using questions about quantity and frequency of alcohol intake, medical chart review and clinical interview. We also found that various interpretations of the screening questions by the patients highlighted the need to tailor the wording of individual questions to the particular patient population.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique for isolating DNA markers tightly linked to a target region that is based on RLGS, named RLGS spot-bombing (RLGS-SB). RLGS-SB allows us to scan the genome of higher organisms quickly and efficiently to identify loci that are linked to either a target region or gene of interest. The method was initially tested by analyzing a C57BL/6-GusS mouse congenic strain. We identified 33 variant markers out of 10,565 total loci in a 4.2-centimorgan (cM) interval surrounding the Gus locus in 4 days of laboratory work. The validity of RLGS-SB to find DNA markers linked to a target locus was also tested on pooled DNA from segregating backcross progeny by analyzing the spot intensity of already mapped RLGS loci. Finally, we used RLGS-SB to identify DNA markers closely linked to the mouse reeler (rl) locus on chromosome 5 by phenotypic pooling. A total of 31 RLGS loci were identified and mapped to the target region after screening 8856 loci. These 31 loci were mapped within 11.7 cM surrounding rl. The average density of RLGS loci located in the rl region was 0.38 cM. Three loci were closely linked to rl showing a recombination frequency of 0/340, which is < 1 cM from rl. Thus, RLGS-SB provides an efficient and rapid method for the detection and isolation of polymorphic DNA markers linked to a trait or gene of interest.  相似文献   

Human neuroblastoma cells frequently show amplification of the oncogene MYCN, which maps to 2p24. Previous studies have localized the DEAD box motif gene DDX1 to the same chromosome band and demonstrated coamplification of DDX1 and MYCN in two retinoblastoma cell lines. Recently, a high frequency of coamplification of DDX1 and MYCN has been shown in human neuroblastoma cells. We have determined the physical distance between the two genes by pulsed field gel electrophoresis in normal tissue and have found that DDX1 maps to a position at a maximum distance of 400 kbp 5' to MYCN. Two neuroblastoma cell lines with coamplification of DDX1/MYCN showed a similar topographic relationship of the two genes. In contrast, in two cell lines with high copy number, the DDX1 gene was not present in all amplified units recognized by MYCN and had changed its position in the amplified DNA relative to MYCN from 5' to 3', presumably by rearrangement during the amplification process. Our data show that the high frequency of DDX1 coamplification is due to its close physical distance to MYCN. Although amplification has resulted in an elevated expression of DDX1 the significance of overexpression for neuroblastoma remains unclear.  相似文献   

The present study measured how the detection thresholds for two very brief tone or noise bursts depend on the delay between them. The thresholds for the tone burst pairs systematically increase for increasing delays up to a few milliseconds and then reach a constant value. The tone burst thresholds thus reflect a very short-term interaction between the brief signals. Strikingly, the time constant of the interaction appears to scale inversely to the frequency of the tone bursts. The thresholds for the noise burst pairs, on the other hand, remain approximately constant down to the shortest measured delay of less than 1 ms. In contrast to the concept of intensity integration, these results are interpreted in terms of a temporal overlap of the auditory filter responses elicited by two brief, successively presented signals. In a second experiment it was shown that the observed short-term interaction between two brief signals is sensitive to their relative phases, corroborating the conjecture that the interaction takes place at a level prior to the mechanical to neural transduction in the inner ear.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Infusion of ANP in anephric dogs causes a decrease in cardiac output and a rise in peripheral vascular resistance. This reduced cardiac output is possibly related to increased resistance to venous return generated in the microcirculation by venular constriction. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in healthy volunteers the effects of low-dose ANP infusion on both conjunctival and skin microcirculation during high or low salt diet. METHODS: ANP (7.5 ng/kg/min) and placebo were infused (i.v.) for 4 h, in random order on two separate days, in two groups of 10 healthy male volunteers each. One group was studied during high salt (ad libitum), and one group during low salt (55 mmol Na+/24 h) diet. Microvascular density and diameters of both conjunctiva and nailfold were studied using intravital videomicroscopy. Nailfold capillary red blood cell velocity (CBV) was studied using intravital videomicroscopy, and skin (thermoregulatory) blood flow (SBF) was studied using laser-Doppler fluximetry. RESULTS: In the high salt group ANP induced a 43% reduction in basal SBF as compared to an 18% reduction by placebo (P < 0.01). Parallel to SBF, ANP significantly reduced CBV (P < 0.02). Conjunctival capillary density decreased by 5% during ANP, while it increased by 28% during placebo (P < 0.05). No such effects of ANP were observed in the low salt group. Blood pressure and heart rate were not influenced by ANP infusion in neither group. CONCLUSION: Infusion of low doses of ANP into humans on an ad libitum salt diet results in vasoconstriction of the microcirculation, probably on the venular side. The lack of effect of ANP on the microcirculation during low salt diet may be related to a higher vascular tone prior to infusion.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine lung tumors have been considered by some to be a continuum ranging from relatively benign typical carcinoids to highly malignant small-cell carcinomas. Histopathological diagnosis may sometimes be difficult because of their overlapping features. Correct classification, however, carries important prognostic and therapeutic significance. To determine the clinicopathological implications of retinoblastoma (RB) protein expression in these neoplasms, we examined the RB status in a series of neuroendocrine tumors by immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded tissue sections. A total of 105 tumors were studied. All 44 typical and 15 atypical carcinoids, one of which was initially misdiagnosed as a small-cell carcinoma, manifested a heterogeneous RB-positive staining pattern. Atypical carcinoids in general showed an increase in the number of tumor cells with strong nuclear staining compared to typical carcinoids. In contrast, all 40 small-cell and 6 large-cell neuroendocrine carcinomas failed to show RB staining in any tumor nuclei, indicating loss of RB function. Our results suggest that RB status as measured by immunohistochemical staining can be used as a marker to distinguish typical and atypical carcinoids from small-cell and large-cell neuroendocrine carcinomas.  相似文献   

Serum/colostrum pairs were collected from 245 ewes in 6 sheep herds which had been determined previously to be infected with MV virus and were tested against maedi-visna infection using AGID test. Positive rates were detected as 3.8-41.2% in tested flocks. Serum and colostrum samples obtained from 53 sheep were positive for MV virus specific antibodies by AGID test. 16 colostrum samples were negative although serum samples obtained from the same animals were found to be positive for MV antibodies. Of the 245 sera and colostrum pairs tested, there was total agreement of results (+ or -) in 229 and disagreement in the results with the other 16 serum/colostrum pairs. Of the latter, all serum samples were positive and all colostrum samples were negative for MV antibodies. This study compared colostrum and serum samples for the determination of MV antibodies using AGID test under field conditions on naturally infected animals and on healthy animals. The results show that colostrum antibodies can be detected using AGID test and that colostrum is a reliable material to determine anti-MV virus antibodies. The procedure can be used for herd diagnosis.  相似文献   

The medical care system is not very effective in modifying health behavior of individuals, in particular, ensuring patient compliance with medication regimens, healthy diets, regular physical activity, and regular health screening, and in the avoidance of substance abuse. Telephone-Linked Care (TLC) is a telecommunications technology that enables computer-controlled telephone counseling with patients in their homes. It has been applied to the task of improving a number of different health behaviors. Randomized controlled studies suggest that use of the system for as little as 3 months is associated with improvement in adherence to medication regimens, dietary change in hypercholesterolemia, and increased physical activity among sedentary individuals. Future work involves applying the technology to other important health behaviors, optimally using health behavior theory in the system design, targeting use of TLC to the most appropriate patient groups, incorporating new computer and telecommunications technology into the system, and interfacing TLC into the health care delivery system.  相似文献   

Aim of this study is to determine fibronectin concentration in the different biological materials to study its changes in the anatomic districts where the cell interactions in which FN participates do occur. The traditional immunoturbidimetric method and the nephelometric method are compared. An alternative method using a support for the collection of very small samples is proposed and the results obtained are discussed. This approach with solid phase immunonephelometry can be used both in amounts of biological fluids too small for traditional methods and in concentrations < 4.5 mg/dL. It is hoped that less complex techniques will be studied, allowing routine tests that can be performed by all laboratories. Unfortunately, at present this method is still investigated, however, it would be useful to adopt it in case of difficult sample collection.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane protein, p12, stimulates the protein translocation activity reconstituted with SecY, SecE and SecA. The gene encoding p12, which is located at 69 min on the E. coli chromosome, was deleted to examine the role of p12 in protein translocation in vivo. The deletion strain exhibited cold-sensitive growth. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that precursors of outer membrane protein A, maltose binding protein and beta-lactamase accumulated at 20 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C. The deletion strain harboring a plasmid which carries the gene encoding p12 under the control of the araBAD promoter was able to grow in the cold when p12 was expressed with the addition of arabinose. Furthermore, the accumulated precursors were rapidly processed to the mature forms upon the expression of p12. Immunoblot analysis revealed the steady-state accumulation of precursor proteins at 20 degrees C, whereas the accumulation was only marginal at 37 degrees C, indicating that the function of p12 is more critical at 20 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. Finally, proteoliposomes were reconstituted with or without p12 to demonstrate that the stimulation of the activity by p12 increases with a decrease in temperature. From these results, we concluded that p12 is directly involved in protein translocation in E. coli and plays a critical role in the cold. We propose the more systematic name, SecG, for p12.  相似文献   

高俊杰  余萍 《冶金分析》2007,27(9):42-44
硅藻土粉末经盐酸(1 1)预处理后,与1-(2-吡啶偶氮)-2-萘酚(PAN)的丙酮溶液混合,形成了负载PAN的硅藻土。研究了负载PAN硅藻土的富集柱对痕量镉离子的吸附和富集行为,确立了负载PAN硅藻土对镉的吸附洗脱条件,据此建立了硅藻土负载PAN吸附、富集-原子吸收光谱法测定水中镉的分析方法。结果表明,在中性溶液下,负载PAN硅藻土的富集柱对镉离子有较好的吸附能力,其吸附容量为0.5mg/g;用8mL100g/L的酒石酸溶液洗脱,洗脱率达到100%,方法的富集倍率为80倍;测定镉的线性范围为0.0554~4.000mg/L,检出限为0.0168mg/L;大量共存离子对测定无明显影响。方法用于测定地表水中镉,回收率为94.2%~96.0%,相对标准偏差为2.7%~3.3%。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are almost ubiquitous pollutants that may interact with metabolic systems in human tissues and eventually cause cancer. PAH-adducted DNA becomes antigenic and antibodies anti-benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE)-DNA may be found in serum of PAH-exposed subjects. The presence of serum antibodies anti-BPDE-DNA adduct was investigated in 1345 individuals from family clusters of the general population of a small area in central Italy in whom information about smoking habits, site of residence, and personal and family history of lung diseases, including cancer, were obtained. Anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies in the sera were detected with a direct ELISA and the association of anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies with subjects' data from a standardized respiratory questionnaire including age, occupation, tobacco smoking habits, respiratory symptoms, and family history of respiratory diseases was subsequently tested by multivariate logistic regression analysis. The overall prevalence of subjects with anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies was 21.0% (n=283), with no differences between males and females. Anti-BPDE-DNA positivity was associated with living in the urban area [odds ratio (OR), 1.49; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.16-1.92], with active tobacco smoking (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.06-1.48), and with family history of lung cancer (OR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.90-1.88), and positivity increased with the number of members in the family cluster positive to anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies (OR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.03-1.65). This study on a large general population sample indicates that serum anti-BPDE-DNA antibodies may be considered as biomarkers of exposure to environmental carcinogens and of DNA damage. The genetic and familial components of their association with tobacco smoking lend further support to the argument about the familial predisposition to lung cancer.  相似文献   

Blood is one of the widely used specimens for biological trace element research because of its biological significance and ease of sampling. We have conducted a study of the blood of the Kalpakkam township population for trace and minor elements. For this purpose, analytical methods have been developed and standardized in our laboratory for the elemental analysis of blood plasma and red cells. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), a relatively new technique, has been applied for the analysis of trace elements. Details regarding spectral interference and matrix interference encountered in the analysis of blood and the methods of correcting them have been discussed. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)/atomic emission spectrometry (AES) has been applied for the determination of minor elements. Precision and accuracy of these methods have also been discussed.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using natural disaccharide octyl bovine serum albumin (ND-O-BSA) as antigen was used in testing leprosy patients, contacts and a normal population in Cebu, The Philippines, from 1985 to 1989. A total of 1413 persons were studied. The results suggested that ELISA reactivity and the bacterial index (BI) correlate in a general way. In multibacillary (MB) leprosy, positivity ranges from 54.2% to 92.3% among patients with a BI of < 2+ to > 4+ on the Ridley scale, with an overall average of 84.5%. Paucibacillary (PB) leprosy patients have a low degree of reactivity, with only 15.0% ELISA positive. The test is more efficient in detecting MB than PB leprosy. The contacts of MB leprosy showed 6.5% positivity; contacts of PB leprosy, 7.0% positivity. The normal population showed 1.7% positive ELISA or 17 per thousand population, which is very much less than that of the household contacts. However, because the normal population is a much larger population than the household contact population in a community, more new leprosy cases would emanate from it. Leprosy workers are concerned about the transmission of the disease to household contacts. However, for the reason stated above, we should be more concerned with the silent spread of the disease to the normal population in the community.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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