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以半导体矩形波导材料为例 ,提出了正在研究中的全内反射型光控光开关的光注入及光生载流子对折射率影响的分析模型。得出在控制光照射方向上半导体材料的折射率随控制光强度变化而变化的分布情况。并分别得到了 1 .5 5μm和 1 .3 1μm通讯波长的光控光开关的控制光 (0 .8μm)强度阈门  相似文献   

光生载流子对半导体波导材料折射率影响的模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以半导体矩形波导材料为例,提出了正在研究中的全内反射型光控光开关的光注入及光生载流子对折射率影响的分析模型.得出在控制光照射方向上半导体材料的折射率随控制光强度变化而变化的分布情况.并分别得到了1.55μm和1.31μm通讯波长的光控光开关的控制光(0.8μm)强度阈门.  相似文献   

折射率是食用油品质的一项重要指标。为测量食用油折射率,基于泰曼-格林干涉仪,在室温20℃、光源波长632.8nm条件下,通过面阵CCD相机拍照获取食用油的干涉条纹图像,并利用图像处理技术,快速测量出不同食用油样品干涉条纹的移动量,进而求得其折射率。对几种常见的食用油进行了测量,得到花生油、玉米油、大豆油、菜籽油、橄榄油以及葵花和玉米油1∶1混合后的折射率分别为1.470 9、1.473 5、1.472 9、1.471 8、1.469 4、1.473 8。结果表明,利用该方法能够对食用油折射率进行快速测定,同时实验结果精度高,能为食用油品质及地沟油的现场检测提供一种简便有效的手段。  相似文献   

徐莹莹  蔡斌 《光学仪器》2022,44(6):80-86
倏逝波的强弱决定了波导型倏逝波传感器的探测极限。在波导表面涂覆一层高折射率树脂薄膜,提高光波导外倏逝波的占比。高折射率薄膜的涂覆可以大幅度改变波导中的光场分布,并提高倏逝波强度。通过研究不同折射率下倏逝波占比与镀膜厚度间的相互关系,得到了不同折射率下的覆膜最佳厚度。通过激光诱导波导自成型技术在聚合物波导上涂覆了一层折射率为1.6,厚度为300 nm的树脂薄膜。光谱测量结果表明,经过薄膜涂覆后,传感器对罗丹明B水溶液的吸收检测极限提高至1×10-9 g/mL,比未覆膜传感器高了10倍。该传感器成本低、体积小、制作简单、灵敏度高,在各个领域都拥有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

为解决在进行不同折射率的微粒分类时遇到的问题,本文提出了一种采用熔融法拉伸的抛物线型光纤探针,所得到的出射光场对于浸没在水溶液中的不同折射率的微粒具有不同的操作能力,可以达到微粒分类的目的。我们将波长为980 nm的激光通入光纤探针中,操控光纤在液体中实现对二氧化硅(SiO2)、聚苯乙烯(PS)和酵母菌细胞三种不同折射率的微粒及细胞的捕获和传输,进而实现不同微粒的分类。基本上实现了对三种微粒在1~10μm范围内的操控和分类。通过仿真验证了这种抛物线型光纤探针对三种微粒具有不同捕获能力,所得到的理论和实验结果保持一致。使用该方法对微粒进行分类,可以简化实验装置,并且在无标签混合光纤传感器的开发和传染病检测或细胞分类等方面有广泛应用。  相似文献   

初步分析了基于GaAs/AlGaAs量子阱材料的光致折射率变化规律,利用自洽方法计算了光生载流子浓度对传输光的折射率改变量。当805nm的控制光注入强度为6×103W/cm2(8×103W/cm2)时,在垂直材料表面内1μm深度处,对1.55μm(1.31μm)的传输光可以达到-1-0 2的折射率变化量级。与GaAs体材料相比,量子阱材料所需控制光强度能够减少约20%,有助于降低全光开关与全光调制器的功耗。  相似文献   

张鹰  孙德贵  金光 《光学精密工程》2008,16(11):2098-2103
摘要:在分析马赫-曾德尔干涉仪(MZI)基本结构的基础上,定义了二种开关形式,以二者作为结构单元,采用Banyan网络结构,提出了一种新型的可实现1:k(k>1)多路连接的波导矩阵光开关,以2×2、4×4矩阵光开关为例,给出了该类光开关的结构和功能。对MZI结构进行了性能模拟和优化,分析了Banyan网络中交叉连接损耗与交叉角度的关系,并由此对整个开关的插入损耗进行了分析。基于PLC技术制作出相应的MZI开关单元及2×2、4×4波导SiO2光开关实物,测试结果与仿真结果基本吻合,开关时间均小于1ms,该类光开关能够很好地实现多路开关的功能。  相似文献   

基于负折射率材料的信号处理技术为光声图像的研究提供了新的思路。光声成像是一种全新的非破坏性生物光子技术,是一种基于生物组织内光吸收差异的成像方法。然而,当前的光声成像方法主要依靠传感器扫描工作,而传感器阵列有其固有的缺点,导致实时性较差,因此,普通的光声成像方式具有一定的局限性。但是,利用具有负折射率的声透镜特性(如聚焦、滤波、定向等)构成的成像方式可以解决普通光声成像中的这些局限性问题。本文在对负折射率声透镜的负质量响应和负折射率成像进行优势分析后,提出了利用声透镜改变当前扫描成像的方法。模拟分析实验结果表明,所设计的声透镜直接成像方案达到了预期效果,透镜成像后像点的声压分布与吸收体原始的声压分布基本一致。此外,0.6倍波长的实验图像结果说明本文实现了亚波长的光声成像效果。  相似文献   

采用光生伏特效应的LED芯片在线检测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于pn结的光生伏特效应,本文研究了一种非接触式LED芯片在线检测方法.通过测量pn结光生伏特效应在引线支架中产生的光生电流,检测LED封装过程中芯片质量及芯片与支架之间的电气连接状态.通过分析pn结光生伏特效应的等效电路,详细论述了半导体材料的各种参数及等效电路中各电参数与支架上流过的光生电流的关系.实验对各种不同颜色的LED样品进行了测量.研究表明,该方法可以实现LED芯片的在线检测,有较大的应用价值.  相似文献   

光折变聚合物材料的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘建静 《光学仪器》2006,28(3):38-41
光折变聚合物材料是一种具有良好的光学处理能力的非线性光学材料,近年来引起了研究者的广泛关注。简要介绍了光折变聚合物材料在自相位共轭及光信息存储等方面的应用,并指出光折变聚合物材料中存在光子带隙,预测了光折变聚合物材料有可能作为光子晶体来应用。  相似文献   

The effect of refractive-index mismatch, as encountered in the observation of biological specimens, on the image acquisition process in confocal fluorescence microscopy is investigated theoretically. The analysis takes the vectorial properties of light into account and is valid for high numerical apertures. Quantitative predictions on the decrease of resolution, intensity drop and shift of focus are given for practical situations. When observing with a numerical aperture of 1·3 (oil immersion) and an excitation wavelength of 514 nm the centre of the focus shifts 1·7 μm per 10 μm of axial displacement in an aqueous medium, thus yielding an image that is scaled by a factor of 1·2 in the axial direction. Furthermore, it can be expected that for a fluorescent plane 20 μm deep inside an aqueous medium the peak intensity is 40% less than for a plane which is 10 μm deep. In addition, the axial resolution is decreased by a factor of 1·4. The theory was experimentally verified for test samples with different refractive indices.  相似文献   

基于Ulrich半实验方法、LZ等效电抗模型和Kohin等效膜方法,建立了一种新型的高通光率金属网栅屏蔽效率分析的等效折射率模型。该模型精确地建立了金属网栅的等效折射率与其结构参数和边界材料折射率的关系,便于分析电磁波任意入射方向时的金属网栅屏蔽效率,并可克服Chen倾斜模型在分析高通光率金属网栅屏蔽效率时的失效问题。为验证建立模型的有效性,用紫外光刻法制备了周期320 μm、线宽4.5 μm和周期160 μm、线宽5.5 μm的两种网栅,并用微波网络分析仪测试了12~18 GHz波段的屏蔽效率。实验与分析表明:建立的新模型的原理计算误差<2 dB,优于Chen模型和LZ模型的8 dB的原理计算误差和Ulrich模型的4 dB的原理计算误差,说明新模型能更精确地分析高通光率金属网栅的屏蔽效率。  相似文献   

根据菲涅耳公式,推导出了溶液折射率和线偏振光反射率的关系,分别测定不同待测溶液折射率下线偏振光p分量和s分量的反射率,并与理论结果进行比较。实验用阿贝折射仪测定不同浓度下Na_2CO_3溶液的折射率;立足于光纤传感系统,以棱镜为敏感元器件、光为测量媒介,在敏感角入射的情况下,采用光电探测器对偏振光信号进行探测,经光电变换后利用信号调理电路实现信号采集,模数转换后运用单片机实现信息的处理,测定不同浓度溶液的反射率,与理论结果进行比较。结果表明,该方法在实时测量液体折射率的灵敏度、精度方面有较大改善。  相似文献   

The U-shaped multimode fiber structure is proposed to measure the refractive index of liquid. In the previous work, the U-shaped structure by single-mode fiber has been widely investigated. However, the large bending loss restricted its practical applications, especially for the reflection-type fiber probe. To reduce the bending losses, the multimode fiber is used as the bending section of the fiber sensor in this study. The structures with different bending radiuses are fabricated to verify this design. Moreover, to simplify the interrogation method, the differential intensity interrogation method is used by cascading two fiber Bragg gratings after the U-shaped fiber structure. The low bending loss of the proposed structure is helpful to measure the reflected light power by fiber Bragg gratings. The influence of incident light power fluctuation was largely suppressed by this differential method. In addition, the sensitivity is also increased by a factor of 2 compared with the intensity interrogation method using one-cascaded fiber Bragg grating. The experimental results show that the refractive index sensitivities are ?115.09?dB/RIU in the refractive index range of 1.3405–1.3874 and ?260.24?dB/RIU in the refractive index range of 1.3874–1.4223, respectively.  相似文献   


Ice fraction (or ice concentration, IC) of the ice slurry flowing through the pipe is very difficult to measure directly and in real time in ice slurry type system in thermal energy storage system. Measuring IC is very important to calculate the capacity of cold energy supplied through a pipeline. Ice fraction measurement methods have been reported as using density, electric resistance, electric conductivity, freezing point etc. However, the conventional methods are not perfect in terms of the resolution and accuracy. In this study, a new method is suggested to measure the IC of the ice slurry flowing through a pipe, which is used for a refractometer with low electrical noise and high resolution. To measure IC of the flowing ice slurry aqueous solution in pipe, it was installed in the test section to mass flow meter, refractometer, cyclone, and RTD (Resistance temperature detector) sensor. From the experiment, IC measurement method by using refractive index showed better result than others for the ice slurry in pipeline flowing or slurry tank.


W. Hou  R. Thalmann   《Measurement》1994,13(4):307-314
An interference refractometer for absolute measurement of the refractive index of air has been developed. It is essentially based on components of a commercial Zeeman type laser interferometer system and uses a differential interferometer and a vacuum chamber with four measurement cells. The resolution and accuracy of interference phase interpolation is improved by an electronic phase meter and a detection technique which compensates for interferometer non-linearity. The system has been designed for an accuracy of a few parts in 108. Experimental investigations of individual components and comparison measurements with pure gases, with Edlén's formula and with the BCR interference refractometer confirm this goal.  相似文献   

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