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A lambda ZAP II cDNA library was constructed by cloning cDNA prepared from a high molecular weight double-stranded RNA (dsRNA, ca. 18 kb) isolated from grapevine leafroll associated closterovirus-3 (GLRaV-3) infected tissues. This cDNA library was immuno-screened with GLRaV-3 coat protein specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies and three immuno-positive clones were identified. Analysis of nucleotide sequences from these clones revealed an open reading frame (ORF) which was truncated at the 3' end; the remainder of this ORF was obtained by sequencing a fourth clone that overlapped with one of the immunopositive clones. A total of 2028 bp was sequenced. The putative GLRaV-3 coat protein ORF, 939 bp, encodes a protein (referred to as p35) with a calculated M(r) of 34866. Multiple alignment of the p35 amino acid sequence with coat protein sequences from other closteroviruses revealed that the consensus amino acid residues (R and D) of filamentous plant viruses are preserved in the expected locations. The GLRaV-3 coat protein gene was then engineered for sense and antisense expression in transgenic plants. Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants that contain the sense GLRaV-3 coat protein gene produced a 35 kDa protein that reacted with GLRaV-3 antibody in Western blot.  相似文献   

The functionally uncharacterised N-terminal of translation initiation factor IF2 has been found to be extremely variable when comparing different bacterial species. In order to study the intraspecies variability of IF2 the 2670 basepairs nucleotide sequence of the infB gene (encoding IF2) was determined in 10 clinical isolates of E. coli. The N-terminal domains (I, II and III) were completely conserved indicating a specific function of this region of IF2. Only one polymorphic position was found in the deduced 890 amino acid sequence. This Gln/Gly490 is located within the central GTP/GDP-binding domain IV of IF2. The results are further evidence that IF2 from E. coli has reached a highly defined level of structural and functional development.  相似文献   

The NlaIII restriction enzyme isolated from Neisseria lactamica recognizes the sequence 5'-CATG-3', cleaving after the G to generate a four base 3' overhang. The NlaIII methylase and a portion of the NlaIII endonuclease gene were cloned into E. coli by the methylase selection method, and the remaining portion of the NlaIII endonuclease gene was cloned by inverse PCR. The nucleotide sequence of the endonuclease gene and the methylase gene were determined. The NlaIII endonuclease gene is 693 bp, encoding a protein with predicted molecular weight of 26487. The NlaIII methylase gene was identical with that previously reported [Labbe, D., Joltke, H.J. and Lau, P.C. (1990) Cloning and characterization of two tandemly arranged DNA methyltransferse genes of Neisseria lactamica: an adenine-specific M.NlaIII and a cytosine-type methylase. Mol. Gen. Genet. 224, 101-110]. The endonuclease and methylase genes overlap by four bases and are transcribed in the same orientation. The endonuclease gene was cloned into an improved T7 vector, and a high level of NlaIII endonuclease expression was achieved in E. coli.  相似文献   

The sequence of 1,787 nucleotides (nts) in the genomic RNA of pelargonium leaf curl virus (PLCV) was determined. It included the entire coat protein (cp) gene (nts 585 to 1,754), 558 nts of the 3' end of the putative RNA polymerase gene, 26 nts of an intercistronic region between the two genes and 33 nts downstream of the stop codon of the cp gene. The cp gene was cloned into the expression vector pET8c and expressed in E. coli. The deduced cp amino acid sequence of PLCV was compared with those of five other tombusviruses. The closer the degree of serological relatedness between two viruses, the more similarity was found in their cp amino acid sequences not only in the protruding domains, but also in their random and shell domains and in the arm regions. Nucleic acid hybridization tests, cp amino acid comparisons and serological tests all suggest the same order of sequence for the relationships in the tombusvirus group.  相似文献   

The gene chiA, which codes for endochitinase, was cloned from a soilborne Enterobacter agglomerans. Its complete sequence was determined, and the deduced amino acid sequence of the enzyme designated Chia_Entag yielded an open reading frame coding for 562 amino acids of a 61-kDa precursor protein with a putative leader peptide at its N terminus. The nucleotide and polypeptide sequences of Chia_Entag showed 86.8 and 87.7% identity with the corresponding gene and enzyme, Chia_Serma, of Serratia marcescens, respectively. Homology modeling of Chia_Entag's three-dimensional structure demonstrated that most amino acid substitutions are at solvent-accessible sites. Escherichia coli JM109 carrying the E. agglomerans chiA gene produced and secreted Chia_Entag. The antifungal activity of the secreted endochitinase was demonstrated in vitro by inhibition of Fusarium oxysporum spore germination. The transformed strain inhibited Rhizoctonia solani growth on plates and the root rot disease caused by this fungus in cotton seedlings under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

A partial nucleotide sequence spanning the coat protein (CP) gene of a Nebraskan isolate of tobacco necrosis virus (TNV-NE) has been determined. The sequence contains at least four open reading frames (ORFs). The 5'-terminal ORF encodes a protein that has 86% and 38% homology with the polymerases of strains A (TNV-A) and D (TNV-D), respectively. The second and third ORFs probably encode 10.7 kDa and 6.2 kDa proteins (p 10.7 and p 6.2). These are respectively 90% and 96% amino acid homologous encoded by similar ORFs in TNV-A but only 26% and 20% homologous with those in TNV-D. The fourth 3'-proximal ORF encodes the 30.3 kDa CP. The amino acid sequence of TNV-NE CP is only 51% and 44% homologous to those of TNV-A and TNV-D, respectively. Thus, the CP genes of TNV-NE, TNV-A, and TNV-D are quite different. Like the sequences to the 5' side of the CP gene, that of TNV-NE is more closely related to TNV-A than to TNV-D.  相似文献   

A caladium isolate of dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV-Ch) was cloned as cDNA from genomic RNA. The sequence of the 3'-terminal 3158 nucleotides, which consisted of the 3'-terminus of the NIa gene, the NIb gene, the coat protein (CP) gene, and a 246-nucleotide non-coding region, was between 57-68% similar at the nucleotide level and 72-82% similar at the amino acid level when compared with other potyviruses. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned, selected potyviral CP sequences indicate that DsMV-Ch is similar to DsMV isolates infecting taro and closely related to the bean common mosaic virus subgroup in the genus Potyvirus. A recombinant DsMV-Ch CP (approximately 39 kDa) expressed in E. coli was used as an immunogen and the resulting antiserum reacted with DsMV and several other potyviruses in Western blots and indirect ELISA.  相似文献   

Porcine spleen DNase II, a lysosomal acid hydrolase, is a noncovalently linked alpha.beta heterodimer (Liao, T.-H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 10708-10713). The alpha subunit, after disulfide cleavage, yields two chains, alpha1 and alpha2. The complete amino acid sequences of the alpha1, beta, and alpha2 chains were elucidated by protein sequencing, and the pairings of one interchain disulfide between alpha1 and alpha2 and of three intrachain disulfides in alpha2 were assigned. Six carbohydrate attachment sites, two in beta and four in alpha2, were detected by sugar analyses. The cDNA of DNase II was amplified using primers synthesized on the basis of the amino acid sequences determined. The amplified fragments shown to be a cDNA sequence of 1,292 bases. This cDNA sequence has an open reading frame encoding a 364-amino acid polypeptide containing a putative transmembrane peptide at the NH2-end, two small connecting peptides in the middle, and a peptide at the COOH terminus. These are evidently removed to form mature DNase II. Thus, all three chains in the sequence alpha1, beta, and alpha2 are coded by the same cDNA. When Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with a cloned plasmid with an inserted cDNA fragment encoding the entire reading frame, the expressed protein was released into the growth medium as an active form of DNase II.  相似文献   

Up to half of the stroke patients admitted to acute hospital wards become bed-blockers. Investigations have been carried out in an effort to identify factors related to this problem. Very little is known about options which may lead to an alleviation of this problem. We investigated to what extent, in the opinions of professional representatives of six disciplines, home care can contribute to a solution. Sixty-nine stroke patients who were actually blocking beds in an acute hospital ward were described and examined on paper by a multidisciplinary panel. These patients were all moderately to severely disabled and needed a high degree of help in activities of daily life (ADL) and household activities. Estimations of the number of patients who were judged to be suitable for home care varied, although there was a fair degree of agreement between panel members concerning those patients who could and those who certainly could not return to their homes. Concerning one-third of the patients, the opinions of the caregivers diverged. Factors relating to the judgement of each panel member are identified. A method for selecting patients to be substituted to lower levels of care is suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

The sequence of the 3'-terminal 4320 and 2409 nucleotides were determined for RNA2 of satsuma dwarf virus (SDV) and navel infectious mottling virus (NIMV). Both sequences contained a part of a long open reading frame which encodes larger and smaller coat proteins (CPs) at the 3'-terminus followed by a 3'non-coding region upstream of a poly (A) tail. Amino acid sequence identity for larger and smaller CPs ranged 81-84% and 68-78%, respectively, among SDV, NIMV and the previously sequenced citrus mosaic virus (CiMV). No significant sequence similarity was found between the CPs of SDV or NIMV and those of the como-, nepo- or other viruses. The nucleotide sequence identity of the 3' non-coding region of RNA2 were 68%-78% among SDV, CiMV and NIMV. These results suggest that SDV, CiMV and NIMV are distinct, though related, viruses. They may be assigned as members of the new genus, which is close to the genera of Comovirus and Nepovirus.  相似文献   

A gene for a pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase (Pcp: EC, pyroglutamyl peptidase), which removes amino-terminal pyroglutamyl residues from peptides and proteins, has been cloned from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus using its cosmid protein library, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The DNA sequence encodes a protein containing 208 amino acid residues with methionine at the N-terminus. Analysis of the recombinant protein expressed in E. coli, including amino acid sequence analysis from the N-terminus by automated Edman degradation and ionspray mass spectrometric analysis of the peptides generated by enzymatic digestions with lysylendopeptidase and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, showed its primary structure to be completely identical with that deduced from its cDNA sequence. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of P. furiosus Pcp (P.f.Pcp) with those of bacterial Pcps revealed that a high degree of sequence identity (more than 40%) and conservation of the amino acid residues comprising the catalytic triad, Cys142, His166, and Glu79. On the other hand, a unique short stretch sequence (positions around 175-185) that is absent in bacterial Pcps was found in P.f.Pcp. A similar stretch has also been reported recently in the amino acid sequence of Pcp from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermococcus litoralis [Littlechild et al., in abstracts of the "International Congress on Exthermophiles '98" p. 58 (1998)]. To elucidate their contribution to the hyperthermostability of these enzymes, further structural studies are required.  相似文献   

alpha 1-Adrenoceptors in most tissues couple with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein Gq, the alpha subunit of which activates the beta-isoforms of phospholipase C. However, in heart (and in liver) alpha 1-adrenoceptors have been reported to couple to a high molecular weight GTP-binding protein. Gh, which functions both as a type II transglutaminase and as a receptor coupling protein. Gh activates a phospholipase isoform distinct from phospholipase C-beta. Here we report that isolation and culture of neonatal cardiomyocytes decreased the expression of Gh without reducing the content of Gq or Gi. Gh was readily detected in extracts from intact neonatal and adult heart tissues. The expression of Gh thus appears to be a feature of intact cardiac tissue.  相似文献   

The nitrous oxide (N2O) reductase (nos) gene cluster from Achromobacter cycloclastes has been cloned and sequenced. Seven protein coding regions corresponding to nosR, nosZ (structural N2O reductase gene), nosD, nosF, nosY, nosL, and nosX are detected, indicating a genetic organization similar to that of Rhizobium meliloti. To aid homology studies, nosR from R. meliloti has also been sequenced. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences with corresponding sequences from other organisms has also allowed structural and functional inferences to be made. The heterologous expression of NosD, NosZ (N2O reductase), and NosL is also reported. A model of the CuA site in N2O reductase, based on the crystal structure of this site in bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase, is presented. The model suggests that a His residue of the CuA domain may be a ligand to the catalytic CuZ site. In addition, the origin of the spectroscopically-observed Cys coordination to CuZ is discussed in terms of the sequence alignment of seven N2O reductases.  相似文献   

利用cDNA-AFLP分析籼稻明恢86应答稻纵卷叶螟取食基因差异表达,发现1个与植物同源结构域(PHD)锌指蛋白高度同源的TDF,分离获得该TDF对应的粳稻全长cDNA.该全长cDNA与籼稻、玉米、蓖麻、葡萄、拟南芥和大豆等作物PHD锌指蛋白推定氨基酸序列的同源性分别为98.43%、86.01%、54.58%57.02%、57.51%和55.88%.荧光定量PCR研究表明,日本晴(粳稻)叶片中该基因的表达也受稻纵卷叶螟取食的诱导,推测该基因与籼稻和粳稻应答稻纵卷叶螟取食密切相关.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS OF THE STUDY: This study investigated the efficacy of postoperative ticlopidine as antiplatelet therapy in patients shortly after heart valve repair or replacement. METHODS: Between 1990 and 1995, 235 consecutive patients underwent either valve repair (n = 67) or replacement with a bioprosthesis (n = 168). The bioprostheses used were Carpentier-Edwards porcine or pericardial (n = 158) valves, Prima stentless valves (n = 3) and cryopreserved homografts (n = 7). Types of repair were aortic (one), mitral annuloplasty with Carpentier ring (65) and tricuspid repair (one). Mean patient age was 67 (range: 16 to 83) years for valve replacement and 57 (range: 32 to 74) years for repair (p < 0.01). Atrial fibrillation occurred in 34% of patients. The hospital mortality rate was 11% (26 patients). Of the 209 survivors, 137 were assigned to antiplatelet treatment with ticlopidine for the first three months of follow up. The other 72 received either oral anticoagulation (coumadin; n = 40), aspirin (n = 14) or no medication (n = 18). In 15 patients, ticlopidine treatment was interrupted due to diarrhea (13 cases), mild allergic reaction (one) or anemia (one). The mean follow up was 3.2 years (range: 1 month to 6 years); cumulative follow up was 684 patient-years (pt-yr) and was complete in 96% of cases. RESULTS: There were two episodes of thromboembolism in the ticlopidine group at 1 month and 6 months respectively, with a linearized incidence of 0.5% pt-yr. In the coumadin group there were four episodes of thromboembolism, three within the first three months of follow up. The linearized incidence was 3% pt-yr (p < 0.01). There were three episodes of hemorrhage in the ticlopidine group in the first three months of follow up and one in the coumadin group. The linearized incidence was 0.75% pt-yr. CONCLUSIONS: Following heart valve repair or replacement with a bioprosthesis, the first three months is a high-risk period for thromboembolism. Ticlopidine seems to prevent this complication better than conventional therapy with oral anticoagulants. Nevertheless, hemorrhage continues to be a problem with ticlopidine therapy.  相似文献   

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