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A neural network classifier, called supervised extended ART (SEART), that incorporates a supervised mechanism into the extended unsupervised ART is presented here. It uses a learning theory called Nested Generalized Exemplar (NGE) theory. In any time, the training instances may or may not have desired outputs, that is, this model can handle supervised learning and unsupervised learning simultaneously. The unsupervised component finds the cluster relations of instances, and the supervised component learns the desired associations between clusters and classes. In addition, this model has the ability of incremental learning. It works equally well when instances in a cluster belong to different classes. Also, multi-category and nonconvex classifications can be dealt with. Besides, the experimental results are very encouraging.  相似文献   

In many real-world problems, the range of consequences of different alternatives are considerably different. In addition, sometimes, selection of a group of alternatives (instead of only one best alternative) is necessary. Traditional decision making approaches treat the set of alternatives with the same method of analysis and selection. In this paper, we propose clustering alternatives into different groups so that different methods of analysis, selection, and implementation for each group can be applied. As an example, consider the selection of a group of functions (or tasks) to be processed by a group of processors. The set of tasks can be grouped according to their similar criteria, and hence, each cluster of tasks to be processed by a processor. The selection of the best alternative for each clustered group can be performed using existing methods; however, the process of selecting groups is different than the process of selecting alternatives within a group. We develop theories and procedures for clustering discrete multiple criteria alternatives. We also demonstrate how the set of alternatives is clustered into mutually exclusive groups based on 1) similar features among alternatives; 2) ideal (or most representative) alternatives given by the decision maker; and 3) other preferential information of the decision maker. The clustering of multiple criteria alternatives also has the following advantages. 1) It decreases the set of alternatives to be considered by the decision maker (for example, different decision makers are assigned to different groups of alternatives). 2) It decreases the number of criteria. 3) It may provide a different approach for analyzing multiple decision makers problems. Each decision maker may cluster alternatives differently, and hence, clustering of alternatives may provide a basis for negotiation. The developed approach is applicable for solving a class of telecommunication networks problems where a set of objects (such as routers, processors, or intelligent autonomous vehicles) are to be clustered into similar groups. Objects are clustered based on several criteria and the decision maker's preferences.  相似文献   

Neurocontroller design via supervised and unsupervised learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we study the role of supervised and unsupervised neural learning schemes in the adaptive control of nonlinear dynamic systems. We suggest and demonstrate that the teacher's knowledge in the supervised learning mode includes a-priori plant sturctural knowledge which may be employed in the design of exploratory schedules during learning that results in an unsupervised learning scheme. We further demonstrate that neurocontrollers may realize both linear and nonlinear control laws that are given explicitly in an automated teacher or implicitly through a human operator and that their robustness may be superior to that of a model based controller. Examples of both learning schemes are provided in the adaptive control of robot manipulators and a cart-pole system.  相似文献   

Fuzzy clustering has played an important role in solving many problems. In this paper, we design an unsupervised neural network model based on a fuzzy objective function, called OFUNN. The learning rule for the OFUNN model is a result of the formal derivation by the gradient descent method of a fuzzy objective function. The performance of the cluster analysis algorithm is often evaluated by counting the number of crisp clustering errors. However, the number of clustering errors alone is not a reliable and consistent measure for the performance of clustering, especially in the case of input data with fuzzy boundaries. We introduce two measures to evaluate the performance of the fuzzy clustering algorithm. The clustering results on three data sets, Iris data and two artificial data sets, are analyzed using the proposed measures. They show that OFUNN is very competitive in terms of speed and accuracy compared to the fuzzy c-means algorithm.  相似文献   

Six-Sigma is a tactical tool of significant value in achieving operational excellence. The project selection decision, under a resources constraint, is the early stage of implementation for a Six-Sigma intervention. The project selection decision is challenging due to its fuzzy group decision-making aspect inherent to the problem. The present study proposes to adopt national quality award criteria as the Six-Sigma project selection criteria, and proposes a hierarchical criteria evaluation process. The strategic criteria are evaluated by the management team using a Delphi fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making method. Then, the tactical sub-criteria which contain additional operational issues are evaluated by the Six-Sigma Champion. The proposed methodology is successfully applied in solving the project selection problem deriving from a component manufacturer. The empirical outcomes are promising. Moreover, the results show that the higher a project’s priority is, the greater the financial gains will be on completion of the project. Accordingly, the proposed methodology can prioritize the financial gain – which is the key performance indicator for a Six-Sigma project. Additionally, the quality status of the case company has been significantly improved through implementation of the Six-Sigma project. The systematic evaluation process also influences employees to adopt an analytical operations philosophy. Moreover, the commercial objectives of the company are brought into focus by the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Automatic pain recognition from videos is a vital clinical application and, owing to its spontaneous nature, poses interesting challenges to automatic facial expression recognition (AFER) research. Previous pain vs no-pain systems have highlighted two major challenges: (1) ground truth is provided for the sequence, but the presence or absence of the target expression for a given frame is unknown, and (2) the time point and the duration of the pain expression event(s) in each video are unknown. To address these issues we propose a novel framework (referred to as MS-MIL) where each sequence is represented as a bag containing multiple segments, and multiple instance learning (MIL) is employed to handle this weakly labeled data in the form of sequence level ground-truth. These segments are generated via multiple clustering of a sequence or running a multi-scale temporal scanning window, and are represented using a state-of-the-art Bag of Words (BoW) representation. This work extends the idea of detecting facial expressions through ‘concept frames’ to ‘concept segments’ and argues through extensive experiments that algorithms such as MIL are needed to reap the benefits of such representation.  相似文献   

基于神经网络与多模型的非线性自适应广义预测解耦控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一类非线性多变量离散时间动态系统,提出了基于神经网络与多模型的非线性自适应广义预测解耦控制方法.该控制方法由线性鲁棒广义预测解耦控制器和神经网络非线性广义预测解耦控制器以及切换机构组成.线性鲁棒广义预测解耦控制器用于保证闭环系统输入输出信号有界,神经网络非线性广义预测解耦控制器能够改善系统性能.切换策略通过对上述两种控制器的切换,保证系统稳定的同时,改善系统性能.同时本文给出了所提自适应解耦控制方法的稳定性和收敛性分析.最后,通过仿真实例验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The problem is partitioned into two components: to propose the air transportation network based on “hub and spoke” pattern as alternative network in Sumatera island (one of the islands in Indonesia), and to propose the algorithm for the aircraft selection of the suitable type of aircraft in the operation on airport pairs. The algorithm presented in this paper is obtained from heuristic, and then comparing of our proposal with the existing one is done, based on the multiple criteria.  相似文献   

This paper addresses classification problems in which the class membership of training data are only partially known. Each learning sample is assumed to consist of a feature vector xiX and an imprecise and/or uncertain “soft” label mi defined as a Dempster-Shafer basic belief assignment over the set of classes. This framework thus generalizes many kinds of learning problems including supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. Here, it is assumed that the feature vectors are generated from a mixture model. Using the generalized Bayesian theorem, an extension of Bayes’ theorem in the belief function framework, we derive a criterion generalizing the likelihood function. A variant of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm, dedicated to the optimization of this criterion is proposed, allowing us to compute estimates of model parameters. Experimental results demonstrate the ability of this approach to exploit partial information about class labels.  相似文献   

Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) has become an important tool in breast cancer diagnosis, but evaluation of multitemporal 3D image data holds new challenges for human observers. To aid the image analysis process, we apply supervised and unsupervised pattern recognition techniques for computing enhanced visualizations of suspicious lesions in breast MRI data. These techniques represent an important component of future sophisticated computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems and support the visual exploration of spatial and temporal features of DCE-MRI data stemming from patients with confirmed lesion diagnosis. By taking into account the heterogeneity of cancerous tissue, these techniques reveal signals with malignant, benign and normal kinetics. They also provide a regional subclassification of pathological breast tissue, which is the basis for pseudo-color presentations of the image data. Intelligent medical systems are expected to have substantial implications in healthcare politics by contributing to the diagnosis of indeterminate breast lesions by non-invasive imaging.  相似文献   

相较于第1代和第2代神经网络,第3代神经网络的脉冲神经网络是一种更加接近于生物神经网络的模型,因此更具有生物可解释性和低功耗性。基于脉冲神经元模型,脉冲神经网络可以通过脉冲信号的形式模拟生物信号在神经网络中的传播,通过脉冲神经元的膜电位变化来发放脉冲序列,脉冲序列通过时空联合表达不仅传递了空间信息还传递了时间信息。当前面向模式识别任务的脉冲神经网络模型性能还不及深度学习,其中一个重要原因在于脉冲神经网络的学习方法不成熟,深度学习中神经网络的人工神经元是基于实数形式的输出,这使得其可以使用全局性的反向传播算法对深度神经网络的参数进行训练,脉冲序列是二值性的离散输出,这直接导致对脉冲神经网络的训练存在一定困难,如何对脉冲神经网络进行高效训练是一个具有挑战的研究问题。本文首先总结了脉冲神经网络研究领域中的相关学习算法,然后对其中主要的方法:直接监督学习、无监督学习的算法以及ANN2SNN的转换算法进行分析介绍,并对其中代表性的工作进行对比分析,最后基于对当前主流方法的总结,对未来更高效、更仿生的脉冲神经网络参数学习方法进行展望。  相似文献   

A single neural network is developed to model the resonant frequency of rectangular patch printed on uniaxially anisotropic substrate with air gap using effective parameters in conjunction with spectral dyadic Green's function. Also, the strength of ANN models in antenna design is demonstrated by considering two case studies: the design of circular patch antenna and planar inverted‐F antenna. Results show good agreement with literature. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2011.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of delay-dependent robust stability for a class of switched Hopfield neural networks with time-varying structured uncertainties and time-varying delay.Some Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals are constructed and the linear matrix inequality(LMI)approach and free weighting matrix method are employed to devise some delay-dependent stability criteria which guarantee the existence,uniqueness and global exponential stability of the equilibrium point for all admissible parametric uncertainties.By using Leihniz-Newton formula,free weighting matrices are employed to express this relationship,which implies that the new criteria are less conservative than existing ones.Some examples suggest that the proposed criteria are effective and are an improvement over previous ones.  相似文献   

In this paper a steganalysis technique is proposed for pixel-value differencing method. This steganographic method, which is immune against conventional attacks, performs the embedding in the difference of the values of pixel pairs. Therefore, the histogram of the differences of an embedded image is different as compared with a cover image. A number of characteristics are identified in the difference histogram that show meaningful alterations when an image is embedded. Five distinct multilayer perceptrons neural networks are trained to detect different levels of embedding. Every image is fed to all networks and a voting system categorizes the image as stego or cover. The implementation results indicate 88.6% success in correct categorization of the test images that contained more than 20% embedding. Furthermore, using a neural network an estimator is presented which gives an estimate of the amount of the MPVD embedding in an image. Implementation of the estimator showed an average accuracy of 88.3% in the estimation of the amount of embedding.  相似文献   

Cells efficiently carry out organic synthesis, energy transduction, and signal processing across a range of environmental conditions and at nanometer scales—rivaling any engineered system. In the cell, these processes are orchestrated by gene networks, which we define broadly as networks of interacting genes, proteins, and metabolites. Understanding how the dynamics of gene networks give rise to cellular functions is a principal challenge in biology, and identifying their structure is the first step towards their control. This knowledge has applications ranging from the improvement of antibiotics, the engineering of microbes for environmental remediation, and the creation of biologically-derived energy sources. In this review, we discuss several methods for the identification of gene networks.  相似文献   

Milling force prediction using regression and neural networks   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This study focuses on developing a good empirical relationship between the cutting force in an end milling operation and the cutting parameters such as speed, feed and depth-of-cut, by using both multiple regression and neural network modeling processes. A regression model was first fitted to experimentally collected data and any abnormal data points indicated by this analysis were filtered out. By repeating this process several times, a final set of filtered data was obtained and analyzed using neural networks to yield a good, final model. This study shows that analyzing milling force data using conventional regression can lead to a more accurate neural networks model for force prediction.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel supervised learning method for single-layer feedforward neural networks. This approach uses an alternative objective function to that based on the MSE, which measures the errors before the neuron's nonlinear activation functions instead of after them. In this case, the solution can be easily obtained solving systems of linear equations, i.e., requiring much less computational power than the one associated with the regular methods. A theoretical study is included to proof the approximated equivalence between the global optimum of the objective function based on the regular MSE criterion and the one of the proposed alternative MSE function.Furthermore, it is shown that the presented method has the capability of allowing incremental and distributed learning. An exhaustive experimental study is also presented to verify the soundness and efficiency of the method. This study contains 10 classification and 16 regression problems. In addition, a comparison with other high performance learning algorithms shows that the proposed method exhibits, in average, the highest performance and low-demanding computational requirements.  相似文献   

Rajendra  Laxmi 《Neurocomputing》2007,70(16-18):2645
Line flow or real-power contingency selection and ranking is performed to choose the contingencies that cause the worst overloading problems. In this paper, a cascade neural network-based approach is proposed for fast line flow contingency selection and ranking. The developed cascade neural network is a combination of a filter module and a ranking module. All the contingency cases are applied to the filter module, which is trained to classify them either in critical contingency class or in non-critical contingency class using a modified BP algorithm. The screened critical contingencies are passed to the ranking module (four-layered feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN)) for their further ranking. Effectiveness of the proposed ANN-based method is demonstrated by applying it for contingency screening and ranking at different loading conditions for IEEE 14-bus system. Once trained, the cascade neural network gives fast and accurate screening and ranking for unknown patterns and is found to be suitable for on-line applications at energy management centre.  相似文献   

In this paper, neural network- and feature-based approaches are introduced to overcome current shortcomings in the automated integration of topology design and shape optimization. The topology optimization results are reconstructed in terms of features, which consist of attributes required for automation and integration in subsequent applications. Features are defined as cost-efficient simple shapes for manufacturing. A neural network-based image-processing technique is presented to match the arbitrarily shaped holes inside the structure with predefined features. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in integrating topology design and shape optimization is demonstrated with several experimental examples.  相似文献   

针对现有煤岩反射光谱有监督识别方法存在煤岩位置变化时识别效果差的问题,为研究基于反射光谱的煤岩自主适应性识别,提出了基于聚类距离改进型模糊C均值聚类(FCM)算法的典型煤岩反射光谱无监督感知方法。以兴隆庄煤矿气煤、泥岩、粉砂岩、泥质灰岩4种典型煤岩样品为研究对象,测定了每种试样多个背向反射角下的近红外波段的反射光谱曲线,分析了4种煤岩反射光谱最具差异性的特征波段,选取2150~2400 nm作为4种煤岩反射光谱差异性特征波段,在特征波段内,对气煤-泥岩、气煤-粉砂岩、气煤-泥质灰岩光谱组合进行煤岩反射光谱无监督识别研究。研究结果表明:4种试样表面的背向光谱反射率均呈现出随背向反射角增大而先增大后减小的整体趋势,背向反射角增大时,泥岩、粉砂岩和泥质灰岩的各吸收谷深度变化较小,只有微弱的减小,气煤的各吸收谷深度减小相对明显;采用改进型FCM(RFCM,CFCM)方法将光谱数据快速聚类,由最终聚类隶属度概率矩阵判定光谱数据类别,进而判定不同位置煤岩类别;相较于FCM,改进型FCM对各煤岩组合的识别率均大于90%,其中CFCM对各煤岩组合聚类识别迭代次数最少,总耗时均小于0.1 s,为优先选择方法,为反射光谱技术应用于煤岩界面不同位置煤岩的高效适应性判定提供了参考。  相似文献   

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