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The concentrations of glucose, fructose and sucrose in selected carbonated soft drinks were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sugar-free drinks did not contain glucose, fructose or sucrose; two calorie-reduced drinks were sweetened mainly with fructose; one regular drink contained mainly sucrose and the remaining beverages were sweetened mainly by equal amounts of glucose and fructose. HPLC provides a rapid and reproducible means of determining carbohydrates in soft drinks.Bomb calorimetry data revealed one calorie-reduced soft drink that contained more than 50% of the calories normally found in the corresponding regular drink. Caloric values calculated from total sugar content were within 10% of values obtained by combustion.  相似文献   

Soft drinks, which are largely produced and consumed worldwide, are acidic beverages (pH 2.5–4.0), formulated with water, sucrose, carbonated with 1.5–5.0 volumes of CO2, and added or not with chemical preservatives and fruit juices. A simplified manufacturing process of soft drinks consists of water treatment, production of simple syrup, production of compound syrup, carbonation and filling. As any other food and beverage, soft drinks can be contaminated by microorganisms; however, the low pH caused by the addition of acidulants, the presence of preservatives, and the presence of CO2 comprise major barriers to microbial growth. Because of these characteristics, filamentous fungi and some bacteria, including pathogens, do not pose spoilage and safety risks for soft drinks. On the other hand, because of their tolerance to acidic environments and CO2, both yeasts and aciduric bacteria can survive and deteriorate soft drinks. This review deals with the microorganisms of relevance, as well as with the factors influencing their survival and role on soft drink spoilage.  相似文献   

<正> 经研究证实,胡梦卜富含β-胡萝卜素,可作为食物色素、维生素A原和遗传起源光照性皮肤病的治疗剂。随着食品色素趋向于以天然或类天然色素取代合成色素的发展,β-胡萝卜素的开发正好配合这个转变。由于从海藻类植物中提取的β-胡萝卜素分量极小,便有了合成β-胡萝卜素的出现,它被广泛应用于食品领域中,大多数国家允许其作为食用色素。  相似文献   

PET瓶在碳酸饮料中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
扈静晗 《饮料工业》2006,9(9):29-32
从PET分子结构说明影响PET瓶质量的物理和化学特性;根据生产实践及经验,从PET瓶生产工艺、生产过程说明影响PET瓶质量的因素及其控制方法;从PET瓶使用过程说明影响产品包装质量的因素及控制方法.为保证产品包装质量提供具有参考价值的经验和技术.  相似文献   

北美的软饮料市场对制造商来说向来是必争之地,同时这里云集了各大公司最新上市的产品,美国《饮料工业》杂志对2001年北美饮料市场的分析表明,不同类型的产品所面临的发展趋势也不尽相同。  相似文献   

<正> 目前,卫生问题已成为所有食品企业关注的首要问题,碳酸饮料企业也不例外,而食品中的微生物控制,更是重中之重。在碳酸饮料生产过程中常见的微生物有:酵母、醋酸菌、格兰氏阴性菌,霉菌、嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌和凝结芽胞杆菌等。针对各种微生物的不同特点,在生产工艺流程的关键点可运用化学药物、光线、二氧化碳、低温、防腐剂等各种理化手段,对这些微生物进行控制和杀灭。具体关键点分为以下7方面。  相似文献   

扈静晗 《饮料工业》2007,10(2):39-45
按照食品法典委员会推荐的HACCP导则,建立食品安全管理体系。结合碳酸饮料生产过程控制经验进行各步骤危害分析,制订监控措施,使HACCP理论在玻璃瓶装碳酸饮料生产至储运过程得到应用。  相似文献   

Sterile apple juice inoculated with S. cerevisiae ATCC 9763 (103 CFU/mL) was processed in a bubble column with gaseous ozone of flow rate of 0.12 L/min and concentration of 33–40 μg/mL for 8 min. The growth kinetics of S. cerevisiae as an indicator of juice spoilage was monitored at 4, 8, 12 and 16 °C for up to 30 days. The kinetics was quantitatively described by the primary model of Baranyi and Roberts, and the maximum specific growth rate was further modeled as a function of temperature by the Ratkowsky type model. The developed model was successfully validated for the microbial growth of control and ozonated samples during dynamic storage temperature of periodic changes from 4 to 16 °C. Two more characteristic parameters were also evaluated, the time of spoilage of the product under static temperature conditions and the temperature quotient, Q 10. At lower static storage temperature (4 °C), no spoilage occurred either for unprocessed or ozone-processed apple juice. In the case of ozone-processed apple juice, the shelf life was increased when compared with the controls, and the Q 10 was found to be 7.17, which appear much higher than that of the controls, indicating the effectiveness of ozonation for the extension of shelf life of apple juice.  相似文献   

Factors were studied influencing the stability of ascorbic acid (AA) in carbonated drink "Legenda". It has been established that beet-tea pigment and its mixture with polyvinylpyrrolidone produce a high stabilizing effect on AA due to formation of stable complexes with AA, which was supported by the data of spectrophotometry.  相似文献   

糖处理与汽水质量之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈锡伟 《饮料工业》2000,3(3):23-25,39
饮料质量与所用的糖的质量密切相关。本文介绍了用活性炭处理蔗糖的工艺条件以满足饮料生产的需要。  相似文献   

李汴生  梁奋 《饮料工业》1998,1(5):40-42
探讨了瓶装碳酸饮料可能发生的“爆瓶”和“射盖”现象的内因和防止措施,瓶装碳酸饮料瓶内的弹射能和射盖速度与瓶内的压力和温度呈线性正比关系,弹射能和射盖速度还与瓶内顶隙体积的大小呈正比。采取降低温度和减少顶隙等措施,可防止或减少由于瓶装碳酸饮料发生爆瓶和射盖所致的人身伤害。  相似文献   

The metabolic consequences in man, both immediate and long term, of consuming soft drinks are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the role in energy and lipid metabolism of various carbohydrate constituents, on the effects on gastric emptying of the various constituents and on the biochemical implications of fructose containing drinks.  相似文献   

Soft drink and confectionary induced demineralisation of dental enamel has increased sharply over the last decade and has replaced dental caries, as the number one reason for tooth decay in younger people. The tooth demineralisation process is sometimes called erosion, which is defined as the chemical dissolution of dental enamel without bacterial involvement. During erosion, calcium and phosphor are dissolved from the enamel which eventually leads to a collapse of the enamel surface structure and loss of the outermost enamel layers. The enamel erosion process caused by a large number of conventional soft drinks may be reduced by understanding the physical and chemical processes during the demineralisation process and by using this knowledge in the design of new complex functional soft drinks. A key factor for this seems to be to understand the early stages of enamel demineralisation at the tooth-soft drink interface as at this stage the demineralisation process was assumed to be reversible by remineralisation. Nevertheless, early stages of enamel demineralisation were not accessible for investigation until recently due to a lack of suitable technology. This review paper discusses recent progress to explore the early stages of soft drink induced enamel demineralisation using nanoanalytical/nanomechanical approaches, such as scanning probe microscopy and nanoindentation. The results of the in vitro and in situ studies lead to a design recipe of a new functional soft drink, which may exhibit substantially lower erosion effects than conventional soft drinks.  相似文献   

Fruit salads stored for different lengths of time as well as their images were used to estimate sensory shelf life by survival analysis. Shelf life estimates obtained using fruit salad images were longer than those achieved by analyzing the real product. This was attributed to the fact that images are 2-dimensional representations of real food, probably not comprehensive of all the visual information needed by the panelists to produce an acceptability/unacceptability judgment. Images were also subjected to image analysis and the analysis of the overall visual quality by a trained panel. These indices proved to be highly correlated to consumer rejection of the fruit salad and could be exploited for routine shelf life assessment of analogous products. To this regard, a failure criterion of 25% consumer rejection could be equivalent to a score 3 in a 5-point overall visual quality scale. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Food images can be used to assess product shelf life. In the case of fruit salads, the overall visual quality assessed by a trained panel on product images and the percentage of brown pixels in digital images can be exploited to estimate shelf life corresponding to a selected consumer rejection.  相似文献   

<正> 整体市场回顾根据欧睿公司关于全球软饮料市场的报告,2007年世界范围内软饮料市场价值为5990亿美元,1998至2007年的年均复合增长率(CAGR)为5.7%,碳酸饮料的市场份额最大,即饮咖啡最小(见图1)。从地区看,在2007年,全球范围内最大的软饮料消费市场为北美,西欧其次,亚太地区第三(见图2)。世界软饮料市场预期增长960亿美元,到2012年将达到7200亿美元。瓶装水将增加450亿美元,而果蔬汁将增长240亿美元。  相似文献   

<正> 奶酪市场是当前一个引人关注的市场,也是一个潜力巨大的市场。要了解奶酪市场的格局,首先需要了解其分类。奶酪可以有各种各样不同的分类方法,比如按加工方法可以分成两大类:原制奶酪(或称为天然奶酪)和再制奶酪(或称为重制奶酪)。原制奶酪指的是用原奶(包括牛奶、羊奶、水牛奶和牦牛奶等)为原料所制作而成的奶酪;再制奶酪是指用原制奶酪作为原料进行再加工,而制成的奶酪。目前我国自行生产的奶酪,如片状的奶酪,都是再制奶酪。再制奶酪的口味可以调节,因而比  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to study the influence of both passive and active modified atmosphere packaging on sensory shelf life of butterhead lettuce leaves, stored at 5 and 10 °C. Results showed that the efficacy of active modified atmosphere with respect to passive modified atmosphere depended on the storage temperature considered. When stored at 10 °C, despite being subjected to different package atmosphere composition, lettuce leaves in active and passive modified atmosphere showed the same sensory deterioration rate and sensory shelf life. On the contrary, when stored at 5 °C, lettuce leaves in active modified atmosphere packages showed lower deterioration rate and higher sensory shelf life than those in passive modified atmosphere. Sensory shelf life of lettuce in modified atmosphere packages was estimated using criteria determined according to consumers' rejection to purchase percentage, which consisted on an improvement over more arbitrary criteria presented in most studies.  相似文献   

目的优化荷叶柚子复合碳酸饮料的配方。方法以柚子皮、柚子肉、荷叶为原料,辅以柠檬汁、糖等配料,利用单因素和响应面实验设计对荷叶柚子复合碳酸饮料的配方进行优化。结果通过对成品的感官评价,理化指标和微生物指标等测评,确定最佳的添加量配比为60%(m:V)的糖水20mL、柚子皮荷叶水添加量为25 mL、柚子汁添加量25 mL、柠檬汁添加量5 mL,气泡水定容至250 mL。结论通过该配方制作出的饮品色泽均匀,颜色微黄,微气泡且口感柔滑,口味酸甜微苦,饱满而非尖酸,能闻到一股淡淡的柚子清香,品尝后口有余香。  相似文献   

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