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The partitioning behavior of a set of diverse SOCs on two and three component mixtures of aerosols from different sources was studied using smog chamber experimental data. A set of SOCs of different compound types was introduced into a system containing a mixture of aerosols from two or more sources. Gas and particle samples were taken using a filter-filter-denuder sampling system, and a partitioning coefficient Kp was estimated using Kp = Cp/(CgTSP). Particle size distributions were measured using a differential mobility analyzer and a light scattering detector. Gas and particle samples were analyzed using GCMS. The aerosol composition in the chamber was tracked chemically using a combination of signature compounds and the organic matter mass fraction (f(om)) of the individual aerosol sources. The physical nature of the aerosol mixture in the chamber was determined using particle size distributions, and an aggregate Kp was estimated from theoretically calculated Kp on the individual sources. Model fits for Kp showed that when the mixture involved primary sources of aerosol, the aggregate Kp of the mixture could be successfully modeled as an external mixture of the Kp on the individual aerosols. There were significant differences observed for some SOCs between modeling the system as an external and as an internal mixture. However, when one of the aerosol sources was secondary, the aggregate model Kp required incorporation of the secondary aerosol products on the preexisting aerosol for adequate model fits. Modeling such a system as an external mixture grossly overpredicted the Kp of alkanes in the mixture. Indirect evidence of heterogeneous, acid-catalyzed reactions in the particle phase was also seen, leading to a significant increase in the polarity of the resulting aerosol mix and a resulting decrease in the observed Kp of alkanes in the chamber. The model was partly consistent with this decrease but could not completely explain the reduction in Kp because of insufficient knowledge of the secondary organic aerosol composition.  相似文献   

There remain several ambiguities in the literature regarding the dominating sorption mechanisms involved in gas/particle partitioning, particularly for polar and ionizable compounds. The various hypothetical mechanisms would depend differently on relative humidity (RH) and the presence of various aerosol components. Thus, in order to resolve these ambiguities, here we measured the RH-dependency of gas/particle partitioning constants, K(ip), for four diverse aerosol samples and a large set of chemicals covering apolar, polar, and ionizable organic compounds. In addition, we also removed the water-soluble components from two ambient particle samples to study how their presence influences sorption behavior. The measured K(ip) values collectively indicate that a dual-phase sorption mechanism is occurring, in which organic compounds partition into a RH-independent water-insoluble organic matter phase and additionally into a RH-dependent mixed-aqueous phase. All K(ip) values could be successfully fitted to a RH-dependent dual-phase sorption model. The trends in K(ip) data further support findings that the sorption behavior of ambient aerosol samples is different from raw mineral surfaces and soot.  相似文献   

Adsorption of gaseous semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs) onto the filter(s) of a filter/sorbent sampler is a potential source of measurement error when determining specific SOCs as well as organic carbon (OC) levels in the atmosphere. This work examines partitioning to both Teflon membrane filters (TMFs) and quartz fiber filters (QFFs) for purposes of predicting the magnitude of the compound-dependent gas adsorption artifact as a function of various sampling parameters. The examination is based on values of Kp,face (m3 cm(-2)), the gas/filter partition coefficient expressed as [ng sorbed per cm2 of filter face]/[ng per m3 in the gas phase]. Values of Kp,face were calculated based on literature values of the gas/solid partition coefficient Kp,s [ng sorbed per m2 of filter]/[ng per m3 in gas phase] for the adsorption of various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) to TMFs, and for the adsorption of PAHs to QFFs. At relative humidity (RH) values below approximately 50%, the Kp,face values for PAHs are lower on TMFs than on ambient-backup QFFs. The gas adsorption artifact will therefore be lower for PAHs with TMFs than with QFFs under these conditions. In the past, corrections for the gas/filter adsorption artifact have been made by using a backup filter, and subtracting the mass amount of each compound found on the backup filter from the total (particle phase + sorbed on filter) amount found on the front filter. This procedure assumes that the ng cm(-2) amounts of each SOC sorbed on the front and backup filters are equal. That assumption will only be valid after both filters have reached equilibrium with each of the gaseous SOCs in the incoming sample air. The front filter will reach equilibrium first. The minimum air sample volume Vmin,f+b required to reach gas/filter sorption equilibrium with a pair of filters is 2Kp,face Afilter where Afilter (cm2) is the per-filter face area. Kp,face values, and therefore Vmin,f+b values, depend on the compound, relative humidity (RH), temperature, and filter type. Compound-dependent Vmin,f+b values are presented for PAHs and PCDD/Fs on both TMFs and QFFs. Compound-dependent equations which give the magnitude of the filter adsorption artifact are presented for a range of different sampling arrangements and circumstances. The equations are not intended for use in actually correcting field data because of uncertainties in actual field values of relevant parameters such as the compound-dependent Kp,face and gas/particle Kp values, and because of the fact that the equations assume ideal step-function chromatographic movement of gas-phase compounds through the adsorbing filter. Rather, the main utility of the equations is as guidance tools in designing field sampling efforts that utilize filter/sorbent samplers and in evaluating prior work. The results indicate that some backup-filter-based corrections described in the literature were carried out using sample volumes that were too small to allow proper correction for the gas adsorption artifactfor some specific SOCs of interest. Similar conclusions are reached regarding artifacts associated with the measurement of gaseous and particulate OC.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of the air-water Henry's law constant (H) is crucial for understanding an organic compound's environmental behavior. The inert gas stripping (IGS) method, widely used to measure H of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs), may yield erroneously high values for compounds with a high water surface adsorption coefficient, K(IA), because chemical adsorbed to the bubble surface may be transferred to the head space upon bursting at the top of the stripping column. Experiments with alkanols of variable chain length identified a K(IA) threshold of approximately 10(-3) m, above which IGS is susceptible to this artifact. Most SOCs are predicted to have K(IA) values well above that threshold. IGS-determined H-values for chemicals belonging to various groups of SOCs were evaluated by comparison with H-values either calculated from reliable vapor pressure and solubility data or derived from data compilations that achieve thermodynamic consistency through optimized adjustment of measured physical-chemical property data. The investigated deviations were found to be generally consistent with what would be expected from a surface adsorption artifact. Namely, the apparent bias in IGS-determined H-values, if it occurs, (1) is positive, (2) increases with increasing size of an SOC, and (3) increases with decreasing temperature. It generally is also of a magnitude predicted using estimated K(IA) values. However, different studies display different K(IA) threshold values, beyond which the artifact becomes notable, and some studies appear to succeed in avoiding the artifact altogether. Whereas the use of aerosol traps cannot explain the absence of a surface adsorption artifact, it may be related to higher flow rates used by some investigators. For large compounds or those with more than one functional group, the predicted deviation is too large when compared to observations, suggesting that the estimated K(IA) values for those compounds are too high. A full quantitative understanding of the artifact requires more accurate predictions of the adsorption of SOCs to the water surface.  相似文献   

On the basis of recently reported measurements of semivolatile organic compound (SOC) uptake in forest canopies, simple expressions are derived that allow the inclusion of a canopy compartment into existing non-steady-state multimedia fate models based on the fugacity approach. One such model is used to assess how the inclusion of the canopy compartment in the model affects the calculated overall behavior of SOCs with specific physical--chemical properties. The primary effect of the forest is an increase in the net atmospheric deposition to the terrestrial environment, reducing atmospheric concentrations and accordingly the extent of deposition to the agricultural and aquatic environments. This effect was most pronounced for chemicals with log KOA around 9-10 and log KAW -2 to -3; their average air concentrations during the growing season decreased by a factor of 5 when the canopy compartment was included. Concentration levels in virtually all compartments are decreased at the expense of increased concentrations in the forest soil. The effect of the forest lies not in a large capacity for these chemicals but in the efficiency of pumping the chemicals from the atmosphere to the forest soil, a storage reservoir with high capacity from which the chemicals can return to the atmosphere only with difficulty. Because of seasonal variability of canopy size and atmospheric stability, uptake into forests is higher during spring and summer than in winter. The model suggests that this may dampen temperature-driven seasonal fluctuations of air concentrations and in regions with large deciduous forests may lead to a temporary, yet notable dip in air concentrations during leaf development in spring. A sensitivity analysis revealed a strong effect of forest cover, forest composition, and degradation half-lives. A high degradation loss on the plant surface has the effect of preventing the saturation of the small plant reservoir and can cause very significant reductions in atmospheric concentrations of those SOCs for which uptake in the canopy is limited by the size of the reservoir.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of dilution on fine particle mass emissions from a diesel engine and wood stove. Filter measurements were made simultaneously using three dilution sampling systems operating at dilution ratios ranging from 20:1 to 510:1. Denuders and backup filters were used to quantify organic sampling artifacts. For the diesel engine operating at low load and wood combustion, large decreases in fine particle mass emissions were observed with increases in dilution. For example, the PM2.5 mass emission rate from a diesel engine operating at low load decreased by 50% when the dilution ratio was increased from 20:1 to 350:1. Measurements of organic and elemental carbon indicate that the changes in fine particle mass with dilution are caused by changes in partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds. At low levels of dilution semivolatile species largely occur in the particle phase, but increasing dilution reduces the concentration of semivolatile species, shifting this material to the gas phase in order to maintain phase equilibrium. Emissions of elemental carbon do not vary with dilution. Organic sampling artifacts are shown to vary with dilution because of the combination of changes in partitioning coupled with adsorption of gas-phase organics by quartz filters. The fine particle mass emissions from the diesel engine operating at medium load did not vary with dilution because of the lower emissions of semivolatile material and higher emissions of elemental carbon. To measure partitioning of semivolatile materials under atmospheric conditions, partitioning theory indicates that dilution samplers need to be operated such that the diluted exhaust achieves atmospheric levels of dilution. Too little dilution can potentially overestimate the fine particle mass emissions, and too much dilution (with clean air) can underestimate them.  相似文献   

Cox's Orange Pippin apples gradually lost their capacity to ripen normally when they were stored in 2% oxygen at 3.5 ºC. When the apples were transferred to air at 20 ºC, volatiles except ethylene were produced in much smaller amounts than from apples which had been stored in air or 5% carbon dioxide in air. When Golden Delicious apples were stored with different combinations of temperature and concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the rate of volatile production, its nature and the total amounts produced after storage were affected. There were residual effects also on the rate of chlorophyll loss and softening.  相似文献   

A chemical model (constructed in the ORCHESTRA modeling framework) of an organic soil horizon was used to describe soil solution data (10 cm depth) and assess if seasonal variations in soil solution dissolved organic carbon (DOC) could be explained by purely abiotic (geochemical controls) mechanisms or whether factors related to biological activity are needed. The NICA-Donnan equation is used to describe the competitive binding of protons and cations and the charge on soil organic matter. Controls on organic matter solubility are surface charge and a parameter, gamma, that accounts for the distribution of humic molecules between hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions. Calculations show that the variations in solute chemistry alone are not sufficient to account for the observed variations of DOC, but factors that alter gamma, such as biological activity, are. Assuming that DOC in organic soils is derived from soluble humic material and that gamma is modified seasonally due to biological activity (with monthly soil temperature used as a surrogate for biological activity) we are able to model the observed seasonality of soil solution DOC over a 10-year period. Furthermore, with modeled DOC coupled to other geochemical processes we also model soil solution pH and Al concentrations.  相似文献   

Concentrations of over 60 nonpolar semivolatile and nonvolatile organic compounds were measured in Lower Manhattan, NY, using a high-capacity integrated organic gas and particle sampler after the initial destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC). The results indicate that the remaining air plumes from the disaster site were comprised of many pollutants and classes and represent a complex mixture of biogenic (wood-smoke) and anthropogenic sources. This mixture includes compounds that are typically associated with fossil fuel emissions and their combustion products. The molecular markers for these emissions include the high molecular weight PAHs, the n-alkanes, a Carbon Preference Index approximately 1 (odd carbon:even carbon approximately 1), as well as pristane and phytane as specific markers for fuel oil degradation. These results are not unexpected considering the large number of diesel generators and outsized vehicles used in the removal phases. The resulting air plume would also include emissions of burning and remnant materials from the WTC site. Only a small number of molecular markers for these emissions have been identified such as retene and 1,4a-dimethyl-7-(methylethyl)-1,2,3,4,9,10,10a,4a-octahydrophenanthrene that are typically biogenic in origin. In addition, the compound 1,3-diphenylpropane[1',1'-(1,3-propanediyl)bis-benzene] was observed, and to our knowledge, this species has not previously been reported from ambient sampling. It has been associated with polystyrene and other plastics, which are in abundance at the WTC site. These emissions lasted for at least 3 weeks (September 26-October 21, 2001) after the initial destruction of the WTC.  相似文献   

A laboratory system was developed to study the gas-particle partitioning of reactive mercury (RM) as a function of aerosol composition in synthetic atmospheric particulate matter. The collection of RM was achieved by filter- and sorbent-based methods. Analyses of the RM collected on the filters and sorbents were performed using thermal extraction combined with cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (CVAFS), allowing direct measurement of the RM load on the substrates. Laboratory measurements of the gas-particle partitioning coefficients of RM to atmospheric aerosol particles revealed a strong dependence on aerosol composition, with partitioning coefficients that varied by orders of magnitude depending on the composition of the particles. Particles of sodium nitrate and the chlorides of potassium and sodium had high partitioning coefficients, shifting the RM partitioning toward the particle phase, while ammonium sulfate, levoglucosan, and adipic acid caused the RM to partition toward the gas phase and, therefore, had partitioning coefficients that were lower by orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

金瓜气调贮藏实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用气调贮藏实验系统对金瓜保鲜进行了初步研究。结果表明,在温度7~8℃、O2平均浓度约3%、CO2浓度自然上升至8%~10%范围内,其保鲜效果不如同温度下的自然冷藏保鲜效果。与低温低湿比较,在本实验范围内,低O2高CO2对病原菌的抑制作用不明显。  相似文献   

In a companion paper we reported that, for apolar and most polar compounds, the dominating sorption mechanism governing ambient gas/particle partitioning under dry conditions is absorption into a water-insoluble organic matter (WIOM) phase, whereas under moist conditions, polar and ionized compounds can partition additionally into a mixed-aqueous phase. In order to understand how sorption into the WIOM varies for particles from diverse terrestrial locations, we looked at over 500 equilibrium gas/particle partitioning constants, Kip, measured at a specific temperature and relative humidity (15 degrees C, 50% RH), covering aerosol samples from all seasons and various locations. The data indicate that for every sample the WIOM exhibits similar intermolecular interactions with gas-phase organic compounds. For a given compound, the Kip values usually vary within a factor 3 for different aerosol samples, though they could vary by up to an order of magnitude. This is most likely due to variations in the WIOM weight fraction. Fitted poly parameter linear free energy relationships (PP-LFERs) were validated by giving good predictions of Kip values for many SVOCs in the literature, including n-alkanes, organochlorines, PCBs, though not PAHs as much of the particle-bound PAHs are likely nonexchangeable with the air phase. This study also investigated the influence of temperature on partitioning to WIOM, and found thatthe temperature dependence of Kip values can be reasonably predicted using the pure compound's enthalpy of vaporization.  相似文献   

气调贮藏对草莓细胞壁酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以草莓为材料,研究不同气体成分处理及冷藏对果实纤维素酶(CS)、果胶甲酯酶(PE)及多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性的影响。结果表明,0%O2+10%CO2处理增强了果实CS、PE和PG活性;11%O2+10%CO2处理亦增强了果实PE和PG活性,其对低温贮藏果实CS活性的影响不显著,但增强了货架果实的CS活性;3%O2+5%CO2处理对低温贮藏果实CS和PG活性的影响不显著,而导致货架期CS和PG活性增强,但显著降低了果实的PE活性。说明0%O2+10%CO2处理加快果实软化与其诱导果实CS、PE和PG活性升高有关,3%O2+5%CO2处理主要是通过抑制PE活性而减缓果实的软化进程。  相似文献   

Snow and ice have been implemented in a global multimedia box model to investigate the influence of these media on the environmental fate and long-range transport (LRT) of semivolatile organic compounds (SOCs). Investigated compounds include HCB, PCB28, PCB180, PBDE47, PBDE209, alpha-HCH, and dacthal. In low latitudes, snow acts as a transfer medium taking up chemicals from air and releasing them to water or soil during snowmelt. In high latitudes, snow and ice shield water, soil, and vegetation from chemical deposition. In the model version including snow and ice (scenario 2), the mass of chemicals in soil in high latitudes is between 27% (HCB) and 97% (alpha-HCH) of the mass calculated with the model version without snow and ice (scenario 1). Amounts in Arctic seawater in scenario 2 are 8% (alpha-HCH) to 21% (dacthal) of the amounts obtained in scenario 1. For all investigated chemicals except alpha-HCH, presence of snow and ice in the model increases the concentration in air by a factor of 2 (HCB)to 10 (PBDE209). Because of reduced net deposition to snow-covered surfaces in high latitudes, LRT to the Arctic is reduced for most chemicals whereas transport to the south is more pronounced than in scenario 1 ("southward shift"). The presence of snow and ice thus considerably changes the environmental fate of SOCs.  相似文献   

Air mass origin as determined by back trajectories often aids in explaining some of the short-term variability in the atmospheric concentrations of semivolatile organic contaminants. Airsheds, constructed by amalgamating large numbers of back trajectories, capture average air mass origins over longer time periods and thus have found use in interpreting air concentrations obtained by passive air samplers. To explore some of their key characteristics, airsheds for 54 locations on Earth were constructed and compared for roundness, seasonality, and interannual variability. To avoid the so-called "pole problem" and to simplify the calculation of roundness, a "geodesic grid" was used to bin the back-trajectory end points. Departures from roundness were seen to occur at all latitudes and to correlate significantly with local slope but no strong relationship between latitude and roundness was revealed. Seasonality and interannual variability vary widely enough to imply that static models of transport are not sufficient to describe the proximity of an area to potential sources of contaminants. For interpreting an air measurement an airshed should be generated specifically for the deployment time of the sampler, especially when investigating long-term trends. Samples taken in a single season may not represent the average annual atmosphere, and samples taken in linear, as opposed to round, airsheds may not represent the average atmosphere in the area. Simple methods are proposed to ascertain the significance of an airshed or individual cell. It is recommended that when establishing potential contaminant source regions only end points with departure heights of less than ~700 m be considered.  相似文献   

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