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A key question to address in the development of oxygen isotope ratios in phosphate (δ(18)O(p)) as a tracer of biogeochemical cycling of phosphorus in ancient and modern environments is the nature of isotopic signatures associated with uptake and cycling of mineral-bound phosphate by microorganisms. Here, we present experimental results aimed at understanding the biotic and abiotic pathways of P cycling during biological uptake of phosphate sorbed to ferrihydrite and the selective uptake of sedimentary phosphate phases by Escherichia coli and Marinobacter aquaeolei. Results indicate that a significant fraction of ferrihydrite-bound phosphate is biologically available. The fraction of phosphate taken up by E. coli attained an equilibrium isotopic composition in a short time (<50 h) due to efficient O-isotope exchange (between O in PO(4) and O in water; that is, actual breaking and reforming of P-O bonds) (biotic pathway). The difference in isotopic composition between newly equilibrated aqueous and residual sorbed phosphate groups promoted the ion exchange (analogous to isotopic mixing) of intact phosphate ions (abiotic pathway) so that this difference gradually became negligible. In sediment containing different P phases, E. coli extracted loosely sorbed phosphate first, whereas M. aquaeolei preferred Fe-oxide-bound phosphate. The presence of bacteria always imprinted a biotic isotopic signature on the P phase that was taken up and cycled. For example, the δ(18)O(p) value of loosely sorbed phosphate shifted gradually toward equilibrium isotopic composition. The δ(18)O(p) value of Fe-oxide-bound phosphate, however, showed only slight changes initially but, when new Fe-oxides were formed, coprecipitated/occluded phosphate retained δ(18)O values of the aqueous phosphate at the time of formation of new Fe oxides. Concentrations and isotopic compositions of authigenic and detrital phosphates did not change, suggesting that these phosphate phases were not utilized by bacteria. These findings support burgeoning applications of δ(18)O(p) as a tracer of phosphorus cycling in sediments, soils, and aquatic environments and as an indicator of paleo- environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the ligand-enhanced sorption of uranyl ions (1-12 μM) on α-alumina colloids suspended in (and pre-equilibrated with) solutions at various concentrations of phosphate ions (P(T) = 0-900 μM). A highly sensitive technique, time resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS), was used to examine the chemical speciation of uranyl sorbed at trace concentrations (0.4-4 μmol U·g?1). The suspensions with P(T) ≥ 100 μM exhibited high uranyl adsorption, and a very high intensity of fluorescence that increased with the sorbed amounts of phosphate and uranyl. These samples exhibited similar spectral and temporal characteristics of fluorescence emission, evidencing a uniform speciation pattern and a single coordination environment for sorbed U, despite large variation in parameters such as aqueous uranyl speciation, U loading, and extent of coverage of alumina by secondary Al phosphates precipitating on the surface. The results pointed formation of surface precipitates of uranyl phosphates, which are characterized by high quantum yield, peak maxima at positions similar to those of U(VI) phosphate minerals and four lifetimes indicating distortions, in-homogeneities or varying number of water molecules in the lattice. The findings have major implications for our understanding of the mechanisms of immobilization of U at trace levels on surfaces of oxides submitted to phosphated solutions in soils with low pH.  相似文献   

Bromate is a contaminant of commercially produced solutions of sodium hypochlorite used for disinfection of drinking water. However, no methodical approach has been carried out in U.S. drinking waters to determine the impact of such contamination on drinking water quality. This study utilized a recently developed method for quantitation of bromate down to 0.05 microg/L to determine the concentration of bromate present in finished waters that had been chlorinated using hypochlorite. Forty treatment plants throughout the United States using hypochlorite in the disinfection step were selected and the levels of bromate in the water both prior to and following the addition of hypochlorite were measured. The levels of bromate in the hypochlorite feedstock were also measured and together with the dosage information provided by the plants and the amount of free chlorine in the feedstock, it was possible to calculate the theoretical level of bromate that would be imparted to the water. A mass balance was performed to compare the level of bromate in finished drinking water samples to that found in the corresponding hypochlorite solution used for treatment. Additional confirmation of the source of elevated bromate levels was provided by monitoring for an increase in the level of chlorate, a co-contaminant of hypochlorite, atthe same point in the treatment plant where bromate was elevated. This study showed that bromate in hypochlorite-treated finished waters varies across the United States based on the source of the chemical feedstock, which can add as much as 3 microg/L bromate into drinking water. Although this is within the current negotiated industry standard that allows up to 50% of the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for bromate in drinking water to be contributed by hypochlorite, it would be a challenge to meet a tighter standard. Given that distribution costs encourage utilities to purchase chemical feedstocks from local suppliers, utilities in certain regions of the United States may be put at a distinct disadvantage if future lower regulations on bromate levels in finished drinking water are put into place. Moreover, with these contaminant levels it would be almost impossible to lower the maximum permissible contribution to bromate in finished water from hypochlorite to 10% of the MCL, which is the norm for other treatment chemicals. Until this issue is resolved, it will be difficult to justify a lowering of the bromate MCL from its current level of 10 to 5 microg/L or lower.  相似文献   

Concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in surface waters are being regulated in the United States and European Union. Human activity has raised the concentrations of these nutrients, leading to eutrophication of inland waters, which causes nuisance growth of algae and other aquatic plants. Control of phosphorus often has had the highest priority because of its presumed leading role in limiting development of aquatic plant biomass. Experimental evidence shows, however, that nitrogen is equally likely to limit growth of algae and aquatic plants in inland waters, and that additions of both nutrients cause substantially more algal growth than either added alone. A dual control strategy for N and P will reduce transport of anthropogenic nitrogen through drainage networks to aquatic ecosystems that may be nitrogen limited. Control of total phosphorus in effluents is feasible and is increasingly being required by regulations. The control strategy for nitrogen in effluents is more difficult, but could be made more feasible by recognition that a substantial portion of dissolved organic nitrogen is not bioavailable; regulation should focus on bioavailable N (nitrate, ammonium, and some dissolved organic nitrogen) rather than total N. Regulation of both N and P also is essential for nonpoint sources.  相似文献   

Data from 8 experiments involving 39 diverse dietary treatments and 162 Holstein cows were used to derive equations that estimate manure excretion of P by lactating dairy cows. Within an experiment, diets were formulated to have similar P concentrations and to meet or slightly exceed standard recommendations for P. The data were generated from total collection digestion trials. The only sources of supplemental P used were dicalcium phosphate and monosodium phosphate. The concentration of dietary P ranged from 0.34 to 0.45% of dry matter (DM). Cows varied in milk production (8 to 59 kg/d), DM intake (12.4 to 30.5 kg/d), and P intake (45 to 133 g/d). Apparent digestibility of P averaged 40.4%, fecal output of P averaged 47 g/d, and apparent P retention averaged 4 g/d. Two equations were derived to estimate excretion of P via manure (g/d): 1) Manure P = -2.5 + 0.64 x P intake, and 2) Manure P = 7.5 + 0.78 x P intake - 0.702 x Milk; where P intake is in g/d and milk is kg/d. Both equations were evaluated using literature data, and both equations had acceptable accuracy for field use. The requirements for P of lactating dairy cows from the National Research Council (NRC) were also evaluated, and for most diets, those requirements were adequate based on retention of P.  相似文献   

Aging may coincide with a declining gustatory function that can affect dietary intake and ultimately have negative health consequences. Taste loss is caused by physiological changes and worsened by events often associated with aging, such as polypharmacy and chronic disease. The most pronounced increase in elderly people's detection threshold has been observed for sour and bitter tastes, but their perception of salty, sweet, and umami tastes also seems to decline with age. It has often been suggested that elderly people who lose their sense of taste may eat less food or choose stronger flavors, but the literature has revealed a more complicated picture: taste loss does not appear to make elderly people prefer stronger flavors, but nutrition surveys have pointed to a greater consumption of sweet and salty foods.

Real-life eating habits thus seem to be more influenced by other, social and psychological factors. Elderly gustatory function is worth investigating to identify dietary strategies that can prevent the consequences of unhealthy eating habits in the elderly.

This paper discusses age-related changes in taste perception, focusing on their consequences on food preferences, and pointing to some strategies for preserving appropriate dietary habits in elderly people.  相似文献   

Due to their relatively low solubility, lead-phosphate minerals may control Pb solution levels at a low value in natural environments. We reportthe solubility of Pb from two lead-orthophosphate mineral suspensions (beta-Pb9(PO4)6 and PbHPO4) after aging for 3 years. Lead (Pb2+) activity in the aged suspensions was compared to the activity calculated using the Ksp values of various Pb-PO4 minerals reported in the literature. We also determine the time-dependent dissolution of the aged lead-phosphate minerals by organic and inorganic ligands containing S-functional groups (cysteine, methionine, and thiosulfate) and by a soil extracted humic acid. We find the activity of Pb2+ in the aged lead-phosphate suspensions to be 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than predicted by the Ksp values reported in the literature. Disagreement between measured and Ksp-calculated activities has been reported in other investigations of Pb-PO4 minerals; we compiled some of the data and present them together with our results. Furthermore, the time-dependent dissolution experiments indicate that, in most cases, lead phosphates are partly dissolved in the presence of soluble ligands, i.e., model sulfides and humic acid. The soil-extracted humic acid enhanced the dissolution of Pb from the high pH (7.2) lead-phosphate (beta-Pb9(PO4)6) mineral while suppressing Pb dissolution from the low pH (3.8) lead-phosphate (PbHPO4) mineral. While the low molecularweight sulfur-containing ligands enhanced Pb dissolution, their effect was less pronounced. We conclude that (i) nonequilibrium conditions prevail in the mineral suspensions even after 3 years of aging; and (ii) soluble ligands present in soils, sediments, and natural waters can potentially dissolve Pb from lead-phosphate minerals; such ligands, then, may enhance the biological availability and mobility of Pb in the environment.  相似文献   

Millions of people worldwide are affected by As (arsenic) contaminated groundwater. Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides sorb As efficiently and are therefore used in water purification filters. Commercial filters containing abiogenic Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides (GEH) showed varying As removal, and it was unclear whether Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria influenced filter efficiency. We found up to 10(7) Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria/g dry-weight in GEH-filters and determined the performance of filter material in the presence and absence of Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria. GEH-material sorbed 1.7 mmol As(V)/g Fe and was ~8 times more efficient than biogenic Fe(III) minerals that sorbed only 208.3 μmol As(V)/g Fe. This was also ~5 times more efficient than a 10:1-mixture of GEH-material and biogenic Fe(III) minerals that bound 322.6 μmol As(V)/g Fe. Coprecipitation of As(V) with biogenic Fe(III) minerals removed 343.0 μmol As(V)/g Fe, while As removal by coprecipitation with biogenic minerals in the presence of GEH-material was slightly less efficient as GEH-material only and yielded 1.5 mmol As(V)/g Fe. The present study thus suggests that the formation of biogenic Fe(III) minerals lowers rather than increases As removal efficiency of the filters probably due to the repulsion of the negatively charged arsenate by the negatively charged biogenic minerals. For this reason we recommend excluding microorganisms from filters (e.g., by activated carbon filters) to maintain their high As removal capacity.  相似文献   

Registering a veterinary medicinal product (VMP) in the European Union requires assessing its potential to contaminate surface waters (SW) on a European scale. VMP are spread to land in manure or excreted during grazing and may enter SW through runoff, erosion, or leaching. Since the factors driving these processes vary largely across Europe, it is necessary to identify characteristic conditions, so-called scenarios, under which VMP enter SW. These scenarios may guide the parameterization of mechanistic fate models to predict environmental concentrations for environmental risk assessment. A number of such scenarios for pesticides and VMP have been developed rather pragmatically. Here, we describe how a geo-referenced European database of driving factors was used to divide the European environment into groups with similar conditions for SW contamination by VMP. Out of these groups, relevant exposure scenarios in Europe were selected by a simple scoring system. Comparing these to the existing scenarios showed that a number of situations are not well covered. The newly identified scenarios are primarily located in hilly areas of Central Europe and the Mediterranean, and in Eastern European plains with a continental climate. We recommend that they are included in the technical guidelines for higher-tier assessment of VMP.  相似文献   

Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) has become a well-established process and is currently applied in many full-scale wastewater treatment processes. Phosphorus recovered from EBPR waste sludge can be used as a raw material for the fertilizer industry, if a sound recycling strategy is developed and applied. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge on phosphate metabolism in bacteria, focusing on molecular mechanisms of bacterial polyphosphate (polyP) accumulation. A simple method for releasing polyP from EBPR waste sludge and recovering phosphorus in a reusable form for the fertilizer industry is presented. We also describe a recent development of bioprocesses for the expanded use of polyP in the production of value-added chemicals.  相似文献   

Azole fungicides: occurrence and fate in wastewater and surface waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mode of action of azole compounds implies a potential to affect endocrine systems of different organisms and is reason for environmental concern. The occurrence and fate of nine agricultural azole fungicides, some of them also used as biocides, and four azole pharmaceuticals were studied in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and lakes in Switzerland. Two pharmaceuticals (fluconazole, clotrimazole, 10-110 ng L(-1)) and two biocides (propiconazole, tebuconazole, 1-30 ng L(-1)) were consistently observed in WWTP influents. Loads determined in untreated and treated wastewater indicated thatfluconazole, propiconazole, and tebuconazole were largely unaffected by wastewater treatment, but clotrimazole was effectively eliminated (> 80%). Incubation studies with activated sludge showed no degradation for fluconazole and clotrimazole within 24 h, but strong sorption of clotrimazole to activated sludge. Slow degradation and some sorption were observed for tebuconazole and propiconazole (degradation half-lives, 2-3 d). In lakes, fluconazole, propiconazole, and tebuconazole were detected at low nanogram-per-liter levels. Concentrations of the pharmaceutical fluconazole correlated with the expected contamination by domestic wastewater, but not those of the biocides. Per capita loads of propiconazole and tebuconazole in lakes suggested additional inputs; for example, from agricultural use or urban runoff rainwater.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the interaction between phosphate and goethite includes ternary adsorption/ surface precipitation as well as surface complexformation. The ternary adsorption/surface precipitation process envisioned involves the dissolution of the goethite crystal and subsequent adsorption of iron on the surface-bound phosphate. Further evidence to support the suggested process is needed. The process was investigated using two approaches. First, the sorption of iron spiked into a slurry of phosphated goethite and the effect of the iron sorption on phosphate uptake kinetics were investigated to determine whether iron would be adsorbed on the phosphated surface and whether it would enhance phosphate adsorption. Lead was also spiked into solution for comparison. Second, changes in the xi-potential of phosphated goethite were monitored with time. Adsorption of iron on the surface of phosphated goethite should increase the xi-potential of the goethite. Iron spiked into a phosphated goethite slurry was adsorbed on the solid with a concurrent adsorption of phosphate. The iron adsorption did not change the slow phosphate adsorption kinetics. Lead spiked into the solution was also sorbed but to a lesser extent than iron and with a lower apparent P:Pb mole ratio. Lead addition also changed the phosphate adsorption kinetics. With time, the xi-potential of phosphated goethite became more positive, returning almost to the potential of unphosphated goethite at low surface coverages. The slow increase in xi-potential over time indicates that long-term reactions are occurring on the goethite surface, most likely involving the dissolution of goethite to release iron and the subsequent reaction between the iron and surface-bound phosphate. These results provide strong support for the surface precipitation model, and are inconsistent with models envisioning the reaction between phosphate and the goethite surface as involving only monolayer surface complex formation.  相似文献   

Nicotine is extensively metabolized in the human body to a number of compounds, which may enter natural waters via discharge of domestic wastewater. However, little is known on exposure of and potential effects on the aquatic environment. In this study, two major urinary metabolites, cotinine and 3'-hydroxycotinine, as well as a further tobacco alkaloid, N-formylnornicotine, were measured in wastewater and water from Swiss lakes using an analytical procedure based on SPE and LC-MS/MS SRM with cotinine-d3 as internal standard (LOQs, 1.0-1.5 ng/L). Typical concentrations of cotinine and 3'-hydroxycotinine were approximately 1-10 microg/L in untreated wastewater, but clearly less in treated wastewater (approximately 0.01-0.6 microg/L), corresponding to elimination efficiencies of 90-99%. N-Formylnornicotine, however,was found at similar concentrations in untreated and treated wastewater (0.02-0.15 microg/L). Its apparent persistence during wastewater treatment was further confirmed by incubation experiments with activated sludge. In lakes, cotinine, 3'-hydroxycotinine, and N-formylnornicotine were detected at concentrations up to 15, 80, and 6 ng/L, respectively. Concentrations in lakes correlated with the expected anthropogenic burden by domestic wastewater (ratio population per water throughflow), demonstrating the suitability of these nicotine derivatives as hydrophilic, anthropogenic markers. In small receiving waters with significant wastewater discharges, concentrations of a few hundred ng/L may be expected. Possible ecotoxicological risks associated with such environmental concentrations, can, however, not be assessed at present as data on effects on aquatic organisms are very limited, in particular on long-term effects.  相似文献   

Unraveling the kinetics of calcium orthophosphate (Ca-P) precipitation and dissolution is important for our understanding of the transformation and mobility of dissolved phosphate species in soils. Here we use an in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) coupled with a fluid reaction cell to study the interaction of phosphate-bearing solutions with calcite surfaces. We observe that the mineral surface-induced formation of Ca-P phases is initiated with the aggregation of clusters leading to the nucleation and subsequent growth of Ca-P phases on calcite, at various pH values and ionic strengths relevant to soil solution conditions. A significant decrease in the dissolved phosphate concentration occurs due to the promoted nucleation of Ca-P phases on calcite surfaces at elevated phosphate concentrations and more significantly at high salt concentrations. Also, kinetic data analyses show that low concentrations of citrate caused an increase in the nucleation rate of Ca-P phases. However, at higher concentrations of citrate, nucleation acceleration was reversed with much longer induction times to form Ca-P nuclei. These results demonstrate that the nucleation-modifying properties of small organic molecules may be scaled up to analyze Ca-P dissolution-precipitation processes that are mediated by a more complex soil environment. This in situ observation, albeit preliminary, may contribute to an improved understanding of the fate of dissolved phosphate species in diverse soil systems.  相似文献   

Forced heat loss from body surface reduces heat flow to body surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heat stress is commonly relieved by forced evaporation from body surfaces. The mode of heat stress relief by heat extraction from the periphery is not clear, although it reduces rectal temperature. Radiant surface temperature (Ts) of the right half of the body surface was examined by thermovision in 4 lactating Holstein cows (30 kg of milk/d) during 7 repeated cycles of forced evaporation created by 30 s of wetting followed by 4.5 min of forced airflow. Wetting was performed by an array of sprinklers (0.76 m3/h), and forced airflow (>3 m/s velocity) over the right side of the body surface was produced by fans mounted at a height of 3 m above the ground. Sprinkling wetted the hind legs, rump, and chest, but not the lower abdomen side, front legs, or neck. The animals were maintained in shade at an air temperature of 28°C and relative humidity of 47%. Coat thickness was 1 to 2 mm, so Ts closely represented skin temperature. Mean Ts of 5 × 20 cm areas on the upper and lower hind and front legs, rump, chest, abdomen side, and neck were obtained by converting to temperature their respective gray intensity in single frames obtained at 10-s intervals. Little change occurred in Ts during the first wetting (0.1 ± 0.6°C), but it decreased rapidly thereafter (1.6 ± 0.6°C in the fifth wetting). The Ts also decreased, to a smaller extent, in areas that remained dry (0.7 ± 1.0°C). In all body sites, a plateau in Ts was reached by 2 min after wetting. The difference between dry and wet areas in the first cooling cycle was approximately 1.2°C. The Ts of different body areas decreased during consecutive cooling cycles and reached a plateau by 3 cooling cycles in dry sites (front leg, neck, abdomen side), by 5 cooling cycles in the hind leg, and 7 cooling cycles in the rump and chest. The reduction in mean Ts produced by 7 cycles was 4.0 to 6.0°C in wetted areas and 1.6 to 3.7°C in sites that were not wetted. Initial rectal temperature was 38.9 ± 0.1°C; it remained unchanged during first 5 cooling cycles, decreased by 0.1°C after 7 cooling cycles, and decreased to 38.4 ± 0.06°C after 8 to 10 cooling cycles, with no additional subsequent decrease. The concomitant reduction in Ts in dry and wet areas suggests an immediate vasoconstrictor response associated with heat extraction and later development of a cooler body shell. The reduction in rectal temperature represents a response involving transfer of heat from the body core to the body shell. This response mode requires consideration in settings of heat stress relief.  相似文献   

The transport and discharge of ship ballast water has been recognized as a major vector for the introduction of invasive species. Chemical oxidants, long used in drinking water and wastewater treatment, are alternative treatment methods for the control of invasive species currently being tested for use on ships. One concern when a ballasted vessel arrives in port is the adverse effects of residual oxidant in the treated water. The most common oxidants include chlorine (HOCl/OCl-), bromine (HOBr/OBr-), ozone (03), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), chlorine dioxide (ClO2), and monochloramine (NH2Cl). The present study was undertaken to evaluate the sunlight-mediated photochemical decomposition of these oxidants. Sunlight photodecomposition was measured at various pH using either distilled water or oligotrophic Gulf Stream water for specific oxidants. For selected oxidants, quantum yields at specific wavelengths were obtained. An environmental photochemical model, GCSOLAR, also provided predictions of the fate (sunlight photolysis half-lives) of HOCI/OCl-, HOBr/OBr-, ClO2, and NH2Cl for two different seasons at latitude 40 degrees and in water with two different concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic matter. These data are useful in assessing the environmental fate of ballast water treatment oxidants if they were to be discharged in port.  相似文献   

Two hundred forty-eight retail "ready-to-eat" foodstuffs in eight food categories and 134 waters categorized into nine types were analyzed for the presence of the Burkholderia cepacia complex of organisms. Of these, 14 of 26 (53.8%) samples of raw unpasteurized bovine milk were positive for this organism. Consumption of raw unpasteurized milk may therefore act as a potential source of infection with this organism, which is of particular concern for patients with cystic fibrosis, where colonization and infection with this organism can lead to a fatal necrotizing pneumonia and premature death. In addition to the associated risk of infection from fecal pathogens, patients with cystic fibrosis should therefore avoid the consumption of raw unpasteurized milk to minimize the risk of becoming infected with this organism.  相似文献   

Rangeland grazing as a source of steroid hormones to surface waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cattle and other livestock excrete endogenous steroid hormones, including estrogens, androgens, and progestins; therefore, allowing grazing livestock direct access to surface waters can result in the release of steroids in agricultural watersheds. Elevated concentrations of steroids are problematic because low concentrations of certain steroids can affect fish reproduction. To assess the occurrence and transport of steroids arising from grazing cattle, gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) was used to quantify a suite of estrogens, androgens, and progestins in small creeks impacted by rangeland grazing. Steroids were detected in 86% of samples from rangeland creeks where cattle had direct access to the water, with concentrations as high as 44 ng/L observed shortly after rain events at the beginning of the winter wet season. Estrogens were present at concentrations above the predicted no-effect concentrations for fish in 10-20% of the samples, and androstenedione was detected at concentrations higher than response thresholds for pheromonal communication in fish. The results suggest that, in certain cases, measures such as stream fencing in rangeland areas to limit direct discharge of animal wastes to surface waters or better manure management practices might be merited to protect ecosystem health.  相似文献   

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