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大规模定制是未来产品制造的发展方向,以低成本快速响应客户的个性化需求是定制产品设计的关键。以往对定制产品设计的研究缺少从个性化需求到产品参数的流程化设计指导方法,无法从定制产品个性化的客户需求出发,快速地关联设计目标并指导产品参数的设计。为此,提出了基于RIR-MOO (relative importance ratings and multi-objective optimization,相对重要性等级-多目标优化)的定制产品优化设计方法,从客户需求出发,将关键需求映射到相关的设计目标,再通过多目标优化(multi-objective optimization,MOO)方法快速求解产品参数,实现定制产品的快速响应和优化设计。首先,针对模糊、动态变化的客户需求,利用加权区间粗糙集分析方法对客户需求进行客观分析,排除争议性大的模糊需求,同时计算不同客户需求的相对权重,得到其相对重要性等级(relative importance ratings,RIR);然后,提出一种基于转换矩阵的客户需求与设计目标关联的方法,根据关键需求与设计目标的关联度以及关键需求的RIR,对关键需求与设计目标进行匹配,实现关键需求到设计目标的转换;最后,基于MOO方法对设计目标对应的产品参数进行优化设计,实现约束条件下定制产品的多目标优化。以汽车发动机活塞机构优化设计为例,对基于RIR-MOO的优化设计方法的可行性进行验证。结果表明,所提出的方法可以快速响应定制产品的客户需求并指导其优化设计,可为定制化产品制造企业提供指导。  相似文献   

目的 探索数智时代下创意服务设计产业应用于智能交互产品创新的模式机制与路径。方法 阐述创意服务产业时代的内涵与特征,梳理数字时代智能交互产品的创意服务需求,并从产品的品质创新需求、创新绩效提升需求和经济价值转化路径优化需求三个视角剖析创意服务设计模式的创新策略。结果 提出“多元设计大数据创新-智能生成式设计工具优化-利益相关者协同设计平台重构”三段式创意服务设计模式,并结合案例进行分析。结论 通过对创意服务设计的数据资源创新、设计工具的智能优化和协同创新的价值链重构,可有效提升智能交互产品设计结果的输出品质和数量,优化设计迭代周期,实现设计驱动的产品价值创新绩效和经济价值效益的双向提升。通过对知识生产力要素进行数智化整合重构,构建全链设计要素集成的智能辅助设计工具体系,提升设计师群体的创新能力,从而为社会经济价值提升带来强劲的可持续创新设计新动力。  相似文献   

先进设计技术平台与包装机械虚拟样机   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的研究先进设计技术平台的构成、包装机械虚拟样机的开发过程。方法采用先进设计技术与工具,规划平台建设方案,建设数字设计、数字仿真、数字测量、数字制造等4个模块构成的先进设计技术平台,制定设计型教学实践项目7个、综合型教学实践项目4个、自主型教学实践项目3个。结合实际研究课题,以打包机上砖装置为例,通过方案设计与3D建模,虚拟样机机构与运动建模,虚拟样机仿真求解,虚拟样机仿真优化等4个步骤,完成虚拟样机开发,并投入实际生产。结果先进设计技术平台在数字设计与仿真、数字测量与制造等2个方面能有效地支持教学和科研。结论平台能够训练研究生掌握先进设计技术与工具,培养其产品创新思维和创新能力。虚拟样机是促进产品创新的有效技术与方法,能提高产品开发质量、缩短产品开发周期。  相似文献   

Tougher competitive situations have led to increasing attention being paid to customer satisfaction, of which timely and customized services are the key concepts. As the product life cycle becomes shortened, high product quality becomes necessary for survival. Markets become highly diversified and global, and continuous and unexpected change become the key factors for success. The need for a method of rapidly and cost-effectively developing products, production facilities and supporting software, including design, process planning and shop floor control system has led to the concept of agile manufacturing. Agile manufacturing can be defined as the capability to survive and prosper in a competitive environment of continuous and unpredictable change by reacting quickly and effectively to changing markets, driven by customer-designed products and services. This article details the key concepts and enablers of agile manufacturing. The key enablers of agile manufacturing include: (i) virtual enterprise formation tools/metrics; (ii) physically distributed manufacturing architecture and teams; (iii) rapid partnership formation tools/metrics; (iv) concurrent engineering; (v) integrated product/production/business information system; (vi) rapid prototyping tools; and (vii) electronic commerce. A conceptual framework for the development of an agile manufacturing system and future research directions are presented in this paper. This framework takes into account the customization and system integration with the help of business process redesign, legal issues, concurrent engineering, computer-integrated manufacturing, cost management, total quality management and information technology.  相似文献   

In recent years, a variety of Internet-based systems has been developed for the purpose of Rapid One-of-a-Kind or customized Product Development (ROKPD). They can be applied in different stages of the product development process such as to rapidly capture customer requirements, and help produce high-quality products at low cost and short lead-time. Many of the systems, however, do not support rapid adaptation or dynamic reconfiguration of systems and tools for supporting ROKPD in a distributed manufacturing environment. To the authors’ knowledge, the infrastructure of such a reconfigurable platform for supporting distributed manufacturing has never been directly studied. This paper proposes an Internet-based reconfigurable ROKP platform that has been prototyped to serve as a substrate for integrating innovative tools and systems for One-of-a-Kind Production (OKP) companies in New Zealand. The main emphasis of this paper is to investigate how to build the Internet-based reconfigurable ROKPD platform and to design appropriate intelligent tools and systems for the purpose of rapidly and economically producing OKP products in the global environment. A number of recent developments are discussed, including the four open-domain infrastructure of the ROKPD platform, Internet-based data management systems, an integrated product data environment and a cost/lead time control tool.  相似文献   

目的以人为本的人工智能作为一种独特的设计材料正成为智能产品设计的新关注点,也带来了全新的挑战。分析人本人工智能背景下的智能产品设计特点,总结人本智能产品设计的现状并预测其发展趋势,能够对智能产品设计的未来发展提供参考。方法分析机器思维与设计思维的差异,以阐述人本人工智能背景下智能产品设计的特点。从设计方法和设计工具两个层面总结目前的研究现状,梳理以人为中心的智能产品设计的发展脉络。结论智能产品设计正逐渐从技术驱动转向以人为本,逐步整合机器思维与设计思维。然而,目前针对人工智能技术的设计方法和设计工具仍相对较少,智能产品的设计实践迫切需要符合人工智能技术特性的设计教育、设计方法与工具,以弥合机器思维与设计思维的差异。  相似文献   

滕健  万福成 《包装工程》2017,38(14):219-223
目的探求以增强现实技术为基础的移动端产品展示APP设计模式。方法从用户体验和产品虚拟视觉信息设计两方面展开研究。结果结合家电产品展示APP开发案例,在移动设备环境下,利用增强现实开发工具设计了增强现实产品展示系统。结论虚拟现实技术为移动展示设计提供了一种用户体验更好的展示形式,能够将虚拟的产品数字化模型和真实环境结合起来;也为产品设计企业提供了可用性更高的展示系统平台,并且为虚拟展示系统的设计提供了新思路和方向。  相似文献   

目的 实现新一代信息技术背景下传统铝门窗幕墙型材加工行业的转型升级,以应对复杂型材加工制造存在的成本高、工序繁多等诸多挑战。方法 根据型材加工工艺流程及该行业定制化生产的特点,提出一种涵盖网上下单、订单自动处理、机床智能加工生产的复杂型材智能加工制造系统架构,重点针对自主开发的门窗幕墙型材一站式加工智能机床,研发出一套复杂型材智能加工制造系统。结果 研究了加工信息数字化模型、工艺数据库等关键技术。通过工艺数据库的构建,实现了自动编程系统的搭建。结合Web Service与XML技术,研发出订单自助处理系统、机床智能操作管理系统及其与ERP系统的集成互连,打通了生产各环节之间的技术壁垒,形成了复杂型材一体化加工工艺。结论 实际测试表明,经复杂型材智能加工制造系统一体化制造的复杂型材从接受订单到产品加工完成只需40分钟,大幅提高了生产效率和产品质量,降低了加工成本。本研究为复杂型材智能加工及其他传统制造行业的转型升级提供了有益的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

唐真 《包装工程》2019,40(10):52-58
目的发现目前包装设计感性与理性结合的研究困境,探寻包装设计评估的初步发展设想。方法回顾国内外包装设计评估的研究进展以及最新成果。结论包装设计评估的研究内容主要侧重于包装设计的情感交互设计、绿色可持续设计、智能包装设计三方面。最新成果体现在多感官体验研究、生态环境保护、智能包装的技术研发以及新研究方法的应用。然而,包装设计评估研究始终面临难题,包括理论与方法的难题、技术的局限性等问题。针对当前研究中所存在的问题提出初步的设想及解决方法,包括进行理论创新,增加虚拟数字化包装设计的交互体验真实度,利用智能包装的新材料。  相似文献   

目的 对智能系统与产品的时代特点及其用户体验测量方法进行分析,为用户体验测量方法提供新的技术研究思路。方法 以用户为中心的设计理论为基础,通过描述智能时代的系统与产品创新设计的用户体验特点、标准及需求,介绍了融合新技术特征的智能系统或产品在各领域的用户体验研究,突出创新设计驱动的以人为本思想,同时分析了产品全生命周期人机交互过程需求,介绍了一种新的基于多通道数据同步技术的定量化、客观的用户体验测量方法的功能及应用。结论 智能时代的产品与系统在体现智能技术主导的同时,也强调产品全生命周期的用户体验与融合先进技术的测量方法结合,促进了用户体验研究测量方法的革新,提升了系统或产品的社会需求价值,对实现用户体验战略化具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

 满足功效需求的计算机辅助产品开发过程使得提供新的集成软件产品成为必需.然而,由于对产品开发来说不可少的CAE工具缺乏兼容性和集成度,因此出现了很大的问题.利用虚拟产品开发的概念启发了新的思路,可以消除现今CAE应用中普遍存在的缺陷.以一个汽车制造和机械制造配件供应公司里“技术计算”参与部门的开发过程为例,描述了用以优化开发过程且改善与用户之间数字通信的一种方式.  相似文献   

The growing complexity in product design and manufacturing processes has made virtual prototyping an important new approach that enhances products and process development. Considering the ergonomic issues evident in product lifecycles, digital human modelling (DHM) is adopted for virtual simulation and proactive evaluation. A motion generation from semantics (MGS) system is proposed in this research. The MGS system features include virtual prototyping, natural language instruction, a method time measurement (MTM) translator and motion generator. The system was implemented using product lifecycle management (PLM) software and validated in an automotive manufacturing company. The practice of intuitively generating manual operations and conducting virtual simulations enables the system planners to quickly respond to manufacturing process changes and recursively improve the tooling and process design flexibility and efficiency.  相似文献   

 为满足客户化和全球竞争的需求,企业要实现大规模定制(mass customization,MC).基于公共产品平台的产品族设计是实现大规模定制的一种有效方式,而平台规划是面向产品族设计方法学的核心内容,也是目前研究中的一个热点问题.基于模型参数的平台设计是其方法之一.针对基于一系列标准可变参数的产品平台,用优化方法对产品平台参数进行规划,以满足各种客户需求.该规划方法无需事先人为指定,而是在满足客户需求的前提下,尽可能提高产品族中设计变量的共性,从而确定最好的产品平台的公共参数及其最优值,以及个性参数及其变化值,并以带式输送机为例验证了该方法.  相似文献   

“5G”时代背景下,推动老年人数字化产品服务设计的创新发展已成为迫切的需要。研究论述了“互联网+”平台下老年人数字化产品服务设计遵循的原则与老年人数字化产品发展的趋势和前景。通过分析传统产品设计行业中关于老年人产品设计的设计原则和方向,总结了当今老年人数字化产品存在的缺乏针对性和创新服务设计的问题。并且在老年人感官感觉特征、生理行为特征和心理情感特征的基础上,研究了老年手机等案例,分析并论述了老年人数字化产品服务设计的原则。以老年人数字化产品服务设计为例,探讨了“互联网+”模式下,针对特定群体的数字化产品服务设计应遵循的简洁性、易用性、安全性和可靠性基本原则,综合“互联网+”平台、产品服务设计、数字信息技术等创新平台与技术,为促进老年人数字化产品的发展提供了设计策略和参考。  相似文献   

The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and cyber–physical systems (CPSs) has paved the way for the increasing popularity of smart products. Context-awareness is an important facet of product smartness. Unlike artifacts, various bio-systems are naturally characterized by their extraordinary context-awareness. Biologically inspired design (BID) is one of the most commonly employed design strategies. However, few studies have examined the BID of context-aware smart products to date. This paper presents a structured design framework to support the BID of context-aware smart products. The meaning of context-awareness is defined from the perspective of product design. The framework is developed based on the theoretical foundations of the situated function–behavior–structure ontology. A structured design process is prescribed to leverage various biological inspirations in order to support different conceptual design activities, such as problem formulation, structure reformulation, behavior reformulation, and function reformulation. Some existing design methods and emerging design tools are incorporated into the framework. A case study is presented to showcase how this framework can be followed to redesign a robot vacuum cleaner and make it more context-aware.  相似文献   

智能制造是我国近年来大力倡导的重点发展方向之一。随着智能制造试点的不断建立、发展和完善,数字孪生技术逐步得到应用。基于此,以五轴加工中心智能生产线为例,对数字孪生技术的应用情况进行总结。基于数字孪生技术,按1∶1的比例构建五轴加工中心智能生产线上实体设备的数字模型并配置对应的物理属性,使得数字模型具有与实体设备相同的动作状态。然后,对数字模型进行信号点设置并与外部控制信号进行映射与连接,实现对建成前五轴加工中心智能生产线的虚拟调试,并通过不断迭代获得最优的建设方案。实践结果表明,利用数字孪生可实现智能生产线组合、调试和生产的虚拟仿真;基于数字孪生的虚拟仿真功能,可实现产品物理属性参数和设计精准度的可视化展示,使得产品在设计阶段就能通过适应性验证,实现快速更新;在智能生产线建成后,利用数字孪生可实现对生产线上实体设备的管理及其工作状态的实时监控,以更好地了解各设备的运行状态。综上,数字孪生技术贯穿了智能生产线的全生命周期,可在智能制造领域推广应用。  相似文献   

Over recent years, various virtual prototyping technologies have been developed to innovate apparel industry. For each step of the garment design process one can find dedicated tools (from body acquisition to garment modelling and simulation) with the aim of making the process easier and faster. However, most of them are based on expensive solutions both for hardware and software systems. In this paper, we focus the attention on the first step of the made-to-measure garment design, i.e. customer’s measures acquisition. We present a plug-in, named Tailor Tracking, which permits to get the measurements by interacting with the customer’s avatar using hands as in the traditional way. Tailor Tracking has been developed using low cost devices, such as Microsoft Kinect sensor, Leap motion device and Oculus Rift, and open source libraries, such as Visualisation Toolkit (VTK) and Qt. The proposed approach is based on the use of multiple Kinect v2 to simultaneously acquire both customer’s body and motion. This permits to emulate the customer’s postures required to take the correct measurements. In addition, a virtual measuring tape is made available to replicate the one commonly used by the tailor. A men shirt has been considered as case study and a tailor and 14 people with no skills in garment design and different levels of experience in virtual reality technology have been involved to preliminary test Tailor tracking. Finally, tests as well as results reached so far are presented and discussed. Results have been considered quite good; however, some critical measures have been identified as well as future developments. Anyway, Tailor Tracking can represent an alternative solution to the existing approaches that automatically extract anthropometric measures from the customer’s avatar.  相似文献   

目的 对元宇宙时代下的数字内容设计(“元”设计)进行了研究与展望。方法 以“元”设计的概念为基础,从“元”设计的特点、价值、内容、关键技术及未来的研究前景等方面,对“元”设计的发展进行了探讨。结果 总结了“元”设计为设计工具迭代、商业模式发展、行业融合趋势等带来的影响。结论 在梳理“元”设计发展模式的基础上,进一步解析了“元”设计的本质并探索了“元”设计的发展方向;“元”设计新思维利用多种新技术的融合发展,让数字内容设计变得更加高效便捷;“元”设计的发展将加强虚实场景的融合,促进基础设施的升级并推动商业模式的迭代。  相似文献   

银宇堃  陈洪  赵海英 《包装工程》2020,41(6):252-261
目的随着科技手段的进步,设计与人工智能的结合受到广泛关注。尤其在数字需求越发庞大的今天,面向智能化且用户体验更舒适的设计显得更为重要。本文通过分析人工智能对艺术设计的影响,论证在理念与工具创新的促进下,人工智能与艺术设计的结合可以为未来的艺术设计提供更为智能化、风格化和商业化的发展途径。方法通过研究人工智能与艺术设计的共通点与差异性,探寻人工智能与艺术设计的结合点,并以人工智能在颜色和风格两个设计要素中的应用作为实例,分析智能化设计带来的新型设计模式。结论人工智能对艺术设计的影响不仅仅表现在艺术设计工具的优化、设计效率的提高;同时还使得艺术设计方式更加多样化,促使艺术设计理念在新技术的影响下得到新突破。论文的应用案例进一步印证了未来人工智能与设计结合的无限可能。  相似文献   

Quality function deployment proposes to take into account the “voice of the customer,” through a list of customer needs, which are (qualitatively) mapped to technical requirements in House One. But customers do not perceive products in this space and do not make purchase decisions in this space. Marketing specialists use statistical models to map between a simpler space of customer perceptions and the long and detailed list of needs. For automobiles, for example, the main axes in perceptual space might be categories such as luxury, performance, sport, and utility. A product's position on these few axes determines the detailed customer requirements consistent with the automobile's position such as interior volume, gauges and accessories, seating type, fuel economy, door height, horsepower, interior noise level, seating capacity, paint colors, trim, and so forth. Statistical models such as factor analysis and principal components analysis are used to describe the mapping between these spaces, which we call House Zero. Furthermore, utility functions used to determine market share are auxiliary functions that are often based in perceptual space. Conjoint analysis is often used to capture the product preference and potential market share. This research draws from the formal mapping concepts developed by Nam Suh and the qualitative maps of quality function deployment, to present unified information and mapping paradigm for concurrent product/process design. We call this approach the virtual integrated design method that is tested upon data from a business design problem.  相似文献   

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