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The zebrafish pineal gland plays a fundamental role in the regulation of the circadian rhythm through the melatonin secretion. The pinealocytes, also called photoreceptive cells, are considered the morphofunctional unit of pineal gland. In literature, the anatomical features, the cellular characteristics, and the pinealocytes morphology of zebrafish pineal gland have not been previously described in detail. Therefore, this study was undertaken to analyze the structure and ultrastructure, as well as the immunohistochemical profile of the zebrafish pineal gland with particular reference to the pinealocytes. Here, we demonstrated, using RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy, the expression of the mRNA for rhodopsin in the pineal gland of zebrafish, as well as its cellular localization exclusively in the pinealocytes of adult zebrafish. Moreover, the ultrastructural observations demonstrated that the pinealocytes were constituted by an outer segment with numerous lamellar membranes, an inner segment with many mitochondria, and a basal pole with the synapses. Our results taken together demonstrated a central role of zebrafish pinealocytes in the control of pineal gland functions.  相似文献   

The S100 protein in nervous tissue appears to play important roles in regulating neuronal differentiation, glial proliferation, plasticity, development, axonal growth, and in neurogenetic processes. In fish, the adult neurogenic activity is much higher than in mammals. In this study, the localization of S100 protein was investigated in the brain of annual teleost fish, Nothobranchius furzeri, which is an emerging model organism for aging research. By immunohistochemical techniques, S100 immunoreactivity (IR) was detected in glial cells, small neurons, and fibers throughout all regions of central nervous system (CNS) with different pattern of distribution. In the telencephalon, S100 IR was seen in the olfactory bulbs and in different areas of the telencephalic hemispheres. In the diencephalon, S100 positivity was observed in the habenular nuclei of the epithalamus, in the cortical thalamic nucleus, in the dorsal, ventral and caudal portions, the latter with the posterior recessus nucleus, and in the diffuse inferior lobe of the hypothalamus, along the diencephalic ventricle and in the dorsal optic tract. In the mesencephalon, S100 IR was observed in the longitudinal tori, in the optic tectum, and along the mesencephalic ventricle. In the rhombencephalon, S100 IR was shown in valvula and body of the cerebellum, and in some nuclei of the medulla oblongata. The results suggest that S100 may play a key role in the maintenance of the CNS and in neurogenesis processes in the adulthood.  相似文献   

Although in recent years there has been intensification in the use of nanoparticles (NPs) for the production of many commercial products, few studies have been carried out to assess the risks associated with its use. Among the most used NPs, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have a preponderant position as they have various applications. In this study, 40 adult zebrafish were exposed to increasing concentrations of AgNPs (8, 45, and 70 μg/L) for 30 days to evaluate the effects on eyes after chronic exposure to AgNPs with an average diameter of 50 nm. From the morphological and ultrastructural analysis performed, no alteration or lesions of the corneal epithelium were detected.  相似文献   

The Orthopteran central nervous system has proved a fertile substrate for combined morphological and physiological studies of identified neurons. Electron microscopy reveals two major types of synaptic contacts between nerve fibres: chemical synapses (which predominate) and electrotonic (gap) junctions. The chemical synapses are characterized by a structural asymmetry between the pre- and postsynaptic electron dense paramembranous structures. The postsynaptic paramembranous density defines the extent of a synaptic contact that varies according to synaptic type and location in single identified neurons. Synaptic bars are the most prominent presynaptic element at both monadic and dyadic (divergent) synapses. These are associated with small electron lucent synaptic vesicles in neurons that are cholinergic or glutamatergic (round vesicles) or GABAergic (pleomorphic vesicles). Dense core vesicles of different sizes are indicative of the presence of peptide or amine transmitters. Synapses are mostly found on small-diameter neuropilar branches and the number of synaptic contacts constituting a single physiological synapse ranges from a few tens to several thousand depending on the neurones involved. Some principles of synaptic circuitry can be deduced from the analysis of highly ordered brain neuropiles. With the light microscope, synaptic location can be inferred from the distribution of the presynaptic protein synapsin I. In the ventral nerve cord, identified neurons that are components of circuits subserving known behaviours, have been studied using electrophysiology in combination with light and electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry of neuroactive compounds. This has allowed the synaptic distribution of the major classes of neurone in the ventral nerve cord to be analysed within a functional context.  相似文献   

The mud crab, Scylla olivacea, is one of the most economically valuable marine species in Southeast Asian countries. However, commercial cultivation is disadvantaged by reduced reproductive capacity in captivity. Therefore, an understanding of the general and detailed anatomy of central nervous system (CNS) is required before investigating the distribution and functions of neurotransmitters, neurohormones, and other biomolecules, involved with reproduction. We found that the anatomical structure of the brain is similar to other crabs. However, the ventral nerve cord (VNC) is unlike other caridian and dendrobrachiate decapods, as the subesophageal (SEG), thoracic and abdominal ganglia are fused, due to the reduction of abdominal segments and the tail. Neurons in clusters within the CNS varied in sizes, and we found that there were five distinct size classes (i.e., very small globuli, small, medium, large, and giant). Clusters in the brain and SEG contained mainly very small globuli and small‐sized neurons, whereas, the VNC contained small‐, medium‐, large‐, and giant‐sized neurons. We postulate that the different sized neurons are involved in different functions. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:189–200, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

TRPV4 is a nonselective cation channel that belongs to the vanilloid (V) subfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels. While TRP channels have been found to be involved in sensing temperature, light, pressure, and chemical stimuli, TPRV4 is believed to be primarily a mechanosensor although it can also respond to warm temperatures, acidic pH, and several chemical compounds. In zebrafish, the expression of trpv4 has been studied during embryonic development, whereas its pattern of TPRV4 expression during the adult life has not been thoroughly analyzed. In this study, the occurrence of TRPV4 was addressed in the zebrafish sensory organs at the mRNA (RT-PCR) and protein (Westernblot) levels. Once the occurrence of TRPV4 was demonstrated, the TRPV4 positive cells were identified by using immunohistochemistry. TPRV4 was detected in mantle and sensory cells of neuromasts, in a subpopulation of hair sensory cells in the macula and in the cristae ampullaris of the inner ear, in sensory cells in the taste buds, in crypt neurons and ciliated sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium, and in cells of the retina. These results demonstrate the presence of TRPV4 in all sensory organs of adult zebrafish and are consistent with the multiple physiological functions suspected for TRPV4 in mammals (mechanosensation, hearing, and temperature sensing), but furthermore suggest potential roles in olfaction and vision in zebrafish.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are involved in sensing mechanical/physical stimuli such as temperature, light, pressure, as well as chemical stimuli. Some TRP channels are present in the vertebrate retina, and the occurrence of the multifunctional channel TRP vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) has been reported in adult zebrafish. Here, we investigate the expression and distribution of TRPV4 in the retina of zebrafish during development using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Western blot, and immunohistochemistry from 3 days post fertilization (dpf) until 100 dpf. TRPV4 was detected at the mRNA and protein levels in the eye of zebrafish at all ages sampled. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of TRPV4 in a population of the retinal cells identified as amacrine cells on the basis of their morphology and localization within the retina, as well as the co-localization of TRPV4 with calretinin. TRPV4 was first (3 dpf) found in the soma of cells localized in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers, and thereafter (10 dpf) also in the inner plexiform layer. The adult pattern of TRPV4 expression was achieved by 40 dpf the expression being restricted to the soma of some cells in the inner nuclear layer and ganglion cell layers. These data demonstrate the occurrence and developmental changes in the expression and localization of TRPV4 in the retina of zebrafish, and suggest a role of TRPV4 in the visual processing.  相似文献   

Cellular composition of the adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) optic tectal cortex was examined in this study. Morphological techniques such as 1 μm thick serial plastic sections stained with osmium tetroxide and toluidine blue, modified rapid Golgi silver impregnation, GFAP immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used. Neuronal and glial components are described and the layers of the cortex are revisited. Specific neuronal arrangements as well as unique glial/ependymal cells are described. A three dimensional rendering of the astrocytic fiber arrangement in the marginal zone is presented and a composite drawing summarizes the cellular composition of the optic tectum.  相似文献   

This review attempts to give a comprehensive overview of ovarian innervation, considering the whole nervous system and its different levels that may modify the ovarian function. The connection between the ovary and the central nervous system through the autonomic pathways, including the peripheral ganglia, is highlighted. The evidence obtained over the last years highlights the role of the superior ovarian nerve (SON) in the ovarian phenomena. Besides, the effect on the ovary of conventional neurotransmitters and others such as indolamines and peptides, which have been found in this organ, are discussed. Various reproductive diseases have been studied almost exclusively from the endocrine point of view. It is evident that a better knowledge about the role of the neural factors involved in the ovarian physiology may facilitate the understanding of some of these. A review of the concepts and an update of some experimental designs is made that permits clarifying several aspects of the relationship between the neural system and the ovary. At present, there is no doubt that the innervation of the ovary is involved in several physiological aspects of this gland function. However, the relationship of some levels of the nervous system and the ovary offer a wide avenue for future research.  相似文献   

Classical electron microscopic morphological studies provide detailed ultrastructural information, which may lend insights into cellular functions. As a follow‐up to our morphological investigation of the adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) optic tectum, in this study, we have analyzed the ependymal structures lining the surfaces of the tectal ventricle: the torus, tegmental surface of the valvula cerebelli and the periventricular gray zone of the optic tectal cortex. We used toluidine blue stained plastic (semithin) sections for light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Our morphological findings of gated entrances and/or egresses indicate that, at least in the adult zebrafish brain, there may be a bidirectional direct flow communication between the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid and the parenchymal interstitial fluid.  相似文献   

The presence and distribution of FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) in the cyprid larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite were investigated using immunohistochemical methods. Barnacles are considered to be one of the most important constituents of animal fouling communities, and the cyprid stage is specialized for settlement and metamorphosis in to the sessile adult condition. FLPs immunoreactive (IR) neuronal cell bodies were detected in both the central and the peripheral nervous system. One bilateral group of neurons somata was immunodetected in the brain, and IR nerve fibers were observed in the neuropil area and optic lobes. Intense immunostaining was also observed in the frontal filament complex: frontal filament tracts leaving the optic lobes and projecting towards the compound eyes, swollen nerve endings in the frontal filament vesicles, and thin nerve endings in the external frontal filament. Thin IR nerve fibers were also present in the cement glands. Two pairs of neuronal cell bodies were immunodetected in the posterior ganglion; some of their axons appear to project to the cirri. FLPs IR neuronal cell bodies were also localized in the wall of the dilated midgut and in the narrow hindgut; their processes surround the gut wall and allow gut neurons to synapse with one another. Our data demonstrated the presence of FLPs IR substances in the barnacle cyprid. We hypothesize that these peptides act as integrators in the central nervous system, perform neuromuscular functions for thoracic limbs, trigger intestinal movements and, at the level of the frontal filament, play a neurosecretory role.  相似文献   

This paper describes a block silver impregnation technique for the CNS. The procedure, which is quite simple, yields highly consistent and reproducible results. After fixation during 6–10 days in 10% saline formaldehyde, 4 mm thick blocks of brain are treated with chromic anhydride and sodium potassium tartrate solution for 4 days. After this period the specimens are rinsed in 0.75% silver nitrate solution to which 8–10 drops of pyridine per 100 ml of solution have been added. This is followed by impregnation for 4 days at 37°C in silver nitrate-pyridine solution identical to that used in the previous rinsing step. The impregnated blocks are reduced during 20–26 h in 1% pyrogallol to which 6 ml commercial formaldehyde per 100 ml of solution have been added, followed by dehydration in dioxan and paraffin embedding. Sections no thicker than 30 μm are then cut for histological study. This fundamentally neurofibrillar method reveals: (a) neuronal somata and their processes; (b) synaptic structures; (c) fibre bundles; and (d) cell nuclei and nucleoli.  相似文献   

Age-dependent changes in the nervous and endocrine control of the thymus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The immune system, especially the thymus, undergoes age-related modifications leading to structural and functional changes in the lymphoid organs and immunocompetent cells. Nevertheless, the consequences of thymic involution in the peripheral pool of T-cells are still a matter of controversy. The control of the thymic function is very complex and involves intrathymic signals, the autonomic nervous system, and the endocrine system. Both thymocytes and thymic stromal cells express receptors for a wide range of hormones, as well as for neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, thus affecting thymocytes maturation. This review summarizes the age-dependent variations in the extrathymic components of the thymic microenvironment, i.e., vegetative nerves and hormones, and the possible effects of those changes in the immune function.  相似文献   

Remarkable transitions were found in atomic-scale friction-images of the NaF(100) surface and the corresponding sticking-domain distribution by detailed investigation of the load dependence using the two-dimensional frictional force microscope. The tip-position map reveals a new type of sticking-domain distribution pattern, which is different from the simple lattice periodicity.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of the Ca(2+)-modulated protein, S100A11, was investigated in the renal cell line LLC-PK1 by immunofluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy under varying experimental conditions. In control cells, S100A11 was detected on the plasma membrane, where the protein co-localized with annexin I (ANXA1) at discrete sites, and found diffusely in the cytoplasm. Elevation of the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration by means of the Ca(2+) ionophore, ionomycin, caused a significant fraction of S100A11 to associate with vimentin intermediate filament (IF)-bound S100B, another member of the S100 protein family. Under these conditions, ANXA1 underwent a quite different kind of relocation. Translocation of S100A11 onto vimentin IF-bound S100B was also observed upon activation of protein kinase C (PKC). Under these conditions, S100A11 appeared to associate directly with vimentin IFs at cell sites displaying low or no abundance of S100B such as cell processes, and, again, S100A11 and ANXA1 underwent a different relocation. Our data suggest the possibility that the intracellular Ca(2+) level might regulate the subcellular localization of S100A11 and its interaction with definite target proteins, and that S100A11 might serve the function of modulating S100B activities. Interestingly, in spite of the known ability of S100A11 to form heterotetramers with ANXA1, the two proteins underwent a different relocation on elevation of the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration or activation of PKC, pointing to different regulatory activities of individual proteins in renal cells.  相似文献   

当前,西门子PLC已在风洞控制系统中得到了广泛应用,但新一代的PLC S7-1500与S7-1200并没有很多应用案例。S7-1500 PLC作为西门子新的旗舰产品,性能卓越;S7-1200PLC单机可对4轴进行高速脉冲控制。S7-1500与S7-1200之间通过PROFINET通信,实时性更好,抗干扰性更强。同时,风洞控制系统还采用了西门子的G150变频器和V90伺服系统,使得整个控制系统更加统一。该文通过介绍一个新的风洞控制系统设计方案,介绍了S7-1500与S7-1200以及V90的实际应用,为以后的风洞控制系统设计以及S7-1500与S7-1200的实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

21世纪被认为是基因工程的世纪,而结构和功能蛋白的表达是基因工程的重要内容。本文简要概述了重组蛋白表达系统即原核细胞表达系统、真核细胞表达系统和无细胞表达系统的特点和优缺点,以及重组蛋白表达系统在水产养殖中的应用概况。  相似文献   

21世纪被认为是基因工程的世纪,而结构和功能蛋白的表达是基因工程的重要内容。本文简要概述了重组蛋白表达系统即原核细胞表达系统、真核细胞表达系统和无细胞表达系统的特点和优缺点,以及重组蛋白表达系统在水产养殖中的应用概况。  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography (PET) has become an important tool to study the central nervous system. Examples of such studies are cerebral blood flow and metabolism and determination of receptor characteristics of the brain. In the following the basic principles and the physics behind PET are given. Different aspects are discussed such as detector design, image reconstructions and data analyses. Since quantification is essential in PET, data have to be corrected for absorption, scatter and random coincidences. These corrections and their influence on image data are discussed. A review of state-of-the-art PET research of the brain is given.  相似文献   

The use of antisera directed against conjugates of histamine and serotonin has revealed the locations of neurons labeling for these transmitters in the nervous system of barnacles. Photoreceptors label for histamine but not serotonin and also satisfy a number of other criteria indicating that histamine is their neurotransmitter. Photoreceptors also take up radioactively labeled histamine but not serotonin. Within the barnacle's brain no somata are consistently found that label with antiserum against histamine, but one to three pairs of small cells, depending on species, label with antiserum against serotonin. The most impressive serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the brain, however, is in a pair of large fibers ascending through the circumesophageal connectives and ramifying extensively. Within the ventral ganglion, the only other ganglion in the barnacle, ten pairs of cells label with antiserum against histamine. These neurons are confined to the posterior portion of the ganglion but ramify extensively throughout the ganglion. Antiserum against serotonin labels about 15 cell pairs, depending on species, located throughout the ganglion. The positions of the arbors of many of these cells suggest that these amines have a role in modulating either the motor pathways underlying feeding or the visual pathways responsible for the detection of shadows.  相似文献   

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