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The Y1−xYbx/2Gdx/2Ba2Cu3O7−y superconducting samples for x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 were prepared by using the solid-state reaction technique. Resistivity measurements of the samples were performed in QD–PPMS system under different magnetic fields up to 5 T in zero fields cooling regime. Using the resistivity data, the upper critical magnetic field Hc2(0) at T = 0 K for 50% of Rn was calculated by the extrapolation Hc2(T) to the temperature T = 0 K. The coherence length in T = 0 K were calculated from Hc2(0) and the effects of x in the composition on both the coherence length and the upper critical magnetic field were examined. The results showed that Hc2(0) varied from 84.05 to 122.26 T with the content x. The upper critical magnetic field in the temperature T = 0 K slightly decreased with increasing the content x. Using the content x, the upper critical magnetic field can be controlled and this can be used in the superconductivity applications.  相似文献   

The superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−x samples were prepared by an Arc-Cast-Annealing (ACA) and Arc-Quench-Powder-Growth (AQPG) processes as modifications of QMG and MPMG techniques. Pe'lets of YBa7Cu3O7−x were quenched by arc-casting in a water cooled copper mould and then the solidified rods were annealed at different temperatures and times to store the superconductivity. Annealed at an appropriate temperature the cast rods showed rising superconducting properties with increasing the annealing time. Some of the rods after solidification were crushed to give powder which was compacted and then subjected to a melt growth process. As a result of this processing, large grained textured YBCO superconductors with dispersed 211 inclusions in the superconducting grains were produced. The microstructure and physical properties of these ACA and AQPG samples were investigated when subject to various temperature cycles. It was found that the volume fraction and size distribution of the second phase inclusions were dependent upon the maximum temperature during the melt growth process. The critical current density (Jc) for ACA and AQPG samples was estimated from magnetization loops using Bean's critical state model. It was found that the value of Jc of AQPG sample was much higher than that of ACA sample.  相似文献   

The structure and magnetic properties of the Pr1−xGdxMn2Ge2 (0.0≤x≤1.0) compounds have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements. All compounds crystallize in the ThCr2Si2-type structure with the space group I4/mmm. The lattice constants and the unit cell volume obey Vegard’s law. Samples in this alloy system exhibit a crossover from ferromagnetic ordering for PrMn2Ge2 to antiferromagnetic ordering for GdMn2Ge2 as a function of Gd concentration x. At low temperatures, the rare earth sublattice also orders and reconfigures the ordering in the Mn sublattice. The results are summarized in the xT magnetic phase diagram.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric properties of Sn1−xyTiy SbxO2 ceramics were investigated in detail. The addition of Sb into SnO2 matrix increased the electric conductivity, σ. The increase in the σ value should be caused by the increase in the carrier concentration. The Seebeck coefficients of all the samples were negative, which means that these samples have n-type conduction. The samples of this study have porous structure. The maximum Z value of all the samples measured in this study was 2.4 × 10−5 K−1.  相似文献   

Magnetic refrigeration, an emerging new technology for cooling and gas liquefaction, needs magnetic materials with specific thermomagnetic behavior. Depending on the thermodynamic cycle selected, the isothermal magnetic entropy change or the adiabatic temperature change upon field application needs to be a preselected function of temperature. In double perovskite Ba2CrMo1−xWxO6 (x = 0, 0.2 and 0.5) prepared by the sol–gel method, the experimental results show the observation of a large magnetocaloric effect (MCE) near the Curie temperature TC which decreases with the increasing of the substitution of Mo by W. The maximum of the magnetic entropy change peaks at the magnetic ordering temperature TC, and a large magnetic entropy change (|ΔSM| ≈ 1.6 J kg−1 K−1) is obtained at 285 K in the sample Ba2CrMo0.5W0.5O6 under an applied magnetic field of 10 kOe.  相似文献   

A new pyrochlore solid solution with formula Bi1.5Sb1.5Cu1−xMnxO7 has been synthesized using ceramic method at 1000 °C. The cell parameter decreases linearly with increasing manganese concentration. Rietveld refinements for (B1.5Mn0.5)(Sb1.5Mn0.5)O7 compound using X-ray powder diffraction data confirmed an overall A2B2O7 cubic pyrochlore structure with a = 10.42749 (4) Å and Fd-3m symmetry. The reliability factors are Rwp = 3.48%; Rp = 2.37%; Rexp = 1.65% and RBragg = 1.58%. The magnetic susceptibility measurements achieved between 4 and 300 K indicate a paramagnetic behaviour with an oxidation state “2+” of the manganese ion. The electric resistance measured using complex impedance spectroscopy method put in evidence a decrease of the electric resistance with the temperature, which reached 5 × 102 Ω at 675 K. Dielectric properties depend on the variation of frequency and temperature, results indicate a conductive compound.  相似文献   

Single-phase compounds Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 (x=0.0110.034) have been synthesized. Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 crystallises in a monoclinic lattice with space group P21/c, and the crystal structure is refined by the Rietveld technique based on X-ray powder diffraction data. Thermomagnetic analysis indicates that the Curie temperature of the compounds ranges from 517 K to 538 K. The saturation magnetizations of the Gd3(Fe1−xTix)29 (x=0.011, 0.022, 0.034) at 1.5 K are 103.6, 102.0 and 94.3 Am2/kg, and the anisotropy fields at 1.5 K are 6.0, 6.2 and 6.4T, respectively.  相似文献   

Composites with ferromagnetic nanoparticles, Fe and Fe50Ni50, dispersed in Al2O3 have been synthesized by a solution phase technique. The structure and magnetic properties of these composites with varying fractions of Al2O3 have been investigated. Both Fe and Fe50Ni50 nanoparticles are amorphous in the as-prepared state and become crystalline on heat treating with near equilibrium lattice parameters of 0.287 nm and 0.358 nm respectively. The interparticle distance increases with increasing Al2O3 from 0 wt.% to 20 wt.%. The size of Fe nanoparticles is 40 nm while the Fe50Ni50 nanoparticles are 20 nm in size. The Fe and Fe50Ni50 nanoparticles dispersed composites are found to be ferromagnetic at room temperature both in the as-prepared and heat treated conditions with clear coercive fields of 5.5–35 × 103 A m−1. The saturation magnetization increases by orders of magnitude on heat treatment, for e.g. from <1.0 emu g−1 to 143.4 emu g−1 for Fe–15 wt.% Al2O3 and 95.6 emu g−1 for Fe50Ni50–15 wt.% Al2O3. The Fe-composites exhibit a Curie transition at 1000 K while the Fe50Ni50 composites exhibit a transition at 880 K, both temperatures close to bulk values.  相似文献   

The structure and magnetic properties of Nd1−xYxMn2Ge2 (0.0≤x≤0.6) were studied by X-ray powder diffraction and magnetization measurements. All compounds crystallize in the ThCr2Si2-type structure with space group I4/mmm. Substitution of Y for Mn led to a linear decrease in the lattice constants and the unit cell volume. Increasing substitution of Y for Nd in NdMn2Ge2 shows a depression of ferromagnetic ordering and the gradual development of antiferromagnetic ordering.  相似文献   

The PrBa2−xSrxCu3Oδ solid solution was investigated by means of X-ray powder diffraction in combination with Rietveld analysis. The Sr-doped Pr123 single phase could be synthesized at 950 °C in air. The solubility of PrBa2−xSrxCu3Oδ solid solution is 0.2≤x≤0.6. The structure of PrBa2−xSrxCu3Oδ is orthorhombic for x=0.2. The structure transforms into tetragonal for 0.3≤x≤0.6. In the PrBa2−xSrxCu3Oδ structure, Sr ions can replace Ba ions, the highest value is x=0.6 under our experimental condition. But Sr ions could not replace Pr ions. Furthermore Pr ions could not occupy the sites of Ba ions in the PrBa2−xSrxCu3Oδ system. Both ionic radii and chemical properties play an important role in the mutual substitution of Pr, Ba and Sr ions in the Pr123 structure of the PrBa2−xSrxCu3Oδ system.  相似文献   

The structural, electrical transport and magnetic properties have been studied for compounds: La1−xSrxFe1−xMnxO3 (0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.7). The lattice parameter, a, first decreases with x, and followed by an increase when Sr2+ and Mn4+ was continuously doped. The cell parameters, b and c, slightly decrease with coupled substitution of Sr2+ for La3+ and Mn4+ for Fe3+. In the paramagnetic temperature range, formation of magnetic clusters is suggested; the sizes of clusters decrease with x up to 0.5, following that they increase sharply with continuing doping. The electrical behaviors of all specimens demonstrate insulators and the electrical resistivity increases with content of Mn4+ and Sr2+ ions doped. A variable range hopping model is suitable to describe electrical transport process for the compounds at low temperature. At high temperature the electrical transport process can be described by bipolaron model for all compounds.  相似文献   

The effects of BaZrO3 addition on the thermal behavior and microstructure of YBCO superconductors have been investigated. The differential thermal analysis indicates that the peritectic decomposition temperature of YBCO precursor powder is not change when BaZrO3 is doped. The solidification temperature of YBCO changes with increasing of BaZrO3 addition, thus the window of solidification temperature is affected. The results of scanning electron microscopy show that the BaZrO3 particles are accumulated along the growth boundary, which result in the constitutional segregation of YBCO. The pushing–trapping theory is used to explain the phenomenon of segregation in the YBCO matrix.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric Nd2(Fe1−xCox)14B alloys (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1) have been disproportionated into NdH2+δ and bcc–(Fe,Co) (0≤x≤0.75) or fcc–Co (x=1), respectively, by milling in hydrogen at enhanced temperatures. Reactive milling leads to the disproportionation of the thermodynamically very stable Nd2Co14B alloy. This reaction is not possible via the conventional hydrogenation disproportionation desorption and recombination (HDDR) process. Grain sizes of disproportionated and recombined Nd2(Fe,Co)14B materials were found to be <10 nm and 40–50 nm, respectively — approximately an order of magnitude smaller than those of conventional-HDDR processed alloys. The recombined Nd2Co14B alloy shows on average slightly smaller grain sizes than the Nd2Fe14B compound. A more effective exchange coupling leading to enhanced remanences, possibly due to the slightly smaller grain size, has been observed for Nd2Co14B powders recombined at 600–700°C.  相似文献   

Solid aluminum hydride, AlH3, has been proposed and studied for applications in hydrogen storage. In some samples, a comparatively narrow feature in the proton NMR spectrum is observed; we demonstrate here that this peak is due to molecular hydrogen (H2) trapped within the solid, presumably from earlier processing procedures or partial decomposition. Static and magic-angle spinning NMR show that the responsible species is highly mobile, even at 11 K. Neutron-energy-gain spectra obtained at 3.5 K yield a feature at or near the free-rotor H2 energy difference between the J = 1 and J = 0 states. Both NMR and neutron scattering demonstrate orthopara conversion at low temperatures. Similar NMR signatures in other hydrogen-storage solids such as NaAlH4 may also be due to trapped H2.  相似文献   

To clarify the existence of metastable phases in the ZrO2–CeO2–CeO1.5 system, evolved-oxygen gas analyses, (EGA), by heating a single phase of t′ and t″ (Ce(1−x)ZrxO2) with various compositions, x, in a reducing gas and successive oxidation were carried out repeatedly. The oxygen release behaviour of the t′ and t″ phases was very complicated. The single κ phases, (Ce(1−x)ZrxO2) with the composition, x=0.5 and 0.6, which were obtained by oxidizing the resulting pyrochlore as a precursor in O2 gas at 873 K, exhibited a sharp oxygen release at the lowest temperature; the composition range of κ phase may be x=0.450.65. A new tetragonal phase t*, (Ce(1−x)ZrxO2), which was attained by cyclic redox process together with annealing in O2 gas at 1323 or 1423 K, exhibited a sharp oxygen release at the highest temperature; the composition range of t* phase may be as wide as x=0.200.65. A metastable solid solution expressed by a chemical formula of Ce(8−4y)Zr4yO(14−δ) (y=01) possessing a CaF2-related structure appeared on deoxidation of the t* phase. A ternary phase diagram containing the t* and Ce(8−4y)Zr4yO(14−δ) solid solution was proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents preparation, optical absorption and photoluminescence properties of luminescent materials consisting of Ln2−xTbx(WO4)3 [where Ln = Gd(III) or La(III)] incorporated into silica xerogel. Photoluminescence behaviour of the salt in the rigid matrix was studied by the luminescence spectroscopy. The excitation spectra of the system Ln2−xTbx(WO4)3 show an intense broad band with a maximum placed at about 240 nm. This band is attributed to ligand–metal charge transfer (LMCT) inside the tungstate group. On the other hand, Tb3+ ion exhibits its characteristic emission in the material. Owing to energy transfer from the excited tungstate groups to the Tb3+ ions the emission intensity is improved. The energy transfer from WO42− group to Tb(III) ion is particularly effective for such dopants as Gd0.4Tb1.6(WO4)3 or La0.8Tb1.2(WO4)3 incorporated into SiO2 xerogel. Concentration of the emission quenchers such as water molecules and OH groups was reduced by thermal treatment. The high emission intensity and easy preparation of these systems make them potential candidates for application as luminescent materials.  相似文献   

Copper–zinc ferrites bearing chemical formula Cu1−xZnxFe2O4 for x ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 with the step increment of 0.2 were prepared by the standard solid-state technique. The variation of Zn substitution has a significant effect on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties. Lattice parameters ‘a’ increased from 8.370 to 8.520 Å. Dielectric constant decreased up to 311 with the increase in frequency from 80 Hz to 1 MHz at room temperature. All the samples follow the Maxwell–Wagner's interfacial polarization. Saturation magnetization, magnetic moment and Yafet–Kittel angles were also determined. The possible reasons responsible for the change in density related, electrical and magnetic properties with the increase in Zn concentration are undertaken.  相似文献   

Cubic Zr1−xYbxWMoO8−x/2 (x = 0–0.05) ceramic was first fabricated by a polymorphous precursor transition method. X-ray diffraction experiment indicates that samples with x ≤ 0.05 are single phase solid solution. The measured bulk density, microstructure, maximal compression strength and Young's modulus are obviously sensitive to Yb substitution level, while none of such sensitivity was found for the lattice parameters, negative thermal expansion coefficients and Vickers hardness. Drilling tests on Zr0.96Yb0.04WMoO7.98 ceramic indicate good machinability, which is often required for quality and shape control in engineering applications.  相似文献   

Investigations of phase relations in the Ba-rich part of the In2O3–BaO(CO2)–CuO pseudo-ternary system at 900 °C have revealed the existence of new indium–copper oxycarbonate – Ba4In0.8Cu1.6(CO3)0.6O6.2. Rietveld refinement of the X-ray powder diffraction data combined with infrared studies gives evidence that this phase is a oxycarbonate crystallising in the tetragonal structure (space group I4/mmm) with unit cell parameters: a=4.0349(1) Å and c=29.8408(15) Å. In the binary part of the In2O3–BaO(CO2) system we have identified the occurrence of Ba4In2−x(CO3)1+xO6−2.5x oxycarbonate solid solution showing a crystal structure also described by I4/mmm space group, but with the unit cell parameters: a=4.1669(1) Å and c=29.3841(11) Å for x=1. The existence range of this phase, −0.153<x<0.4, includes chemical compositions of earlier found phases: Ba5In2+xO8+0.5x with 0≤x≤0.45 (known as the -solid solution), as well as the binary Ba4In2O7 phase. The crystal structures of both new oxycarbonates are isomorphic and related to n=3 member of the Ruddlesden–Popper family.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline bulk samples of double layered manganite system La1.2(Sr1−xCax)1.8Mn2O7 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) were prepared by sol–gel method. After characterizing the samples using XRD and SEM, their electrical, magnetic and elastic properties were investigated. The lattice parameters and cell volume show a monotonous decrease with increase of Ca content, whereas the grain size is found to increase with increasing Ca content. The value of TIM is found to decrease with Ca content up to x = 0.3 and then a slight increase of TIM is observed. The low temperature upturn of resistivity is attributed to the spin-glass-like behavior, which is also evidenced by the irreversibility observed between ZFC and FC magnetizations. The conduction mechanism above TIM can be explained by Mott VRH model. The present magnetization and ultrasonic studies indicate that the system shows a secondary transition at T*, which decreases with increasing Ca content. Further, the T* seems to be intrinsic to the present double layered manganite system.  相似文献   

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