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Drying of shredded coconut is usually carried out commercially in order to facilitate storage over reasonable periods of time and to obtain advantages of reduction of weight and volume in transport and packaging. Fluidised bed drying of materials is generally accepted to be an efficient method of drying. Experiments were carried out to investigate the behaviour of fluidisation of shreddet coconut at various moisture contents. The pressure drop was measured across random packings of shredded coconut. It is seen that shredded coconut does not fluidise easily at moisture contents greater than 0.55 (55 weight percent moisture). It is also seen that fluidisation can be easily achieved by drying shredded coconut to moisture contents between approximately 0.25 to 0.55. The pressure drop characteristics within this region is seen to closely resemble the theoretical behaviour of a fluidised bed. It is also seen that particles of shredded coconut in beds of moisture contents less than 0.25 tend to undergo pneumatic transport if efforts are made to fluidise such beds.  相似文献   


This paper describes a strategy for reducing moisture in paddy by fluidized bed drying, tempering and ambient air cooling. Experimental results showed that after the three processes, moisture content was reduced from 33 % to 16.5 % dry-basis within approximately 53 minutes. During the first process, a fluidized-bed dryer was used to reduce the moisture content of paddy down to 19.5 % dry-basis within 3 minutes. Then the paddy was tempered for 30 minutes. Finally, it was cooled by ambient air (temperature and relative humidity of 30 °C and 55-60% respectively) with air velocity of 0.15 m/s for 20 minutes. Quality of paddy in terms of head rice yield and whiteness was acceptable.  相似文献   


Experimental results of fluidized bed paddy drying using high inlet air temperatures (140 and 150 °C) showed that head rice yield could be increased to a maximum value at a range of paddy final moisture contents of 19 to 22 % wet-basis. In case of reducing moisture content of paddy to lower than 19 % wet-basis, head rice yield of tempered paddy was higher than that of no-tempered one. Initial moisture contents of paddy that could increase head rice yield were in a range of 23 to 31 % wet-basis. As initial moisture content increased head rice yield increased. Whiteness of dried paddy was mostly accepted. However, if tempering temperature was higher than 60 °C, it may cause the problems for trade.  相似文献   

Drying of shredded coconut is usually carried out commercially in order to facilitate storage over reasonable periods of time and to obtain advantages of reduction of weight and volume in transport and packaging. Fluidised bed drying of materials is generally accepted to be an efficient method of drying. Experiments were carried out to investigate the behaviour of fluidisation of shreddet coconut at various moisture contents. The pressure drop was measured across random packings of shredded coconut. It is seen that shredded coconut does not fluidise easily at moisture contents greater than 0.55 (55 weight percent moisture). It is also seen that fluidisation can be easily achieved by drying shredded coconut to moisture contents between approximately 0.25 to 0.55. The pressure drop characteristics within this region is seen to closely resemble the theoretical behaviour of a fluidised bed. It is also seen that particles of shredded coconut in beds of moisture contents less than 0.25 tend to undergo pneumatic transport if efforts are made to fluidise such beds.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to study systematically how to decrease corn moisture content using processes consisting of fluidized bed drying, tempering and ambient air ventilation. Effects of drying, tempering and ventilation on moisture reduction and quality of dried corn in terms of stress crack, breakage and color are experimentally investigated. Experimental results show that stress crack depends on final moisture content of com. Tempering is found useful for increasing the quality of dried com after fluidized bed drying. The optimum tempering time is 40 minutes. Among the ambient air velocity ranging from 0.075 to 0.375 m/s, the appropriate velocity is 0.15 m/s. Final moisture content of com after ambient air ventilation is about 13.0 - 14.5 %(w.b.) with breakage and stress crack lower than 2% and 5% by wt., respectively. Slight change of color of dried corn is observed.  相似文献   

The thermogravimetry (TG) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) were used to study the drying kinetics of the paddy. TG experiments were carried out at different heating rates (1, 3, 10 K/min) to study the drying kinetics. The Activation energy and pre exponential factors from the Arrhenious equation were calculated for the drying curves using ASTM and OZAWA-FLYNN WALL analysis. The results showed that the drying reaction was the second order reaction and the activation energy values changing with the partial mass loss representing that the drying reaction was of complex type of reaction. The isothermal drying curves predicted from the dynamic curves showed reasonably high mass loss occurred at moderate range of temperatures of 60-100°C.  相似文献   

The experimental results of a bed dryer (at Ludhiana) have been analyzed. The experimental results are well predicted by the small scale laboratory experiments on a spouted bed dryer.  相似文献   


Drying of diced carrot in a vibrofluidized bed was studied experimentally for various air temperatures, bed heights and size of the cubes. Effect of a tempering period that mav be implemented into ¦ drying cycle was examined with respect to drying kinetics and energy consumption. Although two stage drying with a tempering period increases the overall drying time, it shortens the drying time in a VFB dryer thus reduces energy consumption  相似文献   

The experimental results of a bed dryer (at Ludhiana) have been analyzed. The experimental results are well predicted by the small scale laboratory experiments on a spouted bed dryer.  相似文献   

Artificial neural network (ANN) models were used for predicting quality changes during osmo-convective drying of blueberries for process optimization. Osmotic drying usually involves treatment of fruits in an osmotic solution of predetermined concentration, temperature and time, and generally affects several associated quality factors such as color, texture, rehydration ratio as well as the finish drying time in a subsequent drier (usually air drying). Multi-layer neural network models with 3 inputs (concentration, osmotic temperature and contact time) were developed to predict 5 outputs: air drying time, color, texture, and rehydration ratio as well as a defined comprehensive index. The optimal configuration of neural network model was obtained by varying the main parameters of ANN: transfer function, learning rule, number of neurons and layers, and learning runs. The predictability of ANN models was compared with that of multiple regression models, confirming that ANN models had much better performance than conventional mathematical models. The prediction matrices and corresponding response curves for main processing properties under various osmotic dehydration conditions were used for searching the optimal processing conditions. The results indicated that it is feasible to use ANN for prediction and optimization of osmo-convective drying for blueberries.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(3-4):507-523
Artificial neural network (ANN) models were used for predicting quality changes during osmo-convective drying of blueberries for process optimization. Osmotic drying usually involves treatment of fruits in an osmotic solution of predetermined concentration, temperature and time, and generally affects several associated quality factors such as color, texture, rehydration ratio as well as the finish drying time in a subsequent drier (usually air drying). Multi-layer neural network models with 3 inputs (concentration, osmotic temperature and contact time) were developed to predict 5 outputs: air drying time, color, texture, and rehydration ratio as well as a defined comprehensive index. The optimal configuration of neural network model was obtained by varying the main parameters of ANN: transfer function, learning rule, number of neurons and layers, and learning runs. The predictability of ANN models was compared with that of multiple regression models, confirming that ANN models had much better performance than conventional mathematical models. The prediction matrices and corresponding response curves for main processing properties under various osmotic dehydration conditions were used for searching the optimal processing conditions. The results indicated that it is feasible to use ANN for prediction and optimization of osmo-convective drying for blueberries.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(8):1891-1908
The objectives of this research were to design, construct and test a prototype of vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer with a capacity of 2.5–5.0 t/h and develop a mathematical model that determines optimum operating parameters. Experimental drying conditions were: air flow rate, 1.7 m3/s; bed velocity, 1.4 m/s; average drying air temperature, 125–140°C; residence time of paddy approximately 1 minute; bed height, 11.5 cm; fraction of air recycled, 0.85 and vibration of intensity, 1 (frequency, 7.3 Hz and amplitude, 5 mm). Moisture content of paddy with a feed rate of 4821 kg/h was reduced from 28 to 23% d.b. Specific primary energy consumption (SPEC) was 6.15 MJ/kg-water evaporated. Electrical power of blower motor and vibration motor was 55% as compared to electrical power of blower motor used in fluidized bed drying without vibration. Comparison between the experimental and simulated results showed that the mathematical model could predict fairly well. To find out optimum operating parameters, the grid search method was employed with criteria based on acceptable moisture reduction and quality and minimum energy consumption.


《Drying Technology》2013,31(8):2019-2032
Particulate materials of high moisture content (suspensions, pulps) can be advantageously dried in the mechanically spouted bed (MSB)-dryer with inert packing. Due to the flow characteristics the partial processes of the inert bed drying (coating, drying, wearing of the dried coat) can be well controlled. The particle size of the product, which is one of the most important quality requirement is controlled e.g. by the wearing time in the inner conveyor screw, that is by its rotation speed and conveying length. However, this latter can be increased only simultaneously with the spouted bed height together with pressure drop increase. To avoid this drawback a modified MSB-dryer was developed. By this way the particle-size can be controlled in vider range, independently from the bed height. The results were demonstrated by drying tests carried out with microwave pretreated potato pulp.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(8):1569-1589
The process of intermittent drying in prolate spheroidal bodies was simulated assuming liquid diffusion to be the sole mass transport process, a constant diffusion coefficient and equilibrium conditions at the surface. The mass diffusion equation in a prolate spheroidal coordinate system was used for a two-dimensional case. Due to the use of a dimensionless coordinate system, a Fourier number for tempering is defined, in order to determine the dimensionless time required to achieve a flat moisture content profile. Assuming that the drying process is stopped only once at a fixed point, the tempering Fourier number was determined for aspect ratios of 1.1, 2.0 and 5.0. Many cases were studied, changing the tempering Fourier and aspect ratio of the body. Focusing on the drying rate, the effect of one, two and four drying passes was studied for different interruption points in the process and aspect ratios of 1.1, 2.0 and 5.0, in all cases using the continuous process as a comparison. From the numerical results it was found that during the tempering process, the drying rate and the final mean moisture content are affected by the tempering Fourier number, multipass drying and geometrical dimensions of the body.  相似文献   


This research investigates several parameters affecting the drying characteristics of chopped spring onion and develops an empirical model for predicting its drying behaviour in a fluidized bed dryer. Experimental results showed that at air temperature of 32 °C and relative humidity of 62 %, the minimum fluidization velocities were approximately 1.36, 1.20, 0.95 and 0.62 m/s at initial moisture contents of 95, 71, 56 and 5% w.b., respectively. Drying air temperature and specific air flow rate were parameters which affected drying rate. Page's model could predict the value closest to the experimental data. The air-product temperature should be kept lower than 53 °C to maintain the acceptable green color of the dried product.  相似文献   

A two-region non-equilibrium model of a two-dimensional spouted bed dryer has been developed. The model, based on heat and mass transfer interactions between the spout and downcomer regions, predicts the air and grain temperatures and moisture content throughout each elementary thin layer of grain in the spouted bed. The model was validated with the experimental results on batch drying of corn. Drying and heating processes are shown to occur in both the spout and downcomer regions. Overall, the agreement between experimental and simulated results is satisfactory.  相似文献   


Experiments were carried out in a solar simulator to study the influence of air temperature (25-40°C), air relative humidity (40-80%), air velocity (0.95-2.2 m/s), radiation intensity (0-916 W/m2), and loading density (10-30 kg/m2) on the drying rate of a bed of cassava chips (2×2×2 cm). Well-known thin-layer drying equations were fitted to the experimental data, and the empirical constants were used in a statistical analysis of the influence of process conditions on the drying rate. The air temperature, air velocity, radiation intensity, and loading density influenced the drying rate significantly (p=0.05). The effects of the air temperature and the radiation intensity were attributed to the temperature-dependent diffusion of moisture within the chips, while the effect of the air velocity was ascribed to the resistance to mass transfer at the air-chip interface. Equations were presented to express the empirical constants as functions of the process variables.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(6):1045-1064
A two-region non-equilibrium model of a two-dimensional spouted bed dryer has been developed. The model, based on heat and mass transfer interactions between the spout and downcomer regions, predicts the air and grain temperatures and moisture content throughout each elementary thin layer of grain in the spouted bed. The model was validated with the experimental results on batch drying of corn. Drying and heating processes are shown to occur in both the spout and downcomer regions. Overall, the agreement between experimental and simulated results is satisfactory.  相似文献   


Squash slices were dried in a laboratory scale vibro-fluidized bed in batch operation. The optimal drying condition and degradation mechanism of β-carotene was investigated. A mathematical model was established to simulate and predict the quality protection. The changes of other tissue parameters, such as appearance and rehydration ability of the dried product, were analyzed and discussed. Tempering-intermittent drying is proved to reduce degradation of β-carotene, shorten drying time, and reduce energy consumption.  相似文献   

以间苯二酚和甲醛为原料, Ca(OH)2为催化剂,经溶胶—凝胶过程得水凝胶 ;以超临界 CO2干燥水凝胶,得到网络间充满气体的固态材料气凝胶,再经高温热解得炭气凝胶。 TEM表征结果显示:气凝胶和炭气凝胶均具有规则的纳米网络结构,网络节点粒径约 10 nm,典型网络孔径小于 50 nm。  相似文献   

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