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《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2002,22(4):415-422
This paper demonstrates that seeding nanocrystalline transition alumina powders is a viable option for producing high quality, alumina-based ceramics. By using α-Al2O3 concentrations of ⩾1.25 wt.% α-Al2O3 seed particles (equivalent to 5 ×1014 seeds/cm3 of γ-Al2O3) the sintering temperature is reduced from 1600°C for unseeded γ-Al2O3 to 1300–1400°C in dry pressed powders. The scale of the sintered microstructure is related to Nv−1/3 and thus a 100-nm grain size is obtained. It is apparent that seeding is necessary for producing dense, alumina-based ceramics from nanocrystalline transition alumina powders. 相似文献
《Catalysis communications》2001,2(11-12):369-374
Platinum and Platinum–tin bimetallic catalysts supported on alumina were prepared by co-impregnation of both metallic precursors on the support and used as catalysts for the oxidation of SO2. Platinum dispersion was determined by means of H2–O2 titration. Tin addition (1 and 2 wt%) only slightly decreased the exposed platinum atoms suggesting that tin is mainly over the support. At temperatures lower than 300 °C, SO2 did not react with oxygen. Nevertheless, when the temperature was increased, the SO2 oxidation began. The ignition temperatures for SO2 oxidation (taken at 50% conversion) were 345 °C for 1% Pt/Al2O3 and 520 °C for 1% Pt–2% Sn/Al2O3. The strong displacement on activity suggests that tin plays an important role as inhibitor of the SO2 oxidation reaction. 相似文献
G. Pekridis C. Athanasiou M. Konsolakis I. V. Yentekakis G. E. Marnellos 《Topics in Catalysis》2009,52(13-20):1880-1887
A series of metal catalysts (Pd, Rh, Ru, Cu, Fe, In and Ni) supported on γ-Al2O3 carrier, were evaluated during N2O catalytic conversion to N2 in the absence and presence of excess oxygen and reducing agents (CH4 or C3H8). Among all catalysts tested, Pd-, Ru- and Rh-based samples exhibited the best catalytic performance, in all reaction conditions examined. The reaction was inhibited by O2, in particular at lower temperatures, while its effect was essentially negligible at higher ones. In the presence of reducing agents and under lean reaction conditions, N2O conversion was comparably enhanced, with C3H8 being more efficient than CH4; however even in the presence of hydrocarbons N2O decomposition is the major pathway for N2O abatement, since reducing agents mainly act as oxygen scavengers reducing and concurrently activating the metal sites. The influence of different co-existing gases (CO, H2O and SO2) on the performance of Pd supported catalysts was also investigated, whereas thermal stability tests in the presence of SO2 indicate a gradual irreversible decrease in activity until a new steady state was established. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2016,42(10):11709-11715
Nanocrystalline gamma alumina (γ-Al2O3) powder with a crystallite size of ~10 nm was synthesized by oxidation of high purity aluminium plate in a humid atmosphere followed by annealing in air. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) at different sintering parameters (temperature, dwell time, heating rate, pressure) were studied for this highly porous γ-Al2O3 in correlation with the evolution in microstructure and density of the ceramics. SPS sintering cycles using different heating rates were carried out at 1050–1550 °C with dwell times of 3 min and 20 min under uniaxial pressure of 80 MPa. Alumina sintered at 1550 °C for 20 min reached 99% of the theoretical density and average grain size of 8.5 µm. Significant grain growth was observed in ceramics sintered at temperatures above 1250 °C. 相似文献
Mesoporous γ-Al2O3 has been successfully synthesized by using calcined coal-series kaolin as raw material and Triton X-100 (TX-100) as template. The effect of TX-100/Al3 + ratio on the structural and textural properties of mesoporous γ-Al2O3 was investigated. Physical properties of obtained samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption–desorption, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicated that the amount of TX-100 influenced the structure and porous properties of mesoporous γ-Al2O3 significantly. When TX-100/Al3 + ratio was in the range of 0.03–0.15, all samples had mesoporous structures with BET surface area of 193.0–261.0 m2/g and pore size of 5.04–6.71 nm. In addition, the reaction mechanism involved in the process was proposed and discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2000,20(8):1187-1189
Defect structure of γ-Al2O3 prepared by the thermal decomposition of well-crystallized, high purity boehmite (γ-AlOOH) has been studied by HREM. It was shown that the intrinsic feature of γ-alumina structure is a presence of almost hexagonal closed loops formed due to the ordering of cation vacancies over octahedral positions on (110) and (111) planes. These defects are relatively stable; they are preserved, though being changed in shape, in the γ-alumina sample upon its further calcination until the appearance of traces of δ-alumina phase. 相似文献
以粒径为0.3~0.4 μm的α-Al2O3为原料,通过悬浮液真空抽吸法,制备出平均孔径约为70 nm的完整无缺陷的片状α-Al2O3支撑体;以仲丁醇铝为前驱体,采用颗粒溶胶路线制备出稳定的Boehmite溶胶,以此溶胶采用浸浆法,在制备的α-Al2O3支撑体上制备出完整无缺陷的γ-Al2O3中孔膜,并考察了烧成温度对γ-Al2O3中孔膜性能的影响。结果表明,本文制备出的γ-Al2 O3膜的孔径约为3 nm,对PEG的截留分子量为2800~5300,纯水渗透通量为11.5~25.9 L.m-2.h-1[7.6×105 Pa,(14±1)℃]。说明在孔径为70 nm左右的载体上直接制备孔径为3 nm的完整的中孔膜是可行的。 相似文献
Fernando D. Cortes-Vega Wenli Yang Juan Zarate-Medina Stanko R. Brankovic Hector A. Calderon Francisco C. Robles Hernandez 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2019,102(3):976-980
In this work we present a unique method to synthesize χ-Al2O3 and α-Al2O3 doped with Cr3+ (ruby). The ruby is synthesized by mechanical milling of pseudoboehmite that is doped in-situ with chromium. The doping is carried by adding chromium sulfate hydrate to an aqueous solution rich in aluminum sulfate hydrate. The pH in the solution is controlled to be between 9 and 10 by using ammonia, which induces the pseudoboehmite precipitation. The Cr3+ is added for its remarkable effects on the detectability of ruby emitting luminescent R1 and R2 bands that are traceable in Raman spectroscopy. The formation of ruby is detected at milling times as short as 5 hours and increased with the milling time. Ruby phase is further confirmed by means of true atomic resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2017,37(7):2637-2647
γ-Al2O3 meso-porous membranes supported by tubular α-Al2O3 substrates were prepared by using the sol-gel method and their nanostructural characterizations were performed for the first time with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) before and after hydrothermal treatment at 500 °C. The HRTEM images and pore size distribution (PSD) analyses revealed that the morphologies as well as the characteristics of the powder and membrane samples prepared from the same boehmite are not identical. γ-Al2O3 and La2O3-Ga2O3 doped-γ-Al2O3 (LGA) membranes supported by α-Al2O3 were also fabricated and characterized under thermal and hydrothermal conditions for the purpose of comparisons. Finally, two type α-Al2O3/γ-Al2O3/SiO2 (AA-SiO2) and α-Al2O3/La2O3-Ga2O3-γ-Al2O3/SiO2 (ALGA-SiO2) membranes have been synthesized and the gas permeance of the membrane were measured in the temperature range 100–500 °C. 相似文献
《Catalysis communications》2001,2(3-4):135-138
The hydrolysis of COS using γ-Al2O3 as catalyst at 30°C is described. The effect of additives (ca. 3% Na, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) is described in detail. The additives reduce the surface area of the γ-Al2O3 markedly but have no effect on the powder X-ray diffraction pattern. All significantly enhance the initial intrinsic activity (mol COS hydrolysed/m2/h) when compared with unpromoted γ-Al2O3. However, this initial performance rapidly decays for the Na-, Fe-, Co- and Cu-modified catalysts. During this initial reaction period, of up to 5 h, the catalyst retains sulphur. In terms of specific activity (mol COS hydrolysed/g/h) only Ni- and Zn-promoted catalysts give a significant increase that is stable throughout the time-scale of these experiments. 相似文献
Amitava Sarkar Deepyaman Seth Ming Jiang Flora T. T. Ng Garry L. Rempel 《Topics in Catalysis》2014,57(6-9):730-740
Structural characterization, the mechanism of catalytic activity generation and the nature of active sites of a NiSO4/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for isobutene oligomerization were studied by temperature programmed reduction (TPR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transformed (DRIFTS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques. The TPR measurements together with the XRD data indicated that calcination of the catalyst at 500 °C did not form either nickel oxide or nickel aluminate. The presence of only one type of surface nickel species formed by the incorporation of nickel ions into the surface vacant sites of γ-alumina lattice was indicated by XPS with Ar+ ions sputtering and TPR measurements. XPS analysis of the calcined catalyst suggested that the oxidation state of nickel ions in the calcined catalyst was (+2) and after calcination the nickel ions were coordinated to relatively more basic ligands. The surface acid centers of the catalyst were found to be only Lewis type. SO4 2? ions were found to be present as a chelating bidentate ligand and enhanced the acidity of metal ( $ {\text{Al}}^{3 + } $ and/or $ {\text{Ni}}^{2 + } $ ) Lewis acid centers. The results suggested that the combined effects of the presence of the bidentate SO4 2? ligand and dehydroxylation generate coordinatively unsaturated $ {\text{Ni}}^{2 + } $ that interact with isobutene during the oligomerization reaction. The formation of lower-valent nickel ions ( $ {\text{Ni}}^{x + } ,x\; \le\; 1 $ ) was demonstrated by in situ DRIFTS using CO as a probe molecule and by XPS measurements. Formation of a binuclear bridging carbonyl complex, $ [{\text{Ni}}({\text{CO}})^{ + } ]_{2} $ suggested that some lower-valent nickel species were formed via in situ reduction by isobutene. Analysis of Ni 2p photolines indicated the appearance of a new lower-valent nickel species ( $ {\text{Ni}}^{x + } ,x \;\le\; 1 $ ) during the course of isobutene oligomerization. Hence it is plausible that lower-valent nickel species might act as the active center for the oligomerization reaction, while the SO4 2? ions enhance the acidity of the Lewis acid sites on the surface and assist in the adsorption of reactant molecules on the surface. 相似文献
Molecular dynamics simulations of the pure and doped surfaces of-Al2O3 were performed. Thermal behavior of both the D-layer of the (110) surface and the E-layer of the (001) surface was examined. An abrupt increase in mobility of surface ions was observed at high temperatures. An onset of diffusion occurs for the pure (110) surface at 1200 K. The instability is caused by the cation vacancies adjacent to the surface. Silicon and cerium ions deposited into the sub-surface vacancies reduce the mobility of the surface ions and prevent the onset of diffusion, cerium being more efficient in stabilization than silicon. This forms a microscopic picture of the role of additives in the stabilization of the-Al2O3 surfaces.On leave from the Department of Applied Physics, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland. 相似文献
The beneficial effect of adding γ-AlOOH to the γ-Al2O3 washcoat of a ceramic cordierite (2MgO · 2Al2O3 · 5SiO2) monolith, used to support a PdO catalyst, is reported for methane oxidation in the presence of water at low temperature (<500°C). The mini-monolith (400 cells per square inch (CPI), 1 cm diameter × 2.54 cm length; ~52 cells) was washcoated using a suspension of γ-Al2O3 plus boehmite (γ-AlOOH), followed by calcination and then deposition of Pd by wet impregnation. An optimum solid content of 25 wt% in the washcoat suspension was used to obtain a ~25 wt% washcoat on the monolith. The presence of γ-AlOOH enhanced the thermal and mechanical stability of the washcoat, provided that the γ-AlOOH content was <8 wt%. Temperature-programmed methane oxidation (TPO) showed that the addition of γ-AlOOH to the γ-Al2O3 washcoat decreased the catalyst activity. However, when H2O (2 vol% and 5 vol%) was present in the feed gas, the γ-AlOOH improved the catalyst activity and stability. A γ-AlOOH content of ~5 wt% in the washcoat was determined to provide the highest catalyst activity and stability for CH4 oxidation in the presence of water. 相似文献
The [PdCl2(NH2(CH2)12CH3)2] complex supported on -Al2O3 has proved to be a considerably more active, selective and sulfur-resistant catalyst in the selective hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzene than a traditional catalyst obtained from acid solutions of PdCl2, and even than the same complex unsupported. The active species is the complex itself and it is stable under the reaction conditions. Hydrogen treatments above 353K destroy the complex, at least partially, leading to a less active and sulfur resistant catalyst. The higher sulfur resistance, when compared to a conventional Pd/Al2O3 catalyst, can be attributed to electronic and geometrical effects. 相似文献
Abstract Supported γ-Al2O3 and TiO2 ceramic membranes were prepared by sol-gel techniques from alkoxide precursors. Tests were conducted to measure the permeabilities of these membranes to solvent under a variety of operating conditions. Variables studied were feed temperature, length of time on stream, and feed pH. The stabilities of the membranes in harsh chemical environments were also determined. An alternative method for preparing supported ceramic membranes is also suggested. 相似文献
Reaction of hydrogen with CCl2F2 has been studied on a -Al2O3 catalyst at 300°C. Pure -Al2O3 appears to be unselective in the catalytic conversion of CCl2F2, however, halogenated alumina showed high activity in a reaction leading to the formation of disproportionation products. 相似文献
《Applied Clay Science》2010,48(3-4):438-443
This paper reports the synthesis of nanosized γ-Al2O3 from acid-leachates of calcined kaolin. Al (hydr)oxide was precipitated with ammonia from the leachate in the presence of polyethylene glycol. A white powder of nanosized γ-Al2O3 particles was obtained after calcination. X-ray diffraction (XRD), different scanning calorimetries and thermogravimetry (DSC-TG), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) were used to characterize the samples. Typical nanosized γ-Al2O3 particles showed rod-like morphology with width of about 7 nm and length of approximately 20 nm. A possible mechanism from kaolin to nanosized γ-Al2O3 is proposed. 相似文献
By regulating the pH values of the reaction solution, the boehmite (γ-AlOOH) nanowires and nanoflakes were successfully synthesized with a simple hydrothermal route using anhydrous AlCl3, NaOH and NH3·H2O as starting materials. Crystalline γ-Al2O3 nanowires with diameter of 10–30 nm and length of several hundreds of nanometer have been prepared by thermal decomposition of γ-AlOOH precursor. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), and high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) were used to characterize morphology and structure feathers of the synthesized samples. The pH values of the solution play important roles in the formation of γ-AlOOH nanowires. After calcinated at 500 °C for 2 h, the obtained γ-Al2O3 with a linear structure is similar to the γ-AlOOH precursor. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2023,43(2):478-485
Thermal-assisted cold sintering process (TA-CSP) has been applied to fabricate high dense α-Al2O3 ceramics with submicron grain sizes. The α-Al2O3 (80 wt%) and γ-Al2O3 (20 wt%) powders are firstly mixed and then cold sintered at 300 °C to produce a green bulk with a relatively high density of ~ 86.9 %, and then later a second heat treatment (800–1350 °C) is applied to finally fabricate (~ 98 % dense) α-Al2O3 ceramics with grain sizes of 720 nm. A microstructural analysis with XRD and TEM suggests that the TA-CSP samples not only complete the final densification but also drive a phase transition of γ-Al2O3 to α-Al2O3. To put into perspective the Hardness and Young's modulus of TA-CSP samples reach ~ 14 GPa and ~ 335 GPa, respectively, which is comparable to conventional sintered samples processed at higher temperatures of 1500–1700 °C. Therefore, it is feasible to utilize TA-CSP to prepare α-Al2O3 ceramics with small grain sizes at low sintering temperatures. 相似文献
《Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry》2014,20(4):1346-1352
In this study, a group of Ni catalysts supported on mesoporous nanocrystalline γ-Al2O3 with high surface area and with different Ni contents was prepared and employed in carbon dioxide methanation reaction. The obtained results showed increasing in nickel content from 10 to 25 wt.% decreased the specific surface area of catalysts from 177 to 130 m2/g and increased the nickel crystallite size from 12 to 24 nm. In addition, increasing in nickel content increased the reducibility of catalyst. The catalytic results revealed that the catalyst with 20 wt.% of Ni possessed high activity and stability in CO2 methanation reaction. 相似文献