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Nitroprusside is a nitric oxide (NO) donor. To investigate effects of nitroprusside i.p. on peritoneal permeability and perfusion, standard peritoneal permeability analyses were performed. Ten stable CAPD patients were studied twice within one week with glucose based dialysate (1.36% Dianeal) with and without addition of nitroprusside 4.5 mg/liter. Mass transfer area coefficients (MTAC) of CO2 were calculated to estimate peritoneal blood flow. Nitrate, a stable metabolite of NO, and cGMP, a second messenger of NO synthesis, were measured in plasma and dialysate. The MTACs of low molecular weight solutes were greater with nitroprusside (NP) compared to the control dwell (C): creatinine median 14.1 (NP) versus 9.9 ml/min (C), urea 21.7 (NP) versus 18.5 ml/min (C) and urate 10.5 (NP) versus 8.6 ml/min (C) (P < 0.05 for all). This points to an increased effective peritoneal surface area with nitroprusside. Furthermore, the restriction coefficient for the low molecular weight solutes decreased from 1.28 (C) to 1.23 (NP) (P = 0.02), suggesting some effect also on the size selectivity to these solutes. The effect of nitroprusside on the clearances of serum proteins was more pronounced. The increase with nitroprusside was 34% for beta 2-microglobulin, 70% for albumin, 77% for IgG and 143% for alpha 2-macroglobulin. This reduction in size selectivity was reflected in a decrease in the restriction coefficient for macromolecules from 2.29 (C) to 1.86 (NP), P < 0.01. This implies an increase in the intrinsic permeability of the peritoneal membrane. Kinetic modeling, using computer simulations, was done to analyze these effects in terms of the pore theory, using a convection model and a diffusion model for the transport of macromolecules. Nitroprusside led to an increase of both the large pore radius and the small pore radius and of the unrestricted area over diffusion distance. These effects were more pronounced with the diffusion model. The MTAC CO2 was not different: NP 76.9 and C 84.1 ml/min. MTACs of nitrate were not greater than expected on the basis of the molecular weight during both dwells. The dialysate/plasma (D/P) ratio of cGMP was greater after addition of nitroprusside: 0.36, range 0.21 to 0.77 (C) and 0.74, 0.23 to 2.50 (NP), P = 0.02. With nitroprusside the D/P ratio of cGMP was greater than expected on the basis of its molecular weight (P < 0.001). This points to local generation of cGMP after the addition of nitroprusside, induced by NO. No differences were found in the dialysate concentrations of the prostaglandins (PG) PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha and thromboxane B2 after addition of nitroprusside. The transcapillary ultrafiltration rate and the net ultrafiltration rate during four hours were not different with nitroprusside. In conclusion, nitroprusside i.p. increased the effective peritoneal surface area and the intrinsic permeability, but the peritoneal blood flow did not change. The greater than expected D/P ratios of cGMP point to local generation of cGMP with nitroprusside, induced by NO.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We compared the effects of the nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on intracellular pH (pHi), intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) transients, and cell contraction in hypertrophied adult ventricular myocytes from aortic-banded rats and age-matched controls. METHODS AND RESULTS: pHi was measured in individual myocytes with SNARF-1, and [Ca2+]i transients were measured with indo 1 simultaneously with cell motion. Experiments were performed at 37 degrees C in myocytes paced at 0.5 Hz in HEPES-buffered solution (extracellular pH = 7.40). At baseline, calibrated pHi, diastolic and systolic [Ca2+]i values, and the amplitude of cell contraction were similar in hypertrophied and control myocytes. Exposure of the control myocytes to 10(-6) mol/L SNP caused a decrease in the amplitude of cell contraction (72 +/- 7% of baseline, P < .05) that was associated with a decrease in pHi (-0.10 +/- 0.03 U, P < .05) with no change in peak systolic [Ca2+]i. In contrast, in the hypertrophied myocytes exposure to SNP did not decrease the amplitude of cell contraction or cause intracellular acidification (-0.01 +/- 0.01 U, NS). The cGMP analogue 8-bromo-cGMP depressed cell shortening and pHi in the control myocytes but failed to modify cell contraction or pHi in the hypertrophied cells. To examine the effects of SNP on Na(+)-H+ exchange during recovery from intracellular acidosis, cells were exposed to a pulse and washout of NH4Cl. SNP significantly depressed the rate of recovery from intracellular acidosis in the control cells compared with the rate in hypertrophied cells. CONCLUSIONS: SNP and 8-bromo-cGMP cause a negative inotropic effect and depress the rate of recovery from intracellular acidification that is mediated by Na(+)-H+ exchange in normal adult rat myocytes. In contrast, SNP and 8-bromo-cGMP do not modify cell contraction or pHi in hypertrophied myocytes.  相似文献   

1. This study investigated the effects of low dose endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) on (i) systemic haemodynamics, (ii) renal blood flow (RBF), (iii) renal cortical and medullary perfusion and (iv) renal function in the anaesthetized rat. We have also investigated the effects of nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) inhibition with NG-methyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) on the alterations in systemic and renal haemodynamics and renal function caused by endotoxin. 2. Infusion of low dose LPS (1 mg kg-1 over 30 min, n = 6) caused a late fall in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP, at 5 and 6 h after LPS), but did not cause an early (at 1-4 h after LPS) hypotension. The pressor effect of noradrenaline (NA, 1 microgram kg-1, i.v.) was significantly reduced at 1 to 6 h after LPS (vascular hyporeactivity). Infusion of L-NMMA (50 micrograms kg-1 min-1 commencing 60 min before LPS and continued throughout the experiment, n = 7) abolished the delayed hypotension and significantly attenuated the vascular hyporeactivity to NA (at 2-6 h). 3. Infusion of LPS (1 mg kg-1 over 30 min, n = 6) caused a rapid (within 2 h) decline in renal function (measured by inulin clearance) in the absence of a significant fall in MAP or renal blood flow (RBF). L-NMMA (n = 7) attenuated the impairment in renal function caused by LPS so that the inulin clearance in LPS-rats treated with L-NMMA was significantly greater than in LPS-rats treated with vehicle (control) at 3-6 h after infusion of LPS. 4. Endotoxaemia also caused a significant reduction in renal cortical, but not medullary perfusion (measured as Laser Doppler flux). Infusion of L-NMMA caused a significant further fall in cortical perfusion and a significant fall in medullary perfusion in the absence of changes in RBF. 5. Infusion of LPS resulted in a progressive increase in the plasma levels of nitrite/nitrate (an indicator of the formation of NO), so that the plasma concentration of nitrite/nitrate was significantly higher than baseline at 150 to 330 min after LPS. Infusion of L-NMMA attenuated the rise in the plasma concentration of nitrite/nitrate (at 270 and 330 min, P < 0.05) caused by LPS. 6. Thus, the renal dysfunction caused by injection of low dose of endotoxin in the rat occurs in the absence of significant falls in blood pressure or total renal blood flow. Inhibition of NOS activity with L-NMMA attenuates the renal dysfunction caused by endotoxin (without improving intrarenal haemodynamics), suggesting that an overproduction of NO may contribute to the development of renal injury and dysfunction by causing direct cytotoxic effects.  相似文献   

We studied factors affecting survival after the diagnosis of AIDS in a cohort of 1253 patients with hemophilia. The nature of the AIDS-defining condition was found to be as important as age at seroconversion and CD4+ lymphocyte level in predicting survival. A multivariate analysis yielded estimates of median survival for groups defined by age at seroconversion (0 through 15, 16 through 69), CD4+ lymphocyte count (<100 cells/microl versus > or = 100 cells/microl), and 10 AIDS-defining disease groups. Estimates of median survival after a single AIDS-defining condition ranged from 3 to 51 months, depending on the diseases. Median survival after a second AIDS-defining condition was about 1.5- to 2.0-fold shorter than after an initial, isolated AIDS-defining condition. HIV-related neurologic disease (i.e., AIDS dementia complex or multifocal leukoencephalopathy) was a notable exception. It correlated with the shortest estimates of median survival (3 to 9 months), and this poor prognosis was no worse for patients who had a second AIDS-defining condition. The results of this analysis were consistent in most respects with other published analyses of factors affecting survival. These findings may be useful in the clinical care of persons with AIDS and in estimating the number of persons alive who have had a particular AIDS-defining disease.  相似文献   

The cellular origin of nitric oxide (NO) in exhaled air of healthy humans is unknown. It is currently not known, whether changes in NO concentrations that originate from pulmonary vessels, can be detected as changes in exhaled NO. Thus, we have studied the effects of increased intravascular NO generation on endexpiratory NO-levels. Twenty-four young healthy volunteers received nitroglycerin (GTN), sodium nitroprusside (SNP) or placebo i.v. in a randomized, double blind cross-over trial. Diastolic blood pressure decreased from 59 mmHg (95% confidence interval: 56-62) during placebo to 48 mmHg (CI: 45-51) and to 48 mmHg (CI: 45-50) after infusions of GTN and SNP, respectively. Heart rate increased from 69 (CI: 65-73) during placebo to 78 (CI: 72-84) and to 84 (CI: 77-92) after infusions of GTN and SNP, respectively (p<0.01 for all comparisons). However, no increase in exhaled NO was detected: endexpiratory NO-concentrations averaged 6.1 ppb (CI: 4.9-7.4), 5.7 ppb (CI: 4.4-7.0) and 6.4 ppb (CI: 5.3-7.6) under placebo, GTN and SNP infusions, respectively (Friedman ANOVA p=0.328). NO release from within the pulmonary vasculature does not significantly contribute to endexpiratory NO concentrations in non-intubated healthy humans suggesting that such NO measurements quantify NO production mainly from non-vascular pulmonary cells.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) may regulate hepatic metabolism directly by causing alterations in hepatocellular (hepatocyte and Kupffer cell) metabolism and function or indirectly as a result of its vasodilator properties. Its release from the endothelium can be elicited by numerous autacoids such as histamine, vasoactive intestinal peptide, adenosine, ATP, 5-HT, substance P, bradykinin, and calcitonin gene-related peptide. In addition, NO may be released from the hepatic vascular endothelium, platelets, nerve endings, mast cells, and Kupffer cells as a response to various stimuli such as endotoxemia, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and circulatory shock. It is synthesized by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which has three distinguishable isoforms: NOS-1 (ncNOS), a constitutive isoform originally isolated from neuronal sources; NOS-2 (iNOS), an inducible isoform that may generate large quantities of NO and may be induced in a variety of cell types throughout the body by the action of inflammatory stimuli such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukin (IL)-1 and -6; and NOS-3 (ecNOS), a constitutive isoform originally located in endothelial cells. Another basis for differentiation between the constitutive and inducible enzymes is the requirement for calcium binding to calmodulin in the former. NO is vulnerable to a plethora of biologic reactions, the most important being those involving higher nitrogen oxides (NO2-), nitrosothiol, and nitrosyl iron-cysteine complexes, the products of which (for example, peroxynitrite), are believed to be highly cytotoxic. The ability of NO to react with iron complexes renders the cytochrome P450 series of microsomal enzymes natural targets for inhibition by NO. It is believed that this mechanism provides negative feedback control of NO synthesis. In addition, NO may regulate prostaglandin synthesis because the cyclooxygenases are other hem-containing enzymes. It may also be possible that NO-induced release of IL-1 inhibits cytochrome P450 production, which ultimately renders the liver less resistant to trauma. It is believed that Kupffer cells are the main source of NO during endotoxemic shock and that selective inhibition of this stimulation may have future beneficial therapeutic implications. NO release in small quantities may be beneficial because it has been shown to decrease tumor cell growth and levels of prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha (proinflammatory products) and to increase protein synthesis and DNA-repair enzymes in isolated hepatocytes. NO may possess both cytoprotective and cytotoxic properties depending on the amount and the isoform of NOS by which it is produced. The mechanisms by which these properties are regulated are important in the maintenance of whole body homeostasis and remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

In this study a semi-automated and observer-independent algorithm for quantifying post-stenotic signal loss (PSL) in three-dimensional phase-contrast (PC) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of patients with renal artery stenosis is presented. This algorithm was developed on MRA datasets of stenotic phantoms, included in a flow circuit with stationary flows. The length and the severity of the PSL (incorporating both the length and the degree of PSL) in the MRA datasets were proposed for quantifying the stenoses. The algorithm was tested in renal arteries; ten patients with renal artery stenosis and seven healthy volunteers were investigated. Digital subtraction angiography was performed in the patients and served as the gold standard. Stenosis severity showed better correlation with the severity of the PSL than with the length, both for in vitro and in vivo measurements. Spearman correlation coefficients (rs) showed statistically significant correlations between the severity of the PSL and parameters determined by digital subtraction angiography, i.e., percent diameter stenosis (rs = 0.90). The length of the PSL showed no correlation with the diameter stenosis (rs = 0.37). In conclusion, this study presents a semi-automated and observer-independent way of quantifying signal loss, and the severity of the PSL is proposed for quantifying stenoses, rather than the length of PSL.  相似文献   

The authors review the research on childhood antecedents and personality contributions to the somatoform disorders, as well as research on social influences during adulthood. Based on these data, the authors hypothesize that somatizing patients display anxious attachment behavior that derives from childhood experiences with caregivers. Early exposure to illness increases the likelihood that distress will be manifested somatically. When under stress as adults, somatizers use physical complaints to elicit care. Somatizers' interpersonal interactions with others, including physicians, ultimately lead to rejection that reinforces the somatizer's belief that he or she will be abandoned. Modification of physicians' responses to these patients may improve treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

The plant pathogenic isolate RI-64 of anastomosis group 4 of Rhizoctonia solani possesses three linear DNA plasmids (pRS64-1, -2, and -3). Unique poly(A)- RNA, 0.5 kb in length and hybridizable with the pRS64 DNAs was found in mycelial cells of the isolate RI-64. The overall homology at the nucleotide level between pRS64-1, -2, and -3, and the cDNA prepared from the poly(A)- RNA was 100%, 73%, and 84%, respectively. The open reading frames found in pRS64-1, -2, and -3 (ORF1-1, ORF2-1, and ORF3-1) are 68 amino acids long. The amino acids sequence showed no significant homology with known proteins. Extracts from Escherichia coli cells expressing ORF1-1 contain a specific protein of 7 kDa. Antisera raised against the ORF1-1 product obtained from E. coli cells cross-reacted with the specific proteins found in the mycelia. The results indicate that the DNA plasmids found in R. solani contain a sequence that encodes a specific protein which may be involved in determination of plant pathogenicity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We have previously demonstrated that calcium-dependent nitric oxide synthase is induced by estrogen and that by the end of pregnancy nitric oxide synthase of both endothelial and neuronal origin is increased in various maternal tissues. This rise in activity may be crucial for the alterations in muscle activity necessary for a successful pregnancy. If so, the increase in nitric oxide synthase activity must occur early in gestation. STUDY DESIGN: We tested the hypothesis that pregnancy increases nitric oxide synthase activity early in gestation by measuring in heart, kidney, skeletal muscle, and esophagus of time-mated guinea pigs the conversion by nitric oxide synthase of carbon 14-labeled L-arginine to carbon 14-labeled citrulline and the concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate, the second messenger of nitric oxide. RESULTS: Calcium-dependent nitric oxide synthase activity was increased twofold to fourfold by pregnancy in each tissue examined. The rise began by 0.14 gestation (9 of 63 +/- 2 days) and reached a plateau by 0.30 gestation (19 days), which was then maintained until term. The treatment of pregnant animals with tamoxifen decreased nitric oxide synthase activity to nonpregnant values in the heart, where tamoxifen is an estrogen receptor antagonist, but not in kidney, skeletal muscle, and esophagus. Cyclic guanosine monophosphate also rose progressively in each tissue studied until about 0.70 gestation before declining in skeletal muscle, kidney, and heart. It remained elevated in the esophagus. CONCLUSION: These studies demonstrate that nitric oxide synthase activity in maternal tissues rises early in pregnancy and is associated with an increase in cyclic guanosine monophosphate, the second messenger of nitric oxide. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that an increase in nitric oxide synthase plays a role in smooth muscle adaptations of pregnancy.  相似文献   

In cultured endothelial cells, incubation with TNF-alpha (50 ng/ml) for 72 h markedly reduced viability of endothelial cells. A 6-h pre-incubation with the nitric oxide (NO) donor linsidomine (SIN-1, 10-150 microM) protected endothelial cells in a concentration-dependent manner and increased viability by up to 59% of control. The unmetabolized parent compound molsidomine and the NO-free metabolite of SIN-1 3-morpholinoiminoacetonitrile (SIN-1C) were without cytoprotective effect. Cytoprotection by SIN-1 was completely abolished by the NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5, -tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO, 30 microM). A cytoprotective effect comparable to SIN-1 was observed when preincubating the cells with dibutyryl cyclic GMP (10-100 microM). Moreover, no protection by SIN-1 occurred in the presence of cycloheximide (1 microM) or 1H--1,2,4-oxadiazole-4, 3-a-quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ, 0.1 microM), a selective inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase. Tin protoporphyrin-IX (SnPP, 25 microM), an inhibitor of heme oxygenase, was found to attenuate SIN-1-induced cytoprotection. Our results demonstrate that SIN-1 produces a long-term endothelial protection against cellular injury by TNF-alpha, presumably via a cyclic GMP-dependent pathway leading to up-regulation of protective proteins such as heme oxygenase.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) was inactivated by S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D, L-penicillamine (SNAP), a nitric oxide donor (Asahi, M., Fujii, J., Suzuki, K., Seo, H. G., Kuzuya, T., Hori, M., Tada, M., Fujii, S., and Taniguchi, N. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 21035-21039). The structural basis of the inactivation was studied. We also show that 3-morpholinosydnonimine N-ethylcarbamide, a peroxynitrite precursor, as well as synthetic peroxynitrite also inactivated bovine GPx. The degree of incorporation of a sulfhydryl reagent, n-octyldithionitrobenzoic acid, into GPx decreased after pretreatment with SNAP as evidenced by mass spectrometry. To identify the modification site of this enzyme by SNAP, both SNAP-pretreated and untreated GPxs were reacted with n-octyldithionitrobenzoic acid and digested with lysylendopeptidase, and the resulting peptides were subjected to mass spectrometry. This technique identified a bridge between two peptides, one of which contains Sec45 at the catalytic center and Cys74, and the other contains Cys91. Although there are two possible combinations, selenocysteine 45 (Sec45) and Cys91 or Cys74 and Cys91, the tertiary structure of GPx indicates that a cross-link between Sec45 and Cys91 is more feasible. This is consistent with the experimental evidence that SNAP specifically inactivates GPx, in which Sec45 forms the catalytic center. Thus, we conclude that SNAP mainly oxidized Sec45 to form a selenenyl sulfide (Se-S) with a free thiol, leading to the inactivation of the enzyme. These data suggest that nitric oxide and its derivatives directly inactivate GPx in a specific manner via the production of a selenenyl sulfide, resulting in an increase in intracellular peroxides that are responsible for cellular damage.  相似文献   

Excitotoxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction and free radical induced oxidative damage have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several different neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease (AD), and Huntington's disease. Much of the interest in the association of neurodegeneration with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative damage emerged from animal studies using mitochondrial toxins. Within mitochondria 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), the active metabolite of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), acts to inhibit NADH-coenzyme Q reductase (complex I) of the electron transport chain. MPTP produces Parkinsonism in humans, primates, and mice. Similarly, lesions produced by the reversible inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase (complex II), malonate, and the irreversible inhibitor, 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP), closely resemble the histologic, neurochemical and clinical features of HD in both rats and non-human primates. The interruption of oxidative phosphorylation results in decreased levels of ATP. A consequence is partial neuronal depolarization and secondary activation of voltage-dependent NMDA receptors, which may result in excitotoxic neuronal cell death (secondary excitotoxicity). The increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration leads to an activation of Ca2+ dependent enzymes, including the constitutive neuronal nitric oxide synthase (cnNOS) which produces NO.. NO. may react with the superoxide anion to from peroxynitrite. We show that systemic administration of 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), a relatively specific inhibitor of cnNOS in vivo. attenuates lesions produced by striatal malonate injections or systemic treatment with 3-NP or MPTP. Furthermore 7-NI attenuated increases in lactate production and hydroxyl radical and 3-nitrotyrosine generation in vivo, which may be a consequence of peroxynitrite formation. Our results suggest that neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitors may be useful in the treatment of neurologic diseases in which excitotoxic mechanisms play a role.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Nitric oxide (NO) is an important mediator in the regulation of vascular tone. However, no data exist on the physiological role of NO in the regulation of the hepatic microcirculation. This study was designed to evaluate the role of NO in the hepatic microcirculation in vivo under physiological conditions. METHODS: The hepatic microcirculation was investigated in anesthetized rats by intravital fluorescence microscopy after injection of fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled erythrocytes. Following assessment of baseline sinusoidal perfusion, animals were randomly treated with L-NMMA (n=6), L-arginine (n=6), nitroprusside sodium (NPS, n=5) or a comparable volume of NaCl (n=4). Drugs were given through a portal vein catheter at three doses (Dx), each followed by intravital microscopy. L-NMMA was given: 5 mg/kg (D1), 25 mg/kg (D2), 50 mg/kg (D3); L-arginine 30 mg/kg (D1), 150 mg/kg (D2), 300 mg/kg (D3); and NPS continuously 80 microg x kg(-1) x h(-1). RESULTS: L-NMMA induced a significant increase of mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) (114 vs. 129 mm Hg; p<0.05). In contrast, MAP of NPS-treated animals decreased (107 vs. 91 mm Hg; p<0.01) whereas MAP of animals receiving L-arginine did not significantly differ. Sinusoidal blood flow revealed dose-dependent changes: L-NMMA significantly decreased perfusion of sinusoids (D1: 65%, D2: 57%, D3: 50% of baseline, p<0.05). Injection of L-arginine increased the sinusoidal flow even with the lowest dose (D1: 137%, D2: 133%, D3: 123%, p<0.05). Continuous infusion of NPS had little effect on sinusoidal blood flow at the first and second times of microscopy but sinusoidal blood flow was significantly increased at the third time (D1: 103%, D2: 106%, D3: 122%). CONCLUSIONS: Inhibition of NOS results in a dose-dependent disturbance of the hepatic microcirculation despite significantly increased MAP, whereas L-arginine increases the sinusoidal blood flow. The results indicate an important role for NO in the regulatory mechanisms of hepatic sinusoidal perfusion under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The candidacidal activity of nitric oxide (NO) as delivered by a class of compounds termed diazeniumdiolates has been investigated. Diazeniumdiolates are stable agents capable of releasing NO in a biologically usable form at a predicted rate, and three such compounds were examined for activity. One compound, (Z)-1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1- ium-1, 2-diolate (DETA-NO), proved to be most suitable for examining NO activity due to its relatively long half-life (20 h) and because of limited candidacidal activity of the uncomplexed DETA nucleophile. DETA-NO was active against six species of Candida for which the MICs necessary to inhibit 50% growth (MIC50s) ranged from 0.25 to 1.0 mg/ml. C. parapsilosis and C. krusei were the most susceptible to the compound. In addition to a determination of NO effects alone, the complex was utilized to investigate the synergistic potential of released NO in combination with ketoconazole, fluconazole, and miconazole. Activity was investigated in vitro against representative strains of Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, and C. dubliniensis. Determination of MIC50, MIC80 and MICs indicated that DETA-NO inhibits all strains tested, with strains of C. parapsilosis and C. krusei being consistently the most sensitive. The combination of DETA-NO with each azole was synergistic against all strains tested as measured by fractional inhibitory concentration indices that ranged from 0.1222 to 0.4583. The data suggest that DETA-NO or compounds with similar properties may be useful in the development of new therapeutic strategies for treatment of Candida infections.  相似文献   

In epithelial cells, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-catenin are involved in linking the peripheral microfilament belt to the transmembrane protein E-cadherin. alpha-Catenin exhibits sequence homologies over three regions to vinculin, another adherens junction protein. While vinculin is found in cell-matrix and cell-cell contacts, alpha-catenin is restricted to the latter. To elucidate, whether vinculin is part of the cell-cell junctional complex, we investigated complex formation and intracellular targeting of vinculin and alpha-catenin. We show that alpha-catenin colocalizes at cell-cell contacts with endogenous vinculin and also with the transfected vinculin head domain forming immunoprecipitable complexes. In vitro, the vinculin NH2-terminal head binds to alpha-catenin, as seen by immunoprecipitation, dot overlay, cosedimentation, and surface plasmon resonance measurements. The Kd of the complex was determined to 2-4 x 10(-7) M. As seen by overlays and affinity mass spectrometry, the COOH-terminal region of alpha-catenin is involved in this interaction. Complex formation of vinculin and alpha-catenin was challenged in transfected cells. In PtK2 cells, intact alpha-catenin and alpha-catenin1-670, harboring the beta-catenin- binding site, were directed to cell-cell contacts. In contrast, alpha-catenin697-906 fragments were recruited to cell-cell contacts, focal adhesions, and stress fibers. Our results imply that in vivo alpha-catenin, like vinculin, is tightly regulated in its ligand binding activity.  相似文献   

The role of nitric oxide in the alterations of liver carbohydrate metabolism during septic shock has been studied in fed and starved animals injected with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). One h after LPS injection an hyperglycemic peak was observed followed by hypoglycemia when the plasma nitric oxide concentration increased. However, in animals pharmacologically treated with nitric oxide donors only hypoglycemia was observed. In isolated hepatocytes from LPS treated rats an impairment of the gluconeogenic flux was observed accompanied by a decrease in the mRNA levels of the glucose transporter GLUT-2 and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, at the time that increased the mRNA levels of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase. These results suggest that part of the effects observed in response to LPS challenge are due to early signaling molecules (cytokines and other factors molecules) whereas other effects can be attributed to nitric oxide synthesis which in turn has specific effects on hepatic metabolism.  相似文献   

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