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输出排队结构是快速分组交换中交换性能最佳的交换结构。本文研究输出排队结构交换任意种优先级业务的排队性能。分别在独立和相关到达两种情况下导出了任意优先级业务的平均排队长度等特征参数,发现当N×N规模互连网络的端口数N足够大时,两种业务到达模型的排队性能趋于一致。文中提出了一种数值迭代法来求取用二维Markov过程表示的高、低优先级分组队列长度的稳态解。计算机模拟结果证实了文中的分析。  相似文献   

This paper describes an optical switch architecture based on the shared-per-wavelength strategy for contention resolution in the wavelength domain. This strategy impacts on wavelength converters requirements and switch organization, by allowing to obtain cost saving. The general sharing concept is first introduced and the related practical solution as a multistage switch architecture is presented and thoroughly analyzed in terms of performance, control and cost perspectives. Heuristic scheduling to manage packet forwarding in a synchronous context is developed and discussed in terms of computational complexity. A simple accurate analytical model is developed and validated against simulation to numerically evaluate packet loss performance of the shared-per-wavelength switch. The main achievement of the work is represented by the proposal of a feasible approach which leads to remarkable cost saving in terms of optical gates and wavelength converters under the conditions outlined.  相似文献   

高性能交换结构中的输入排队调度算法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对各种输入排队调度算法进行了比较详细地分析,并着重对算法的吞吐量、稳定性、公平性、廷迟控制、组播支持等方面进行了分析,同时对各种输入排队调度算法作了总结并且指出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

钱炜宏  李乐民 《通信学报》1998,19(12):27-33
本文分析了一种输入排队缓冲器有丢失优先级的内部无阻塞输入/输出排队ATM交换机在反压控制下的信元丢失指标。在每个输入端口高、低优先级信元的到达具有相同的强度,到达输出端口的概率相同为1N,且输入、输出缓冲容量均为有限。为保证交换机内部不发生信元丢失,引入了反压机制(Backpressure)。文中表明,使用丢失优先级策略的交换机比纯输入/输出排队交换机更能满足不同业务服务等级QoS(QualityofService)的丢失要求,而且所需缓冲容量减少。  相似文献   

In modern packet switches, technology limitations may introduce switch configuration delays that are non-negligible compared with the time required to transmit a single packet. In this paper, we propose a methodology for scheduling of packets, in the context of these technology limitations. If the total tolerable delay through a packet switch is at least on the order of the switch configuration delay, we show that a near 100% utilization of the communication links is possible, while providing strict quality of service guarantees. The main idea is to increase the quantum with which data is scheduled and switched to beyond that of a single packet. This also decreases the rate at which scheduling need to be made, and hence decreases the implementation complexity. The quality of service guarantees we consider are in terms of a service curve. Specifically, we present a framework for the provision of service curves while coping with non-negligible switch configuration delays.  相似文献   

Banyan networks are being proposed for interconnecting memory and processor modules in multiprocessor systems as well as for packet switching in communication networks. This paper describes an analysis of the performance of a packet switch based on a single-buffered Banyan network. A model of a single-buffered Banyan network provides results on the throughput, delay, and internal blocking. Results of this model are combined with models of the buffer controller (finite and infinite buffers). It is shown that for balanced loads, the switching delay is low for loads below maximum throughput (about 45 percent per input link) and the blocking at the input buffer controller is low for reasonable buffer sizes.  相似文献   

陈勇  吕恩建  陈泉 《半导体光电》2008,29(1):105-109
光分组交换的输出队头阻塞引起分组的平均排队时延增加.分析了可变长分组的特点,提出了基于抢先方式的短包抢先调度(PSPP)算法,以减少分组在输入排队中的平均等待时间.在PSPP算法中,短包可以抢占长包的传输时间,获得优先的服务.分析和仿真结果表明,当到达业务负载为中或较低时,短包优先调度算法使短包的平均排队时延接近零,所有分组的平均等待时延减小,该算法还保证具有实时特性的TCP业务获得较低的平均等待时延.  相似文献   

We address the problem of congestion resolution in optical packet switching (OPS). We consider a fairly generic all-optical packet switch architecture with a feedback optical buffer constituted of fiber delay lines (FDL). Two alternatives of switching granularity are addressed for a switch operating in a slotted transfer mode: switching at the slot level (i.e., fixed length packets of a single slot) or at the burst level (variable length packets that are integer multiples of the slot length). For both cases, we show that in spite of the limited queuing resources, acceptable performance in terms of packet loss can be achieved for reasonable hardware resources with an appropriate design of the time/wavelength scheduling algorithms. Depending on the switching units (slots or bursts), an adapted scheduling algorithm needs to be deployed to exploit the bandwidth and buffer resources most efficiently.  相似文献   

该文研究了前向分组数据业务中应用的调度算法,在对常见的几种调度算法分析之后,提出一种新的调度算法。从理论和仿真两方面的性能分析显示,该算法通过适当改变重传分组的优先权,在保证满足公平性准则的前提下,提高了系统吞吐量,降低了平均分组时延,改善了分组时延分布。  相似文献   

iSCSI虚拟交换机包转发调度算法FC-WFQ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统IP交换机不同,iSCSI虚拟交换机不仅实现IP数据包的转发,还应完成TCP、iSCSI和SCSI的协议处理.短包优先调度算法可保证iSCSI控制及命令PDU(Packet Data Unit)的优先传输,却未对该类数据包的转发带宽作出限制,该方法缺少针对iSCSI数据流特性的定量分析.通过排队理论建立iSCSI虚拟交换机转发iSCSI PDU过程的数学模型,然后提出一种iSCSI虚拟交换机的包调度算法FC-WFQ(Flow Control-WFQ),最后应用网络仿真软件ns-2建立仿真场景对交换系统进行测试.随着命令到达率以及命令中读写比例的变化,FC-WFQ对各数据流的转发带宽权重做相应的实时调整.实验结果显示,该调度算法可明显降低读写任务的平均响应时间,并显著提高iSCSI虚拟交换机的吞吐量.  相似文献   

A time division packet switch capable of concurrently handling both voice and data traffic is proposed, and some of its performance limitations are analyzed. The voice packet traffic is handled at a higher priority level than data traffic, in order to meet stringent timing criteria, and can be shown to be handled just as if it were circuit switched. The data traffic utilizes whatever time slots are not occupied with voice traffic. The principal performance limitations described in this exploratory study are the fraction of time the voice traffic is blocked due to all the available time slots already being used for voice traffic, and an upper bound on the mean delay encountered by the data traffic as it waits to find an available time slot. An illustrative numerical result is the following. If we assume that each voice telephone conversation lasts for a mean of five minutes, and that twenty voice calls are generated over a six hour time span, and each data session lasts for a mean of forty minutes, and that five data calls are generated over a six hour time span, then if separate line switched networks are used for voice and for data with long term blocking probability of one percent, a total of 703 64 kbits links would be required to support 461 voice stations and 882 data terminals. On the other hand, using the integrated voice/data switch described here, and if we assume that the total delay due to the switch alone for data packets cannot exceed a long term mean value of one second, then only 298 64 kbit/s links are required to support 461 voice stations and 882 data terminals, reducing the number of required links by a factor of about two. Moreover, the assumptions leading to this comparison suggest that the packet switch could in fact support significantly more than this number of voice stations and data terminals. This is achieved at the expense of additional buffering for the data in the packet switch approach.  相似文献   

研究了以光纤延迟线作为主要的常规缓存,以电存储器作为辅助缓存的光电混合缓存的光电混合缓存结构,并用改进的FF-VF算法调度冲突的分组,达到改善长度可变光分组交换的分组丢失率目的.分析和仿真结果都表明,光电混合缓存和改进的FF-VF算法能改善可变长光分组交换在负载较高时的分组丢失率性能,并减少光纤延迟线的数目.  相似文献   

李剑  涂晓东 《现代电子技术》2008,31(2):107-109,112
提出一种高优先级数据包插入到低优先级数据包中发送的新型队列调度算法,该算法不仅较大幅度地降低了高优先级数据包的时延和时延抖动,同时不会降低带宽利用率,具有很强的实用性.通过OPNET建模验证了此种算法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文在Knockout交换结构的基础上,探讨一种新的ATM交换结构,使其本身带有优先权控制功能,以适应不同业务对信元丢失率及时延的不同要求。这种结构既能最大限度地有效利用系统资源,又能满足不同用户对业务质量的不同要求,并能降低交换结构复杂度。  相似文献   

通过分析不同分组长度分布(PLD)对光分组交换(OPS)性能的影响,以便为OPS在不同长度业务下配置不同的冲突解决方案.研究了光分组在固定长度分布、指数分布和因特网经验长度分布下分别对没有光纤延迟线(FDL)和有FDL下的OPS的性能影响.分析和仿真表明,因特网经验长度分布的业务在没有FDL缓存的条件下,获得最低的分组丢失率(PLR)性能;而固定长度分布的业务,仅在OPS配置有FDL时才可以获得最低的PLR性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel optical packet switch is proposed, which uses a set of shared fiber delay lines (FDLs) and a set of shared tunable wavelength converters (TWCs) to resolve optical packet contentions. In addition, two control algorithms, i.e., Fiber-First (FF) and Wavelength-First (WF), are proposed to schedule optical packets. Performance of the novel switch is evaluated by means of simulation experiments. Simulation results show that based on either of these two control algorithms, the switch can achieve super performance without employing a lot of FDLs and TWCs. Moreover, the performance of FF and WF is compared. Detail analyses are also given in this paper.  相似文献   

The concept of a multibeam satellite system With on-board processing and memory is studied. In this system multiple slotted ALOHA uplinks carry the traffic to the satellite. Packets are accepted at the satellite, when memory is available, and are routed to their destination zones using a TDM protocol. We present a model which can be used to evaluate a satellite system with conflict-free scheduling, i.e., a system in which several packets can be simultaneously chosen for downlink transmissions, given each earth zone is served by at most one satellite transponder in each slot. We compute the system throughput, packet delays, and buffer overflow probabilities for a general configuration. It is shown that for some configurations the one beam per zone restriction can have a significant effect on the system performance. The presented model can be also used to evaluate satellite systems when this restriction is removed and to evaluate a variety of other satellite systems.  相似文献   

利用ATM网络传送TCP分组时的一个重要问题是分组中任何一个信元丢失都半导致分组的重传,为解决这一问题,一个方法是发生拥塞时交换机有选择丢弃信元,在有限的存储器容量下,交换机智能化的信元集合源状态与缓存器占用的联合分布,基于这一结果,本文推导出的EPD系统的分组丢失率的上界和下界,通过分析比较发现,使用EPD的系统,当门限设为缓存器大小时其性能将优于无控制系统。  相似文献   

陈艳玲  蔡祥宝 《通信技术》2007,40(12):272-273,276
为改善光网络核心交换机的交换性能,提高网络传输速率,同时保证一定的服务质量,提出采用人工免疫算法来有效解决调度问题,并引进了生物免疫系统中的免疫应答,抗原记忆,接种疫苗,免疫选择等机制。与一些传统的算法做比较,发现免疫算法可有效提高全局搜索的效率及能力,以较快的速度得出最优解。  相似文献   

Packet Scheduling with QoS Differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article focuses on the Quality of Service (QoS) achieved by packet scheduling. A packet scheduling algorithm, which can differentiate the QoS among user and service classes, is presented. The algorithm can be tuned from signal to interference ratio (C/I) based scheduling to Round Robin and beyond. Thus, an operator can choose between optimizing the spectral efficiency or giving a fair QoS distribution among the users within a user and traffic class. By combining the two effects, different strategies can be used for different user and service classes. Simulation results for the downlink shared channel (DSCH) are presented and implementation issues are also discussed.  相似文献   

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