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水资源承载力的BP神经网络评价模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对当前水资源承载力评价方法的不足,提出了基于BP神经网络的综合评价方法。构建了水资源承载力的评价模型和指标体系,描述了方法的应用过程,并通过MATLAB神经网络工具对其进行模拟计算。最后,给出了一个算例。  相似文献   

试运行是检验项目成果,改善用户体验,提高系统效率的最后环节,是确保建成的系统以良好的功能性能状态,做好全面正式投入运行准备的关键环节。以试运行的工作组织和指标的研究设立为切入点,以取用水、水源地、水功能区、省界断面数据在水利部和流域及省级三级节点之间的贯通为重点,全面分析国家水资源监控能力建设项目(2012—2014年)试运行工作,为总体项目的最终验收提供参考。  相似文献   

国家水资源监控能力建设项目经过一、二两期的建设已经基本完成,在实际建设过程中,存在一些建设质量方面的典型问题。结合省级二期项目的技术评估工作进行分析,在技术评估环节中,通过对省级项目建设资料、监测站点建设质量及省级采集平台的审查与评估,发现建设过程中存在数据质量、现场监测站建设质量、测流方案选择方面的典型问题,针对这些典型问题提出了相应的解决方案,分短期和长期建议整改措施, 为项目后期更好的运行维护、稳定运行提供必要的技术参考。  相似文献   

M. Jamshidi  M. Heidari 《Automatica》1977,13(3):287-293
An approximate optimization technique based on discrete dynamic programming called discrete differential dynamic programming (DDDP), is employed to obtain the near optimal operation policies of a water resources system in the Khuzestan Province of Iran. The technique makes use of an initial nominal state trajectory for each state variable, and forms corridors around the trajectories. These corridors represent a set of subdomains of the entire feasible domain. Starting with such a set of nominal state trajectories, improvements in objective function are sought within the corridors formed around them. This leads to a set of new nominal trajectories upon which more improvements may be sought. Since optimization is confined to a set of subdomains, considerable savings in memory and computer time are achieved over that of conventional dynamic programming. The Kuzestan water resources system considered in this study is located in southwest Iran, and consists of two rivers, three reservoirs, three hydropower plants, and three irrigable areas. Data and cost benefit functions for the analysis were obtained either from the historical records or from similar studies.  相似文献   

水资源监测站群试运行合格是国家水资源监控能力建设项目进行合同完工验收和移交使用的前提。针对水资源监测站群试运行考核,从考核指标设定、监测站故障响应及试运行起始条件的角度提出一套考核办法,并以国家水资源监控能力建设广西项目为实例开展研究,站群试运行从2019年5月1日—7月31日,试运行工作顺利,各项考核指标满足要求,站群运行基本稳定,满足技术评估条件。此外,针对实例研究中,在对各项指标进行考核时发现的个别指标难以统计、评价标准不够合理等方面的问题,对站群运行完好率、平均无故障时间、水源地水质监测站考核指标、监测数据准确性判断方法和整编规则进行深入研究,提出试运行考核的改进建议。  相似文献   

A model designed to disaggregate the water balance components of a monthly water resources system model to daily time series is presented. The objective of the model is to add value to existing monthly model setups and to provide daily water balance data for a water quality model. The model components include the disaggregation of incremental catchment flows, run-of-river and reservoir abstractions, reservoir releases for users and environmental flow requirements and reservoir spills. While previous studies have demonstrated that the main incremental catchment flow component is fit-for-purpose, the overall model is difficult to validate due to the impacts of imperfect monthly model simulations and the variability in operational practises compared with operational design procedures that form the basis of the model algorithm. Despite these reservations, the model is considered to provide a pragmatic, but useful approach to disaggregating monthly water balance simulations for use within a daily water quality model.  相似文献   

为解决安徽省水利信息化建设现有数据资源分散、标准不一致、共享困难、开发利用效率不高等问题,基于前期建设已有成果,通过数据资源整合、数据资源管理系统开发、应用服务支撑建设、大数据分析试点应用、云计算平台建设、技术规范和管理制度编制等一系列水利大数据中心建设内容,厘清水利对象关系,实现数据汇集交换和有序共享,提供应用系统基...  相似文献   

Computational modeling of the translational diffusion of water molecules in anisotropic environments entails vital relevance to understand correctly the information contained in the magnetic resonance images weighted in diffusion (DWI) and of the diffusion tensor images (DTI). In the present work we investigated the validity, strengths and weaknesses of a coarse-grained (CG) model based on the MARTINI force field to simulate water diffusion in a medium containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as models of anisotropic water diffusion behavior. We show that water diffusion outside the nanotubes follows Ficḱs law, while water diffusion inside the nanotubes is not described by a Ficḱs behavior. We report on the influence on water diffusion of various parameters such as length and concentration of CNTs, comparing the CG results with those obtained from the more accurate classic force field calculation, like the all-atom approach. Calculated water diffusion coefficients decreased in the presence of nanotubes in a concentration dependent manner. We also observed smaller water diffusion coefficients for longer CNTs. Using the CG methodology we were able to demonstrate anisotropic diffusion of water inside the nanotube scaffold, but we could not prove anisotropy in the surrounding medium, suggesting that grouping several water molecules in a single diffusing unit may affect the diffusional anisotropy calculated. The methodologies investigated in this work represent a first step towards the study of more complex models, including anisotropic cohorts of CNTs or even neuronal axons, with reasonable savings in computation time.  相似文献   

针对浙江省水利视频监控标准不一、相互隔离、共享困难等不足,开展浙江省水利视频监控云平台研究,结合浙江省政府政务云进行平台部署,通过终端直连、平台级联等方式,实现跨运营商水利视频监控的统一接入,开发可供第三方使用的视频服务。平台将视频监控与水利资源进行整合,提高水利视频的使用效率和决策支持水平,为相关行业视频资源整合提供参考。  相似文献   

通过国家水资源监控能力建设一期项目,青海省基本建立与水资源开发利用控制、用水效率控制和水功能区限制纳污"三条红线"管理相适应的重要取水户和水功能区等监控体系,基本建立青海省水资源管理系统,初步形成与实行最严格水资源管理制度相适应的水资源监控能力,逐步增强支撑水资源定量管理和"三条红线"监督考核的能力;改善水资源管理基础设施薄弱的状况,提高水资源管理信息化水平,达到国家水资源项目办规定的各项量化目标。  相似文献   

本项目运用工业控制组态软件,实现对农村供水工程中蓄水池水位远程控制、水处理的自动化监测、机泵运行自动化控制及运行参数的自动化监测、视频监视等项智能技术,基本形成了农村饮水安全工程智能化信息管理系统建设,满足农村饮水安全工程自动化和信息化的需要。  相似文献   

目前水利统计信息系统收录了全国各省市、自治区的农业灌溉、供用水、水土保持、水利建设投资、 农村水电、水文站网等行业数据,这些数据来源渠道广、涉及维度多、信息量级大,传统的数据分析手段已经很难满足水利业务分析的需要。为解决水利统计数据体量大、类型多、分析慢的问题,基于大数据技术提出包含从数据接入到业务应用的架构体系,设计综合展示、空间分析、智能分析及多维分析等功能模块,建立基于大数据技术的水利统计查询分析系统。结果表明:大数据水利统计查询分析系统不仅能够满足水利统计业务分析的需要,而且可以统筹分析不同类别、频率的数据,为水利统计查询分析业务提供平台支撑,同时也为大数据技术应用于其他行业提供参考。  相似文献   

The stabilities of five water hexamers (cyclic, boat, book, prism and cage structure) in the gas phase were investigated with the independent molecule model. In this model, the position and orientation of each water molecule within the hexamer are characterized with a translational vector and Eulerian angles, and then each molecule can move freely as a rigid body with respect to the others. Force field energy minimization yielded structures for each hexamer. Normal mode analyses were done on the five hexamers. Hydrogen bond strength in the hexamer decreases in the order: boat, cyclic, book, cage and prism. Hydrogen bond lifetimes also decrease in this order. By estimating the internal energy and the vibrational entropy of rigid-body motions, we determined the temperature dependence of the free energy for each hexamer in the range 100–350 K. Free energy of the hexamers increases in the previously mentioned order also. The most stable hexamer is the boat, and the least stable is the prism. The stabilities of the boat and the cyclic are very similar. The more planar hexamers (cyclic and boat) are more stable than the three-dimensional hexamers (cage and prism). Although the experiments of Liu et al. [Nature 381 (1996) 501] were interpreted in terms of a cage cluster, our calculations indicate boat is more likely.  相似文献   

The application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in the field of environmental and water resources modelling has become increasingly popular since early 1990s. Despite the recognition of the need for a consistent approach to the development of ANN models and the importance of providing adequate details of the model development process, there is no systematic protocol for the development and documentation of ANN models. In order to address this shortcoming, such a protocol is introduced in this paper. In addition, the protocol is used to critically review the quality of the ANN model development and reporting processes employed in 81 journal papers since 2000 in which ANNs have been used for drinking water quality modelling. The results show that model architecture selection is the best implemented step, while greater focus should be given to input selection considering input independence and model validation considering replicative and structural validity.  相似文献   

Object-oriented technologies are playing increasingly important roles in every level of software application for water resource management and modelling, except for data management levels where the relational logic is still the uncontested choice of information system developers despite the object–relational impedance mismatch. In this paper, we would like to present our experience concerning two different technologies for developing the object-oriented data management layer in information systems for water resources management: (i) the Java solution to obtain transparent persistence, the Java Data Object (JDO) technology; (ii) a purer object solution with a light open source Object Database, Db4o. The process for implementing the two technologies in a Java-based hydro-information system is described, and the two different solutions were analysed and compared.  相似文献   

The coagulation process is one of the most important stages in water treatment plant, which involves many complex physical and chemical phenomena. Moreover, coagulant dosing rate is non-linearly correlated to raw water characteristics such as turbidity, conductivity, PH, temperature, etc. As such, coagulation reaction is hard or even impossible to control satisfactorily by conventional methods. Based on neural network and rule models, an expert system for determining the optimum chemical dosage rate is developed and used in a water treatment work, and the results of actual runs show that in the condition of satisfying the demand of drinking water quality, the usage of coagulant is lowered.  相似文献   

为探索长江大保护试点城市智慧水务系统建设的“新技术、新标准、新规范”,总结可复制、可推广的智慧水务建设新模式和典型示范。在大数据、物联网、云计算、移动互联、人工智能等新技术的基础上,围绕 “水安全、水资源、水环境、水生态”四大领域,分析试点城市信息化现状,明确智慧水务建设目标,研究建立智慧水务的总体框架,提出“3 + 2 + N”的智慧水务建设内容,并指出智慧水务的建设应结合各城市信息化现状,从水环境系统治理的实际需求出发,脚踏实地,统筹规划,统一标准,制度保障,资源整合,信息共享, 分步实施,急用先建,逐步由信息化向智慧化推进。  相似文献   

分析了检测系统的工作原理,对系统的硬件原理图进行介绍。通过对水泥料浆测试数据的分析,说明此系统检测高浓度料浆时具有很高的准确度,它的设计为解决固液两相非牛顿流体料浆实现在线连续实时检测这一技术难题奠定了基础。  相似文献   

由于目前的水土保持效益评价方法对于不同区域的适宜性有待提高,研究新罗区小流域水土保持综合效益指标定量评价方法。构建评价指标体系,确定项目区域内的16个评价指标。通过水土保持指标权重的确定,获得判断矩阵。定量化评价指标,并建立模糊数学隶属度函数对指标进行标准化处理。经综合效益得分值计算,完成综合效益的定量评价。经评价结果分析,新罗区小流域内的蓄水效益为248.97×104m2、保土效益共为3.64×104t,经济效益为1676.92万元,生态环境得到了有效地改善。拱桥溪综合效益得分为57.1、硿溪综合效益得分为42,坪坑溪综合效益得分为40.6,本研究的综合效益评价结果与实际情况符合,证明所提方法具有有效性。  相似文献   

本文应用了先进的工业PC控制机,实现了对中小型燃煤热水蒸汽锅炉的自动控制设计和改造。系统包括:水位控制、炉压控制、燃烧控制、事故监控等控制环节,提出了模糊控制模型。使工业热水蒸汽锅炉系统具有抗干扰能力强,运行安全稳定,使用简便,经济节能,自动化控制程度高,适应性强等优势。改造后的系统可使燃料燃烧充分,降低污染,提高了蒸汽质量。  相似文献   

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