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研究了采用LF-VD-CC精益窄窗口控制工艺路线时,合适的脱氧、造渣、合金及夹杂物控制等技术对钢水洁净度的影响。结果表明,采用本工艺能够生产出全氧质量分数低于0.000 8%、Ti质量分数低于0.001 8%、Als质量分数低于0.002 2%的高品质弹簧钢;将精炼顶渣中Al2O3质量分数控制在不超过5%时,能够有效实现氧化物夹杂的低熔点化和塑性化;精炼过程中,熔点进入1 600 ℃等温线以内的氧化物夹杂在不断长大,并且通过上浮去除,而残留于钢中的夹杂物不仅熔点低、变形性能好,而且尺寸细小,对疲劳性能的影响较小。 相似文献
揭示了弹簧钢全流程中非金属夹杂物的形貌和成分转变。初始钢中夹杂物主要为Al_2O_3-SiO_2-MnO-CaO,合金化后夹杂物转变为MgO-Al_2O_3。随着精炼的进行,夹杂物逐渐转变为Al_2O_3-MgO-SiO_2-CaO。最终铸坯中主要夹杂物为Al_2O_3-MgO-SiO_2-CaO,同时有硫化物和氮化物析出。系统地计算了1 873 K下一元脱氧钢中Al、Si、Mg和Ca与O的热力学平衡关系和二元脱氧钢中Al-Mg、Al-Si、Si-Mn和Al-Mg-Ca脱氧夹杂物的生成区域。可为弹簧钢脱氧过程脱氧剂的加入,钢液中溶解氧含量的控制,以及弹簧钢中不同夹杂物的生成和控制提供理论指导。 相似文献
摘要:为了将硅脱氧弹簧钢中SiO2类高熔点硬质夹杂改性成低熔点夹杂物,在炼钢生产中进行了钙处理试验。利用FEI Explorer 4自动扫描电镜对硅脱氧弹簧钢55SiCr在正常工艺与钙处理工艺处理后的铸坯、盘条中氧化物夹杂的成分、尺寸、数量、形貌进行检测,统计分析2种工艺下夹杂物尺寸、夹杂物轧制变形性的差异,并通过弹簧钢丝Nakamura旋转弯曲疲劳测试对比2种工艺下夹杂物控制水平。分析结果表明:硅脱氧弹簧钢55SiCr钙处理工艺后氧化物夹杂主要为CaO SiO2 (CaS)类,尺寸较大,且此类夹杂物在盘条轧制过程中不易变形细化,最终恶化弹簧钢疲劳性能;正常工艺处理后氧化物夹杂尺寸随着夹杂物中Ca含量升高有增大倾向,CaO SiO2 Al2O3系相图中方石英、磷石英与莫来石交界区的夹杂物轧制变形性优于假硅灰石和钙长石共熔区的夹杂物。 相似文献
对于一些采用硅锰脱氧冶炼工艺的特殊钢,为保证钢水洁净度,常会选择较长时间的LF软吹处理,导致过程能耗增加。通过工业试验,借助FEI Explorer 4自动扫描电镜检测,研究不同LF精炼软吹时间对硅脱氧弹簧钢55SiCr铸坯氧化物夹杂成分、数量的影响;并采用夹杂物极值统计法,对比评价不同LF精炼软吹时间对应成品盘条横截面最大夹杂物尺寸控制情况。结果表明,在LF软吹10 min与软吹40 min 两种工艺条件下,铸坯中尺寸大于5 μm的氧化物夹杂成分接近,均在CaO-SiO2-Al2O3相图中假硅灰石、钙长石和钙铝黄长石共晶低熔点区,其中软吹10 min工艺铸坯氧化物夹杂组成落入低熔点区的数量所占比例更大。LF软吹10 min与软吹40 min铸坯中尺寸大于5 μm的氧化物夹杂数量密度分别为11.70个/100 mm2和14.59个/100 mm2,尺寸大于15 μm 的氧化物夹杂数量密度分别为0.53个/100 mm2和1.65个/100 mm2,LF软吹10 min工艺铸坯大尺寸氧化物夹杂数量密度略低于LF软吹40 min工艺。当预测面积为30 000 mm2时,两种LF软吹时间对应成品盘条横截面最大夹杂物尺寸分别为27.1 μm和28.1 μm,盘条最大夹杂物尺寸控制无显著差别。结合硅锰脱氧钢中大尺寸低熔点CaO-SiO2-Al2O3系夹杂物主要源自钢包渣乳化卷入,具有与钢水和氩气泡界面接触角很小、难以通过吹氩上浮去除的特点,建议硅锰脱氧钢LF软吹过程按短时间快节奏进行控制。 相似文献
钢中夹杂物形态与分布,对钢的最终使用性能有重要影响,本通过对铝镇静钢中夹杂物分布形态的描述,分析了铝及微合金加入量对其性能的影响,提出了改善夹杂物分布形态的工艺方法。 相似文献
The main obstacle for utilization of Cr and Mn as alloying elements in powder metallurgy is their high oxygen affinity leading to oxidation risk during powder manufacturing, handling, and especially during further consolidation. Despite the high purity of the commercially available Cr- and Mn-prealloyed iron powder grades, the risk of stable oxide formation during the sintering process remains. Thermodynamic and kinetic simulation of the oxide formation/transformation on the former powder surface during heating and sintering stages using thermodynamic modeling tools (Thermo-Calc and HSC Chemistry) was performed. Simulation is based on the results from the analysis of amount, morphology, and composition of the oxide phases inside the inter-particle necks in the specimens from interrupted sintering trials utilizing advanced analysis tools (HRSEM + EDX and XPS). The effect of the processing parameters, such as sintering atmosphere composition, temperature profile as well as graphite addition on the possible scenarios of oxide reduction/formation/transformation for Fe-Cr-Mn-C powder systems, was evaluated. Results indicate that oxide transformation occurs in accordance with the thermodynamic stability of oxides as follows: Fe2O3 → FeO → Fe2MnO4 → Cr2FeO4 → Cr2O3 → MnCr2O4 → MnO/MnSiO x → SiO2. Spinel MnCr2O4 was identified as the most stable oxide phase at applied sintering conditions up to 1393 K (1120 °C). Controlled conditions during the heating stage minimize the formation of stable oxide products and produce oxide-free sintered parts. 相似文献
超洁净钢和零非金属夹杂钢 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
应针对不同钢种和用途 ,应用相应的精炼技术 ,达到超洁净钢对纯净度的要求 ,诸如超低硫钢要求 [S]≤ (5~ 10 )× 10 - 6 ,超低磷钢 [P]≤ 2 0× 10 - 6 ,低氮钢 [N]≤ 2 0× 10 - 6 ,显微夹杂钢要求钢中夹杂物尺寸≤2 0 μm等。零非金属夹杂钢为钢中夹杂物高度弥散、夹杂物尺寸≤ 1μm的钢。从理论上分析了零非金属夹杂钢制备的可能性。探讨了采用冷坩埚真空感应悬浮熔炼制备零夹杂钢的冶金工艺。采用中频感应炉熔炼 ,真空感应炉初精炼 ,真空凝壳炉或真空电子束熔炼深精炼可使超洁净钢中的Alsol<10× 10 - 6 ,[S]<10× 10 - 6 ,[T .O]<2× 10 - 6 ,[N]<15× 10 - 6 。 相似文献
Oxide inclusions formed during steelmaking processes influence the machinability of steel products. At moderate and high cutting speeds, the tool life is dominated by chemical wear. However this wear can be suppressed by engineering exogenous and indigenous glassy oxide inclusions in steel. The present work demonstrates a method to engineer glassy oxide inclusions in a low carbon free cutting steel applying a new thermodynamic model for deoxidation control of steel based on slag‐melt as well as melt‐oxide inclusion equilibration. The model is used online in an industrial production line for the controlled production of glassy inclusions. These inclusions are shown to improve machinability by lubricating the tool‐chip interface during machining of the steel at high cutting speeds. Using an inclusion engineered work piece, the crater wear of an uncoated P10 tool is significantly improved and the tool life is tripled at cutting speeds in the range between 200 and 400 m/min. The industrial results show that thermodynamic modelling is a powerful tool to produce free cutting steels with consistently good machinability behaviour. 相似文献
Theory and Practice of Oxide Inclusion Composition and Morphology Control in Spring Steel Production
Theoxideinclusionsinspringsteelcomemainlyfromtheproductsofdeoxidizationofmoltensteel .Ifthemoltensteelisalloyedwithferrosiliconandfinal lydeoxidizedwithaluminum ,thepropertiesofde oxidization productsarenotdeterminedbythechemicalcompositionofmoltensteel,butbythepropertiesofalloysanddynamicconditionsofdeoxi dization .Forspringsteel ,theoriginaldeoxidizationproductsfoundinfinishedproductsaretridymite ,a luminumsilicateandalumina[1] .Inordertoreducetheamountandthesizeofinclusionswhichdeterio rate… 相似文献