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21世纪印度能源外交的战略举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪巍 《中外能源》2007,12(6):4-9
阐述了印度能源外交新发展,重点涉及印度双边合作与多边合作现状和印度未来能源合作趋势。说明只要印度对联合开发能源抱有诚意,合作的潜力是不可限量的;只要印度继续推进务实性能源外交,印度能源开发将会得到持续加强,并将克服新的挑战。分析了印度能源外交对我国的启示:通过全方位能源外交维护能源安全;与能源生产大国保持长期稳定的供求关系;共享能源信息;提高可再生能源比重。  相似文献   

金砖四国的能源消费状况比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕连宏  罗宏 《中国能源》2009,31(9):27-29
经济持续高速增长的巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国等发展中国家并称为"金砖四国"(BRICs)。从能源消费总量、能源效率、能源结构等方面看,BRICs在世界能源消费中的比例越来越重,能源效率不断提高,能源结构符合本国资源禀赋特征和经济特征,在能源安全领域的合作对世界能源发展与能源格局影响重大。  相似文献   

全球能源格局变化及对中国能源安全的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史丹 《中外能源》2013,18(2):1-7
进入21世纪以来,拉美和非洲的石油储产量大幅增长,石油供应向多极化方向发展,石油消费重心正在转向产油国和发展中国家.2000~2011年全球天然气产量增长了35.7%,北美和欧洲天然气探明储量增长居全球领先水平,天然气消费普遍增长.发达国家仍然是能源投资的主体,但同时发展中国家的能源投资也快速增长,发展中国家对煤炭和石油的投资比例均高于发达国家,而发达国家对天然气和电力等清洁能源的投资比例超过了发展中国家.欧美引领着新能源的发展,但由于中国和印度的拉动,亚洲地区有可能成为全球新能源中心.气候变化问题使能源安全的内涵扩展到对环境的影响.此外,中东的石油和天然气消费增速位居全球第一,未来可能会影响对其他地区的出口.世界能源格局的变化使中国能源安全面临一系列新的挑战.首先,作为全球最大的能源消费国,维护全球能源安全是中国的不二选择;其次,维护海外投资利益已成为中国构建新的国际关系的重要考量;第三,需要重新考虑与发达国家和发展中国家的能源外交;另外,如何在国际舞台上发挥主导作用、以何种政治姿态影响和参与全球能源治理,以及如何与周边国家及欧美等国解决能源争端、领土争端和贸易争端,是我国面临的又一挑战.中国要注重能源大国在能源安全中的作用,有区别地与具有不同能源安全利益诉求的国家开展能源外交,在全球能源对话中要积极倡导能源贸易“去政治化”,提出既有利于世界能源安全又有利于我国能源安全的新理念.  相似文献   

能源紧缺已经是人类面临的一大难题,而环境和气候又为解决能源问题套上枷锁。无论发达国家还是发展中国家都在为能源安全进行不懈努力。国际原子能机构(IAEA)预测,未来几十年,核能将再度成为能源热门项目,尤其在中国、印度等发展中国家,核能有可能成为它们的主要能源。  相似文献   

化石能源的利用弊端下能源安全问题日趋复杂化,成为全球共同的挑战。能源体系的清洁、低碳化转型是破解能源安全问题的关键,这主要是由于能源转型促进了三大转变,加强了能源安全:发展模式由资源依赖转向技术依赖,为共享的能源安全奠定了基础;能源生产由矿物开采转向装备制造,创造了新的经济机遇;能源消费进入电气化时代,保障了可持续能源安全。在此背景下,中国必须坚定能源转型的基本路线,正确把握能源安全的新形势,推动落实全球能源安全的“三大转变”,为国际社会,尤其是其他发展中国家提供必要的、可行的能源转型中国方案。  相似文献   

赵亮 《中外能源》2007,12(1):115-115
第二届东亚峰会15日在宿务国际会议中心闭幕。出席会议的东盟十国和中国、日本、韩国、印度、澳大利亚和新西兰的国家元首或政府首脑签署了《东亚能源安全宿务宣言》,提出了东亚地区能源合作的具体目标和措施。  相似文献   

长三角能源安全保障研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着长三角经济持续快速发展,工业经济增长明显加快,对能源的需求越来越大.长三角能源资源十分匮乏,能源安全保障具有紧迫性.文中提出多途径促进能源结构优化,多途径保障区域能源安全,多途径发展绿色能源,保障能源安全和能源区域协作对策.  相似文献   

传统能源安全观念侧重于能源供应量有持续充足的保障,伴随能源技术发展,传统以化石能源为基础的大规模生产、远距离运输的能源体系正逐步向新的能源体系过渡,在这个过程中,能源技术对能源安全的影响愈发重要,也将影响着新的世界能源格局的形成。本文阐述了能源技术视角对保障能源安全的重要意义,并对能源技术发展趋势及我国能源技术现状进行了分析评价。提出了能源安全战略应将能源技术作为核心内容,重视能源体系转换中出现的新的安全问题;加强能源领域技术创新,提升关键技术自主化水平,突破前沿性技术;坚持能源技术产业目标导向,加强创新性技术的应用等政策建议。  相似文献   

能源安全对于保障国家经济发展和人民生活具有重要作用,我国进入新时代赋予了能源安全更为丰富的内涵。新时代能源安全内涵主要包括可获取性、可支付性、可高效清洁利用性和政府能源治理能力4个方面。本文基于新架构对中国能源安全现状进行了分析,可以看出当前我国能源安全状况良好,但仍然存在风险。为更好的提升未来能源安全水平,我国应推行深入能源供给侧改革以及促进能源协同发展等政策。  相似文献   

史丹  王蕾 《中国能源》2022,(11):8-15
全球新能源发展进入加速期,未来新能源将是国际能源市场的主角,成为重构全球能源市场的重要驱动力。与此同时,当前国际油气市场受乌克兰危机的影响,进入50年来最动荡的调整期,市场供需格局将在博弈中重构。长期来看,能源安全风险不再局限在油气供给、能源价格等传统安全领域,与新能源相关的核心技术、矿产资源都有可能成为决定一些国家能源安全的重要因素。为了应对可能出现的安全风险,赢得未来能源市场的国际竞争,中国需在加快能源转型步伐,加强能源领域国际合作,积极参与国际能源治理,在保障能源安全的基础上,承担大国责任,共同维护全球能源市场的稳定,积极构建国际新能源市场新秩序。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss issues involving energy security with economic growth and development that brings out (i) the dimension of physical security alternative, (ii) framework for a pan South East Asian platform to support energy security and (iii) requirement of promoting regional energy cooperation and specific energy peace initiatives. Sustaining projected economic growth rate coupled with energy security in future is a concern for all developing countries like India. The energy security of these nations is threatened by the disruption of energy supplies by ongoing energy terrorism and geopolitical conflicts in the region. India's geo-strategic position and increasing energy dependence raises concerns for its energy security. We discuss energy security, examine factors and approaches to attempt the energy security in the light of economic growth and development.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of energy security perceived and understood by a sample of government, business, civil society, and university stakeholders in India. Based on a literature review, the authors hypothesize what energy experts suggest energy security is for India. The article then tests these hypotheses through the use of a survey completed by 172 Indian respondents. The article begins by describing its methodology before summarizing the results of the literature review to distill seven working hypotheses related to energy security in India. These hypotheses relate to (1) security of energy supply, (2) equitable access to energy services, (3) research and development of new energy technologies, (4) energy efficiency and conservation, (5) self-sufficiency and trade in energy fuels, (6) nuclear power, and (7) the energy-water nexus. It then tests these hypotheses with our survey instrument before concluding with implications for energy policy in India and beyond.  相似文献   

This study provides an index for evaluating national energy security policies and performance among the United States, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and the ten countries comprising the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Drawn from research interviews, a survey instrument, and a focused workshop, the article first argues that energy security ought to be comprised of five dimensions related to availability, affordability, technology development, sustainability, and regulation. The article then breaks these dimensions down into 20 components and correlates them with 20 metrics that constitute a comprehensive energy security index. We find that the top three performers of our index for all data points and times are Japan, Brunei, and the United States and the worst performers Vietnam, India, and Myanmar. Malaysia, Australia, and Brunei saw their energy security improve the most from 1990 to 2010 whereas Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar saw it decline the most. The article concludes by calling for more research on various aspects of our index and its results.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources and technologies have potential to provide solutions to the longstanding energy problems being faced by the developing countries like India. Solar energy can be an important part of India's plan not only to add new capacity but also to increase energy security, address environmental concerns, and lead the massive market for renewable energy. Solar thermal electricity (STE) also known as concentrating solar power (CSP) are emerging renewable energy technologies and can be developed as future potential option for electricity generation in India. In this paper, efforts have been made to summarize the availability, current status, strategies, perspectives, promotion policies, major achievements and future potential of solar energy options in India.  相似文献   

Coal is the abundant domestic energy resource in India and is projected to remain so in future under a business-as-usual scenario. Using domestic coal mitigates national energy security risks. However coal use exacerbates global climate change. Under a strict climate change regime, coal use is projected to decline in future. However this would increase imports of energy sources like natural gas (NG) and nuclear and consequent energy security risks for India. The paper shows that carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) can mitigate CO2 emissions from coal-based large point source (LPS) clusters and therefore would play a key role in mitigating both energy security risks for India and global climate change risks. This paper estimates future CO2 emission projections from LPS in India, identifies the potential CO2 storage types at aggregate level and matches the two into the future using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM/Local model) with a Geographical Information System (GIS) interface. The paper argues that clustering LPS that are close to potential storage sites could provide reasonable economic opportunities for CCS in future if storage sites of different types are further explored and found to have adequate capacity. The paper also indicates possible LPS locations to utilize CCS opportunities economically in future, especially since India is projected to add over 220,000 MW of thermal power generation capacity by 2030.  相似文献   

India has committed large investments to energy infrastructure assets-power plants, refineries, energy ports, pipelines, roads, railways, etc. The coastal infrastructure being developed to meet the rising energy imports is vulnerable to climate extremes. This paper provides an overview of climate risks to energy infrastructures in India and details two case studies – a crude oil importing port and a western coast railway transporting coal. The climate vulnerability of the port has been mapped using an index while that of the railway has been done through a damage function for RCP 4.5.0 and 8.5 scenarios. Our analysis shows that risk management through adaptation is likely to be very expensive. The system risks can be even greater and might adversely affect energy security and access objectives. Aligning sustainable development and climate adaptation measures can deliver substantial co-benefits. The key policy recommendations include: i) mandatory vulnerability assessment to future climate risks for energy infrastructures; ii) project and systemic risks in the vulnerability index; iii) adaptation funds for unmitigated climate risks; iv) continuous monitoring of climatic parameters and implementation of adaptation measures, and iv) sustainability actions along energy infrastructures that enhance climate resilience and simultaneously deliver co-benefits to local agents.  相似文献   

Energy can be a confusing issue to the general public, policymakers, and politicians. Adding energy security to the lexicon has not provided any clarification. To assist in explaining some of the concepts associated with energy security and to show how an individual or organization can improve energy security, this paper introduces the “four ‘R's of energy security”: review (understanding the problem), reduce (using less energy), replace (shifting to secure sources), and restrict (limiting new demand to secure sources).  相似文献   

This paper begins by examining the most energy-intensive industries and methods by which fuel efficiency can be improved. Next the author analyses the economics of energy conservation using specific case studies drawn from India. It is shown that investing in energy efficiency is more economical Btu per Btu than investing in the enhancement of domestic energy resources. The author also assesses changes in the economics of conservation for private firms when there are government incentives. Finally government policies that can overcome economic and non-economic disincentives for investing in energy conservation are examined.  相似文献   

There exists a large potential in India as far as achievement of energy efficiency is concerned and it is up to the Indian policy-makers, regulators and obligated entities to ensure that India realizes this potential to the fullest. A deep commitment towards this effect is not only beneficial for the country as a whole through reduction in its carbon foot print and reduced dependence on fuel imports but will also increase the competitive edge of our industries vis-à-vis other countries. One of the instruments for improving the overall energy efficiency that has emerged in recent times is energy saving certificates (ESCerts). The staying power of European examples in Italy, UK and France has demonstrated that ESCerts can help initiate more efficiency projects. This paper discusses ESCerts as an instrument for reducing the energy intensity of the high energy intensive Indian industries under the light of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 and Perform Achieve and Trade scheme (under NMEEE) and suggests a way forward for the ESCerts market in India.  相似文献   

In the recent years, India has emerged as one of the fast growing economies of the world necessitating equally rapid increase in modern energy consumption. With an imminent global climate change threat, India will have difficulties in continuing with this rising energy use levels towards achieving high economic growth. It will have to follow an energy-efficient pathway in attaining this goal. In this context, an attempt is made to present India's achievements on the energy efficiency front by tracing the evolution of policies and their impacts. The results indicate that India has made substantial progress in improving energy efficiency which is evident from the reductions achieved in energy intensities of GDP to the tune of 88% during 1980–2007. Similar reductions have been observed both with respect to overall Indian economy and the major sectors of the economy. In terms of energy intensity of GDP, India occupies a relatively high position of nine among the top 30 energy consuming countries of the world.  相似文献   

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