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From user point of view, password‐based remote user authentication technique is one of the most convenient and easy‐to‐use mechanisms to provide necessary security on system access. As the number of computer crimes in modern cyberspace has increased dramatically, the robustness of password‐based authentication schemes has been investigated by industries and organizations in recent years. In this paper, a well‐designed password‐based authentication protocol for multi‐server communication environment, introduced by Hsiang and Shih, is evaluated. Our security analysis indicates that their scheme is insecure against session key disclosure, server spoofing attack, and replay attack and behavior denial. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concept of multi‐server authentication includes multiple numbers of application servers. The registration/control server is the central point in such environment to provide smooth services to a limited number of legitimate users. However, this type of environment is inappropriate to handle unlimited users since the number of users may grow, and thus, the response time may be very high. To eliminate these shortcomings, we have modified the existing multi‐server authentication architecture and then designed a new scheme by including multiregistration server technique that can provide a smooth environment to support unlimited number of users. The main aspect of our design is to provide a secure authentication environment for multi‐server application using password and smartcard so that the participants can securely communicate with each other. The simulation results are obtained by executing our protocol using AVISPA tool. The results provide concrete evidence about the security safety against active and passive attacks. Furthermore, the justification of correctness of the freshness of the session key negotiation and the mutual authentication between the participants has done been evaluated with the BAN logic model. The comprehensive comparative analysis justifies our argument that our protocol has better applicability in multi‐server environments compared to other protocols with similar nature.  相似文献   

In the authentication scheme, it is important to ensure that the user's identity changed dynamically with the different sessions, which can protect the user's privacy information from being tracked. Recently, Chang et al. proposed an untraceable dynamic identity‐based remote user authentication scheme with verifiable password update. However, our analysis show that the property of untraceability can easily be broken by the legal user of the system. Besides, we find the scheme of Chang et al. vulnerable to offline password guessing attack, impersonation attack, stolen smart card attack, and insider attack. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the popularity of Internet and wireless networks, more and more network architectures are used in multi‐server environment, in which mobile users remotely access servers through open networks. In the past, many schemes have been proposed to solve the issue of user authentication for multi‐server environment and low‐power mobile devices. However, most of these schemes have suffered from many attacks because these schemes did not provide the formal security analysis. In this paper, we first give a security model for multi‐server environment. We then propose an ID‐based mutual authentication and key agreement scheme based on bilinear maps for mobile multi‐server environment. Our scheme can be used for both general users with a long validity period and anonymous users with a short validity period. Under the presented security model, we show that our scheme is secure against all known attacks. We demonstrate that the proposed scheme is well suitable for low‐power mobile devices. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Smart card‐based client‐server authentication protocol is well popular for secure data exchange over insecure and hostile networks. Recently, Lee et al. put forward an authentication protocol by utilizing ElGamal cryptosystem and proved that it can withstand known security threats. This article evinces that the protocol of Lee et al. is unwilling to protect various important security vulnerabilities such as forgery attack and off‐line password‐guessing attack. To vanquish these loopholes, this article presents a robust authentication protocol for client‐server communication over any insecure networks. The security explanation of our protocol has done through the formal and informal mechanism and its outcome makes sure that the designed protocol is strong enough to resist the known vulnerabilities. In addition, we have simulated our protocol using ProVerif online software and its results certify that our protocol is safe against private information of the client and server. This paper also has made performance estimation of the presented protocol and others, and the outcome favors the presented protocol.  相似文献   

Recently, Chang et al. [Chang Y, Tai W, Chang H. Untraceable dynamic identity‐based remote user authentication scheme with verifiable password update. International Journal of Communication Systems 2013; doi:10.1002/dac.2552] proposed a dynamic identity‐based remote user authentication scheme with verifiable password update. They also proved that their scheme could withstand various attacks. Unfortunately, by proposing concrete attacks, we show that their scheme is vulnerable to three kinds of attacks. We also point out that their scheme cannot provide untraceability. The analysis shows that the scheme of Chang et al. is not suitable for practical applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Authenticated key agreement protocols play an important role for network‐connected servers to authenticate remote users in Internet environment. In recent years, several authenticated key agreement protocols for single‐server environment have been developed based on chaotic maps. In modern societies, people usually have to access multiple websites or enterprise servers to accomplish their daily personal matters or duties on work; therefore, how to increase user's convenience by offering multi‐server authentication protocol becomes a practical research topic. In this study, a novel chaotic map‐based anonymous multi‐server authenticated key agreement protocol using smart card is proposed. In this protocol, a legal user can access multiple servers using only a single secret key obtained from a trusted third party, known as the registration center. Security analysis shows this protocol is secure against well‐known attacks. In addition, protocol efficiency analysis is conducted by comparing the proposed protocol with two recently proposed schemes in terms of computational cost during one authentication session. We have shown that the proposed protocol is twice faster than the one proposed by Khan and He while preserving the same security properties as their protocol has. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In remote system security, 2‐factor authentication is one of the security approaches and provides fundamental protection to the system. Recently, numerous 2‐factor authentication schemes are proposed. In 2014, Troung et al proposed an enhanced dynamic authentication scheme using smart card mainly to provide anonymity, secure mutual authentication, and session key security. By the analysis of Troung et al's scheme, we observed that Troung et al' s scheme does not provide user anonymity, perfect forward secrecy, server's secret key security and does not allow the user to choose his/her password. We also identified that Troung et al's scheme is vulnerable to replay attack. To fix these security weaknesses, a robust authentication scheme is proposed and analyzed using the formal verification tool for measuring the robustness. From the observation of computational efficiency of the proposed scheme, we conclude that the scheme is more secure and easy to implement practically.  相似文献   

To provide mutual authentication and communication confidentiality between mobile clients and servers, numerous identity‐based authenticated key agreement (ID‐AKA) protocols were proposed to authenticate each other while constructing a common session key. In most of the existing ID‐AKA protocols, ephemeral secrets (random values) are involved in the computations of the common session key between mobile client and server. Thus, these ID‐AKA protocols might become vulnerable because of the ephemeral‐secret‐leakage (ESL) attacks in the sense that if the involved ephemeral secrets are compromised, an adversary could compute session keys and reveal the private keys of participants in an AKA protocol. Very recently, 2 ID‐AKA protocols were proposed to withstand the ESL attacks. One of them is suitable for single server environment and requires no pairing operations on the mobile client side. The other one fits multi‐server environments, but requires 2 expensive pairing operations. In this article, we present a strongly secure ID‐AKA protocol resisting ESL attacks under mobile multi‐server environments. By performance analysis and comparisons, we demonstrate that our protocol requires the lowest communication overhead, does not require any pairing operations, and is well suitable for mobile devices with limited computing capability. For security analysis, our protocol is provably secure under the computational Diffie‐Hellman assumption in the random oracle model.  相似文献   

Multi‐proxy signature is one of the useful primitives of the proxy signature. Till now, only a few schemes of identity‐based multi‐proxy signature (IBMPS) have been proposed using bilinear pairings, but most of the schemes are insecure or lack a formal security proof. Because of the important application of IBMPS scheme in distributed systems, grid computing, and so on, construction of an efficient and provable‐secure IBMPS scheme is desired. In 2005, Li & Chen proposed an IBMPS scheme from bilinear pairings, but their paper lacks a formal model and proof of the security. Further, in 2009, Cao & Cao presented an IBMPS scheme with the first formal security model for it. Unfortunately, their scheme is not secure against the Xiong et al's attack. In this paper, first, we present an IBMPS scheme, then we formalize a security model for the IBMPS schemes and prove that the presented scheme is existential unforgeable against adaptive chosen message and identity attack in the random oracle model under the computational Diffie–Hellman assumption. Also, our scheme is not vulnerable for the Xiong et al's attack. The presented scheme is more efficient in the sense of computation and operation time than the existing IBMPS schemes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anonymous receiver encryption is an important cryptographic primitive. It allows a sender to use the public identities of multiple receivers to encrypt messages so that only the authorized receivers or a privileged set of users can decrypt the messages, and the identities of the receivers are not revealed. Recently, Zhang et al. proposed a novel anonymous multi‐receiver encryption scheme and claimed that their scheme could realize the receiver's identity privacy. Unfortunately, in this paper, we pointed out that the scheme by Zhang et al. did not achieve the anonymity of the receiver identity after analyzing the security of the scheme. At the same time, we give the corresponding attack. After analyzing the reason to produce such attacks, a novel anonymous multi‐receiver encryption scheme is given to achieve the anonymity of the receiver's identities. And we formally prove that the proposed scheme is semantically secure for confidentiality and receiver identities’ anonymity. The security of the scheme is based on decisional bilinear Diffie‐Hellman problem. Compared with the scheme by Zhang et al., Fan et al., Wang et al., and Chien et al., our scheme is shown to be better performance and robust security. To the best of our knowledge, our scheme is most efficient in terms of computational cost and communication overhead. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Authenticating the legitimacy of a remote user is an important issue in modern computer systems. In this paper, a neural network system for authenticating remote users is presented. The benefits of the proposed scheme include that (1) it is suitable for multi‐server environment; (2) it does not maintain a verification table; (3) users can freely choose their password; and (4) it can withstand replay attack, off‐line password guessing attack, and privileged insider attacks. Furthermore, some drawbacks, such as the users who choose the same passwords will have the same identities and unavailability for evicting a user from the system, will also be eliminated. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fast growth of mobile services and devices has made the conventional single‐server architecture ineffective from the point of its functional requirements. To extend the scalability and availability of mobile services to various applications, it is required to deploy multiserver architecture. In 2016, Moon et al insisted that Lu et al's scheme is weak to insiders and impersonation attack, then they proposed a biometric‐based scheme for authentication and key agreement of users in multiserver environments. Unfortunately, we analyze Moon et al's scheme and demonstrate that their scheme does not withstand various attacks from a malicious registered server. We propose a user authentication scheme with server mutual verification to overcome these security drawbacks. The proposed scheme withstands an attack from malicious insiders in multiserver environments. We use a threshold cryptography to strengthen the process of server authorization and to provide better security functionalities. We then prove the authentication and session key of the proposed scheme using Burrows‐Abadi‐Needham (BAN) logic and show that our proposed scheme is secure against various attacks.  相似文献   

The e‐commerce has got great development in the past decades and brings great convenience to people. Users can obtain all kinds of services through e‐commerce platform with mobile device from anywhere and at anytime. To make it work well, e‐commerce platform must be secure and provide privacy preserving. To achieve this goal, Islam et al. proposed a dynamic identity‐based remote user mutual authentication scheme with smart card using Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC). Islam et al claimed that the security of their scheme was good enough to resist various attacks. However, we demonstrate that their scheme is vulnerable to insider attack and suffers from off‐line password guessing attack if smart card is compromised. To overcome the deficiencies, we present an improved scheme over Islam's scheme. The security proof and analysis shows that our scheme can also provide user anonymity and mutual authentication, and the security is enough to against relay attack, impersonation attack, and other common secure attackers. The performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme is more efficient than Islam et al's scheme.  相似文献   

Authentication schemes have been widely deployed access control and mobility management in various communication networks. Especially, the schemes that are based on multifactor authentication such as on password and smart card come to be more practical. One of the standard authentication schemes that have been widely used for secure communication over the Internet is session initiation protocol (SIP). The original authentication scheme proposed for SIP was vulnerable to some crucial security weaknesses. To overcome the security problems, various improved authentication schemes have been developed, especially based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Very recently, Zhang et al . proposed an improved authentication scheme for SIP based on ECC using smart cards to overcome the security flaws of the related protocols. Zhang et al . claimed that their protocol is secure against all known security attacks. However, this paper indicates that Zhang et al . protocol is still insecure against impersonation attack. We show that an active attacker can easily masquerade as a legal server to fool users. As a remedy, we also improve Zhang et al . protocol by imposing a little extra computation cost. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi‐proxy signature is used to delegate a permission of an owner to at least two proxies in the digital world. Recently, Sahu and Padhye gave a new construction of identity‐based multi‐proxy signature. Their scheme's security was supported by a reduction proof against a hard mathematical problem. Even supported by such security proofs, we present some forgery attacks against Sahu and Padhye's scheme. We demonstrate that any dishonest insider or any malicious outsider can break the security of Sahu and Padhye's scheme by forging either a permission or a multi‐proxy signature. In fact, our forgery attacks exploit the security weakness in their underlying identity‐based signature scheme, which is the fundamental constructing component of their proposed scheme. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Smart‐card‐based password authentication scheme is one of the commonly used mechanisms to prevent unauthorized service and resource access and to remove the potential security threats over the insecure networks and has been investigated extensively in the last decade. Recently, Chen et al. proposed a smart‐card‐based password authentication scheme and claimed that the scheme can withstand offline password guessing attacks even if the information stored in the smart card is extracted by the adversary. However, we observe that the scheme of Chen et al. is insecure against offline password guessing attacks in this case. To remedy this security problem, we propose an improved authentication protocol, which inherits the merits of the scheme of Chen et al. and is free from the security flaw of their scheme. Compared with the previous schemes, our improved scheme provides more security guarantees while keeping efficiency. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 2005, Liu et al.proposed an improvement to Chien et al.'s remote user authentication scheme, using smart cards, to prevent parallel session attack.This article, however, will demonstrate that Liu et al.'s scheme is vulnerable to masquerading server attack and has the system's secret key forward secrecy problem.Therefore, an improved scheme with better security strength, by using counters instead of timestamps, is proposed.The proposed scheme does not only achieve their scheme's advantages, but also enhances its security by withstanding the weaknesses just mentioned.  相似文献   

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