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Curriculum and policy documents in many states and countries around the world, but more specifically in Queensland, Australia, are underpinned by an emancipatory agenda, in particular the principles of social justice. Educators are called upon to achieve this through a pedagogy which is immersed in the language of critical theory. This article explores the notion that students may achieve the syllabus outcomes related to the critical agenda; however it questions whether contemporary youth are making choices that further the critical transformative cause. Key foci are the discourses of youth, the intentional discourses of schooling and the discourses of society that are legitimated through the accounts of young people for whom emancipation is not a key issue. These discourses have been interpreted within a critical poststructuralist framework, using critical discourse analysis to explore the macro and micro elements of the data. The article illuminates the complex negotiations of these youth as they traverse the contradictory terrain of their worlds, and argues for the continued importance of a critical agenda in schools.  相似文献   

Metaphors of space in educational theory and practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Space is largely ignored in both the theory and the practice of education. At the same time, however, there is an abundance of spatial metaphors that are used to describe schooling, the curriculum and educational processes. Some of these (top of the class, department) have their origins in spatial arrangements that once dominated schools and schooling, while others (curriculum area, field, baseline assessment) seem to derive from a spatial imagination that has crept into educational discourse despite its overt privileging of issues of time. This article examines the variety of spatial metaphors used in educational discourses and demonstrates how they are used in different ways for different aspects of and approaches to educational processes. The discourses around these various spatial metaphors both illuminate and constrain the ways in which we think about educational processes and learners' relationships with them.  相似文献   

转喻同隐喻一样不仅是一种修辞手段,更是一种普遍的思维方式,对语言概念的生成与加工有着重要的作用。一词多义普遍存在于各种语言中。多义词义项之间有着有机的联系,构成一个语义范畴网络。通过举例,应用原型范畴及转喻的认知功能揭示多义词义项的延伸机理,对多义词各个义项之间的关系进行详细的阐释,为外语词汇的习得提供了一条有效的思路。从转喻入手学习词汇符合认知规律,可有效突破传统词汇学习的瓶颈,帮助学生达到真正意义上的概念流利。  相似文献   

This article discusses three trends in teacher education. The first teacher-education discourse is that of mastery learning, that is, the discourse that uses the language of productivity, and efficiency. The second is that of strategic teaching, the discourse that targets expertise. The third is that of narrative awakening, the discourse of the enlightened subject. The objective of the article is their deconstruction: Productivity, warfare, and priesthood metaphorically shape three castes in teacher education. Mass educational concepts, even positive ones, can stifle individual growth, responsibility, and difference. In this line of thought, the article will discuss the future of reflective trends in teacher education.  相似文献   

The intention in this article is to make problematic the notion of active involvement in learning from a poststructuralist perspective. Specifically, the author argues that students are always actively involved and always learning and that such learning can have positive or negative effects. She uses the poststructuralist concept of power/knowledge within discourses such as mathematics education to argue that if we want students to be empowered or enfranchised within the discourse, it is the degree of individual engagement that matters. Engagement is measured by the degree to which students are variously able to take themselves up as authoritative speakers of the recognised 'truths' of the discipline or discourse, and refers directly to the power/knowledge nexus (Foucualt, in Bernauer & Rasmussen, 1987) operating in the classroom. The author takes some short examples of classroom teaching to help me think about student learning, engagement and enablement, and to hopefully open up further debate on this issue.  相似文献   

黄燕  谢芳 《酿酒》2013,(6):25-27
概念隐喻根植于人类的身体经验,同时与文化息息相关。四川因其优越的地理和气候环境,悠久的酿酒历史,孕育出异常丰富的川酒品牌和文化。在进行川酒品牌和文化国际化传播的今天,中西方思维模式和文化上的差异不容忽视。本文拟将西方概念隐喻理论融入川酒品牌和文化的传播之中,以华夏民族文化和精神为认知体验的源域,借助语言这一载体,以期改变西方人对川酒的认知图式进而认可并喜爱川酒等中国白酒品牌和文化。  相似文献   

探讨了日常生活中同一本体具有多种喻体的隐喻概念现象,论述了隐喻不仅是一种语言特征,而且是一种思维或行动的方式,并讨论了以mind,life,time,argument,love和idea为本体具有多种喻体的隐喻概念系列.  相似文献   

This is an exploratory study concerned with understanding the role and experiences of teaching assistants (TAs) within primary schools. The analysis suggests that TAs are constructed within a policy discourse that tends to posit their role as peripheral to teaching and learning. I offer an alternative account, deploying a concept of liminality which acknowledges the creative, open, ambiguous and ambivalent nature of the TA's role. My argument is supported by an interpretation of data drawn from a small qualitative study of TAs within two selected multi-ethnic inner-city schools. It draws attention to the boundary work of TAs, both within schools and between the inside and outsides, the schools and their wider social and cultural contexts, which is important in understanding processes of in/exclusion within schools and the TAs' contributions, both overt and hidden.  相似文献   


The practice of deliberately concealing garments within the structure of buildings is described. These finds provide a means of exploring how space was conceived and experienced in the past, and how these deliberately hidden garments mediated, and continue to mediate, the relationship between people and the spaces they occupied, and may continue to occupy. The Deliberately Concealed Garments Project was set up in 1998 to locate, document and analyze garments found hidden within buildings. Concealments have preserved many textiles in the UK, mainland Europe, Australia and North America. The significance of these caches rests not only in the finds themselves, as rare items of dress, but also because of what they reveal about perceptions of built space. The concealments are believed to serve a protective function, not against the weather or immodesty, but against incoming malevolent forces. As apotropaic (evil-averting) agents they protect from within rather than as outer coverings or internal divisions. The paper discusses how garments concealed within buildings transform space through the work of metaphor.  相似文献   

Education, Majorism and 'the Curriculum of the Dead'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Somewhat perversely since John Major replaced Margaret Thatcher as UK Prime Minister 'New Right' influences and effects have been more evident than before in government education policy. This paper outlines some of those influences and effects in the areas of curriculum, assessment and pedagogy. These are analysed in terms of a project of 'cultural restoration'. It is argued that cultural restorationism has a popular appeal to politicians and parents by virtue of its discourse of nostalgia. Thus, Majorism in education is identified with a regressive Victorianism which is disconnected from and set over and against attempts at educational modernisation.  相似文献   

突破了语言修辞学领域的隐喻在认知心理学研究中找到了位置。而在以用户为中心的交互产品研发中,隐喻是行之有效的设计方法。认清隐喻的本质和模式,发挥其在交互设计中的重要作用是获得良好用户体验、达到自然交互的核心手段。  相似文献   

Body image has become relevant to many men, as the flourishing of male fitness magazines and the consequent development of theoretical studies on the subject demonstrate. In this article, I will examine the close connections between food, masculinities, and body image in male fitness magazines, a booming sector of the fitness and wellness publishing industry. I will attempt a qualitative analysis of editorial features and advertising pages of the October 2002 issues of Men's Health, Men's Fitness, and Muscle and Fitness. I will also analyze Men's Health Guide to Women, a supplement to Men's Health published in the same month, designed as a sort of a how-to manual for men who want to increase their success with women. Since I will deal with communication and media, I will adopt a semiotic approach, emphasizing how the frequent references to food and eating, which clearly constitute a deep concern, actually construct a coherent discourse about masculinities, using words, images, and metaphors as signs within a complex code that needs to be deciphered.  相似文献   

Institutions of higher education in South Africa have been encouraged to find ways of recognising the informal learning of historically disadvantaged adult learners. In order to facilitate the process of recognition of prior learning (RPL), portfolio-based experiential learning courses are advocated. These courses are expected to give RPL candidates an opportunity to revisit what they know and articulate it into academic modes of knowing. The article critically evaluates the capacity of the assessment processes involved in such courses to transmit clear sets of criteria for what an RPL candidate is required to demonstrate. The article draws on Bernstein's (1996) distinction between two pedagogical types, 'competence' and 'performance', and analyses the instructional logic of the pedagogy used to recognise prior learning in a portfolio-based assessment. This analysis is used to reflect on our pedagogical experiences of running a portfolio development course, with a view to highlighting the ways in which some of the demands of prior learning assessment constrained our ability to specify the criteria for the learning we set to recognise.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The new IFT Education Standards require that all IFT-approved Food Science programs have an assessment plan for evaluating student learning. Learning outcomes must be written for each individual course as well as for the curriculum as a whole and assessment within each course and across the curriculum is recommended. This approach is significantly different from the traditional education approach used most commonly and requires a change in perspective on the meaning of teaching and learning without sacrificing the good things that come out of our current education system. For most programs, the first step in developing an assessment program is to identify a set of learning outcomes in the broadest sense. The assistance of an education expert to help write true learning outcomes should be solicited; as well, input from the industrial sector should be invited. Once learning outcomes have been developed for the curriculum as a whole, individual courses can be prepared to bring the most logical learning sequence together. Individual courses may follow traditional lines or courses may be reorganized in some other way to promote student learning within the resources of the program. As the curriculum is designed, thought should be given to how student learning develops across the curriculum. For example, developing team work skills may be coordinated at several points in the curriculum. In this way, students are exposed to the concepts, allowed to practice their skills, and then evaluated on their competence in a manner consistent with what they will be required to do upon graduation. Using the approach suggested here, a curriculum with coordinated instruction to promote and to assess student learning can be developed. The outcome of such an approach to instruction will be enhanced student learning and competency upon graduation.  相似文献   

概念隐喻是当代认知隐喻研究中的重要概念,具有普遍性、认知性和系统性。它揭示了人类思维的隐喻性,而思维又与语言、文化密不可分。本研究以莱考夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻理论为基础,以英、汉语料库为依据,着重对比在两种不同文化模式中"思想"这一基本概念隐喻体系的异同。通过真实有效的语料分析证实"思想"隐喻产生的经验基础以及跨域印射理论的普遍性,并对文化差异造成的思维和语言的异同做出相应解释。  相似文献   

《食品发酵与酿造工艺学》课程是烟台南山学院食品生物技术专业的方向模块课程,实践性和应用性非常强。以改进O2O平台、教学模式、师资与评价的场域因素和以个人主观意愿为主的惯习因素为基础,以“具有自主学习意向—引导自主学习动力—转化自主学习实践”和“无自主学习意向—激发自主学习动力—转化自主学习实践”为主线,从“场域—惯习”视角下分析提升大学生自主学习能力的策略。研究结果为培养大学生综合素质提供理论依据和决策参考。  相似文献   

Hidden Hunger is a worldwide phenomenon affecting one third of the world’s population. The major reason for its occurrence is poverty and poor education. Hidden hunger is related to poor diet quality and low diet diversity. The majority affected are women and young children. As a consequence their physical and cognitive development is impaired and influences their future. Price volatility, biofuel and misleading trade policy are the major drivers of hidden hunger. To detect and treat hidden hunger, different disciplines need to communicate. Various organizations have addressed the problem of hunger at worldwide conferences but, up to now, hidden hunger has received scant recognition. An international conference on hidden hunger brought scientists from different disciplines together at Hohenheim for a four-day meeting. The delegates at the conference recommended the creation of a platform to share knowledge and to create a database, which would allow scientists and field workers all over the world to communicate and to distribute ideas on how to assess or treat hidden hunger successfully. The Hidden Hunger Conference was established to bring scientists, field workers, organizations and the private sector together to discuss the magnitude of the problem of worldwide hidden hunger and the steps needed to be taken to combat it. This was done under the headings of 6 topics with 125 presentations, 80 posters, including 25 key notes and 3 panel discussions. Aspects presented and discussed covered assessment, medical impact, reasons, solutions and future perspectives of hidden hunger in developing and developed countries. The conference was attended by 350 participants from all over the world, including 100 from Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

This article examines discourses of cultural knowledge and ideology in Chinese language textbooks currently used for primary school students nationwide in China. Within the framework of critical curriculum theory and using critical discourse analysis, this article critically investigates how discourses of cultural knowledge are constructed and what ideological forces are manifested in the textbooks. First, it identifies a matrix of discourses that construct areas of knowledge through an inter-textual analysis. Then it analyses how textual features, such as lexical choices, grammatical elements and generic structures, are manipulated in the construction of a particular version of cultural knowledge for the child reader. The article concludes that the discourses constructed in the textbooks are a closed system that serves the purpose of social control but not the interest of children.  相似文献   

文章分析了产品语义中隐含的基础、内涵、理解的多义性和模糊性,并结合日常生活中的家居用品进行分析,从而折射出语义学的隐喻性质。就产品语义中的造型语义、色彩语义、材料语义三方面论述了产品语义中的隐喻价值,进而分析了家居用品利用隐喻特性进行设计的可行性。提出了隐喻的基础必须是设计者对生活的感知;以及运用隐喻理解的多义性、模糊性的特征对于家居用品设计中创造思维过程及沟通过程的合理性。  相似文献   

Enormous progress has been made in the past 100 years in improving diet and nutritional status. However, the job is not done. This paper summarizes some of the current challenges and proposes priorities for future research and policy development. The nutrition agenda is more complex than it was 100 years ago. The world now faces undernutrition side-by-side with dietary excess and related chronic diseases. The complexity of modern nutrition necessitates using a systems approach to identifying effective policies and programs. There is a renewed interest in addressing the new nutrition agenda.  相似文献   

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