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规模化储能应用对锂离子电池提出了更高的安全性需求,充分挖掘储能用锂离子电池安全性检测技术对提升电池安全性能具有重要意义。GB/T 36276—2018《电力储能用锂离子电池》作为我国首个储能电池国家标准,其中规定的安全测试条款是否科学合理,检测方法是否可行亟待验证。本文基于储能锂电池安全事故触发因素,将火灾发生的必要因素通过火灾事故树原理层层分解。再利用布尔代数算法进行模拟,提出储能电池安全检测项目,与国家标准GB/T 36276—2018进行对比分析,验证了现行国家标准条款的科学合理性。最后基于试验平台,选用三元锂、钛酸锂、磷酸铁锂及锰酸锂等不同体系储能用锂离子电池开展了14种安全检测试验,对提出的测试项目进行试验验证。国内外首次验证了国家标准GB/T 36276—2018中安全测试条款的操作性和可行性,也为国家标准GB/T 36276新版本的修编提供了依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   

针对储能锂离子电池存在的安全问题,综述了电池热失控预防和安全监测方面的理论、实验成果和应用情况,指出储能锂离子电池在安全方面存在监测手段片面单一、监测方案不完整等问题,并指出预测储能行业将向“大数据”“智能化”方向发展,同时建议广大科研工作者应从储能系统的工作机理切入,向安全、经济、高效的方向深入研究。  相似文献   

储能用锂离子电池管理系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锂离子电池因其性能优异在高电压大容量的储能系统得到了广泛的应用。锂离子电池管理系统是延长电池循环寿命,维护电池安全运行的关键。针对储能用锂离子电池的特性,该文讨论了储能用锂离子电池管理系统的结构,重点介绍了电池管理系统的主要功能,特别是单体电池数据采集功能、电池状态估计功能和均衡管理功能,并分析了状态估计和均衡管理方法的优缺点,对其实现策略进行了评价。  相似文献   

随着锂离子电池在动车组、地铁、有轨电车等轨道交通车辆的不断应用,其在使用过程中的安全性及安全性能评测越来越受到广泛关注,国内外各大标准化组织和应用企业都制定了相应的安全评价标准。本工作详细介绍了国内外轨道交通领域中具有引导性和规范性的现行标准,包括TJ/JW 126—2020、Q/CRRC J39—2019、TJ/JW 127—2020、Q/CRRC J37.1—2019、IEC 62928:2017和IEC 62619:2017,重点在电池单体、电池模块、电池包、电池系统4个层面,从电气安全、机械安全、环境安全3个角度对IEC标准和国内标准的电池安全性能评测方法进行详尽对比分析,辨析国内外在使用范围、测试对象、测试方法以及测试要求等方面的差异性。通过全面分析可以看出,国内标准对于动力锂离子电池在机械、环境、电气3个方面设置的试验项目都较为全面,基本都高于国外标准的要求;而国外标准的试验更侧重于电气安全要求。最后,基于机车车辆和电动汽车使用条件和使用工况的不同,对轨道交通用锂离子电池安全标准的进一步完善提出了改进意见,以提高轨道交通电池系统评测的科学性和针对性,为新型储能系统在轨道交通...  相似文献   

锂离子电池可作为后备电源为电力系统的一次设备、二次设备及通信管理等提供不同等级的交直流电,保证核心设备紧急时刻仍然能够正常工作。先串后并的并联型储能系统不仅因并联模组的互为备用具有更高的可靠性,也能够避免传统串联型后备电源的木桶效应问题。然而,并联型方案会因模组之间的不一致,使得各模组寿命呈现差异性;串联电池组组内电压分布差异,也会导致电池单体过充或者过放。为此提出了一种针对并联型锂离子电池储能系统的多时间尺度均衡方法。首先,对电池模组组内单体以荷电状态(state of charge,SOC)为指标进行旁路均衡,使电池组在单次充放电循环的短时间尺度达到组内均衡;然后,通过并联电池模组组间的寿命均衡,使系统在寿命衰减的长时间尺度达到平衡。所提均衡方法能够提高并联型储能系统使用过程中模组间的一致性,增强并联模组互为备用的可靠性,降低运维成本,提高锂离子电池的使用效率。为了验证该均衡方法,在电池加速老化实验的基础上,搭建仿真模型验证了所提方法在不同条件下的有效性。  相似文献   

邓啟熙 《中外能源》2022,(11):93-99
我国正大力推动建设以新能源为主体的新型电力系统,作为支撑可再生能源普及的关键技术,储能产业得以高速发展,锂离子电池储能市场也进入加速发展期。然而,在高速发展的同时,近年来国内外发生的多起储能系统火灾事故,也引发了大众对锂电池储能系统安全的关注。锂离子电池储能系统运行的主要风险分为起火爆炸风险、有毒有害化学物泄漏风险和电击风险,其中起火爆炸是锂离子电池储能系统的主要风险,主要致因则是电池的热失控。防范电池的热失控问题,应从电池安全、储能系统、运行维护和事故后消防等几方面提升安全防控技术。从生命周期看,锂离子储能系统的关键安全技术包括电池单体安全、箱体热管理、主动预警监测、被动监控预警、高效消防手段等。鉴于锂离子电化学储能系统的安全运行和安全隐患正逐渐成为制约产业规模化发展的瓶颈,建议有关部门要完善政策体系,提高产业规划科学性,进一步健全新型储能安全生产法律法规;加快标准体系构建,建立储能系统建设及运维的指引标准,指导储能系统安全体系建立;强化消防安全技术攻关,加快关键部件转化应用。  相似文献   

大规模高效储能技术是解决可再生能源发电不连续、不稳定、不可控特性的重要途径,也是构建坚强智能电网的核心技术。本文对各种储能技术进行了综合分析,并对适用于大规模储能的抽水储能、压缩空气储能、钠硫电池、锂离子电池、铅酸电池和液流电池的技术特点、优劣势、发展前景进行了深入阐述;最后,对储能技术的发展思路进行了探讨,认为坚持技术开发与应用示范并重,进一步降低储能设备成本,提高其可靠性和稳定性并辅以一定的鼓励政策,是推进储能技术的产业化和实用化的重要途径。  相似文献   

以锂离子电池为代表的电化学储能技术当前进入了快速发展期,在我国能源消费结构调整和可再生能源比例提升方面具有重要意义。储能消防技术是锂离子电池储能系统规模化应用的安全保障。为了解储能消防技术的研发现状,本工作以国家知识产权局公布的专利检索与分析系统数据中的储能消防领域专利数据为分析对象,以灭火剂(A62D)、储能用消防装置(A62C)以及储能消防策略和逻辑方法(G06K)为主要内容,探讨了储能消防技术在国内的发展,并从专利年限分布、专利技术分布、专利地域分析及主要申请人4方面进行总结分析。结果表明,储能消防技术及其应用总体呈快速增长态势,其中消防装置研发专利申请占比多,专用灭火剂研发处于高质量发展期,消防机制设计仍处于缓慢增长期。北方地区申请单位以高校和事业单位居多,而南方地区申请单位以商业公司居多,这与电化学储能商业化应用水平是分不开的,总体上储能系统消防技术仍需要主要研发单位的引领探索。可以预见储能系统消防技术专利量仍然会保持发展态势,相关政策及市场结合将持续激发技术研发活力。  相似文献   

简述了我国用于大规模储能的锂离子电池建模技术的最新研究进展.由于储能技术可以起到平抑波动、提高电能质量的作用,所以近年来电网对于储能的需求也逐年增大.大规模储能系统由锂电池组、双向逆变器和电池能量管理系统组成,在双向逆变器和电池能量管理系统有现成可用模型的前提下,建立精确、可靠的锂离子电池模型便成了实现大规模储能工程应...  相似文献   

论文分别对锂离子电池储能电站在仓储式布置和集装箱式布置两种布置方式下的主要设计要求进行了对比分析,总结出这两种布置方式下各自不同的设计要点,并以实际案例对这两种布置方式下的储能电站进行了建设成本对比分析。  相似文献   

We have been developing lithium-ion batteries for electric power storage and have chosen cell chemistries having a high energy density and long life. The cell chemistry consisted of a positive electrode containing a lithium-manganese spinel or a mixture of it with a layered-manganese-based material, and a negative electrode containing a hard carbon. The 8 Ah-class cells consisting of these cell chemistries showed that their extrapolated lives were long enough to withstand a cycling load for 10 years of use. A comparison of the cycle life data with the storage life data suggested the possibility to separate the capacity fading caused only by the storage and that only by the cycling, which is expected to be the basis of a prediction method for the calendar life. However, much work still needs to be done to achieve it. We also manufactured two types of 100 Ah-class cells as an experiment based on the results for the 8 Ah-class cells. They showed specific energies of 100 Wh kg−1 and 106 Wh kg−1.  相似文献   

随着锂离子电池在生活和工作中的普及,锂离子电池的安全事故逐年增加,锂离子电池的安全研究逐渐引起学术界的关注。研究锂离子电池的热安全性,可以有效分析锂离子电池发生起火和爆炸的内在原因,指导锂离子电池安全性研究的开展。本文介绍了锂离子电池工作过程中产热的来源和影响因素,以及锂离子电池热失控发生时的内部反应和反应对应的温度,并对电池热失控时的热特性参数进行了总结。  相似文献   

The popularity of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles has promoted the increase of its energy density, and battery cathode and anode materials have developed rapidly in recent years. As the next generation of material systems, high-nickel-content Li-Ni-Co-Mn oxide cathode and high-silicon-content Si-C anode material systems have a high potential for further application. However, safety is a key indicator for their use in traction batteries. We thus conducted a thermal safety analysis of the pouch cells of such a system for different states of charge and revealed the key factors for the thermal safety evolution of batteries by analyzing the morphology and thermal stability of cathodes and anodes.  相似文献   

介绍了锂离子储能电池热失控研究的目的和意义,探讨了储能电池与动力电池在热失控检测实验研究关注上的异同,从理论分析和实验研究两方面归纳了影响储能电池热失控的促发条件及对应的关键阈值.在此基础上,完成了模拟热失控促发条件和满足阈值要求的检测实验平台设计及功能验证,并对此平台的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) was used as a cosolvent to reformulate the nonflammable electrolyte of 1 M LiPF6/EC + DEC + DMMP (1:1:2 wt.) in order to improve the safety characteristics of lithium-ion batteries. The flammability, cell performance, low-temperature performance and thermal stability of the DMMP-based electrolyte were compared with the electrolyte of 1 M LiPF6/EC + DEC (1:1 wt.). The nonflammable electrolyte exhibits good oxidation stability at the LiCoO2 cathode and poor reduction stability at the mesocarbon microbead (MCMB) and surface-modified graphite (SMG) anodes. The addition of vinyl ethylene carbonate (VEC) to the DMMP-based electrolyte provided a significant improvement in the reduction stability at the carbonaceous electrodes. Furthermore, it was found that the addition of DMMP resulted in optimized low-temperature performance and varied thermal stability of the electrolytes. All of the results indicated the novel DMMP-based electrolyte is a promising nonflammable electrolyte to resolve the safety concerns of lithium-ion batteries.  相似文献   

Since they were first introduced in the early 1990s, lithium-ion batteries have enjoyed unprecedented growth and success in the consumer marketplace. Combining excellent performance with affordability, they have become the product of choice for portable computers and cellular phones. Building on the same energy and life cycle attributes which marked their consumer market success, but adding new high power storage capability, lithium-ion technology is now poised to play a similar role in the transportation sector. With major programmes in both high capacity and high power lithium-ion technology, Saft has developed a family of products which can address the power and energy storage needs for vehicles, utilities, aviation, satellites, and other applications where light weight, long life, and excellent energy or power storage capabilities are needed. Although further development and refinements are underway, Saft has made a major commitment to bring this technology to the market with the establishment of a major pilot and research facility in Bordeaux France. This paper discusses the performance of this family of products and their potential applications.  相似文献   

商品锂离子电池在机械冲击、热冲击和过充短路等滥用条件下易发生起火燃烧甚至爆炸。为了解决这一安全性问题,需要开发高安全性阻燃电解液取代传统易燃烧的碳酸酯电解液。本文综述了高安全性阻燃电解液的研究进展,首先介绍了燃烧机理、阻燃机理和阻燃测试方法,再阐述锂离子电池对阻燃电解液的性质要求,并对阻燃电解液进行分类探讨,包括阻燃添加剂、阻燃溶剂(共溶剂)、高浓度阻燃电解液、离子液体和阻燃型凝胶聚合物电解质。重点对这些高安全性阻燃电解液的配方、阻燃效果、适用的电池体系进行详细阐述。最后对高安全性阻燃电解液未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

The adsorption performance of the thermal energy storage (TES) system changes depending on the material properties of the adsorbent itself, but the change of the hardware structure can also substantially change the adsorption characteristics. In this study, a laboratory‐scale adsorption‐based TES system was constructed, and the adsorption performance of three adsorbents was evaluated in the same system to compare the adsorption performance between adsorbents. The adsorption characteristics of silica gel, zeolite 13X, and 4A, which are the most preferred adsorbents in the physical adsorption‐based TES system, were selected for evaluation. Experiments with each adsorbent were performed, including heat recovery to evaluate the heat transfer effect and the amount of heat recoverable in the actual TES system. Experimental results have identified several key characteristics of the adsorption and performance of each adsorbent in the TES system, as well as operating parameters that determine the influence of adsorption performance on the TES system. The actual energy storage density of the adsorbent is affected not only by the enthalpy of adsorption of the material itself but also by other factors. These factors include the difference in thermal conductivity that causes a difference in temperature distribution and the magnitude of mass transfer resistance due to the shape of the adsorbent particle and the actual TES system reactor structure. If the reaction heat generated during the adsorption reaction cannot be effectively released, the adsorption performance is significantly lowered due to the increased temperature of the reactor inside. This phenomenon was commonly observed in adsorbents examined in the present study. The uptake amount, X [g/g], was increased by allowing the inside of the reactor to be maintained at a lower temperature through heat recovery. In case of silica gel, the temperature rise during adsorption reaction is not high due to the difference of isotherm characteristics compared with zeolites, but it is possible to absorb more amount of adsorbate and to recover heat for a longer time. The energy storage density is affected by the temperature increase effect and the uptake amount of adsorbate during the adsorption reaction. The experimental results show that the energy storage density of zeolite 13X is 15% and 28.7% higher than that of silica gel and 4A, respectively, and the temperature rise due to heat generation during adsorption reaction is also high, which is advantageous in adsorption TES system performance.  相似文献   

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