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张少玲 《网络安全技术与应用》2014,(6):230-230,234
在信息化管理发展的今天,越来越多的企业在对仓储的协调和管理上做出了很大的努力。企业的蓬勃生辉离不开正在迅猛发展的系统信息化管理。本文结合在电力公司的工作经验,就ERP对仓储信息化发展的意义和基于ERP的仓储信息化管理的内容,以及在仓储信息化的管理上的探讨上进行了一系列的研究。 相似文献
徐振华 《网络安全技术与应用》2013,(9):82-83
本文分析了在现代企业中使用现代化的信息技术和网络技术的必要性,通过对企业本身实际需求的分析,从企业的组织结构、营销管理和人力资源管理的角度分析了网络信息技术在企业管理中的应用情况。 相似文献
林贤斌 《网络安全技术与应用》2014,(9):208-209
随着计算机网络时代的飞速发展和普及,企业的生产经营活动全球化战略的推进,企业从原材料的采购、产品的生产、销售等各个环节都将通过网络进行控制;本文对外贸购销系统进行了设计,系统可以实现产品信息、成交方式、结汇方式等基本设置,并实现各种信息查询、信息管理等各种功能,该系统设计简洁,应用效果良好. 相似文献
王宁 《网络安全技术与应用》2014,(5):109-110
随着信息化程度的提高,勘察设计企业对网络和信息技术的应用程度越来越深入,越来越多的数据、流程、知识成果以电子文档的形式储存于各类信息系统中.依据网络安全理论体系和技术,结合某勘察设计企业实际,以管理为基础,以技术为手段,探讨建立实用的勘察设计企业信息系统安全体系. 相似文献
An enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an enterprise-wide application software package that integrates all necessary business functions into a single system with a common database. In order to implement an ERP project successfully in an organization, it is necessary to select a suitable ERP system. This paper presents a new model, which is based on linguistic information processing, for dealing with such a problem. In the study, a similarity degree based algorithm is proposed to aggregate the objective information about ERP systems from some external professional organizations, which may be expressed by different linguistic term sets. The consistency and inconsistency indices are defined by considering the subject information obtained from internal interviews with ERP vendors, and then a linear programming model is established for selecting the most suitable ERP system. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed method. 相似文献
P. E. Chilambe 《Information Technology for Development》2013,19(3):193-202
The Malawi Government first computerized its foreign trade statistics system in 1966. The paper traces the history of the development of the system since then and describes its current state, a disc‐based COBOL system running on ICL ME29 machines. 相似文献
本文主要是在企业信息化能力能熟度模型的研究基础上,针对管理模式级的企业在信息化过程中遇到的各类风险提出相关的控制方法。 相似文献
Redouane El Amrani Frantz Rowe & Bénédicte Geffroy-Maronnat 《Information Systems Journal》2006,16(1):79-104
Abstract. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are characterized by specific features such as the scope of the ERP modules, interdependent relationships, single database and standard management and processing rules, all of which are capable of causing various degrees of change within the company and, potentially, encourage a more cross-functional overview of it. This paper develops a theoretical distinction between cross-functional integration and cross-functionality as it raises people's awareness of the transverse and coupled nature of work process across different organizational units. It aims to test and discuss the impact of ERP implementation strategy (organizational vision, process re-engineering, the scope of the ERP modules implemented and speed) on cross-functionality. The methodology is basically based on a survey of 100 French companies, of which the results are further discussed in five case studies. The results show that all previously mentioned factors play significant roles. These roles should be addressed in future research. 相似文献
钱永刚 《电子制作.电脑维护与应用》2013,(2):115
从制造企业面临的信息化的环境出发,分析了弹簧制造企业实施ERP系统的具体需求,并从思想认识、管理基础、项目管理和知识系统四个方面提出实施ERP系统的建议,旨在降低ERP系统的实施风险。 相似文献