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Basil seed ( Ocimum basilicum L.) is cultivated in large quantities in different regions of Iran. This seed has reasonable amounts of gum with good functional properties which is comparable with commercial food hydrocolloids. A central composite rotatable design was applied to evaluate the effects of temperature, pH and water/seed ratio on the yield, apparent viscosity and protein content of water-extracted Basil seed gum. All of the variables significantly ( P  < 0.05) affected the extraction yield, whereas the effect of water/seed ratio on apparent viscosity and the effects of pH and water/seed ratio on protein content were not significant ( P  > 0.05). Numerical optimisation determined the optimum extraction conditions based on the highest yield and viscosity and the lowest protein content as being temperature 68.71 °C, pH 8.09 and water/seed ratio 65.98:1. Power law model well described non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behaviour of BSG. Flow behaviour index ( n ) and consistency index ( K ) of 1% crude and pure BSG samples were 0.306, 0.283 and 17.46, 20.22 Pa s n , respectively.  相似文献   

以菊苣根为原料,采用果胶酶和纤维素酶复合法提取菊粉。在单因素的基础上,选取料液比、温度、时间、p H为自变量,以菊粉提取率为响应值,通过Box-Behnken响应面实验设计对其提取工艺参数进行优化。结果显示复合酶法提取菊苣菊粉最优工艺为:料液比1∶8g/m L,提取温度60℃,提取时间2.5h,提取p H6.0,复合酶配比为1∶2的条件下,菊粉提取率可达到54.63%。与热水浸提法相比,提取率高出64.10%。   相似文献   

温度、浸提时间、液固比和pH值是影响菊粉浸提得率的几个重要因素.本实验通过响应面法分析,在自然pH值、液固比为10.56:1(V/W)、76.7℃下热水浸提20min,菊粉的提取率可以达到最大值83.6%.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):10711-10723
The objective of this work was to obtain casein hydrolysates with aspartic proteinases present in extracts from the artichoke flower (Cynara scolymus L.) and evaluate their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity in vitro. The casein hydrolysates produced by the action of C. scolymus had elevated antihypertensive and antioxidant activity due to their high hydrophobic peptide content (93.84, 96.58, and 90.54% at 2, 4, and 16 h of hydrolysis, respectively). Hydrolysis time and molecular weight (<3 kDa) had a significant influence on the hypertensive and antioxidant activity of the hydrolysates, which were greater at hydrolysis times of 4 and 16 h and corresponding to the <3 kDa fractions. The <3 kDa fraction of the 16 h hydrolysate had an ACE inhibitory activity with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 71.77 µg peptides per mL; DPPH and ABTS•+ radical scavenging activities of 6.27 µM and 6.21 mM Trolox equivalents per mg of peptides, respectively; and iron (II) chelation activity with an IC50 of 221.49 µg of peptides per mL. Antimicrobial activity against Enterococcus faecalis was also observed in the hydrolysates. From the peptide sequences identified in the hydrolysates, we detected 22 peptides (from the BIOPEP database) that were already in their bioactive form (AMKPWIQPK, AMKPWIQPKTKVIPYVRYL, ARHPHPHLSFM, DAQSAPLRVY, FFVAPFPEVFGK, GPVRGPFPII, KVLPVPQK, LLYQEPVLGPVRGPFPIIV, MAIPPKKNQDK, NLHLPLPLL, PAAVRSPAQILQ, RELEELNVPGEIVESLSSSEESITR, RPKHPIKHQ, RPKHPIKHQGLPQEVLNENLLRF, SDIPNPIGSENSEK, TPVVVPPFLQP, VENLHLPLPLL, VKEAMAPK, VLNENLLR, VYPFPGPIH, VYQHQKAMKPWIQPKTKVIPYVRY, VYQHQKAMKPWIQPKTKVIPYVRYL) and are reported to display antioxidant, antimicrobial, and ACE inhibitory activity. We also identified 12,116, 14,513, and 25,169 peptide sequences in the hydrolysates at 2, 4, and 16 h, respectively, that were contained in the primary sequence, and these are reported to display ACE inhibitory, antioxidant, dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibition, antithrombotic, opioid, immunomodulation, antiamnesic, anticancer, chelating, and hemolytic bioactivity.  相似文献   

Alkali‐solution and acid‐isolation method (ASAI) and aqueous two‐phase system separation method (ATSS) have been reported to extract natural colourant carthamin from Carthamus tinctorius. In this study, these two methods were compared based on the optimisation results of extraction conditions by response surface methodology. In ASAI, the maximum extraction yield reached 0.779% at pH value of potassium carbonate solution of 11.16, ratio of potassium carbonate solution to raw material of fifteen and extraction time of 18 min, while 2.652% was achieved with concentration of acetone of 58%, ratio of acetone solution to raw material of twenty‐three and extraction time of 41 min in ATSS. From the point of view of extraction yield, ATSS had more superiority than ASAI. However, more pure carthamin was provided in ASAI according to HPLC assay. The obtained results in our experiments could be utilised for further researches of carthamin.  相似文献   

响应面法优化提取辽五味子黄酮工艺参数研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以辽五味子黄酮得率为考察指标,利用响应曲面法(response surface methodology,RSM),通过中心组合设计,选择超声功率、乙醇浓度和提取时间作为优化因子对辽五味子黄酮的超声波取工艺条件进行优化分析研究.试验得出最佳工艺:超声功率271W,乙醇浓度63%vol,提取时间11min,辽五味子黄酮的提取率为2.2017%.  相似文献   

响应面优化溶剂法提取马铃薯皮酚类物质的工艺条件。采用单因素实验和响应面设计,研究溶剂法提取时间、提取温度、料液比对马铃薯皮中酚类物质提取的影响。研究结果表明:马铃薯皮酚类物质提取的最佳工艺条件:料液比1∶15 (g/mL)、提取时间59 min、提取温度62 ℃,马铃薯皮总酚含量可达0.620 mg/g。研究结果对马铃薯皮多酚物质的进一步开发利用提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Burdock root could be a source of inulin, but scarce studies about its extraction exist. To optimise conventional and ultrasound‐assisted extraction of inulin, various combinations were used. The independent variables for ultrasound extraction were sonication amplitude (20–100%), sonication temperature (20–60 °C) and sonication time (5–25 min) while for conventional extraction the following variables were water to solid ratio (5–15 v/w), temperature (40–90 °C) and time (5–40 min). For each response, a second‐order polynomial model was developed using multiple linear regression analysis. The use of high intensity ultrasound significantly improves the extraction of inulin contained within the body of Burdock root. It was shown that increasing the amplitude (from 20% to 85%) and extraction time increased the extraction yield; however, the effect of temperature was minor. Optimum extraction condition was found to be sonication time: 25 min, sonication amplitude 83.22% and temperature: 36.76 °C.  相似文献   

以菊粉、山药粉和脱脂牛乳为原料,研究了菊粉山药酸奶的发酵工艺。以感官评分为评价指标,在单因素试验的基础上,采用响应面法进行分析,优化了菊粉、山药粉、木糖醇和发酵剂接种量,最终得出菊粉山药酸奶最佳生产工艺参数为:菊粉添加量0.8%、山药粉添加量0.5%、木糖醇添加量10%、发酵剂接种量0.5 U/L,以此条件发酵出的菊粉山药酸奶感官评分为92.66分,与预测值93.19分较一致。  相似文献   

利用响应面法对超声提取芦笋总皂苷的工艺进行优化。实验研究了超声条件下影响芦笋总皂苷得率的因素,包括乙醇浓度、料液比、超声时间、超声温度,并通过响应面法优化提取工艺。根据中心组合设计原理采用三因素三水平的响应面分析法,得出了超声提取芦笋总皂苷的最佳工艺条件为:料液比1∶15(W/V),乙醇浓度74%,超声时间54min,超声温度50℃,此时芦笋总皂苷得率为13.06%,接近于模型预测值13.18%。   相似文献   

采用响应面法优化蓖麻碱提取工艺。以蓖麻碱提取率为考察指标,在单因素实验的基础上,选取提取温度、提取时间及溶剂加入量三个因素进行中心组合实验,通过响应面分析法对提取温度、提取时间及溶剂加入量进行优化,得到蓖麻碱提取的最佳温度86℃,最佳提取时间4.3h,最佳溶剂量132mL,此时蓖麻碱的提取率为2.88‰。   相似文献   

In this study, the effect of the particle‐size fractionation (Ø < 0.212 mm and 0.212 mm < Ø < 0.991 mm) and chlorophyll extraction on the nutritional and technological properties of the powdered artichoke ingredient was evaluated. The contents of minerals, protein, fat, carbohydrates and dietary fibre together with the content in bioactive compounds such as inulin and phenolics were determined. Other properties such as water‐ and oil‐holding capacities, water activity and antioxidant capacity were measured. The ingredient with chlorophyll and the lowest particle size presented the highest phenolic content and antioxidant capacity (8.4 mg of vitamin C equivalents per 100 g of dry matter) and water‐ and oil‐holding capacities. The removal of chlorophyll increased the oil‐holding capacity (from 59.7% to 94.6%), which was much higher than in the coarse ingredient (34%), but has a deleterious effect reducing the antioxidant capacity and the inulin content. The ingredients also showed high dietary fibre (22.5–33%), inulin (9–16%) and mineral (7.5–7.8%) contents. Although the ingredient with chlorophyll and smaller particle size had the higher antioxidant capacity, the removal of chlorophyll improved the technological properties to be used as food ingredient without affecting significantly to the nutritional value.  相似文献   

以金橘为原料,研究金橘苷的提取工艺条件。在单因素试验基础上,采用响应面法优化金橘苷的提取工艺,采用超高效液相色谱(UPLC)法测定金橘苷的含量。结果表明:金橘苷提取工艺条件为甲醇浓度90%、料液比1∶50 (g/mL)、提取时间30 min、提取温度25℃,在此条件下金橘中金橘苷提取率达到1.451 1 mg/g。  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to optimise the conditions of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of lutein esters from marigold (Tagetes erect L.) with soybean oil as a co‐solvent. The effect of pressure, temperature, CO2 flow rate and soybean oil concentration, and their interactions on the yield of lutein was investigated. Results showed that the data could be well fitted to a second‐order polynomial model with a R2‐value of 0.9398. The independent parameters of flow rate, pressure, temperature, all quadratics as well as the interactions between flow rate and pressure, and between flow rate and temperature affected the yield significantly (P ≤ 0.05). The model predicted that the optimal conditions were 35.5 MPa, 58.7 °C, CO2 flow rate of 19.9 L/h with 6.9% of soybean oil as a co‐solvent, and under such conditions, the maximum yield of 1039.7 mg lutein /100 g marigold could be achieved.  相似文献   

The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. subsp. cardunculus) is a perennial plant cultivated in the Mediterranean region and Americas for its edible young flower heads and as an interesting source of bioactive compounds. The present study was undertaken to evaluate scavenging capacity against the most physiologically relevant reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) of three different extracts from artichoke leaves (infusion, decoction and hydroalcoholic) using different solvents, commonly accepted for human consumption (water and a mixture of ethanol/water). Additionally, the phenolic compounds in each extract were identified and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array and mass spectrometer detectors (HPLC–DAD–MS/MS). Chlorogenic acid was the major phenolic compound identified in all extracts, followed by 1,3-dicaffeoylquinic acid (cynarin), luteolin-7-rutinoside and the infusion extract presented the highest phenolic content (108 mg/g extract, dry basis). In general, the extracts of artichoke leaves presented a remarkable capacity to scavenge ROS and RNS with IC50 values in a low μg/mL range (3.4–43 μg/mL). These findings suggest that artichoke could be a potential source of natural antioxidants and has an undeniable nutraceutical value.  相似文献   

本研究采用亚临界水萃取法提取石榴叶总酚,并通过响应面法优化其提取工艺参数。在单因素实验的基础上,根据响应面Box-Behnken实验设计原理,采用三因素三水平的分析法,选取提取温度、提取时间、液料比为自变量,考察其对石榴叶提取物中总酚含量的影响,并通过方差分析优化其工艺。结果表明,回归方程对实验拟合较好,可以对石榴叶中总酚含量进行很好的分析和预测;优化后的最佳工艺条件为:提取温度134℃、提取时间31 min、液料比52∶1 m L/g。在该条件下,石榴叶总酚含量为169.24 mg GAE/g,与预测值173.31 mg GAE/g基本一致。通过与溶剂加热回流法相比较,亚临界水提取可明显提高石榴叶总酚的含量,并缩短提取时间。   相似文献   

以孜然为原料,在单因素实验的基础上,以酪氨酸酶抑制率为指标,采用响应面法优化孜然乙醇提取物的提取工艺,并测定不同极性部位对酪氨酸酶的影响及孜然乙醇提取物中主要活性成分的含量。结果表明,孜然乙醇提取物抑制酪氨酸酶的最优提取工艺为:乙醇体积分数71%,液料比16:1 (mL/g),提取时间2.2 h,提取温度83 ℃,在此条件下其对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制率达(42.61%±0.56%),与预测值43.20%接近,表明响应面分析的结果可靠;孜然乙醇提取物中多酚、黄酮、皂苷、多糖四种活性成分的含量分别为(1.35%±0.03%)、(4.40%±0.29%)、(0.76%±0.04%)、(4.89%±0.28%);孜然乙醇提取物不同极性部位对酪氨酸酶均有抑制作用,且呈浓度依赖关系,其IC50大小顺序为:水相 > 石油醚相 > 正丁醇相 > 乙酸乙酯相。因此,优化得到的孜然乙醇提取物抑制酪氨酸酶的提取工艺合理、可行,乙酸乙酯和正丁醇部位对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制能力较强,多酚、黄酮、皂苷、多糖等都可能是孜然乙醇提取物抑制酪氨酸酶的功效成分。  相似文献   

应用响应面法优化玉米苞叶多糖提取工艺。单因素实验基础上,选择提取时间、提取温度、液料比、乙醇浓度为影响因子,多糖提取率为响应值,利用Box-Behnken中心组合设计建立数学模型,进行响应面分析。研究结果显示:玉米苞叶多糖的最佳提取工艺为:提取时间2.0 h、温度83℃、液料比17∶1(m L/g)、乙醇浓度63%,此条件下的多糖提取率为0.552%。   相似文献   

目的 响应面法优化新疆芜菁中总多酚的提取工艺。方法 采用紫外分光光度法测定芜菁中总多酚的含量, 分别考察了乙醇浓度、料液比、超声时间、以及超声功率对芜菁总多酚得率的影响, 单因素的基础上进行了4因素3水平的设计, 以总多酚的得率为响应值, 分析数据, 优化新疆芜菁中总多酚的提取条件。结果 超声波提取新疆芜菁中总多酚的最佳工艺: 乙醇体积分数40%、固液比1: 30、时间30 min、功率 105 W时, 验证试验得出芜菁多酚的含量13.09 mg/g, 该值与预测值13.62 mg/g接近, 表明响应面法得到的工艺参数准确和可靠。结论 该方法提取时间短, 溶剂用量少, 提取效率高的优点, 可作为芜菁多酚提取工艺的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

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