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2 分解炉 如前所述,在1932年史密斯公司获得旋风预热器 专利;1953年德国洪堡公司建造了第1台四级旋风预 热窑;以及20世纪50年代日本开发石灰配料烧成法 和1964年德国利用油页岩作原料组份加入旋风预热 器的煅烧技术是预分解技术的先驱。 在20世纪70年代初,日本石川岛重工业公司(Ⅱ-Ⅱ),  相似文献   

潘素永 《水泥》2006,(11):34-34
我公司2500t/d带CDC分解炉生产线,于2003年8月点火投产以来,系统运转正常,可保持日产熟料2700-2800t。这两年出现了两次预热器和分解炉压力大幅度波动的情况,但这两次又有区别,现将情况作一介绍。  相似文献   

唐祝军 《水泥》2004,(8):62-62
我厂1995年5月投产的2000t/d回转窑C4入分解炉扬料板经常发生变形或脱落,每年春、秋两季大修时都要更换,2000年3月对其进行了技术改造。  相似文献   

浩良河水泥有限责任公司拥有一条2000t/d预分解窑生产线。烧成系统采用的是φ3.95m×56m回转窑,带五级旋风预热器及离线喷腾式分解炉。生产初期,分解炉塌料频繁,严重地破坏了系统热工制度的稳定,直接影响了窑的产量、质量。几年来,公司组织有关人员,进行了大量的攻关,彻底解决了分解炉塌料问题。现就其塌料原  相似文献   

2.3 流化床式分解炉 日本三菱重工和三菱矿业及水泥公司开发的MFC炉(Mitsubishi Fludized Calciner)是三菱流化床分解炉的缩写。他们将化学工业硫化床用于煅烧水泥,在1963年开始试验并在1968年获得MFC设计专  相似文献   

童军春  李俊 《水泥》2002,(4):26-27
1998年我厂为3号回转窑和分解炉烧无烟煤而新配套4号无烟煤煤粉制备系统。为保证烘干的需要,在煤磨旁边也同时建造了一个烧烟煤的热风炉。为降低土建投资,煤粉制备系统利用了原拆除的立窑系统厂房,热风炉用的烟煤需从约200m远的2号烟煤制备系统,利用1台功率为110kW、20m3空压机通过1台Φ1000mm×4300mm单仓泵送至热风炉烟煤粉仓。煤粉输送距离远、耗气量大,加重了回转反吹袋式除尘器的收尘负荷。并且输送过程中煤粉经气化,处于悬浮状态,烟煤粉筛余>12%、水分>2%,粗湿易堵,下煤量难以控制,稳定…  相似文献   

5 000t/d CDC预分解系统包括5级双列CNC预热器系统和CDC分解炉。CNC旋风筒的设计思路符合新型低压损旋风筒的发展方向,采用了高截面风速、三心270°包角大偏心蜗壳、切角五边形进风口、短内筒、大内筒、低进出口风速等设计方法,优化了系统参数。CDC分解炉的设计改善了炉内浓度场和温度场分布的均匀性,提高了炉容利用率,料气停留时间比在优化设计中得以提高,有利劣质煤的利用。冷模实验证实了5 000t/d CDC预分解系统的先进性和可靠性。  相似文献   

以冷态模型测试的结论为依据,与国内其它相关窑型厂家的生产情况,就操作参数,流场特性及固气停留时间等多方面进行了比较,分析了东风建厂的NS-A型分解炉的优点及存在的缺陷,提出了切实可行的改造方案。  相似文献   

预热器和分解炉的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预热器和分解炉是新型干法水泥生产技术的核心设备。在预热器诞生后的70年里,出现了形体各异、技术性能各具特色的预热器和分解炉,主导着新型干法水泥生产技术的发展。  相似文献   

Controlling the calcination process in industrial cement kilns is of particular importance because it affects fuel consumption, pollutant emission and the final cement quality. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of flow and transport phenomena in the calciner is important for efficient cement production. The main physico-chemical processes taking place in the calciner are coal combustion and the strongly endothermic calcination reaction of the raw materials. In this paper a numerical model and a parametric study are presented of the flow and transport processes taking place in an industrial calciner. The numerical model is based on the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for the gas flow, and on Lagrangean dynamics for the discrete particles. All necessary mathematical models were developed and incorporated into a computational fluid dynamics model with the influence of turbulence simulated by a two-equation (k-ε) model. Distributions of fluid velocities, temperatures and concentrations of the reactants and products as well as the trajectories of particles and their interaction with the gas phase are calculated. The results of the present parametric study allow estimations to be made and conclusions to be drawn that help in the optimization of a given calciner.  相似文献   

介绍了φ3.6 m×30 m纯碱煅烧炉的设计改进要点、改进前后的结构特点及使用情况。生产实践表明,这种改进能提高该纯碱煅烧炉的使用性能及寿命。  相似文献   

为满足纯碱生产能力 ,新增一套煅烧炉系统。煅烧炉型为外返式 ,并对炉体局部进行了优化 :炉尾设出料阀 ,加大滚圈与托轮的接触面积 ,炉内设置三排带翅片的加热管。另将减速比由 1∶17调整为 1∶11。技改后系统运行状况良好。  相似文献   

宁国厂2 000 t/d DD分解炉内气固两相运动规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过系统的冷态模型试验以及对实际分解炉的热工检测结果的分析,对宁国水泥厂2000t/d DD分解炉的气固两相运动规律及各项性能指标进行了综合研究和评述,研究表明,宁国厂DD炉是一种具有明显低阻特性的分解炉型式。炉内气固混合状况良好,能够保证良好的燃烧与碳酸盐分解反应环境。也保证了物料停留时间的有效性。料气停留时间比值为4.6左右,高径比的改变对物料运动模式无明显影响。但当前熟料产量下分解炉容积明显偏小,炉内煤粉实际停留时间仅8.5s,煤粉燃尽度偏低。若要进一步提高产量,有必要对分解炉进行结构优化和改造。  相似文献   

The reduction of the NOx content in in-line-calciner-type kiln systems can be made by optimization of the primary firing in the rotary kiln and of the secondary firing in the calciner. Because the optimization of calciner offers greater opportunities the mathematical modeling of this reactor is very important. A heterogeneous, dynamic mathematical model for an in-line low-NOx calciner based on non-isothermal diffusion-reaction models for char combustion and limestone calcination has been developed. The importance of the rate at which preheated combustion air was mixed into the main flow was particularly studied. The results of the simulations indicate that the external heat and mass transfer to the char particles is not limiting. Internal diffusion of O2, CO, NO and CO2 is important especially in the reducing zone and the first part of the oxidizing zone of the calciner and the internal heat transport limitation is significant for the endothermic limestone calcination. The rate at which preheated combustion air is mixed into the main flow directly influences the coal combustion rate, and thereby through the rate of heat release from combustion, it also influences the calcination rate and the temperature profile. The mixing rate has some influence on the CO concentration profile and an important influence on the overall degree of fuel-N to NO conversion.  相似文献   

Rotary calcination is widely used in catalyst manufacturing and many other industrial processes. In this article, the influence of operational variables and material properties on the mean residence time (MRT), hold up, and axial dispersion was investigated in a pilot plant rotary calciner. Residence time distributions (RTD) of spherical, cylindrical, and quadrilobe catalyst particles were measured and contrasted. The Saeman's model was successfully applied to predict the experimental bed depth and the MRT as particles flowed through the calciner. It was observed that increasing the feed rate did not significantly affect the MRT. Results for the different particles indicated that cylinders and quadrulobes exhibited less axial dispersion than spheres due to the decreased flowability. A reliable method was developed to provide a reasonable RTD prediction in rotary calcination systems. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 4068–4076, 2013  相似文献   

根据某公司4000 t/d水泥熟料生产线热工参数测定结果,运用计算流体力学(CFD)数值模拟对其NST分解炉内气流场、煤粉/气流两相流场及其燃烧状态进行分析.其中,对连续相、颗粒相的计算分别采用k-ε双方程湍流模型和离散相模型;对离散相与湍流之间的相互作用采用随机跟踪模型.燃烧计算则采用有限速率/涡耗散模型.模拟结果表...  相似文献   

3200t/d改进型SLC分解炉内气固运动规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯兵  董斌  李昌勇 《水泥》2004,(11):5-7
通过系统测定鱼峰水泥股份公司改进型3200t/dSLC分解炉内气体三维流场、阻力特性、物料停留时间分布等,分析了其内部气固两相运动的基本规律。研究表明,改进型SLC分解炉的气体流场与原分解炉总体相似,但缩口的增加产生了一定的二次喷腾作用,对物料均布有一定改善,料气停留时间比值明显提高,加上容积的增大,使固体粉料的平均停留时间在气体量相同时延长了近80%,这是熟料产量能够超过设计值,系统能稳定运行的基本原因。但与性能优良的分解炉比较,该分解炉料气停留时间比值仍然较低,阻力损失较大,三次风管风速过高。进一步提高系统产量时有必要对分解炉和三次风管进行优化和改造。  相似文献   

李昌勇 《水泥》2003,(8):17-20
对文山水泥厂1000t/d CDC分解炉进行了冷态模型试验以及综合分析与评价。结果表明CDC分解炉的气体三维流场分布基本合理,对延长停留时间和气固混合采取的措施发挥了一定效果。但涡壳部分旋流强度偏大,使分解炉阻力损失偏大,而中钵的流场结构对气固分散与均布也有一定的负面效应。CDC分解炉的料气停留时间比值为5.2~5.3,在国内现有各种分解炉中相对较高,该厂的CDC分解炉结构及容积与所用的煤粉能相互适应。  相似文献   

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