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扼要阐述了弹性元件的特性及在振动夯实机械中的应用,较详细地介绍了弹性元件的设计方法及计算机辅助设计。  相似文献   

振动磨机介质运动规律及参数设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对振动磨机正常工作时介质运动状态的分析,建立一个简单的介质运动学模型,并根据所建立的模型确定振动磨机的一些重要参数,如:磨筒直径、振幅、介质填充率等最佳取值范围,从而使振动磨机获得最佳粉磨效果和降低能耗。  相似文献   

振动磨机的振动力学模型及运动分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据振动磨机的特点,建立了振动磨机多自由度振动的力学模型,推导出振动磨机的运动方程,分析了运动方程各参数对磨机运动轨迹的影响.经现场实测,获得了磨机正常运行时3种工况下的振动幅值、相位与运动轨迹,在理论与实验分析的基础上,提出了改善振动磨机结构,提高碎磨率的措施和建议.  相似文献   

用非线性振动理论和Melnikov方法,对振动超标的悬辊式旋风磨机进行了混沌振动分析,并以数值计算和现场测试进行了验证,采取了有效措施减小了磨机的振动和噪声。  相似文献   

提出并分析了一种改进的梁式弹性敏感元件,该元件与一般形式的梁式弹性敏感元件相比较,具有不受力作用点影响、贴片方便等特点,具线性变化范围较大,加工工艺性也较好。  相似文献   

通过试验,研究了自同步振动磨机内物料运动形式,考虑了物料区间性非线性作用力,建立了物料非线性作用力自同步振动磨机的振动方程.用非线性理论中的等效线性化法求出振动方程的一次近似解及物料的结合系数与阻力系数  相似文献   

本文通过对超细粉体的产品特性与被研磨物料的破磨特性分析,研究了不同物料破磨方式的差异,以及与磨机特性的关系,提出了MGZ型振动磨机加工超细粉体时的设计原则。  相似文献   

通过对MZS型振动磨机磨筒内介质运动运动规律的观察研究,建立了一个简单的介质运动学模型,并根据所建立的模型计算了振动磨机的一些重要参数,如:振幅、介质填充率、介质直径等工作参数的最佳取值范围,从而使振动磨机获得最佳粉磨效果和降低能耗。  相似文献   

采用空压靠法,实测了多辊冷轧机的压下位移以及上下工作辊间压靠力,绘制了轧机的实测弹性曲线。通过对实测弹性曲线规律的分析,经对各种不同非线性模型结构采用单纯形法回归计算,发现幂函数模型结构最符合该实测弹性曲线变化规律,经与常规线性模型结构回归计算结果进行比较,证明该幂函数模型精度较高。采用该幂函数模型可大大提高轧机实际弹性曲线的拟合精度。  相似文献   

介绍了振冲碎石桩的施工方法、质量检验及在地基加固中的应用。  相似文献   

As the spring equation is limited to the accuracy of mill stiffness and the linearity of the mill spring curve, the traditional gaugemeter automatic gauge control (GM-AGC) system based on spring equation cannot meet the requirements of practical production. In allusion to this problem, a kind of novel GM-AGC system based on mill stretch characteristic curve was proposed. The error existing in calculating strip thickness by spring equation were analyzed first. And then the mill stretch characteristic curve which could effectively eliminate the influence of mill stiffness was described. The novel GM-AGC system has been applied successfully in a hot strip mill, the application results show that the thickness control precision is improved significantly, with the novel GM-AGC system, over 98.6% of the strip thickness deviation of 3.0 mm class can be controlled within the target tolerances of ±20 μm.  相似文献   

轧机主传动万向接轴随机疲劳设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万向接轴是轧机主传动系统的关键部件,具有结构复杂、工作时承受随机冲击扭矩等特点。在分析轧机主传动万向接轴受力特点的基础上,提出应以轧机冲击扭矩载荷谱作为主传动万向接轴的疲劳设计载荷;计及低于疲劳极限的应力循环对裂纹发展的影响,采用修正后的材料p-S-N曲线并运用累积损伤理论对万向接轴进行随机疲劳设计和寿命预测。提出的轧机主传动万向接轴随机疲劳设计方法同样适合于具有同类载荷特征机械零件或结构的疲劳设计。  相似文献   

采用有限元方法对四辊轧机机架进行应力和变形分析。结果表明,机架上横梁压下螺母孔顶部过渡圆弧处是应力最大的部位,该部位应力梯度大、过渡圆弧半径很小,必须采用子模型方法进行精确计算;辊系轴承座施加给机架立柱的侧向力对机架窗口水平方向的变形有很大影响,只有计及侧向力的作用,才能精确计算出机架窗口的变形。  相似文献   

湿式陶瓷球磨机是广泛用于生产陶瓷原料的细磨设备,根据多年陶瓷机械设计的实际经验,在保证生产效率的同时,为节约电能消耗、提高设备的可靠性和降低设备成本,对湿式陶瓷球磨机设计中主要技术参数选择、主要尺寸设计、传动方式选定和结构设计的经验数值选取进行了深入研究和归纳总结,以供参考。  相似文献   

以10t吊车常规设计厂房为研究对象,结合土一结构共同作用机理,分析了横向水平地震作用的影响,对结构自振周期进行了修正;在选定不同厂房计算参数后,计算地震作用及其效应,利用origin回归分析程序给出了适合工程设计的柱控制截面的内力计算简化公式.通过验证,表明得到的简化计算公式是可行的,提供了一种计算合理、方法简便的抗震设计途径.  相似文献   

Sampling ports were firstly drilled on a ZGM95 coal mill in the power plant in China, and the coal samples from various points in the pulverizer were collected under the different operation conditions. The property of the sampling material from the mill was analyzed, applying the float–sink test, size distribution analysis, proximate analysis and so on. It was indicated that the +250 μm fraction in the pulverized fuel accounted for only 0.02%, while it was 83.2% in the new feed. The circulating ratio and coal flow in the separator and the cone zone were calculated using the mass balance of the circulating load. So, the circulating ratio in the separator of the pulverizer was between 8 and 13, and the circulating ratio, the feed flow of separator and cone zone all raised with the increase of the air volume. Furthermore, the parameters of the separation functions were obtained based on the fitting method. It was shown that the mean value of the shape factor B was 0.7617, and the parameter D which is the particle size at 50% cumulative yield in the separator almost kept unchanged.  相似文献   

利用ANSYS有限元分析法,对某钢厂3500中厚板精轧机进行强度和刚度分析,得出了在轧钢载荷下的应力应变数据。确定了机架的最大应力位于支撑压下螺母的圆环面上及立柱和上、下横梁连接处的过渡圆角位置,通过采取增大接触面积和过渡圆角半径的方法来减小危险点的应力。揭示了机架结构的薄弱环节,为轧机刚度与强度设计及其工程分析提供了更为可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

The calculation error of the gauge-meter model will affect the gap setting precision and the self-learn precision of rolling force. The precision of the gauge-meter model is strongly influenced by plate width, working roll radius, backup roll radius, working roll crown, backup roll crown, and rolling force. The influence rules are hard to get by measuring. Taking a conventional 4-h plate mill as the research subject, these influences were transferred into the calculation of roll deflection and flattening deformation. To calculate these deformations, the theory of the influence function method was adopted. By modifying the traditional gauge-meter model, a novel model of the effect of roll elastic deformation on the gap setting was built by data fitting. By this model, it was convenient to analyze the variation caused by the rolling condition. Combining the elastic deformation model of rolls with the kiss-rolls method, a gauge-meter model was put forward for plate thickness prediction. The prediction precision of thickness was greatly improved by the new gauge-meter model.  相似文献   

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