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Both stimulant-induced and phencyclidine (PCP)-induced psychoses have been proposed as models of the idiopathic psychosis of schizopherenia. In this two-part study, the phenomenology of the psychosis associated with a period of cocaine intoxication was evaluated retrospectively in 34 male crack cocaine-dependent patients without concomitant psychiatric disorder and then was compared with the psychosis of 16 actively psychotic schizophrenic men (without a history of drug or alcohol abuse in the past year). Certain First Rank Schneiderian Symptoms (FRSS) were more commonly observed in the schizophrenic patients (e.g., thought broadcasting, thought withdrawal) than in the cocaine addicts. In the second part of this study, we retrospectively examined the cocaine and PCP experiences of an additional 22 cocaine addicts who had a past history of separate periods of cocaine and PCP use. Overall, the frequency of FRSS recalled during periods of cocaine and PCP intoxication was similar. However, the psychosis related to cocaine intoxication was more associated with an intense suspiciousness and paranoia related to a fear of being discovered or harmed while using cocaine. PCP-induced psychosis was less associated with suspiciousness and more associated with delusions of physical power, altered sensations, and unusual experiences [e.g., out of body experiences, experiencing religious figures or events directly (e.g., being with Noah at the time of the Arc)]. As elements of both cocaine and PCP psychosis can be found in schizophrenia, a model integrating the mechanisms of several psychotogenic drugs may be more informative. Such an integrative model might better capture the heterogeneity of psychotic symptoms that can be seen in schizophrenia. Furthermore, different pharmacologic interventions (e.g., "anti-stimulant" versus "anti-PCP") might address different aspects of the positive symptom picture in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This survey deals with findings and results of systematic clinical-psychiatric and -psychological studies of the true onset of schizophrenia and its significance. Many symptoms precede the psychotic onset of schizophrenia. These have been described by Huber as 'basic symptoms', who developed the concept of basic stages and basic symptoms gradually since the 1950's. The basic symptoms are experiential and not behavioral in kind and only recognizable by the self-reports of the patients. They are rateable using a structural scale (Bonn Schedule for the Assessment of Basic Symptoms: BSABS) described below. They form the two precursor syndromes: (1) prodromes lead on average within 3.3 years to a psychotic episode; and (2) outpost syndromes that are completely remitting on average within 5 months and precede the first psychotic episode on average 10 years. Basic symptoms can be further divided into level 1 (non-specific) and level 2 (characteristic) basic symptoms. Basic symptoms, positive and negative symptoms have to be differentiated; they also develop in this chronological sequence: first non-specific, then characteristic basic symptoms, followed on average many years later by positive symptoms, and, finally by negative symptoms. Structured ratings of the basic symptoms and their recognition in the precursor syndromes enables physicians to detect early symptoms of a schizophrenic illness that, if treated at this stage, can lead to a better long-term outcome.  相似文献   

A group of 119 patients suffering from a severe psychiatric postpartum disorder who were admitted for the first time in their life to a psychiatric hospital has been investigated. The onset of illness occurred within 3 months following delivery. The patients represented 92% of the total sample fulfilling the inclusion criteria. A follow-up investigation was performed after a mean of 21 years (range 2-35 years). Of the patients 66% had nonpuerperal psychotic episodes in later life. The diagnosis, taking into account the long-term course, was affective psychosis in 57%, schizoaffective psychosis in 18%, schizophreniform psychosis in 12%, brief reactive psychosis in 4% and schizophrenia in 9%. A bipolar psychosis was found in 31%. The relation of unipolar to bipolar psychoses corresponded to that in a control group of affectively ill women without puerperal onset. The frequency of a manic syndrome in bipolar psychoses at the index episode was the same as in nonpuerperal episodes, which does not suggest a mania-provoking pathoplastic effect of the puerperium. The comparison with female nonpuerperal controls matched for age and diagnosis revealed evidence of a better long-term course in the index patients. The risk of a puerperal relapse for further pregnancies was 35%. The global morbidity risk for functional psychoses in first-degree relatives was 11%, with affective psychoses representing the majority of secondary cases (6.8%). The index patients showed a nonsignificant lower morbidity risk in relatives than a control group of psychotically ill women without puerperal onset. The major aetiological factor found for postpartum psychoses is the relation of these disorders to functional psychoses. There is strong evidence that the postpartum period tends to provoke affective psychoses and other nonschizophrenic psychoses, but not, or only to a lesser degree, narrowly defined schizophrenias. The liability to puerperal decompensations suggests some common pathophysiological mechanism, the nature of which remains unknown.  相似文献   

For the functional psychoses of late life, epidemiological information comes from two sources: studies of persons who have reached psychiatric services; and surveys of elderly persons sampled from the general population. A conspectus of published data from both sources leads to the following conclusions: States phenomenologically similar to those found in clinics do occur in the community in non-trivial numbers. There is no notable divergence in the information obtained from clinical series and from population-based surveys. These states are more common in women, they become more common with increasing age and are sometimes associated with decline in cognitive performance or with degenerative changes in the brain revealed by neuroimaging. Genetic factors appear to be less important than in early-onset psychoses but remain ill-defined, and the roles of social isolation and disorders of personality have not yet been sufficiently elucidated. Both clinical and community-based studies have found an association with sensory impairment. The community-based data suggest that paranoid symptoms may be detectable at subclinical level, and an association between them and cognitive impairment is demonstrable in individuals who are not diagnosable cases either of psychosis or of dementia. Differences exist between late-onset paranoid psychoses and affective psychoses in symptomatology and response to treatment. These observations confirm the importance of the late-onset psychoses for research directed towards uncovering the origins of psychotic symptoms in any age group.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The nosological status of postpartum psychoses has remained controversial because of their often 'atypical' symptomatology. A polydiagnostic approach may further clarify this issue. METHODS: In a retrospective study, we applied the ICD-10 and Leonhard's classification to 39 patients with severe postpartum psychiatric disorders. The patients were personally reexamined on average 12.5 years (6-26 years) after the onset of the illness. RESULTS: An acute onset and a polymorphous psychotic symptomatology with rapid changes characterized the majority of our cases. Unipolar depressive disorders (28%) and acute polymorphous psychotic disorders (21%) represented the largest proportions within the ICD-10-classification. Applying Leonhard's classification, over half the patients (54%) suffered from a cycloid psychosis. Among cycloid psychoses, motility psychoses clearly predominated. Schizophrenias occurred rarely (10%) according to both classifications. LIMITATIONS: Due to the unknown prevalence of the various diagnoses among women of child-bearing age, it is impossible to statistically infer a specific association between childbirth and a distinct diagnosis from our data. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that cycloid psychoses, in particular motility psychoses, account for the majority of postpartum psychoses, and do not support the hypothesis of a nosological independence of postpartum psychoses.  相似文献   

Interest in the role of indolamines in the pathogenesis of psychoses has been renewed in recent years by the development of atypical antipsychotic drugs such as clozapine, olanzapine, and risperidone, which act on serotonin receptors. Discovery of the hallucinogenic compounds called methylated indolealkyalamines (MIAs) (e.g. N,N-dimethylserotonin, or bufotenin, and N,N-dimethyltryptamine, or DMT) led proponents of the transmethylation hypothesis of schizophrenia to theorize that through some inborn error of metabolism, serotonin or tryptamine might undergo the addition of extra methyl radicals, thereby forming MIAs with hallucinogenic properties. Various studies have attempted to detect the excretion of MIAs, especially DMT, in the body fluids of psychotic patients and normal controls. Some of these studies have demonstrated elevated MIA concentrations in psychotic patients, including those with schizophrenia, compared with normal persons, and others have not. A number of variables may account for these contradictory findings. The mechanism whereby the beverage ayahuasca, which is used in certain cure and divination rituals in the Amazon Basin, exerts its hallucinogenic effects may serve as a model to explain the mechanism underlying hallucinogenic symptoms in schizophrenia and may lend support to the transmethylation hypothesis. Certain studies suggest that specific perceptual disturbances manifested by schizophrenic patients could contribute to progressive deterioration and negative symptomatology. All these findings point to the need for further study of the neurophysiology of MIAs and their pathogenetic role in endogenous psychoses.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature describing the occurrence of sleep-onset rapid eye movement periods in narcolepsy, schizophrenia, psychotic depression, and delirium tremens; the association of narcolepsy with psychotic disorders; the neuropathology of the brainstem in narcolepsy and schizophrenia; and other behavioral disorders resulting from probable brainstem pathology. These findings suggest that some forms of psychosis are a manifestation of pathophysiological changes in the brainstem. Some implications of this hypothesis for the treatment of psychoses are discussed. Future research should investigate psychoses and the psychobiological correlates of such biological markers as sleep-onset rapid eye movement periods across diagnostic categories.  相似文献   

Hypofrontality or reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, measured as reduced frontal perfusion or glucose uptake, has gained the status of an established finding in the medical literature on schizophrenia. Many relevant studies, however, have potential sources of bias, such as small subject numbers, or unreliable performance of activation tasks by the patients during the scanning procedure. Seventy patients with non-affective and non-organic psychoses were recruited--most qualifying for DSM III-R schizophrenia or schizophreniform psychosis (n = 60)--together with 20 healthy volunteers. They underwent single photon emission computed tomography with 99mTc-exametazime, carried out at rest. Tracer uptake was normalised to the occipital cortex. Group differences in tracer uptake were predicted in anterior regions of interest (prefrontal cortex and mesial frontal/cingulate cortex). Actively psychotic (including schizophrenic) patients not taking any drugs showed increased uptake in the prefrontal cortex. Reduced tracer uptake occurred in the mesial frontal cortex of schizophrenic patients, particularly if they were taking drugs. Relatively increased prefrontal tracer uptake associated with relatively decreased mesial frontal uptake characterised the patients in comparison with the controls. Generalised hypofrontality is, therefore, not a feature of schizophrenic patients at rest whether taking drugs or not.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the differences between individual outpatient and individual inpatient psychoanalytic psychotherapy to illustrate that individual therapy on an inpatient unit is a qualitatively different modality from its outpatient counterpart with consequences for work with schizophrenics. The paper explores the manner in which the unique parameters of inpatient work interact with, sustain, and exploit the pathology of schizophrenic patients. Its focus is, specifically, on the handling of the boundary disturbances which characterize schizophrenic psychoses, and the manner in which the fluidity of boundaries is reinforced and the tendency toward symbiotic relatedness enhanced on an inpatient unit. As a result, a central fantasy develops in many schizophrenic inpatients, one wherein the therapist is transformed into the omniscient, omnipotent early mother. This fantasy, which can be considered an institutional transference, helps explain the frequently observed phenomenon that many patients show substantial symptomatic improvement while in the hospital, only to have their symptoms return after discharge. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To characterize oculomotor components and diagnostic specificity of eye tracking abnormalities in schizophrenia, we examined a large consecutively admitted series of psychotic patients and matched controls. The most common abnormality in schizophrenic patients was low gain (slow) pursuit eye movements (47% of cases). Pursuit and saccadic eye movement abnormalities were no more severe in schizophrenic Ss than in those with affective psychoses, except that high rates of catch-up saccades were unique to schizophrenic Ss (17% of cases). These findings indicate that impaired pursuit eye movements are a major cause of eye tracking impairments in schizophrenia, that tracking dysfunctions commonly occur in affective psychoses, and that markedly high rates of catch-up saccades during eye tracking may be specific to schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report a suspected case of isoniazid-induced psychosis in a 31-year-old woman. CASE SUMMARY: A 31-year-old white woman without a prior psychiatric history presented with psychotic symptoms suspected to be related to prophylactic treatment with isoniazid after she tested positive to a tuberculin (purified protein derivative) test. The psychotic symptoms resolved partially after isoniazid was discontinued and completely after treatment with olanzapine was begun. The patient remained symptom-free 11 months after discharge from the hospital. DISCUSSION: Cases of isoniazid-related psychiatric disorders reported in the literature include psychosis, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, and mania. With the increasing prevalence of tuberculosis in the US, more people are expected to receive treatment for tuberculosis. Pyridoxine deficiency may play a role in the pathogenesis of isoniazid-induced psychosis. Such deficiency states may be detected indirectly by measuring urinary metabolites of tryptophan. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of this adverse effect of isoniazid and that it may present with a broad clinical picture.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The nosologic structure of psychotic illness, still influenced as much by historical as empirical perspectives, remains controversial. METHODS: Latent class analysis was applied to detailed symptomatic and outcome assessments of probands (n=343) with broadly defined schizophrenia and affective illness ascertained from a population-based psychiatric registry in Roscommon County, Ireland. First-degree relatives (n=942) were assessed by personal interview and/or review of hospital record. RESULTS: Six classes were found, all of which bore substantial resemblance to current or historical nosologic constructs. In order of decreasing frequency, they were (1) classic schizophrenia, (2) major depression, (3) schizophreniform disorder, (4) bipolar-schizomania, (5) schizodepression, and (6) hebephrenia. These classes differed on many historical and clinical variables not used in the latent class analysis. Compared with relatives of controls, significantly increased rates of major depression were seen in relatives of depressed and schizodepressed probands. Significantly increased rates of bipolar illness were restricted to relatives of bipolar-schizomanic probands. The risks for schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders were significantly increased in relatives of all proband classes except major depression. This increase was moderate for bipolar-schizomanic probands, substantial for schizophrenic, schizophreniform, and schizodepressed probands, and marked for hebephrenic probands. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest a relatively complex typology of psychotic syndromes consistent neither with a unitary model nor with a Kraepelinian dichotomy. The familial vulnerability to psychosis extends across several syndromes, being most pronounced in those with schizophrenialike symptoms. The familial vulnerability to depressive and manic affective illness is somewhat more specific.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Psychosis is the most severe psychiatric complication after epilepsy surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated postoperatively at 1 year the psychoses of a series of 57 adult patients with intractable epilepsy who underwent temporal lobe surgery. RESULTS: Five patients (8.8%) developed postoperative psychosis. Two (3.5%) of these 5 revealed postictal psychotic episodes in connection with persisting seizures, both of them had had similar episodes even preoperatively. Two patients (3.5%) exhibited a definite and one patient (1.8%) a probable de novo schizophrenia. CONCLUSION: Our findings clearly emphasize the need for careful postoperative psychiatric follow-up for patients with temporal lobectomy.  相似文献   

Evidence is increasing in support of the etiologic heterogeneity of schizophrenia. Five distinct diseases/disorders are suggested in this paper, and the relevant studies are reviewed. Familial forms of the disorder include a dopamine psychosis (supported by research documenting both altered dopamine activity and early neuroleptic response among some schizophrenic patients), a neurodegenerative psychosis (supported by investigations that document ongoing change in ventricular brain ratio, elevation of products of cell membrane catabolism within the central nervous system, and age-progressive third ventricle enlargement accompanied by delayed response to neuroleptics), and a neurodevelopmental psychosis (supported by evidence of static enlarged ventricles in some schizophrenic patients and neurological soft signs in high-risk offspring of schizophrenic individuals). Nonfamilial forms include a neurodevelopmental psychosis (supported by evidence of neurodevelopmental abnormalities triggered by neurotropic viruses, radiation, or anoxia) and a lithium-responsive psychosis (supported by evidence of a subgroup of psychotic patients who have low risk of either psychosis or mania in their pedigrees and respond to lithium).  相似文献   

The authors report of some results of a clinical follow-up study of 76 schizophrenic patients in psychosis observed during the puerperal period. Two types of the process were distinguished: a recurrent type and attack-like progressive. Some diffrential diagnostical criteria are given permitting to differ recurrent schizophrenia from somatogenic and infectious psychoses.  相似文献   

The predictive validities of several indicators of psychosis proneness were evaluated in a 10-yr longitudinal study (N?=?508). As hypothesized, high scorers on the Perceptual Aberration Scale, Magical Ideation Scale, or both (n?=?182), especially those who initially reported psychoticlike experiences of at least moderate deviance, exceeded control Ss (n?=?153) on psychoses (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-III—Revised [DSM-III-R]), psychotic relatives, schizotypal symptoms, and psychoticlike experiences at follow-up. Ss who initially scored high on the Magical Ideation Scale and above the mean on the Social Anhedonia Scale were especially deviant. The Physical Anhedonia Scale and the Impulsive Nonconformity Scale were not effective predictors of psychosis proneness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper comparates classic experimental "model psychosis" psychodysleptic induced and psychotic adverse reactions to psychodysleptic habitude or episodic use as clinically observed. Biochemical, neurophisiological and psychopathological back-ground of psychodysleptic states and clinical data are discussed in the aiming to investigate and explain interaction between cognitif and affectif destructuration in spreading off a psychotic crises. A multidisciplinary approach provides new insight about destructuration processes in exogenous or endogenous psychoses and about mental developmental in child.  相似文献   

For the first time, the present study explores self-experienced vulnerability, prodromal symptoms and coping strategies preceding schizophrenic and affective episodes. 33 schizophrenic and 29 depressive patients were assessed retrospectively for preepisodic alterations by means of the "Bonn Scale for the Assessment of Basic Symptoms- BSABS" after complete recovery from the acute episode. 97% of the schizophrenic and 93% of the depressive patients showed preepisodic alterations. In the schizophrenic group the first alteration occurred with a median of 10 weeks and in the depressive group with a median of 18 weeks before the onset of the acute episode. With regard to self-experienced vulnerability depressive cases were significantly less tolerant to stress, i.e work under time pressure or unusual, unexpected requirements. With regard to prodromal symptoms schizophrenics showed significantly more often interpersonal irritation and certain perception and thought disturbances, whereas depressive patients reported more often adynamia and certain disturbances of proprioception. 73% of the schizophrenic patients and 90% of the depressive patients reacted to early symptoms with coping strategies. The preepisodic alterations in schizophrenic patients could be described in terms of mild psychotic productivity, early symptoms of depressive patients could be described as a mild depressive syndrome. Prospective studies are necessary to show if assessment of mild psychotic productivity could be used for early diagnosis and early intervention in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Temporal arteritis may present with atypical manifestations that can hamper its diagnosis. We report a case presenting with predominantly psychiatric symptoms including psychotic features and affective symptoms both on a background of cognitive impairment. Such clear-cut psychotic symptoms have not been described previously in the literature. Corticosteroid treatment was followed by full remission of psychotic and affective symptoms; treatment with antipsychotic medication was unnecessary. Temporal arteritis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of psychosis and affective disorder in the elderly. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a valuable parameter in the assessment of old-age psychiatry patients presenting both with functional and neurologic disorders.  相似文献   

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