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《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2006,27(9):716-718
The breakdown voltages in unpassivated nonfield-plated AlGaN/GaN HFETs on sapphire substrates were studied. These studies reveal that the breakdown is limited by the surface flashover rather than by the AlGaN/GaN channel. After elimination of the surface flashover in air, the breakdown voltage scaled linearly with the gate–drain spacing reaching 1.6 kV at 20$muhboxm$ . The corresponding static ON-resistance was as low as 3.4$hboxmOmega cdot hboxcm^2$ . This translates to a power device figure-of-merit$V_ BR^2/R_ ON = hbox7.5times hbox10^8 hboxV^2 cdot Omega^-1 hboxcm^-2$ , which, to date, is among the best reported values for an AlGaN/GaN HFET. 相似文献
Nuttinck S. Gebara E. Laskar J. Harris M. 《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2003,13(4):149-151
We present in this letter the benefits of GaN-based electronic devices for low-noise MMICs. A temperature-dependent two-temperature noise model for AlGaN/GaN HFETs is implemented on a wide range of bias conditions. This study enables to access the device high-frequency noise parameters, and allow a comparison of the noise performances with SiC and GaAs technologies. 相似文献
Performance of AlGaN/GaN HFETs and Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN MOSHFETs at the elevated temperatures up to 425 °C was investigated. Static output and transfer characteristics were measured and the saturation drain current, the peak transconductance and the series conductance as a function of temperature were evaluated. All these characteristic features of HFETs and MOSHFETs decreased with increased temperature. At 425 °C the devices exhibited ∼30% of their saturation drain current, peak transconductance and series conductance evaluated at room temperature. The device performance at elevated temperatures follows exactly the Tx dependence with a power x = −1.5. This indicates that the temperature dependence of the mobility of channel electrons due to phonon scattering is the predominant effect describing high-temperature performance of AlGaN/GaN HFETs and MOSHFETs. 相似文献
Trew R.J. Yueying Liu Bilbro L. Weiwei Kuang Vetury R. Shealy J.B. 《Microwave Theory and Techniques》2006,54(5):2061-2067
Wide bandgap semiconductors are used to fabricate field-effect transistors with significantly improved RF output power compared to GaAs- and InP-based devices. Nitride-based heterostructure field-effect transistors can be biased at high drain voltages, up to and exceeding 100 V, which results in high RF output power. However, the operation of these devices at high drain bias introduces physical phenomena within the device that affect both dc and RF performance. In this study, the existence of a nonlinear source resistance due to space-charge limited current conditions is demonstrated and verified. Inclusion of the nonlinear source resistance in a physics-based device simulator produces excellent agreement between simulated and measured data. The nonlinear source resistance degrades RF performance and limits amplifier linearity. 相似文献
In this letter, new approach in achieving high breakdown voltages in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors (HFETs) by suppressing surface flashover using solid encapsulation material is presented. Surface flashover in III-Nitride-based HFETs limits the operating voltages at levels well below breakdown voltages of GaN. This premature gate-drain breakdown can be suppressed by immersing devices in high-dielectric-strength liquids (e.g., Fluorinert); however, such a technique is not practical. In this letter, AlGaN/GaN HFETs encapsulated with PECVD-deposited SiO2 films demonstrated breakdown voltage of 900 V, very similar to that of devices immersed in Fluorinert liquid. Simultaneously, low dynamic ON-resistance of 2.43 mOmega ldr cm2 has been achieved, making the developed AlGaN/GaN HFETs practical high-voltage high-power switches for power-electronics applications. 相似文献
Hyungtak Kim Alexei VertiatchikhRichard M. Thompson Vinayak TilakThomas R. Prunty James R. ShealyLester F. Eastman 《Microelectronics Reliability》2003,43(6):823-827
This work presents the effects of hot electron stress on the degradation of undoped Al0.3GaN0.7/GaN power HFET’s with SiN passivation. Typical degradation characteristics consist of a decrease in the drain current and maximum transconductance, an increase in the drain series resistance, gate leakage and a subthreshold current. Degradation mechanism has been investigated by means of gate lag measurements (pulsed I-V) and current-mode deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Stressed devices suffered from aggravated drain current slump (DC to RF dispersion) which indicates possible changes in surface charge profiles occurred during hot electron stress test. The DLTS was used to identify the trap creation by hot electron stress. The DLTS spectra of stressed device revealed the evidence of trap creation due to hot electron stress. 相似文献
Gaska R. Chen Q. Yang J. Osinsky A. Asif Khan M. Shur M.S. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1997,18(10):492-494
The performance results AlGaN-GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors (HFETs) grown on SiC substrates are reported. The maximum transconductance of these devices was 142 mS/mm and the source-drain current was as high as 0.95 A/mm. The maximum dissipated DC power at room temperature was 0.6 MW/cm2, which is more than three times higher than that in similar devices grown on sapphire. This high thermal breakdown threshold was achieved primarily due to the effective heat sink through the SiC substrate. These devices demonstrated stable performance at elevated temperatures up to 250°C. The source-drain current saturation was observed up to 300°C. The leakage current in the below threshold regime was temperature-activated with an activation energy of 0.38 eV 相似文献
Nuttinck S. Gebara E. Laskar J. Shealy J. Harris M. 《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2003,13(4):140-142
Modeling procedures of an AlGaN/GaN HFET that incorporate the effects of both a GaN cap layer and an AlN sub-buffer layer are presented. A single off-state measurement method to extract all eight parasitic elements of an enhanced HFET has been successfully applied. In addition, procedures to model the nonlinear drain-to-source current characteristics featuring a kink are described. 相似文献
Wong M.M. Chowdhury U. Sicault D. Becher D.T. Denyszyn J.C. Zhu T.G. Feng M. Dupuis R.D. 《Electronics letters》2002,38(9):428-429
The performance of an innovative delta-doped AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistor (HFET) structure is reported. The epitaxial heterostructures were grown on semi-insulating SiC substrates by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. These structures exhibit a maximum carrier mobility of 1058 cm2/V s and a sheet carrier density of 2.35×1013 cm-2 at room temperature, corresponding to a large ns μn product of 2.49×1016 V s. HFET devices with 0.25 μm gate length were fabricated and exhibited a maximum current density as high as 1.5 A/mm (at VG=+1 V) and a peak transconductance of gm=240 mS/mm. High-frequency device measurements yielded a cutoff frequency of ft≃50 GHz and maximum oscillation frequency fmax≃130 GHz 相似文献
Tan W.S. Uren M.J. Houston P.A. Green R.T. Balmer R.S. Martin T. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2006,27(1):1-3
A novel guarded surface leakage test structure is used to isolate the surface and bulk leakage contributions to gate current in AlGaN/GaN HFETs. Passivation with various recipes of SiN/sub x/ always resulted in the commonly observed increase in gate leakage, which was found to be dominated by bulk leakage through the AlGaN. However, high temperature deposited SiN/sub x/ recipes gave a 1-2 orders reduction in surface leakage, whereas low temperature deposition gave an increase. Gate lag measurements were found to correlate closely with the surface leakage component, giving direct evidence that the key device problem of current slump is associated with current flow at the AlGaN surface. 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2007,28(5):350-353
Recessed-gate structure approach toward normally off high-Voltage AlGaN/GaN HEMT for power electronics applications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Saito W. Takada Y. Kuraguchi M. Tsuda K. Omura I. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2006,53(2):356-362
A recessed-gate structure has been studied with a view to realizing normally off operation of high-voltage AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) for power electronics applications. The recessed-gate structure is very attractive for realizing normally off high-voltage AlGaN/GaN HEMTs because the gate threshold voltage can be controlled by the etching depth of the recess without significant increase in on-resistance characteristics. With this structure the threshold voltage can be increased with the reduction of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density only under the gate electrode without reduction of 2DEG density in the other channel regions such as the channel between drain and gate. The threshold-voltage increase was experimentally demonstrated. The threshold voltage of fabricated recessed-gate device increased to -0.14 V while the threshold voltage without the recessed-gate structure was about -4 V. The specific on-resistance of the device was maintained as low as 4 m/spl Omega//spl middot/cm/sup 2/ and the breakdown voltage was 435 V. The on-resistance and the breakdown voltage tradeoff characteristics were the same as those of normally on devices. From the viewpoint of device design, the on-resistance for the normally off device was modeled using the relationship between the AlGaN layer thickness under the gate electrode and the 2DEG density. It is found that the MIS gate structure and the recess etching without the offset region between recess edge and gate electrode will further improve the on-resistance. The simulation results show the possibility of the on-resistance below 1 m/spl Omega//spl middot/cm/sup 2/ for normally off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs operating at several hundred volts with threshold voltage up to +1 V. 相似文献
The importance of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistor (HFETs) in high-power high-frequency applications is now
well established. However, detailed information on high-field mobilities, velocity–field relations, carrier temperature, and
momentum and energy relaxation times are not available. In this paper we carry out theoretical simulations based on Monte
Carlo techniques to show that transport dynamics can be effectively extracted through free carrier absorption. Using short
pulses of infrared radiation, it is possible to obtain the velocity–field curve by fitting the absorption spectrum without
heating the device. We show this by solving the classical transport equation and then verify the results through Monte Carlo
simulations. With the model presented it would be possible to extract carrier dynamics from experimentally measured results.
Our work suggests that free carrier absorption experiments on AlGaN/GaN HFETs would provide important transport information,
which would be very useful in device design and modeling. 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2008,55(2):478-482
Self-heating in AlGaN/GaN HFETs was investigated using electrical analysis and micro-Raman thermography. Two typically employed electrical methods were assessed to provide a simple means of extracting average channel temperatures in devices. To quantify the accuracy of these electrical temperature measurements, micro-Raman thermography was used to provide submicron resolution temperature information in the source-drain opening of the devices. We find that electrical methods significantly underestimate peak channel temperatures, due to the fact that electrical techniques measure an average temperature over the entire active device area. These results show that, although electrical techniques can be used to provide qualitative comparisons between different devices, they have challenges for the accurate estimation of peak channel temperatures. This needs to be taken into account for lifetime testing and reliability studies based on electrical temperature measurements. 相似文献
Koudymov A. Wang C. X. Adivarahan V. Yang J. Simin G. Khan M. A. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2007,28(1):5-7
High power-added efficiency (PAE) (ap74%) and rf-power (20 W/mm) operation of Schottky and insulated-gate AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors (HFETs) is reported at 2 GHz. In the pinched-off mode of operation, the PAE increases from a value of 55% to 74% when the drain bias is changed from 35 to 60 V. While both the Schottky and the insulated HFETs show high powers and PAE values, only the insulated-gate devices are stable at 20-W/mm output powers during a 60-h continuous wave rf-stress test. Their power drop of less than 0.1 dB is much smaller than the 0.8-dB drop for identical geometry Schottky-gate HFETs. The superior stability of the insulated-gate HFETs is attributed to the low forward gate currents 相似文献
W. V. Lundin A. V. Sakharov A. F. Tsatsul’nikov E. E. Zavarin A. I. Besyul’kin A. V. Fomin D. S. Sizov 《Semiconductors》2004,38(6):678-682
Special features of metal-organic chemical vapor deposition of AlGaN epitaxial layers and AlGaN/GaN superlattices either in an Epiquip VP-50 RP research and development reactor (for a single wafer 2 in. in diameter) or in an AIX2000HT production-scale reactor (for up to six wafers 2 in. in diameter) are stud-ied. It is found that the dependence of the aluminum content in the solid phase on the trimethylaluminum (TMA) flux in a reactor levels off; this effect hinders the growth of the layers with a high aluminum content in both types of reactors and is more pronounced in the larger reactor (AIX2000HT). Presumably, this effect is a consequence of spurious reactions in the vapor phase and depends on the partial pressure of TMA in the reactor. The aluminum content in the layers can be increased not only by reducing the total pressure in the reactor but also by increasing the total gas flow through the reactor and reducing the trimethylgallium flux. The approaches described above were used to grow layers with a mole fraction of AlN as large as 20% in the AIX2000HT production-scale reactor at a pressure of 400 mbar (this fraction was as large as 40% at 200 mbar). AlGaN layers with the entire range of composition were grown in the Epiquip VP-50 RP reactor. 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2009,56(1):13-19
Slow transients observed in AlGaN/GaN HFETs: effects of SiN/sub x/ passivation and UV illumination 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Koley G. Tilak V. Eastman L.F. Spencer M.G. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2003,50(4):886-893
Very slow drain current and surface potential transients have been observed in AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistors that are subjected to high bias stress. Simultaneous measurements of drain current and surface potential indicate that large change in surface potential after stress is responsible for the reduction in drain current in these devices. Measurements of surface potential profile from the gate edge toward the drain as a function of time indicate that surface potential changes occur mostly near the gate. It is proposed that the surface potential changes are caused by electrons which tunnel from the gate under high bias stress and get trapped at the surface states near the gate. Passivation of the surface with SiN/sub x/ reduces the transient magnitudes to a large extent. This correlates with a large improvement in microwave power performance in these devices after passivation. UV illumination of these devices totally eliminates the drain current and surface potential transients. 相似文献
Ishida H. Murata T. Ishii M. Hirose Y. Uemoto Y. Tanaka T. Ueda D. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2006,53(7):1524-1529
Orientation effect on AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) has been experimentally and theoretically examined in detail. The drain-currents of the fabricated AlGaN/GaN HFETs with various gate directions do not depend on the gate orientation, whereas those of GaAs-based HFETs strongly depend on the gate direction due to the piezoelectric charges induced around the gate electrode. The piezoelectric charges induced in the vicinity of the gate electrode are simulated by using a finite-element method. This simulation solves the piezoelectric equations with piezoelectric and elastic stiffness constants, assuming that stress is applied to the gate edges in the HFET. The detailed simulation reveals that the piezoelectric charge distribution does not depend on the gate direction, although a large amount of piezoelectric charges is induced in the vicinity of the gate edges, which is consistent with the experimental result. Moreover, it is mathematically clarified that these experimental and simulated results are due to the symmetry characteristic of the piezoelectric and elastic stiffness constants for nitride semiconductor materials. 相似文献
AlN/GaN Insulated-Gate HFETs Using Cat-CVD SiN 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2006,27(9):719-721
The authors fabricated SiN/AlN/GaN metal–insulator–semiconductor heterostructure field-effect transistors (MIS-HFETs) using SiN passivation by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (Cat-CVD). Cat-CVD SiN increased the electron density of AlN/GaN HFETs by compensating the surface depletion of the two-dimensional electron gas. The MIS-HFETs had a maximum drain current density of 0.95 A/mm and a peak extrinsic transconductance of 211 mS/mm. A current-gain cutoff frequency of 107 GHz and maximum oscillation frequency of 171 GHz were obtained for the 60- and 70-nm-gate devices, respectively. 相似文献