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城市的扩张、转型和收缩等进程为城市荒野景观的产生与发展创造了可能.在物理范畴上,城市荒野景观指生态过程基本维持以自然为主导,且具备类似自然荒野野性表征与功能类型的城市空间.隐含在城市中的荒野景观片段,其存在与持续得益于有限程度的人工管理和对自然做功的最小干预.由于自然过程与社会过程的共同作用与相互抗衡,城市荒野景观往往...  相似文献   

著: 《风景园林》2019,26(8):8-19
由于人类体验自然的渴望日益增长,在政治和实践层面,在城市中提供接触自然的机会显得越来越必要。关于“城市荒野”的思想和规划旨在提供一种特殊的自然体验。鉴于不同荒野思想之间存在冲突,风景园林师必须设法了解已有的荒野认知及其含义。通过 3 个荒野类别—“未知荒野”“特定荒野”和“过程荒野”,探讨发展千年的荒野理念,并提出“殖民化”(colonisations)概念作为理解荒野理念发展的一个关键。自然过程伴随着动植物对空间的殖民,而人类进入和占有空间的殖民过程则包含生理、心理和精神 3 个层面的内容。空间命名是一种特殊的、具有精神和象征意味的殖民化形式。例如,人类在城市中发现野生植被,称其为“野性自然”或“城市荒野”。然而,如今大多数(尤其官方)的荒野定义中均排除了人类干扰:一旦被殖民,真正的荒野就不复存在。科学研究对自然过程的殖民化已取得很多成果,但对于人类有关自然和荒野的认知和态度了解并不多。对于风景园林师来说,这有助于更好地理解如何“基于自然进行设计和建造”,对创造令人满意的景观也非常重要。探讨与“城市荒野”有关的论述、规划和设计观点及思想。 由于人类体验自然的渴望日益增长,在政治和实践层面,在城市中提供接触自然的机会显得越来越必要。关于“城市荒野”的思想和规划旨在提供一种特殊的自然体验。鉴于不同荒野思想之间存在冲突,风景园林师必须设法了解已有的荒野认知及其含义。通过 3 个荒野类别—“未知荒野”“特定荒野”和“过程荒野”,探讨发展千年的荒野理念,并提出“殖民化”(colonisations)概念作为理解荒野理念发展的一个关键。自然过程伴随着动植物对空间的殖民,而人类进入和占有空间的殖民过程则包含生理、心理和精神 3 个层面的内容。空间命名是一种特殊的、具有精神和象征意味的殖民化形式。例如,人类在城市中发现野生植被,称其为“野性自然”或“城市荒野”。然而,如今大多数(尤其官方)的荒野定义中均排除了人类干扰:一旦被殖民,真正的荒野就不复存在。科学研究对自然过程的殖民化已取得很多成果,但对于人类有关自然和荒野的认知和态度了解并不多。对于风景园林师来说,这有助于更好地理解如何“基于自然进行设计和建造”,对创造令人满意的景观也非常重要。探讨与“城市荒野”有关的论述、规划和设计观点及思想。  相似文献   

风景园林视野下的城市中的荒野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市中的荒野是珍贵而脆弱的自然资源,具有重要的生态价值、社会价值、历史价值和美学价值。而在城市迅速扩张过程中,以自然本身的进程进行演替的荒野地逐渐淡出人们的视野。梳理了荒野的起源与发展脉络,以及在美国、欧洲及中国不同文化背景下人类文明与荒野的联系,论述了城市环境中荒野的特点及价值,并以城市中不同尺度下的荒野景观实践为例,探讨未来城市中的荒野面临的挑战以及荒野如何与城市人居环境相协调,促进城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

借由景观空间建设推动公众美学认知走向深度生态,是助推生态文明建设实现跨越式发展的关键。以亲生命性理念为新视点,基于亲生命性及亲生命性美学认知之内涵解析、亲生命性促进环境偏好的研究实证,提出自然、荒野自然与城市自然分别是支撑亲生命性美学认知发生的总体性、本源性与生活性景观空间载体。通过设计要点、规划图景、生活愿景3项内容表达,以城市亲生命性的绿色网络、城市亲生命性的绿色社区、城市中与自然的一步之遥为尺度框架,对承载亲生命性认知的生活性景观空间,即亲生命性城市自然的营建方法进行了针对性的探索,旨在为亲生命导向的景观空间规划与设计提供有益参考。  相似文献   

通过城市空间和自然荒野的互动,耶荷公园创建了一种独特的精神.与古典园林不同,耶荷公园的设计理念是放任自然在公园中以各种程度的荒野度发展,即人类干预尽可能最少,而上自然接管完成一部分设计任务,以促进游客与自然环境的密切互动.通过在城市氛围中体验几乎是荒野感觉的这一可能,耶荷公园加深了人们对自然的情感,代表着人与自然之间更亲近的关系.  相似文献   

文章以城市荒野景观作为研究对象,通过设计的理念、展示的方式以及呈现的状态将其划分为映像的荒野、片段的荒野、再现的荒野以及标本的荒野等四种类型,并对其进行风景园林学研究。文中探讨了四种类型城市荒野景观的形成因素,研究了这些荒野景观的设计手法以及形成环境带给使用者的印象与感知。城市荒野的理念不仅仅是一种理论追求,更是一种践行的态度,设计师们包容且多元的设计理念表现出对时间的尊重。文章最后肯定了城市荒野存在的意义,并对多元的城市荒野景观设计探索给出了积极的评价。  相似文献   

关于城市与城市森林同步规划的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
杨冬辉 《规划师》2003,19(1):25-28
森林对于城市有着非常重要的意义。在当前的城市林业建设中,我们必须明确城市需要哪些林地、以及城市的空间扩展应该规划出什么样的土地供森林发展之用,否则,城市的林地建设只能是盲目的、见缝插针的和滞后性的。因此,文章提出城市的空间扩展与城市林业同步发展的观念,即按照自然演进的原则,在城市发展规划中制定相应的城市林业发展空间,保持城市与自然和谐发展。  相似文献   

场所是一个充满经济社会文化意义的空间.是构成城市空间结构体系的微观认知单元。场所精神的回归是后现代建筑学、城市学地理学以及社会学研究人本主义空间观的焦点与趋势。场所理论从人的行为认知角度来认识人与居住环境之间的关系。城市景观是一个被赋予多重行为(文化)意义的地理外观场所的差异性彰显出人的场所感。场所理论在地域文化建筑与本土化城市设计,历史文化遗产保护与管理以及城市景观环境认知与形态塑造等空间设计领域具有重要的应用价值。文章试图从人本主义空间观——场所理论的研究视角出发.从场所的行为文化认知规律切入,结合国外场所理论应用城市空间设计研究的价值取向及研究趋势.探讨场所理论架构下的城市空间设计的本质与方法论体系。从而为人居环境科学理论研究的微观原理研究提供新的理论视角及其实践应用可能。  相似文献   

正城市的生态系统非常复杂,生境条件也极为多样。城市生境包含了绿地、林地、农田、湿地、水体、荒地这些自然或近自然的区域,同时也包括了建筑、桥梁、各种管网、轨道等构筑物或基础设施。在各种城市生境中,我更关注城市中的荒野。城市生境的大量消失,栖息地和生物物种的减少都与荒野的消失相关。所以,城市生境和栖息地的问题,关键在荒野。中国城市建成区绿地率已达30%以上,但大多数城市生物多样性的表现却非常弱,实际上城市绿地面积  相似文献   

陈媛   《中国园林》2022,38(8):24
在国际范围内荒野保护运动持续发展的同时,中国 的荒野保护体系正在稳步建立。但随着城市化进程的不断加 速,城市中自然荒野空间的开发是不可避免的。如何在不断扩 张的城市范围内尽可能保留与规划荒野景观,已经成为国内风 景园林设计师关注的问题。在梳理了城市荒野课题相关背景和 研究进展后,探索了荷兰的城市荒野实践经验,并选取3个不 同尺度和类型的代表性案例,分别对案例的项目背景、设计要 点和场地功能进行研究分析,进而提出自然优先、野性保护、 控制扰动和公众参与4点原则,并辩证地提取了可指导中国背 景下不同尺度城市荒野景观营造的策略,为构建中国荒野体系 提供了国际经验。  相似文献   

Wilderness is a cultural construct that is deeply rooted in many societies. For landscape architects and their predecessors, wilderness has long been important as a contrast to artificial garden elements, as an inspiration for naturalistic plant designs, or today as a timely contribution to reconciling cities and their inhabitants with the natural world. Since cities and wilderness have traditionally been seen as opposites, new approaches are necessary to better address the opportunities and challenges associated with wilderness in urban regions. From an ecological perspective, urban wilderness can be defined as an area characterized by a high degree of self-regulation in ecosystem processes where direct human impact is negligible. This allows two main types of wilderness to be distinguished: “ancient wilderness” represented by natural remnants in many cities, and “novel wilderness,” which arises in artificial urban-industrial sites. The two types require different approaches in designing and managing green spaces. Ancient wilderness is a traditional object of conservation and restoration, and offers inspiration for naturalistic plantings. In contrast, the emergence of novel wilderness has long been associated with neglect and socio-economic decline. Since the 1980s, however, early pioneer projects in Germany have started to integrate novel urban wilderness into the green infrastructure. The results are unprecedented green spaces that combine novel wilderness with design interventions. These places are attractive to visitors, contribute to biodiversity conservation, and support many ecosystem services. This article aims to illustrate the opportunities and challenges of integrating wilderness components and processes into the urban green infrastructure—a timely way to reconnect cities with nature.  相似文献   

The process of urban sprawl, restructure, and shrinkage provides the possibility for the formation and evolution of urban wildscapes. Physically, urban wildscapes refer to the urban spaces where the ecology is basically dominated by natural processes and similar to the natural wilderness in appearance and functions. The existence and persistence of wilderness fragments in cities often result from the reduction of human management and with minimal intervention on the nature. Due to the different interactions and confrontations between natural processes and social processes, the wildness of urban wildscapes varies. The unique and irreplaceable values of urban widlscapes in ecology, culture, aesthetics, economy, and well-being have gained multi-disciplinary attention and been widely recognized. This paper defines the concept of urban wildscapes, reviews the conceptual development of its connotation, and analyzes the multiple benefits of urban wildscapes on the basis of value recognition research. It hopes to provide a value recognition framework for empirical studies, helping urban residents, planning designers, and managers identify, appreciate, experience, and sustainably manage natural resources and urban ecological network, and providing scientific guidelines for ecological urban development.  相似文献   

孙天智  王晓俊 《中国园林》2023,39(11):70-76
首先探讨了城市荒野的基本概念。其次通过引入与研究对象相关且具有代表性的案例及学术成果,从不同角度分析城市荒野内涵的多样性,揭示城市荒野的类型和研究城市荒野课题具备的广泛学理基础,以及在风景园林设计中对城市荒野的处理所展现出的统筹生态与人文的实践特性。在此基础上,围绕城市荒野“存续”和“体验”两方面存在的实际问题,结合笔者团队的工程实践和环境考察,探讨了如何通过景观营建促进更多类型的城市荒野实现“景观用途”、推动公众更好地理解与感知城市荒野多元价值的方法,发掘风景园林实践对于支撑城市荒野存续的独特能力和实践潜力。  相似文献   

Urban wilderness is the remnant nature existing within the cracks of urban context, which can provide habitats for wildlife and natural recreation areas, with significance in optimizing urban ecological resilience. On the one hand, the unprecedented urbanization processes and the public’s negative hypotheses on the concept have caused continuous reduction of urban wilderness; on the other hand, opportunities are seen in reconstructing and activating urban wilderness when natural processes return to dominate the idle lands resulting from industrial recession and urban shrinkage, and the rewilding concept and techniques develop gradually. With ecological civilization construction, the initiative of a systematic management of the mountains, waters, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands, and the advance of adopting Nature-Based Solutions in China, it is the best time to acknowledge urban wilderness in depth, identify its connotations and values, construct identity recognition, and carry out practices of conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

As the connotations of urban green spaces and urban eco-green spaces have been more realized,drought-resistant green spaces have become a unique development trend,and drought-resistant flowers have been more applied in green spaces.This paper summarized characteristics of drought-resistant flowers,foreign and domestic researches in this field,advantages and disadvantages of their application in urban green spaces,and proposed key directions of the future researches.  相似文献   

Fragments of wilderness dominated by natural succession exist in urban environments, and play a critical role in protecting biodiversity, supporting urban ecological processes, and connecting human beings with nature. Urban vegetation rewilding is a key approach to restricting urban wilderness by restoring the species composition, community structure and functions, eventually towards a self-maintained vegetation community. This paper, taking wildflower meadows as a reference, establishes a technical framework of urban vegetation rewilding by leveraging ecological flows and adopting quasi-nature design with minimum interventions. The framework covers 5 aspects, namely self-design, micro-topographic design, quasinature design, collaborative symbiosis design between plant community and keystone animal species, and design with natural materials. Studying the green space along the northwest lakeside of the Shuangguihu National Wetland Park in Liangping District, Chongqing, this paper provides a scientific guidance and technical paradigm for vegetation rewilding and urban wilderness restoration in the complex context of natural–artificial urban landscapes.  相似文献   

One of the core values of urban wilderness construction is to restore the structures and functions of biological communities in fragmented urban habitats, and enable the stability and ecological succession of native communities with low human intervention. The paper discusses the design principles and technical methodologies in active urban rewilding by the example of Shanghai Urban Biodiversity Education Base project. Aiming to restore urban biodiversity and enrich the technical and theoretical research of urban wilderness construction and Nature-based Solutions, this project conducted habitat division, native species introduction, natural community construction, ecological benefit assessment, etc. In a year and a half, 260 native plant species, 255 insect species, 7 amphibian and reptile species, 71 bird species, and 6 mammal species were recorded within the 1.7 hm2 project site, showing higher biodiversity and density of animal populations than unrestored consructed forests surrounding. Along with the spontaneous progressive succession of the plant communities, the project has achieved good results. The technical approaches proposed in the project can be broadly applied in design and construction of country parks, wildlife habitats, ecological corridors / networks, and environmental education bases.  相似文献   

In this text we take a closer look at the development of the wilderness metaphor of the Zwischenstadt, that is, fragmented urban landscapes in Germany. We trace the metaphor's meanings back to its origins in the conservative cultural criticism of Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl of the mid-nineteenth century and analyse the different meanings of ‘wilderness’ in today's urban and landscape planners’ positions. Our aim is to demonstrate that the meanings of the concept of wilderness, as well as those of city and cultural landscape, differ depending on the context in which they appear. We point out that different values can be attached to each individual meaning. These evaluations depend on cultural and political patterns and on one's own world view. We apply the insights thus gained to identify three different types of design strategy for the Zwischenstadt used by urban and landscape designers.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services of urban green spaces play an important role in the sustainable development of the urban ecosystem. How to quantify the ecological benefits of urban green spaces and evaluate their ecological services is a hot topic in related fields. Currently, with the advancement of science and technology, the assessment method has been developed from the traditional ones such as the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers(CTLA) method, afforestation cost method, and carbon tax method to CITYgreen and i-Tree. The latter two models have been widely used in countries of Europe and America, while the use of i-Tree has not been promoted in China. In this paper, i-Tree Eco(UFORE) was selected for research, and its application in the assessment of the ecosystem services of urban green spaces, including energy saving, air quality improvement, interception of rainwater, and aesthetic benefits, were analyzed. This study aims to provide a theoretical and scientific basis for the introduction and localization of i-Tree, as well as its generalization in the assessment of forest ecosystem services domestically.  相似文献   

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