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在发动机试验台上,利用CB-466燃烧分析仪研究了整体式和分体式进气道对四气门汽油机燃烧压力循环变动的影响.结果表明,分体式进气道与整体式相比平均指示压力和最高燃烧压力循环变动率较低,仅为整体式进气道的73.3%和87.6%.二者随转矩的增加逐渐减小,整体式进气道中等转矩时的平均指示压力和最高燃烧压力循环变动率大约仅为小转矩时的50.1%和67.1%,而分体式进气道时,则为小转矩时的76.2%和73.8%.整体式进气道平均指示压力和最高燃烧压力循环变动率随转速的增加逐渐增加;分体式进气道平均指示压力循环变动率随转速的增加逐渐增加,而最高燃烧压力循环变动率先随转速增加,当达到中等转速后又逐渐减小. 相似文献
研制了一套四气门汽油机可变斜轴涡流系统,在发动机试验台上利用CB-466燃烧分析仪研究了斜轴涡流特性对低速低负荷燃烧过程的影响。研究结果表明,低转速、低负荷时,指示热效率随着斜轴涡流比和斜轴涡流倾角的增加先增加后减小,当斜轴涡流比为0.76、斜轴涡流倾角为55.7°时,指示热效率最大。中等转速、低负荷时,指示热效率随着斜轴涡流比和斜轴涡流倾角的增加逐渐增加,当斜轴涡流比和斜轴涡流倾角最大时指示热效率最大。低转速和负荷时,平均指示压力随着斜轴涡流比和斜轴涡流倾角的增加先增加后减小,当斜轴涡流比为0.76、斜轴涡流倾角为55.7°时,平均指示压力最大。不同转速时,最高燃烧压力随斜轴涡流比和斜轴涡流倾角的变化规律各不相同,但相同转速下,不同负荷时的最高燃烧压力随斜轴涡流比和斜轴涡流倾角的变化规律大致是相同的。 相似文献
在一台未做任何结构改动的四缸、16气门进气道喷射产品发动机上,通过二次喷油技术形成优化的缸内准均质稀混合气浓度分布,从而实现准均质稀薄燃烧,性能实验结果表明,两次喷油可拓展发动机的稀燃极限1.5~2个空燃比单位,最高达23.5;发动机燃油消耗同原电控喷射发动机相比可降低19.1%;在整个空燃比范围内,经过优化的两次喷油稀燃的最低油耗较单次喷油稀燃下降6.5%。 相似文献
在一台配备进、排气门升程及定时同时可控的四变量气门执行机构(4-Variable Valve Actuating System,4VVAS)的进气道喷射汽油机上通过保留部分热废气的方法,实现了汽油机均质可控压燃(CAI)燃烧.通过试验考察了不同气门升程下的CAI燃烧过程,从而探讨气门参数对废气再压缩汽油机CAI燃烧的控制作用.研究表明,不同气门升程下的发动机运行负荷范围不同,适当减少有效压缩比可以减少爆震倾向,增加低转速下大负荷范围,而通过增加气门升程可以拓展高转速下CAI汽油机大负荷运行范围.发动机负荷大小主要依靠排气门参数来调节,而进气门参数能够控制进气回流和有效压缩比,从而对残余废气率及汽油机CAI燃烧过程具有对称性控制作用. 相似文献
本文介绍了日本、原西德、美国等国的四气门汽油机。分析其主要技术指标后认为,这种发动机的升功率高,油耗率低,排放和噪声低,可靠性高。最后指出进一步改进这种发动机的主要方向。 相似文献
通过自行研制的稳流气道试验台研究了一台单缸四气门汽油机进气道流动特性及其产生涡流和滚流的能力,分别试验了双气门全开、单气门开和单切向气道三种方案。研究结果发现,该汽油机缸内几乎不存在大尺度涡流,而只存在滚流,当关闭其中一个气门后,会得到较强的涡流,加导气片后,其涡流更强,但流通能力比双进气门全开差。对于滚流比,单进气门比双进气门略有提高,但差别不大。 相似文献
引言 示功图分析是判断内燃机性能优劣、改善燃烧的有效手段。但由于循环变动的存在使人们不得不采用平均压力示功图进行分析计算。试验表明,平均压力曲线并不总是很好地代表了典型的燃烧特性或发动机运转特性,在空燃比接近理论值时,平均值才能较好地表示出燃烧过程。这是因为发动机在稀薄混合气燃烧或废气再循环率较高等工况下运转时,容易出现失火及部分燃烧等现象,此时如果仍用平均示功图计算,这无疑是不合理的。试验证实汽油机循环变动的起因不是循环充量的差异,而主要是缸内混合气的湍流特性及空燃比的不均匀分布等。本文在分析循环… 相似文献
建立了汽油机燃烧过程的双区和多区诊断及预测模型,其中包括火焰传播模型。在质量燃烧率的计算中,直接反映了紊流对燃烧过程的影响。编制了计算程序,进行了计算与试验对比分析,计算结果与试验结果两吻合良好。同时进行了变参数性能预测计算。 相似文献
The results of research on the impact of adding a hydrogen-containing gas obtained by water electrolysis to the air charge of a gasoline engine on the combustion process, the indicator values of the work process, fuel-consumption efficiency and environmental performance of the engine are provided in the paper. The indicator tests of the work process of the engine have been carried out and the key data on the indicator values of the work process of a gasoline engine have been calculated on the base of the obtained indicator-diagrams. It was found that adding a hydrogen-containing gas caused shortening of all phases of combustion and an improvement of the indicator values of the engine. If a hydrogen-containing gas is added to the air charge of a gasoline engine, fuel-consumption efficiency as well as its energy and environmental performance are improved. 相似文献
In this paper, a gasoline Wankel engine was modified and equipped with self-developed hybrid electronic control unit to experimentally investigate the effect of hydrogen-enrichment level on combustion characteristics of a gasoline Wankel engine at wild open throttle position and lean burn regime. Testing were carried out under constant engine speed of 3000 rpm and the lean operating limit of the original gasoline engine. The spark timing was set at 15 °BTDC. The hydrogen energy fraction in the intake was gradually increased from 0% to 10%. The results showed that hydrogen enrichment was effective on improving the combustion process through the shortened of the flame development and the flame propagation periods, advancing the central heat release, increasing the HRRmax and reducing the cyclic variation proportionally to the amount of hydrogen added to the air fuel mixture. Furthermore, increasing hydrogen fraction in the intake improves the engine economy by reducing the cooling loss. 相似文献
This study presents experimental results of engine performance, combustion and emissions in an SI engine fueled by gasoline-ethanol-hydrogen blends. In the experimental studies, engine performance and emission values were analyzed fueled by gasoline, gasoline-ethanol and gasoline-ethanol-hydrogen blends, respectively. When ethanol has been added volumetrically to gasoline 20% of ethanol (G80E20), engine performance and emissions have been worsened. However, the engine performance and emission values have been improved with the adding of hydrogen to blend. The results showed that the addition of hydrogen to the gasoline-ethanol blend improved the combustion process and improved the combustion efficiency, expanded the combustibility range of the gasoline-ethanol blend, reduced emissions. But, nitrogen oxide emission values increased with the adding of hydrogen. 相似文献
Due to increasingly stringent fuel consumption and emission regulation, improving thermal efficiency and reducing particulate matter emissions are two main issues for next generation gasoline engine. Lean burn mode could greatly reduce pumping loss and decrease the fuel consumption of gasoline engines, although the burning rate is decreased by higher diluted intake air. In this study, dual injection stratified combustion mode is used to accelerate the burning rate of lean burn by increasing the fuel concentration near the spark plug. The effects of engine control parameters such as the excess air coefficient (Lambda), direct injection (DI) ratio, spark interval with DI, and DI timing on combustion, fuel consumption, gaseous emissions, and particulate emissions of a dual injection gasoline engine are studied. It is shown that the lean burn limit can be extended to Lambda= 1.8 with a low compression ratio of 10, while the fuel consumption can be obviously improved at Lambda= 1.4. There exists a spark window for dual injection stratified lean burn mode, in which the spark timing has a weak effect on combustion. With optimization of the control parameters, the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) decreases 9.05% more than that of original stoichiometric combustion with DI as 2 bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) at a 2000 r/min engine speed. The NO x emissions before three-way catalyst (TWC) are 71.31% lower than that of the original engine while the particle number (PN) is 81.45% lower than the original engine. The dual injection stratified lean burn has a wide range of applications which can effectively reduce fuel consumption and particulate emissions. The BSFC reduction rate is higher than 5% and the PN reduction rate is more than 50% with the speed lower than 2400 r/min and the load lower than 5 bar. 相似文献
基于一台带有低压废气再循环系统的1.5 L涡轮增压直喷汽油发动机进行了稀燃和废气再循环(EGR)影响发动机燃烧性能的试验研究。结果表明,随着稀释率的上升,EGR和稀燃均导致发动机滞燃期、燃烧持续期延长,燃烧重心提前,有效燃油消耗率下降,排气温度下降,平均绝热指数上升。相同稀释率下,相比稀燃,EGR的滞燃期长,燃烧重心提前,两者燃烧持续期基本相等,稀释极限低,绝热指数小,排气温度低。在稀释率分别为20%、35.9%时,最大可减小有效燃油消耗率4.7%、7.2%。热容对燃油经济性的影响占主导地位,相同稀释率下,循环变动系数小于3%时,相比稀燃,EGR具有更好的燃油经济性。 相似文献
Combustion knock is one of the primary constraints limiting the performance of spark-ignition hydrogen fuelled internal combustion engines (H2-ICE) as it limits the torque output and efficiency, particularly as the equivalence ratio nears stoichiometric operation. Understanding the characteristic of combustion knock in a H2-ICE will provide better techniques for its detection, prevention and control while enabling operation at conditions of improved efficiency. Engine studies examining combustion knock characteristics were conducted with hydrogen and gasoline fuels in a port-injected, spark-ignited, single cylinder cooperative fuel research (CFR) engine. Characterization of the signals at varying levels of combustion knock from cylinder pressure and a block mounted piezoelectric accelerometer were conducted including frequency, signal intensity, and statistical attributes. Further, through the comparisons with gasoline combustion knock, it was found that knock detection techniques used for gasoline engines, can be applied to a H2-ICE with appropriate modifications. This work provides insight for further development in real time knock detection. This would help in improving reliability of hydrogen engines while allowing the engine to be operated closer to combustion knock limits to increase engine performance and reducing possibility of engine damage due to knock. 相似文献
在一台1.5 L涡轮增压缸内直喷汽油发动机上,使用不同的三效催化反应器(three-way catalytic,TWC)、稀燃NOx捕集器(lean NOx trap,LNT)、被动选择性催化还原器(passive selective catalytic reduction,PSCR)等排气后处理组合,研究了汽油发动机... 相似文献
Compared to widening usage of CNG in commercial gasoline engines, insufficient but increasing number of studies have appeared in open literature during last decades while engine characteristics need to be quantified in exact numbers for each specific fuel converted engine. In this study, a dual sequential spark ignition engine (Honda L13A4 i-DSI) is tested separately either with gasoline or CNG at wide open throttle. This specific engine has unique features of dual sequential ignition with variable timing, asymmetrical combustion chamber, and diagonally positioned dual spark-plug. Thus, the engine led some important engine technologies of VTEC and VVT. Tests are performed by varying the engine speed from 1500 rpm to 4000 rpm with an increment of 500 rpm. The engine’s maximum torque speed of 2800 rpm is also tested. For gasoline and CNG fuels, engine performance (brake torque, brake power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake mean effective pressure), emissions (O 2, CO 2, CO, HC, NO x, and lambda), and the exhaust gas temperature are evaluated. In addition, numerical engine analyses are performed by constructing a 1-D model for the entire test rig and the engine by using Ricardo-Wave software. In the 1-D engine model, same test parameters are analyzed, and same test outputs are calculated. Thus, the test and the 1-D engine model are employed to quantify the effects of gasoline and CNG fuels on the engine performance and emissions for a unique engine. In general, all test and model results show similar and close trends. Results for the tested commercial engine show that CNG operation decreases the brake torque (12.7%), the brake power (12.4%), the brake mean effective pressure (12.8%), the brake specific fuel consumption (16.5%), the CO 2 emission (12.1%), the CO emission (89.7%). The HC emission for CNG is much lower than gasoline. The O 2 emission for CNG is approximately 55.4% higher than gasoline. The NO x emission for CNG at high speeds is higher than gasoline. The variation percentages are the averages of the considered speed range from 1500 rpm to 4000 rpm. 相似文献
在不改变发动机任何参数的情况下,对高压共轨重型车用柴油机分别燃用柴油和乳化柴油的燃烧与排放特性进行了对比试验研究。试验结果表明:与纯柴油相比,乳化柴油在试验工况下着火滞燃期延长,瞬时放热率峰值提高,燃烧持续期变短;缸内最高压力在低负荷时较柴油高,但在高负荷时较柴油低;在全负荷下,相比于柴油,燃用乳化柴油有效功率平均降低了16.90%,但发动机有效热效率平均提高了2.42%;燃用乳化柴油在常用转速1 800 r/min的负荷范围内时,NOx和碳烟排放分别比柴油平均降低了12.77%和58.90%,改善了NOx和碳烟排放的权衡曲线关系;高负荷时,燃用乳化柴油的CO排放减少,但HC排放增加。 相似文献
采用柴油、柴油-小桐子掺混油、小桐子油、高温小桐子油,在单缸水冷四冲程柴油机上进行了怠速工况试验,测录了多循环的瞬时气缸压力与高压油管燃油压力,对比分析了喷油与燃烧过程中各参数的循环波动。结果发现,怠速工况喷油过程中,喷油持续期的循环波动最明显,小桐子油的喷油始点滞后,喷油持续期长,喷油压力大,喷油过程的循环波动略大;怠速工况燃烧过程中,最大燃烧压力升高率和滞燃期的循环波动率最为明显,小桐子油滞燃期略短,燃烧压力升高率小,最高燃烧压力低,滞燃期和最大燃烧压力升高率的循环波动明显大于柴油;燃用小桐子油增大了原机的循环波动,怠速运转不如柴油稳定。 相似文献