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A logic-based system of knowledge representation for natural language discourse has three primary advantages:
–  • It has adequate expressive power,
–  • it has a well-defined semantics, and
–  • it uses simple, sound, general rules of inference.
On the other hand, a standard logic-based system has the following disadvantages:
–  • It supports only an exceedingly complex mapping from surface discourse sentences to internal representations, and
–  • reasoning about the content of semantically complex discourses is difficult because of the incommodious complexity of the internalized formulas.

Web-based bid invitation platforms and reverse auctions are increasingly used by consumers for the procurement of goods and services. An empirical examination shows that with B-2-C these procurement methods generate considerable benefits for the consumer:
–  ⊎ Reverse auctions and bid invitation platforms generate high consumer surplus in the procurement of general and crafts services.
–  ⊎ The level of this consumer surplus is affected by the number of bidders. The duration of the auction and the starting price are less important.
–  ⊎ In the painting business prices are considerably lower than with traditional procurement channels.
–  ⊎ On bid invitation platforms, in most cases (> 55%) the bids with the lowest price are chosen.

The model of the device of reading (visualization) of the hidden magnetic information from the holograms combined with magneto-optical layer is presented in the article. Ways of magnetic images formation on the protected documentation and their reading by magneto-optical methods are proposed. The reading head with the help of magneto-optical meridional Kerr effect allows to observe visually of “effect of blinking” from the hologram with the hidden magnetic layer. During the work the mathematical analysis magneto-optical Kerr or Faraday effects was carried out. The hidden magnetic image based on:
–  hard magnetic layer on basis Tb-Fe with perpendicular anisotropy
–  soft magnetic layers on a basis or permalloy.
Advantages of the device:
–  non contact reading of the magnetic information
–  difficulty of recurrence of magnetic images formation technology.
The optical scheme of devices contains a light source, the polarizer, the analyzer, the hologram with magneto-optic layers, and constant magnet. The hologram is placed between the polarizer and the analyzer. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Conclusion  We have provided a theoretical and methodological justification of complete construction of a universal formalized language of knowledge. We have proved the following:
–  the base term classification ensures unambiguous and deep indexation of documents;
–  the fixed sentence syntax makes it possible to standardize information-retrieval languages and automatic translation between languages;
–  the fixed message semantics provides the following opportunities: measuring the semantic information; rating the intensification of intellectual effort; eliminating unjustified duplication of research and publication; providing the user with timely necessary information in a form suitable for direct processing and use; organizing a national cost-efficient communication technology; solving linguistic problems of artificial intelligence and informatization of society; creating a reliable structural foundation for the development of a common unambiguous language for the entire humanity.
Deceased. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 4, pp. 154–162, July–August, 1997.  相似文献   

1.  The parameters (periods, amplitudes, and phases) of 87 multiyear SA rhythms were estimated with high significance from the annual average dynamics of Wolf numbers for 1749–1992; the annual average SA dynamics was then forecast for the 21st century.
2.  The 11-year SA cycle is the superposition of phase-amplitude characteristics of no fewer than 35 rhythms (from No. 25 to No. 59 in Table 1). The most significant heliorhythms in this family are the high-amplitude heliorhythms with periods of 11.00, 10.04, 10.52, 11.95, 8.38, 10.64, and 8.10 years (listed in the order of decreasing amplitude).
3.  The results of our study confirm the high efficiency of the proposed mathematical method for the detection of hidden heliorhythms of various frequencies and unknown periods.
4.  Using our results as a benchmark for comparison of multiyear heliorhythms detected by other mathematical techniques for annual average Wolf numbers (1749–1992), we can analyze comprehensively the strengths and weaknesses of all mathematical methods (including the proposed method) employed in modern heliobiology, chronomedicine, and economics.
Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 2, pp. 143–149, March–April, 1998.  相似文献   

1.  As is established from the analysis, the classical method of critical path in network planning of projects is not valid in the case where the evaluations of durations of works are fuzzy quantities.
2.  The method of fuzzy critical path is based on computation of a fuzzy set of critical works, fuzzy set of critical paths, fuzzy reserve of execution of uncritical works, and analysis of the risk content of a project.
3.  The realization of soft computations of the proposed method of fuzzy critical path makes it possible to find the characteristics of a project expressed in terms of fuzzy numbers and to compare and improve projects; it promotes control over projects on the basis of fuzzy data as is done in the classical method of network planning and control.
Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 3, pp. 158–170, May–June, 1999.  相似文献   

The advances in polymer materials and technologies for telecom applications are reported. The polymers include new highly halogenated acrylates, which possess absorption losses less than 0.25 dB/cm and refractive indices ranging from 1.3 to 1.5 in the 1.5 μm wavelength region. The halogenated liquid monomers are highly intermixable, photocurable under UV exposure and exhibit high contrast in polymerization. The polymer technologies developed at the Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILIT RAS) include:
–  UV contact lithography permitting creation of single-mode polymer waveguides and waveguide arrays
–  submicron printing for fabricating corrugated waveguides and polymer phase masks
–  UV laser holography for writing refractive index gratings in polymer materials.
The technology for fabricating narrowband Bragg filters on the basis of single-mode polymer waveguides with laser-induced submicron index gratings is presented in detail. The filters possess narrowband reflection/transmission spectra in the 1.5 μm telecom wavelength region of 0.2–2.7 nm width, nearly rectangular shape of the stopband, reflectivity R > 99% and negligible radiation losses. They can be used for multiplexing/demultiplexing optical signals in high-speed DWDM fiber networks. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Alan Bundy 《AI & Society》2007,21(4):659-668
This paper is a modified version of my acceptance lecture for the 1986 SPL-Insight Award. It turned into something of a personal credo -describing my view of
  the nature of AI
  the potential social benefit of applied AI
  the importance of basic AI research
  the role of logic and the methodology of rational construction
  the interplay of applied and basic AI research, and
  the importance of funding basic AI.
These points are knitted together by an analogy between AI and structural engineering: in particular, between building expert systems and building bridges.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Navigationssysteme, ortsbezogene Suchdienste wie Google Maps, interaktive Augmented-Reality-Spiele, Handy-basierte FindMe-Dienste – diese wenige Beispiele zeigen bereits, wie direkt oder indirekt raumbezogene Dienste unser Alltagsleben immer mehr durchdringen. Wir beobachten, wie sich die Nutzung von Geodaten schrittweise vom pers?nlichen Desktop-Geoinformationssystem (GIS) über hausinternen Zugriff auf die Geodatenbank bis zum Webzugriff durch Clients und Servern unterschiedlicher Provenienz ausweitet (,,Web-GIS“). Klassische Aufgaben wie Kartenproduktion und Beauskunftung treten dabei gegenüber komplexen, situationsbezogenen Verknüpfungen von Geo- mit anderen Daten eher in den Hintergrund. Damit geht offensichtlich ein Paradigmenwechsel von der einfachen, passiven Geodatenbereitstellung via WWW zu funktional komplexeren Geodiensten einher. Sollen solche Mehrwertdienste offen und flexibel orchestrierbar sein, so müssen Geodaten systemübergreifend ad hoc abgefragt werden k?nnen. Unabdingbar sind dafür offene Standards, nicht nur auf der Ebene von Datenaustauschformaten, sondern auch bei den Zugriffsdiensten; diese Geoservice-Standardisierung leistet das Open GeoSpatial Consortium (OGC). Im vorliegenden Beitrag geben wir einen überblick über die Modellierung von Web-basierten Geodiensten auf Basis ausgew?hlter OGC-Standards. Modellierung bedeutet in diesem Kontext die Gestaltung von Funktionalit?t und Schnittstellen eines potenziell komplexen Dienstes auf Basis offener Standards und ihrer Basisdienste und -operationen. Diskutiert werden Standards für den Meta-, Vektor- und Rasterdatenzugriff sowie ein anwendungsorientierter Standard für Sensordaten.  相似文献   

In this paper we classify several algorithmic problems in group theory in the complexity classes PZK and SZK (problems with perfect/statistical zero-knowledge proofs respectively). Prior to this, these problems were known to be in . As , we have a tighter upper bound for these problems. Specifically:
•  We show that the permutation group problems Coset Intersection, Double Coset Membership, Group Conjugacy are in PZK. Further, the complements of these problems also have perfect zero knowledge proofs (in the liberal sense). We also show that permutation group isomorphism for solvable groups is in PZK. As an ingredient of this protocol, we design a randomized algorithm for sampling short presentations of solvable permutation groups.
•  We show that the complement of all the above problems have concurrent zero knowledge proofs.
•  We prove that the above problems for black-box groups are in SZK.
•  Finally, we also show that some of the problems have SZK protocols with efficient provers in the sense of Micciancio and Vadhan (Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2729, 282–298, 2003).

We present quantum algorithms for the following matching problems in unweighted and weighted graphs with n vertices and m edges:
•  Finding a maximal matching in general graphs in time .
•  Finding a maximum matching in general graphs in time .
•  Finding a maximum weight matching in bipartite graphs in time , where N is the largest edge weight.
Our quantum algorithms are faster than the best known classical deterministic algorithms for the corresponding problems. In particular, the second result solves an open question stated in a paper by Ambainis and Špalek (Proceedings of STACS’06, pp. 172–183, 2006).  相似文献   

Consider an information network with threats called attackers; each attacker uses a probability distribution to choose a node of the network to damage. Opponent to the attackers is a protector entity called defender; the defender scans and cleans from attacks some part of the network (in particular, a link), which it chooses independently using its own probability distribution. Each attacker wishes to maximize the probability of escaping its cleaning by the defender; towards a conflicting objective, the defender aims at maximizing the expected number of attackers it catches. We model this network security scenario as a non-cooperative strategic game on graphs. We are interested in its associated Nash equilibria, where no network entity can unilaterally increase its local objective. We obtain the following results:
•  We obtain an algebraic characterization of (mixed) Nash equilibria.
•  No (non-trivial) instance of the graph-theoretic game has a pure Nash equilibrium. This is an immediate consequence of some covering properties we prove for the supports of the players in all (mixed) Nash equilibria.
•  We coin a natural subclass of mixed Nash equilibria, which we call Matching Nash equilibria, for this graph-theoretic game. Matching Nash equilibria are defined by enriching the necessary covering properties we proved with some additional conditions involving other structural parameters of graphs, such as Independent Sets.
–  We derive a characterization of graphs admitting Matching Nash equilibria. All such graphs have an Expanding Independent Set. The characterization enables a non-deterministic, polynomial time algorithm to compute a Matching Nash equilibrium for any such graph.
–  Bipartite graphs are shown to satisfy the characterization. So, using a polynomial time algorithm to compute a Maximum Matching for a bipartite graph, we obtain, as our main result, a deterministic, polynomial time algorithm to compute a Matching Nash equilibrium for any instance of the game with a bipartite graph.
A preliminary version of this work appeared in the Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, X. Deng and D. Du, eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3827, pp. 288–297, Springer, December 2005. This work has been partially supported by the IST Program of the European Union under contract 001907 ( ), and by research funds at University of Cyprus.  相似文献   

This special section is devoted to a selection of papers that originally appeared in two thematic sessions on high-level testing of complex systems at IDPT 2002 and 2003, the 6th and 7th World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, which took place in Pasadena, CA in June 2002 and in Austin, TX in December 2003, respectively.This collection of papers spans a wide panoramic view on the development of testing and validation technology along several dimmensions. It touches on issues such as
– Kinds of systems
– Kinds of testing or validation
– Practical difficulties (in the application area)
– Technical difficulties, e.g., state explosion, heterogeneity, etc.
– Particular approaches, i.e., methods tools and whether or not they are linked to other areas such as formal verification, simulation, abstract interpretation, etc.
– Current state of advancement and uptake (conceptual, implemented, industrial product, etc.)
All seven papers present methods, tools, and case studies that aim at using diverse formal techniques for testing complex systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the p-ary transitive reduction (TR p ) problem where p>0 is an integer; for p=2 this problem arises in inferring a sparsest possible (biological) signal transduction network consistent with a set of experimental observations with a goal to minimize false positive inferences even if risking false negatives. Special cases of TR p have been investigated before in different contexts; the best previous results are as follows:
(1)  The minimum equivalent digraph problem, that correspond to a special case of TR1 with no critical edges, is known to be MAX-SNP-hard, admits a polynomial time algorithm with an approximation ratio of 1.617+ε for any constant ε>0 (Chiu and Liu in Sci. Sin. 4:1396–1400, 1965) and can be solved in linear time for directed acyclic graphs (Aho et al. in SIAM J. Comput. 1(2):131–137, 1972).
(2)  A 2-approximation algorithm exists for TR1 (Frederickson and JàJà in SIAM J. Comput. 10(2):270–283, 1981; Khuller et al. in 19th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 937–938, 1999).
In this paper, our contributions are as follows:
•  We observe that TR p , for any integer p>0, can be solved in linear time for directed acyclic graphs using the ideas in Aho et al. (SIAM J. Comput. 1(2):131–137, 1972).
•  We provide a 1.78-approximation for TR1 that improves the 2-approximation mentioned in (2) above.
•  We provide a 2+o(1)-approximation for TR p on general graphs for any fixed prime p>1.
R. Albert’s research was partly supported by a Sloan Research Fellowship in Science and Technology. B. DasGupta’s research was partly supported by NSF grants DBI-0543365, IIS-0612044 and IIS-0346973. E. Sontag’s research was partly supported by NSF grants EIA 0205116 and DMS-0504557.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Dieser Beitrag soll – basierend auf langj?hrige Erfahrungen in einer Vielzahl von experimentellen und kommerziellen Umsetzungen – einen überblick über verschiedene M?glichkeiten grafischer Gestaltung bieten. Von zentraler Bedeutung für Multimedia-Anwendungen ist die Erzeugung und der Einsatz von Bildern und speziell von Visualisierungen. Hier interessieren uns vor allem Einsatzzwecke von Visualisierungen, ihre Funktionsweise und ihre Ausdrucksm?chtigkeit. Andere Typen von Bildern, wie Illustrationen und Zeichen sowie die typografische Gestaltung werden kurz charakterisiert.   相似文献   

This paper studies the allocation of discrete resources among multiple agents from a preference theory perspective. More specifically, the paper explores the process of decision making where:
(a)  information is obtained about the preference profiles of each agent
(b)  the information acquired is then used as a basis for finding a socially optimal resource allocation, and
(c)  the costs involved in acquiring information are considered as an integral part of the process.

This paper explores the connections between two areas pioneered by Shannon: the transmission of information with a fidelity criterion, and the realization of Boolean functions by networks and formulae. We study three phenomena:
1.  The effect of the relative number of O's and l's in a function's table on its complexity.
2.  The effect of the number of unspecified entries in a partially specified function's table on its complexity.
3.  The effect of the number of errors allowed in the realization of a function on its complexity.
Our main result is a precise version of the following statement:  相似文献   

Im Rahmen unserer DFG-Studie Professionalisierung der Informatik in Deutschland. Chance oder Hindernis für die Beteiligung von Frauen sind wir der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich die Informatik als Profession entwickelt (Zuständigkeitsabgrenzungen, Monopolisierung von Wissen) und welche Auswirkungen dies für die Inklusion/Exklusion von Frauen hat.
Esther Ruiz BenEmail:

Applications of structural optimization are often multidisciplinary in nature and require nontraditional problem formulations.In the optimization system that has been developed, flexibility in terms of system design and problem formulation have been important aspects. A mathematical programming approach has been adopted where function values and sensitivity information is required from each discipline involved. To be able to deal with the demands of ongoing projects, a number of extensions have been implemented in recent years.The system is today used within the Saab and ABB companies. Four recent applications are presented to illustrate how the extended capabilities have been used.
1.  A train structure, optimized with respect to strength and dynamic properties.
2.  A combined shape and thickness optimization of a force measurement sensor.
3.  The shape optimization of an electric motor component with respect to both structural and magnetic properties.
4.  Finally a composite wing study including structural and aeroelastic considerations.

The rectilinear polygon cover problem is one in which a certain class of features of a rectilinear polygon ofn vertices has to be covered with the minimum number of rectangles included in the polygon. In particular, we consider covering the entire interior, the boundary, and the set of corners of the polygon. These problems have important applications in storing images and in the manufacture of integrated circuits. Unfortunately, most of these problems are known to be NP-complete. Hence it is necessary to develop efficient heuristics for these problems or to show that the design of efficient heuristics is impossible. In this paper we show:
(a)  The corner cover problem is NP-complete.
(b)  The boundary and the corner cover problem can be approximated within a ratio of 4 of the optimum inO(n logn) andO(n 1.5) time, respectively.
(c)  No polynomial-time approximation scheme exists for the interior and the boundary cover problems, unless P=NP.
A preliminary version of this result appeared inProceedings of the Fourth Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 1992, pp. 229–235. This research was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9114545.  相似文献   

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