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协同产品开发环境下项目管理系统的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为满足协同产品开发环境对项目管理的需求,结合自行开发的工作流管理系统与工作流仿真系统,提出了一种适合协同产品开发环境的分布式集成项目管理系统体系结构,介绍了系统的主要模块及基本功能。在系统实现过程中,融入了关键链项目管理的方法,提高了项目计划制定的质量。通过信息管理模块的信息发布和实时协同工具,提供了项目管理必要的协同功能,实现了项目管理、工作流和产品数据管理三者的有效集成。在理论研究的基础上,开发了一个适合协同产品开发项目的项目管理系统,并通过应用实例进行了测试验证。  相似文献   

Due to the inherent complexity of the cold roll-forming process, machine design procedures have remained highly empirical. There is little information available on the calculation of roll load, though a prior knowledge of this load is essential for the optimum design of the roll stands and the smooth forming of the strip. The present paper describes a semi-empirical method for calculating the roll load. The method is based primarily on equating the external work to the internal dissipation of energy. The estimate has also been modified to take account of the reverse bending of the deformed strip after it reaches the next roll station. The theoretical results have been verified by roll-forming channel sections of mild steel and aluminium and measuring the load with a specially designed quartz dynamometer. The agreement between theory and experiment has been found to be good in spite of the many assumptions which are necessary to simplify the analysis. The results also show how the roll load depends on the material properties, the geometrical parameters of the produced section and the machine dimensions.  相似文献   

Cold roll-forming is a process of forming metal from sheet, strip or coiled stock into shapes of essentially uniform cross-section by feeding the strips through successive pairs of rolls arranged in tandem. The deformation in cold roll-forming is quite complex and due to this inherent complexity of the process, the roll design and other decision-makings often involve a good deal of trial and error. The “forming angle” method, which is regarded as reasonably dependable for assisting in determination of the number of roll stations to form a bend, takes account of the intermittent deformation under each roll station only in a crude way. The present paper describes a method which predicts the deformation length under each roll station a priori by minimizing the deformation energy and assuming the material to be rigid-plastic. The theoretical results have been verified by roll forming channel sections from mild steel and aluminium strips and the agreement between the theory and the experiment has been found to be extremely good. The results also suggest that the deformation length depends on the physical parameters of the produced channel section but is practically independent of the mechanical properties of the workmaterial for the situations considered in the present investigation.  相似文献   

从提升产品市场竞争力的角度 ,提出有效经营决策的理念 ,建立有效经营决策的技术经济框架模型 ,对并行工程环境下的机械产品有效经营决策支持系统的总体功能结构进行研究。以碟簧产品为例对并行工程环境下的碟簧产品有效经营决策支持系统进行了研究和开发  相似文献   

从现代产品设计要求出发,简述了并行工程的定义、目标、运行特性及其在机械产品开发中的应用。  相似文献   

支持产品复用的集成产品开发研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
企业在长期的生产活动中积累了大量宝贵的产品资源。如何有效利用这些产品资源是缩短产品开发周期、提高产品质量以及实现对市场的快速响应的关键。将基于实例的推理技术引入产品数据管理,提出一种基于产品数据管理的支持产品复用的集成产品开发环境结构;针对产品属性的特点,提出一种新的实例检索模型,并给出相应算法;为了实现基于实例的设计系统与产品数据管理系统之间的数据交流,开发了两者之间的数据接口;以某钢厂典型产品开卷机为对象,开发了Smar Team环境下的开卷机集成设计系统。该系统能够有效地支持对现有产品资源的复用,缩短开发周期,提高设计质量。研究成果可以推广应用至其他典型产品。  相似文献   

面向产品开发过程的文档动态管理技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
产品开发过程的动态性和反复性要求管理和控制文档的动态变化过程。为此,提出了以文档的组织与存储机制、文档版本控制和基于“过程一生命周期”松耦合互动模式技术等为核心的文档动态管理技术。文档对象为描述同类产品信息的多个文件的逻辑整体。通过基于文件柜、产品、生命周期的多模式文档组织方案,实现开发人员之间的协同和信息共享。采用树形结构版本模型,借助文件柜机制控制版本的变化,记录文档的设计历史。以任务为核心集成过程模型与生命周期模型,采用过程与生命周期的松耦合互动驱动文档生命周期状态的变迁。基于以上理论和方案,构建了文档动态管理对象模型,开发了产品数据管理系统,实现了产品开发过程中文档动态变化的管理和控制。  相似文献   

与传统的产品开发相比,产品协同开发对供应商提出了全新要求.在综合考虑产品竞争力、同步协作能力、产品开发能力以及合作可靠性的基础上,构建了支持产品协同开发的供应商综合评价体系;基于该体系讨论了供应商的评选过程,进而采用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对供应商进行评选.最后,通过实例说明这一方法的正确性与有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cost modelling system for lean product and process development to support proactive decision making and mistake elimination at the design stage. The foundations of the system are based upon three lean product and process development enablers, namely: Set-based concurrent engineering, knowledge-based engineering, and mistake proofing (Poka-yoke). The development commenced with an industrial field study of eleven leading European industries from the aerospace, automotive, telecommunication, medical and domestic appliance sectors. Based on the requirements of industrial collaborators, the developed system comprises six modules: value identification, manufacturing process/machines selection, material selection, geometric features specification, geometric features and manufacturability assessment, and manufacturing time and cost estimation. The work involved the development of a feature-based cost estimation method for the resistance spot welding process. The developed system was finally validated using an industrial case study. The developed system has the capability to provide estimates related to product cost and associated values concurrently, facilitate decision making, eliminate mistakes during the design stage, and incorporate ‘customer voice’ during a critical decision making stage.  相似文献   

复杂产品设计具有反复性、试探性、选择性等特点,其间产生的大量关系复杂、类型各异的科学数据的组织与管理已成为影响设计性能的一个瓶颈问题.对此,在分析归纳基于科学计算的工程设计特点的基础上,引入了描述设计对象属性及相关业务处理逻辑的业务构件概念,采用了"关系数据库 原始文件 XML Schema"的数据存储方式,提出了基于构件和项目版本的网状版本关系模型,以实现对过程数据和阶段数据进行分别管理,给出了版本合并及可视化等关键技术的实现方式.最后,以航空发动机涡轮设计为例进行了验证.  相似文献   

曾经有以“质量是制造出来的还是检验出来的”为题目而展开的辩论赛,人们站在各自的立场上引经论据,各抒己见,争论得很激烈。实际上,从产品研发开始,其质量活动就已经开始了。产品研发过程中的质量管理就是控制产品质量的最初活动,因此。产品研发过程中的质量管理非常重要。我公司是一家大型国企,主要生产推土机、装载机和压路机等工程机械产品。  相似文献   

基于虚拟环境下的产品开发技术研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
虚拟产品开发技术不仅可真正实现设计与过程的集成,同时它还可促进异地分布式协同产品开发的实现。本文介绍了虚拟产品开发的技术内涵、研究内容,结合以往对虚拟产品开发领域的研究成果,对虚拟产品开发的体系结构进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

数字线索和数字孪生是推动型号产品研制模式转型的变革性技术,如何建立适应数字线索应用的信息化系统成为企业关注的重要问题。在型号研制现状与需求的基础上,提出了由实体、模型、学科、过程和应用组成的产品数字空间管理框架,分析了管理框架下的深度模型集成、产品数据融合贯通和以流程为中心的业务协同三层次数字线索应用,最后,结合航天军工企业的应用实际,提供了基于平台的产品数字空间的软件实现和样例,可为智能制造平台建设和解决方案选型,为支撑研制模式创新提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

A decision support system (DSS) is a specific class of computerized information systems that support decision-making activities. Such a system has become paramount in supporting manufacturing activities with the development of World Wide Web (WWW) technology in recent years. The research and development of a knowledge-based DSS dedicated to rapid one-of-a-kind products (OKPs), however, has, to the author’s knowledge, rarely been directly studied. This work presents a knowledge-based DSS for supporting decision-making activities in developing OKPs using broad knowledge base content. The underlying architecture of the proposed system is a system that manages and optimizes the data, information and knowledge in the product development process. A knowledge structure model is proposed in this paper, and a comprehensive set of expert knowledge and analytical/numerical methods are integrated into the system to automate intelligent decision-making. Case studies have shown that the knowledge-based DSS is able to help OKP companies develop new products more quickly by sharing optimization tools, information and knowledge to reduce possible errors and rework.  相似文献   

Teleservice is a new service pattern that offers various application services and technology resources to clients via the Internet. It promotes cooperation among enterprises through resource-sharing and advantage-reciprocating. This paper proposes a web-based teleservice system that integrates a series of management tools in terms of client, business, project, resource and collaboration. An organizational view of project management, which contains four parts—client, system administrator, project manager and project engineer— is also given; and the responsibility of each part and the connections between them are analyzed. Based on an analysis of the running process of teleservice, methods of configuring project and workflow are put forward, and the workflow templates and node templates are designed to fit different client demands corresponding to their services. Finally, the paper briefly describes system realization and uses injection part development as an example to explain the project management of teleservice.  相似文献   

为保证汽车产品研发质量,提出以项目过程管理为基础、以交付物管理为核心的项目管理方法。基于ISO9000标准要求,根据以往经验知识和企业产品的相关标准,建立了企业元交付物库。利用质量功能配置和工作分解结构等技术确定汽车产品研发过程中所需要的交付物。对汽车产品研发项目中各交付物的生命周期演化过程,以及交付物的质量要求和审核机制进行分析。开发了基于交付物的汽车产品研发项目管理系统,实现了产品研发过程中元交付物定义、项目计划分解、交付物审核管理,以及项目过程监控等功能,并在国内某汽车制造企业得到成功运用。  相似文献   

面向企业产品开发的协同项目管理技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着商业全球化的加剧和信息技术的发展,企业的产品开发方法发生了巨大变革。跨地区和跨公司的协作,对于产品开发过程来说越来越重要。这里分析了传统项目管理的缺陷,研究提出了基于web—native的协同项目管理系统的多层体系结构及其功能模块,重点阐述了如何实现项目管理的协同,并给出在商业化项目管理系统集成平台上开发的相应软件系统的企业应用实例。  相似文献   

In this research, a Web-based conceptual design prototype system applied with open-source software (e.g., Java, PHP, etc.) is presented. Aside from the online conceptual design kernel interpreter module, it consists of four parts; a module to extract 3D component hierarchical configurations; a module to plan and view the assembly paths for 3D components; a module to set up the motion paths of components; and, finally, a module to handle the viewing direction of any component or assembly to show the 2D projected drawings in real time. In the first online module, it combines the chosen primitive features with Boolean operators. This module is programmed with the Java 3D module in order to build the CAD components on the platform of interactive design. Then, it infers the 3D configuration by analyzing the 3D modeling history. The configuration is described by a parent–child hierarchical relationship and the relative positions between two features. The positioning information is computed with respect to the VRML specification. The operation and control of the VRML objects is by the behavior modules of a Java applet, which plans the exploded/unexploded paths of the 3-D parts assembly and is specified interactively on the different components. Meanwhile, assigning the viewing direction to show the dynamic assembling process and generating projected drawings is automatically carried out by following the viewpoint assigned by the user. Finally, the system creates the motion file, in VRML format, for the assembly paths and behavioral simulation. This research offers a new virtual environment for collaborating design issues and discussion.  相似文献   

本文从市场环境出发,分析了新产品和标准化的概念,并以摩托车企业为例,分阶段说明怎样做好新产品开发过程中的标准化工作。  相似文献   

复杂分布仿真系统支撑环境的研究与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为促进不同领域、不同类型仿真应用的互操作与可重用,开发了基于高层体系结构接口规范1.3、具有良好实时性和可扩展性的运行时间框架软件———AST-运行时间框架,实现高层体系结构规范中的联邦管理、声明管理、对象管理、时间管理和数据分布管理。深入讨论了AST-运行时间框架的总体技术、时间管理、资源存储方案以及通讯机制,并进行了软件测试分析。介绍了AST-运行时间框架用于飞行模拟训练环境的应用实例。  相似文献   

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