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The components of gas-turbine engines operating in marine environments are highly susceptible to hot corrosion, which is typically classified as Type II (650–750 °C) and Type I (900–950 °C) hot-corrosion attack. Even though hot-corrosion has been widely investigated in the last 50 years, several critical questions remain unanswered and new ones have emerged based on recent observations that, in part, are associated with the increasing complexity of the alloy systems and the sulfate-deposit chemistries. The present work is focused on the Type II hot-corrosion mechanism for Co-base alloys. Observations for a CoCrAlY model alloy (isothermally exposed at 700 and 800 °C under different atmospheres, including: air and O2 with 100 and 1000 ppm SO2) suggest the rapid dissolution of Co (as Co-oxide) is not the controlling factor in the degradation mechanism, as was proposed by Luthra, since the γ-phase which is richer in Co, is not attacked as significantly as the Al-rich β-phase. To the contrary, it is suggested that Al (and Cr) is (are) the element(s) which is (are) removed first. A modified interpretation of the Type II hot-corrosion mechanism is proposed, which is based on the synergistic fluxing model developed by Hwang and Rapp.  相似文献   

The Type II (700 °C) hot corrosion resistance of Ni–36Al (at.%) base alloys with various additions of Pt, Co, and/or Cr was investigated. It was found that the addition of either 5 at.% Pt or 5 at.% Cr was highly beneficial, i.e., extended the protective incubation stage. This was shown, via a thorough examination of the scales formed on these alloys during 700 °C oxidation, to be due to an enhanced ability to rapidly form a protective, pure Al2O3 scale. Addition of either 5 at.% Cr or 5 at.% Co to a Ni–36Al–5Pt alloy was found to be highly detrimental. These latter results are explained by examining subsurface phase transformations that occur during exposure; extensive transient oxidation was also found to play a significant role in the presence of Co.  相似文献   

Alloys of compositions (in wt%) Ni–31.5Cr–11.5Al–0.6Y and Ni–20.9Co–19.2Cr–12.5Al–0.5Y–0.4Si–0.3Hf were prepared using three different processing routes and exposed to Type II (700 °C) hot corrosion conditions in order to evaluate the influence of microstructural scale on degradation resistance. The alloys were prepared in bulk form by drop casting (DC) and injection casting (IC), and as a coating by low-pressure plasma spraying (LPPS) on a René N5 superalloy substrate. The resulting microstructures became coarser in the order LPPS < IC < DC for the NiCoCrAlY, and IC < LPPS < DC for the NiCrAlY. The DC and LPPS NiCrAlY displayed very good resistance to Type II hot corrosion; however, rapid Type II attack was observed when the alloy was prepared by the IC process. The LPPS and IC NiCoCrAlY formed more protective scales than the DC NiCoCrAlY, i.e., Type II hot corrosion resistance increased with microstructural refinement. Pre-oxidation of a cast NiCoCrAlY alloy greatly reduced the amount of Type II attack for the exposure times studied. The localized attack of the pre-oxidized specimens was found to initiate at reactive-element-rich regions in the pre-formed scale.  相似文献   

CMSX-4 is a single-crystalline Ni-base superalloy designed to be used at very high temperatures and high mechanical loadings. Its excellent corrosion resistance is due to external alumina-scale formation, which however can become less protective under thermal-cycling conditions. The metallic substrate in combination with its superficial oxide scale has to be considered as a composite suffering high stresses. Factors like different coefficients of thermal expansion between oxide and substrate during temperature changes or growing stresses affect the integrity of the oxide scale. This must also be strongly influenced by the thickness of the oxide scale and the substrate as well as the ability to relief such stresses, e.g., by creep deformation. In order to quantify these effects, thin-walled specimens of different thickness (t = 100−500 μm) were prepared. Discontinuous measurements of their mass changes were carried out under thermal-cycling conditions at a hot dwell temperature of 1100 °C up to 300 thermal cycles. Thin-walled specimens revealed a much lower oxide-spallation rate compared to thick-walled specimens, while thin-walled specimens might show a premature depletion of scale-forming elements. In order to determine which of these competetive factor is more detrimental in terms of a component’s lifetime, the degradation by internal precipitation was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in combination with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Additionally, a recently developed statistical spallation model was applied to experimental data [D. Poquillon and D. Monceau, Oxidation of Metals, 59, 409–431 (2003)]. The model describes the overall mass change by oxide scale spallation during thermal cycling exposure and is a useful simulation tool for oxide scale spallation processes accounting for variations in the specimen geometry. The evolution of the net-mass change vs. the number of thermal cycles seems to be strongly dependent on the sample thickness.  相似文献   

Electrochemical corrosion measurements have been performed with IN 100 in a (mole %) 90 Na2SO4? 10 K2SO4 melt with different additions of MgSO4 and BaSO4 at 1173 K in order to investigate the inhibition effect of these compounds and its potential dependence. Potentiostatically controlled measurements as well as free corrosion potential measurements with the determination of the polarization resistance have been performed. The inhibition effect of MgSO4 is strongly potential dependent. At negative potentials, where oxygen ions are produced by electrochemical side reactions, MgO is precipitated at the surface of the metal and becomes incorporated into the scale. This kind of MgO-rich scale is resistant to basic fluxing because MgO is not dissolved in basic media. At positive potentials, where acid SO3 is produced by discharge of SO4-ions, MgSO4 yields no or only very little inhibition. BaSO4 additions alone do not yield inhibition effects. However, additions of BaSO4 to melts containing MgSO4 improve the inhibition effect of the latter. The mechanism of this synergistic effect is not completely understood.  相似文献   

Metals and Materials International - The corrosion behaviour of type 316L stainless steel in aqueous 30–50&nbsp;wt%. NaOH at temperatures up to 90&nbsp;°C has been elucidated....  相似文献   

Low-temperature hot corrosion tests were performed on bulk Cr2AlC MAX phase compounds for the first time. This material is a known alumina-former with good oxidation and Type I high-temperature hot corrosion resistance. Unlike traditional (Ni,Co)CrAl alumina formers, it contains no Ni or Co that may react with Na2SO4 salt deposits needed to form corrosive mixed (Ni,Co)SO4–Na2SO4 eutectic salts active in Type II hot corrosion. Cr2AlC samples coated with 20K2SO4–80Na2SO4 salt were exposed to 300 ppm SO2 at 700 °C for times up to 500 h. Weight change, recession, and cross-sectional microstructures identified some reactivity, but much reduced (<?1/10) compared to a Ni(Co) superalloy baseline material. Layered Al2O3/Cr2O3 scales were indicated, either separated by or intermixed with some retained salt. However, there was no conclusive indication of salt melting. Accelerated oxidation was proposed to explain the results, and coarse Cr7C3 impurities appeared to play a negative role. In contrast, the superalloy exhibited outer Ni(Co) oxide and inner Cr2O3 scales, with Cr–S layers at the interfaces. Massive spallation of the corrosion layers occurred repeatedly for the superalloy, but not at all for Cr2AlC. This indicates some potential for Cr2AlC as LTHC-resistant coatings for superalloys.  相似文献   

When metals and alloys are used at high temperatures, especially in combustion processes, deposits often accumulate on the metal surfaces and affect the oxidation processes. This paper is concerned with deposit-induced accelerated corrosion, or hot corrosion, of metals and alloys. Initially, the characteristics of hot corrosion are identified for Na2SO4 deposits in terms of the factors that influence the reaction process. It is shown that hot corrosion consists of initiation or incubation and propagation stages. During the initiation or incubation stage, the deposit is shown to not have a significant effect on the corrosion processes, but it is causing conditions to develop whereby the propagation stage characteristics are determined with attendant large increases in the corrosion rates. Type I, high temperature hot corrosion and Type II, low temperature hot corrosion are then described in terms of historical mechanistic perspectives. The dependence of Type I and Type II hot corrosion on temperature and SO3 partial pressure is discussed along with future work that is needed in order to more completely understand these hot corrosion processes along with the effects of some elements such as Cr, Al, Mo, Co and Pt.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the use of γ-TiAl within advanced gas turbines where they offer greater high temperature capability over conventional titanium at reduced weight. These factors would enable engines with greater thrust to weight ratio to be developed. Thus γ-TiAl offers the potential of replacing nickel based alloys within the high pressure compressor and potentially the fourth stage turbine. Service in both of these locations would require that the γ-TiAl be resistant, not only to oxidation, but hot salt corrosion. This paper presents a study of the hot salt corrosion resistance of γ-TiAl over the temperature range 500–700°C. At 700°C, laboratory tests have shown that corrosion rates in a salt ladened environment are some 20X that of equivalent oxidation for exposures out to 100 h. The morphology of attack is consistent with a corrosion mechanism involving the vapour phase transport of aluminium from within the alloy and formation of a non protective oxide scale. A model for the corrosion mechanisms is presented, involving intermediate chloride phases. The mechanism is believed to be self sustaining, requires little chloride present, and leads to the observed accelerated oxidation rates.  相似文献   

Otero  E.  Pardo  A.  Merino  M. C.  Utrilla  M. V.  Lopez  M. D.  Peso  J. L. Del 《Oxidation of Metals》1999,51(5-6):507-525
The corrosion resistance of the IN-800superalloy in contact with a molten mixture of (52-48)mol.% PbCl2-KCl, similar to that found inwaste-incineration plants, has been studied. Thecorrosion kinetics have been analyzed using continuous-currentelectrochemical techniques and electrochemical-impedancespectroscopy (EIS). Studies were performed to determinethe influence of temperature and of the presence of carbon in the salt on the corrosion rate.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probemicroanalysis (EPMA) were used as additional techniquesto analyze the corrosion products in order to elucidate the corrosion mechanism.  相似文献   

Electrochemical and weight loss measurements have been used to study galvanic corrosion of three-metal couples extending earlier studies of the galvanic interaction of two dissimilar metals. Materials studied include Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, the Al alloys 2024, 6061 and 7075, 4130 steel, stainless steel 304, Ti-6Al-4V, Inconel 718 and Haynes 188 in 3.5% NaCl at 21°C. Different electrical arrangements for galvanic current measurements using the zero resistance ammeters (ZRA) are discussed. With the use of two ZRA's the current flowing on each of three metals can be continuously monitored. Weight loss data are used to obtain additional information concerning accelerated corrosion or protection of the individual metals in galvanic couples. Such measurements can be used to evaluate the corrosion behavior of metal combinations such as encountered in a porous Cd coating on a steel fastener installed on an Al structure.  相似文献   

Otero  E.  Pardo  A.  Perez  F. J.  Utrilla  M. V.  Levi  T. 《Oxidation of Metals》1998,49(5-6):467-484
The corrosion resistance of a 12CrMoV alloy incontact with a molten mixture of (52-48)mol.%PbCl2-KCl, similar to that found inwaste incineration plants, has been studied. Thecorrosion kinetics have been analyzed using continuous-currentelectrochemical techniques and electrochemical impedancespectroscopy (EIS). Studies were performed to determinethe influence that temperature and the presence of carbon in the salt have on the corrosion rate.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron-probemicroanalysis (EPMA) were used as additional analyticaltechniques to analyze the corrosion products in order to elucidate the corrosionmechanism.  相似文献   

Superalloys display a strong tendency toward chemical segregation during solidification. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop appropriate techniques for the melting and casting of superalloys. Elements partitioning between the γ and γ′ phases in single crystal superalloys have been investigated by several authors using electron probe microanalysis (Hemmersmeier and Feller-Kniepmeier Mater Sci Eng A 248:87-97, 1998; Kearsey et al. Intermetallics 12:903-910, 2004; Kearsey et al. Superalloys 2004, pp 801-810, 2004; D’Souza et al. Mater Sci Eng A 490:258-265, 2008). We examined the effect of the particular stages of standard heat treatment (solution treatment and ageing) applied to CMSX-4 single crystal superalloy on chemical segregation that occurs between dendrites and interdendritic areas. Dendritic structures were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Analyses of the chemical composition were performed using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The obtained qualitative and quantitative results for the concentrations of elements enabled us to confirm the dendritic segregation in as-cast CMSX-4 superalloy. The concentrations of some refractory elements (tungsten, rhenium) were much greater in dendrites than in interdendritic areas. However, these differences in chemical composition gradually decreased during heat treatment. The results obtained in this study warrant further examination of the diffusion processes of elements during heat treatment of the investigated superalloy, and of the kinetics of diffusion.  相似文献   

王瑶  唐新华  崔海超 《焊接》2018,(3):24-29,66
采用含Si的BNi-5非晶箔片作为中间层合金对CMSX-4镍基单晶合金棒在放电等离子体烧结炉中进行TLP连接,采用SEM观测了TLP接头在不组织形貌特征,借助于EDS分析了TLP接头界面处的物相组成及其对接头力学性能的影响。采用常温和高温拉伸试验验证了不同焊接工艺条件对TLP接头性能的影响。结果表明,在1 200 ℃/5 kN/20 min工艺参数下可得到满意的TLP接头,此时组织分布较为均匀,常温抗拉强度达到了母材的95%,760 ℃高温抗拉强度达到母材的99%。  相似文献   

In this study, thermodynamic and kinetic simulations with Thermo-Calc and DICTRA software were utilised to predict the microstructural evolution observed in brazing of high-strength nickel base single crystal superalloy, CMSX-4, with two commonly used filler metals (FMs), AWS BNi-2 (AMS 4777) and AWS BNi-9. DICTRA diffusion models of the Ni-B binary system were used to calculate base materials dissolution, the amount of centreline eutectic constituents and time required for complete isothermal solidification at various joint gaps. Thermo-Calc simulations using the CALPHAD technique predicted transformation temperatures and equilibrium phases of the joints based on the chemical compositions of the two FMs. Experimental brazing and characterisations of joint microstructure at various brazing temperatures, hold times and joint gaps were used to validate the simulation modelling results. Good correlation with both Thermo-Calc and DICTRA simulations and empirical data demonstrated the benefits of using this modelling approach for braze joint development and applications.  相似文献   

High temperature brazing of nickel-based superalloys often produces joints containing hard, brittle micro-constituents that can be detrimental to mechanical properties and challenging to characterise consistently. In this study, techniques including low angle micro-sectioning, image analysis with ImageJ and electron probe micro-analysis were used to determine the composition, hardness and dispersion parameters of phases in single crystal superalloy CMSX-4, vacuum furnace brazed with BNi-2 and BNi-9 filler metals (FMs). Both FMs produced similar joints with hard centreline eutectic phases, a soft isothermally solidified zone and boron diffusion-affected zone in the CMSX-4. The volume fraction, particle size distribution and inter-particle spacing data generated will provide a framework for future metallurgical characterisations and assist in the development of microstructure–mechanical property relationships.  相似文献   

CoNiCrAlY coatings were deposited by low-pressure cold spraying and pre-oxidized in a vacuum environment, and its hot corrosion behavior in pure Na2SO4 and 75 wt.% Na2SO4 + 25 wt.% NaCl salts was investigated. The pre-oxidation treatment resulted in the formation of a dense and continuous α-Al2O3 scale on the coating surface. After being corroded for 150 h at 900 °C, the pre-oxidized coating exhibited better corrosion resistance to both salts than the as-sprayed coating. The presence of preformed Al2O3 scale reduced the consumption rate of aluminum, by delaying the formation of internal oxides and sulfides and promoting the formation of a denser and more adherent Al2O3 scale. Moreover, we investigated the corrosion mechanism of cold-sprayed CoNiCrAlY coatings in the two salts and discussed the effect of the pre-oxidation treatment.  相似文献   

熔盐热腐蚀的电化学测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了微分极化电阻测量方法在高温熔盐体系中应用的可行性,提出了在线性极化区腐蚀电极的动力学表达式,并运用极化电阻技术研究了合金元素Cr、Ce和表面涂覆CeO_2对合金抗蚀性能的影响。  相似文献   

Hot Corrosion Behavior of CM 247 LC Alloy in Na2SO4 and NaCl Environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gurrappa  I. 《Oxidation of Metals》1999,51(5-6):353-382
Hot corrosion studies of CM 247 LC alloy werecarried out in pure sodium sulfate, as well as sodiumchloride and sodium sulfate mixtures of differentconcentrations at various temperatures. A crucible test was employed to study the suitability of CM 247LC as a gas turbine blade material. It was observed thatbare CM 247 LC was severely corroded in just 4 hr, whileit was completely consumed in 70 hr when tested in 90% Na2SO4 +10% NaCl at 900°C. The results show that a chloridecontaining melt is more corrosive than pure sodiumsulfate. The weight loss is linearly related tot1/2 (time) and temperature in the different environments studied. Thecorroded samples were characterized by EPMA, SEM, XRD,and metallographic techniques. The results show that hotcorrosion of CM 247 LC is an electrochemicalphenomenon.  相似文献   

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