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引言 粉彩瓷作为景德镇四大传统名瓷之一,已经成为景德镇陶瓷艺术的主要载体和优势品牌。“婴戏图”是陶瓷装饰中常见的传统纹样,具有一千多年的发展历史,是传统陶艺创作中的重要题材。现代粉彩婴戏图注重以新材质、新手法把两者很好地结合在陶瓷上,笔者针对陶瓷装饰纹样中一种独特的幼童戏耍装饰,对瓷上婴戏纹样的发展过程、粉彩婴戏图悠久的文化价值、粉彩瓷与婴戏图相互融合三个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

在不结垢的循环水体系中,通过对不同循环水补充水质的动态模拟实验,找出pH与碱度的关系,进而实现循环水在线连续监控的目的。  相似文献   

王玉秀  王锋涛 《广东化工》2011,38(12):25-26
在不结垢的循环水体系中,通过对不同循环水补充水质的动态模拟实验,找出电导率值与含盐量关系,进而达到实现循环水在线连续监控的目的。  相似文献   

文章对我国高校产学研合作教育的主要模式进行了归纳,分析了我国高校实施产学研合作教育存在的不足,详细阐述了企业科技特派员在校企产学研合作教育中所能发挥的桥梁和纽带作用。笔者认为充分发挥科技特派员的独特优势,能够弥补现有合作教育模式的不足,将能开创具有我国特色的产学研合作教育模式。  相似文献   

The process industry faces new challenges. In particular, environmental objectives call for processes with much higher conversion and better selectivities to minimize the release or removal of products to a degree which would not be economic without considering the environmental objectives. These challenges call for a better understanding of the design basis. The paper analyzes by examples the strength of the “state-of-art” of chemical reactor engineering which as examples formed the basis for progress in ammonia synthesis and in steam reforming. The importance of an integrated approach in process development is illustrated by examples from synthetic gasoline and direct and indirect manufacture of methanol. The new challenges to reactor engineering require more research in a field which has been developed almost to maturity. The better understanding of the micro-kinetics of catalysis has also revealed a complexity which is difficult to describe by the conventional approach. This is in particular true for “ppm reactions” in which one component should be removed down to a ppm level. There is a need to integrate the conventional reactor design models with models describing the fluid mechanics, in particular for reactions carried out with critical mixing (SCR, hydrotreating). Breakthroughs may come from new concepts in combining separation with catalysis and use of transient reactors. This is illustrated by a new solid state alkylation process. In conclusion, chemical engineering science needs more explorative research, if it should not become mature.  相似文献   

青花是景德镇四大传统名瓷之一,起源于唐末,成熟于元代,盛行于明清,是我国制瓷史上有着划时代意义的陶瓷装饰成果。它的出现便以旺盛的艺术生命迅速地发展起来,成为影响全国各大产瓷区陶瓷生产的主流,产品远销世界各地,对世界的陶瓷发展好文化技术交流作出了积极的贡献。青花是我国最具民族特色的陶瓷产品之一,是最具民族文化底蕴的一支久开不败的工艺美术之花,被誉称为“瓷国瑰宝”。  相似文献   

巢蒸 《氯碱工业》2009,45(3):6-10
从离子膜法烧碱整流装置的保护原理出发,通过对某工厂在2005年整流装置跳闸原因的统计和技术分析,发现电网波动和雷击是整流装置跳闸的两个重要原因,并提出了采取修改整定值、增加防晃电交流接触器以及在低压交流侧增加三级防雷措施的整改对策。整改后,整流装置跳闸次数明显减少。  相似文献   

我近两年花了很多时间喝茶,我想梳理出两个对象,一个是中国茶,一个是中国漆。茶和漆在某种层面上是完全一样的,这是我的心得。从这两个对象延伸到美术教育范畴,那就是关于“中国物质”的唤醒,这将是中国美术学院中国漆艺术专业要作的重要工作甚至是历史使命。“中国物质”这个话题比较严重,也比较复杂,我为什么会讲到那么复杂的一个话题,或者看上去那么崇高的话题,是因为我们现在面临一个很重要的国际化背景,就是中国制造,或者中国设计,中国设计和中国制造没有对称关系,制造和设计是对立的关系,或者二元的关系,所以我想这问题比较麻烦。我们现在中国制造的潜台词就是垃圾货,或者便宜货不安全的,所以我会在这个话题上跟漆引发话题。假设中国制造确实存在负面价值的话,那什么东西可能是正面的呢?假设有一种形态可以跟中国制造来匹配的话,我想有两个东西可以和它对接,那就是“中国文化”和“中国物质”,可能有很多的东西中国人已经遗忘了,而这些东西在当代生活中可能具有很强的应用价值,我指的是产品及其使用方法,它可能不具备中国制造的负面,比如说低级、廉价、不安全,中国有这样一大批的东西具有价值,其中包括中国漆、中国茶,这是物质。假设我们从物质出发,我们会进一步引...  相似文献   

张树基 《中国陶瓷》2006,42(7):58-58,66
着重阑述了千百年来景德镇陶瓷青花装饰的起源和发展历程。景德镇青花陶瓷青花装饰始创并成熟于元代。明代又有新的发展,明永乐、宣德的青花艳丽浓艳,成化的青花淡雅透彻,嘉靖、万历的青花蓝中微紫。清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝的青花继续精进,以康熙朝最为突出,具有鲜蓝青翠、明艳净丽的艺术效果。新中国成立后,青花瓷继承历代优秀传统,开发了清新、明丽、具有时代气息的品种,在礼品瓷、展览瓷和内外销商品瓷等方面,都获得了显著成效。  相似文献   

详细介绍了紫苏糖生产过程中硒粉的生成、特点、再生利用的工艺流程及设备要求,同时介绍了其再生过程中产生的废气处理方法及设备要求。  相似文献   

把固体域离散成梁单元,流体域划分为若干段,对流体段离散成六面体单元,建立了固体域整场求解、流体域分段求解的分区耦合模型,描述了耦合界面信息传递方法。为了避免同种偏心度重复计算,还提出了环空流体特性描述数据库。  相似文献   

介绍了硫脲生产工艺,研究了生产中影响产品质量的因素为加热减量和灰分。通过工艺设备改进,95%的硫脲产品达到HG/T3266-1988优等品指标。  相似文献   

优选对乙酰氨基酚注射液的制备工艺,并考察其稳定性。通过单因素考察确定制剂的辅料用量,最适pH,灭菌工艺等,筛选出最优工艺条件,并根据确定的条件进行稳定性考察。对乙酰氨基酚注射液制备工艺最优条件为磷酸氢二钠用量为175mg,控制产品p H在6.0,并在115℃下高压蒸汽灭菌30min,可以成功制得对乙酰氨基酚注射液,产品规格为10mg/mL。此产品在常温下密封放置30d稳定性良好。合理的制备工艺和条件,可更好的保证对乙酰氨基酚注射液的质量。  相似文献   

The transport properties of ionic liquids (ILs) are crucial properties in view of their applications in electrochem-ical devices. One of the most important advantages of ILs is that their chemical–physical properties and conse-quently their bulk performances can be well tuned by optimizing the chemical structures of their ions. This will require elucidating the structural features of the ions that fundamentally determine the characteristics of the nanostructures and the viscosities of ILs. Here we showed for the first time that the“rigidity”, the order, and the compactness of the three-dimensional ionic networks generated by the anions and the cation head groups determine the formation and the sizes of the nanostructures in the apolar domains of ILs. We also found that the properties of ionic networks are governed by the conformational flexibility and the symmetry of the anion and/or the cation head group. The thermal stability of the nanostructures of ILs was shown to be con-trolled by the sensitivity of the conformational equilibrium of the anion to the change of temperature. We showed that the viscosity of ILs is strongly related to the symmetry and the flexibility of the constitute ions rather than to the size of the nanostructures of ILs. Therefore, the characteristics of the nanostructures and the viscosities of ILs, especially the thermal stability of the nanostructures, can be fine-tuned by tailoring the symmetry and the conformational flexibility of the anion.  相似文献   

With copper and iron oxides as colorants, reddish and bluish purple glazes were prepared by changing the raw material ratio at the same firing schedule. Based on the primary factor experiments and the analyses of XRF and SEM/EDS, the fambe mechanism was proposed. The results indicated that glaze colors were related to multiple factors. The difference in copper red and purple glazes was merely caused by the later ingredient containing Ca3(PO4)2, in which liquid-liquid phase separation structures were developed and formed structural colors, while the accumulated Fe2O3 in one phase decomposed to Fe2+ and bubbles to form blue stains and colorful texture. In addition, both CuO and Fe2O3 had a variety of coloring characteristics, which depended on the process parameter, firing temperature and base glaze compositions to make colors and hues change accordingly. In such cases, the multiple chemical colors were coupled with structural colors to form the fambe glaze.  相似文献   

华捷 《中国涂料》2010,25(3):20-21
<正>2009年圣诞节前夕,电话那端传来了低沉哀痛的声音——"陈老总在中午去世了",我的心跳猛然加快。在陈老总病重期间,我曾去他家探望过,对他的病情略知一二,但没想到噩耗来得这么早。颤抖的手指翻动着挂历,屈指算来,离2010年元旦仅有7天时间,离他93岁生日仅有10天光阴,心中不由想:"陈老总真是熬不过今年啊!"  相似文献   

霉菌和微生物对舰船的腐蚀及其涂料防护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了霉菌和微生物的腐蚀机理,介绍了相应的涂料保护措施。  相似文献   

洪粲 《化工进展》2004,23(7):778-781
介绍了中国熔喷非织造布设备及原料情况,熔喷法制备非织造布工艺及其产品性能用途和专用料的制备。  相似文献   

本文研究了柔性机织复合材料及其增强体顶破的破坏形态和失效机理。在MTS-810材料试验机上分别对两种材料进行准静态顶破实验测试,通过观察顶破过程中两种材料变形,指出它们形变的异同点。并对实验得到的载荷—位移曲线进行分析讨论,说明材料在顶破载荷作用下的失效机理以及涂层对织物顶破性能的影响。  相似文献   

2006年,我国国民经济继续保持了快速增长,全年GDP增长率达到10.7%.国家各项调控政策基本落实,并达到预期效果,各项经济指标均健康发展;构建和谐社会的进程不断加快.  相似文献   

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