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Grayscale digital halftoning produces bi-level representation of original continuous tone images. This process plays pivotal role for devices like printers, plasma panels, LCD displays, etc. The bi-level images can be considered as binary images where ‘0’ and ‘1’ correspond to black and white, respectively. This paper investigates potential of binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) to generate faithful binary halftone patterns. The cost function addresses important characteristics of original images and pleasant visual appearance of halftone images. The paper also shows the application of pattern look-up-table (p-LUT) approach to address the high processing time of BPSO optimization and simple gradient-based edge enhancement for improved edge retention. Results are evaluated subjectively by statistical measures and psychovisual test. Results are evaluated objectively using image quality evaluation metrics as well. The comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques are also drawn. The evaluation results along with the comparisons show the competitive potential of the presented technique.  相似文献   

最优多用户检测属于NP组合优化问题,人工蜂群算法作为一种简单有效的新兴启发式算法可以有效求解此类问题。针对基本二进制人工蜂群算法收敛速度慢、易陷入局部最优等缺陷,提出了一种基于差分演化的二进制人工蜂群算法,并应用于最优多用户检测中。算法采用多维邻域搜索策略,避免了连续域到离散域的转换,降低了算法复杂度,适合于实时处理。仿真结果表明,所提算法在抗多址干扰能力、抗"远近"效应能力和收敛性能方面均优于基本二进制人工蜂群算法。  相似文献   

辛帅  李研 《电子设计工程》2011,19(13):64-66
建立了直线度误差的最小区域评定模型,提出了一种改进的蜂群算法并将其应用到直线度误差评定中。阐述了基本蜂群算法的原理,给出了评定直线度的目标函数,利用混沌序列的全局遍历性,混沌初始化蜜源位置,以期提高蜂群算法的鲁棒性。比较改进蜂群算法与两种典型群智能算法的实例计算结果,证明该算法评定球度误差时不仅收敛速度快、评价精度高,而且鲁棒性高,适用于形位误差的优化评定。  相似文献   

Grayscale digital half-toning is a popular technique to reproduce grayscale images with devices that can support only two levels at output, i.e., black and white. Printers, LCD displays, etc. are some common examples of such devices. Considering 0 and 1 as black and white, respectively, this can be represented as an image-wise binary pattern generation process. The binary patterns are aimed to retain the local tonal and structural characteristics of grayscale image for a faithful illusion of the original grayscale image. Apart from tonal and structural characteristics retention, desired blue-noise characteristics also contribute significantly toward eye pleasant appearance of half-tone images. The paper presents a binary genetic algorithm-based approach to generate such binary patterns through optimizing randomly generated binary strings against a visual cost function. Paper also presents a pattern look-up-table (LUT)-based approach toward conventional clustered dot ordered dithering which is suitable for devices like laser or offset printers that cannot recognize individual pixels. The pattern LUT approach is driven toward green-noise characteristics instead of the blue-noise characteristics. The results obtained with test images are presented pictorially and evaluated through half-tone quality evaluation metrics. The evaluation results and comparison with state-of-art techniques shows the potential of presented technique for practical implementations.  相似文献   

Due to recent advances in wireless communication technologies, there has been a rapid growth in wireless sensor networks research during the past few decades. Many novel architectures, protocols, algorithms, and applications have been proposed and implemented. The efficiency of these networks is highly dependent on routing protocols directly affecting the network life-time. Clustering is one of the most popular techniques preferred in routing operations. In this paper, a novel energy efficient clustering mechanism, based on artificial bee colony algorithm, is presented to prolong the network life-time. Artificial bee colony algorithm, simulating the intelligent foraging behavior of honey bee swarms, has been successfully used in clustering techniques. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with protocols based on LEACH and particle swarm optimization, which are studied in several routing applications. The results of the experiments show that the artificial bee colony algorithm based clustering can successfully be applied to WSN routing protocols.  相似文献   

人工蜂群算法是近年来群智能方向的研究热点.首先介绍了蜂群算法的思想,然后从Markov链角度证明了蜂群算法的收敛性,从算法改进和算法应用两个方面对蜂群算法的研究现状进行了总结,与其他算法进行了优缺点的对比,最后指出了蜂群算法进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

Kabalci  Yasin 《Wireless Networks》2018,24(2):663-669
Wireless Networks - The quantile function [or inverse cumulative distribution function (CDF)] is a probabilistic measure that is widely employed in both statistical applications and Monte Carlo...  相似文献   

In this article, we have proposed an image segmentation algorithm FABC, which is a kind of unsupervised classification (clustering), where we combine the concept of artificial bee colony optimization (ABC) and the popular fuzzy C means (FCM) and named it as fuzzy-based ABC or FABC. In FABC, we have used fuzzy membership function to search for optimum cluster centers using ABC. FABC is more efficient than other optimization techniques such as genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and expectation maximization (EM) algorithms. FABC overcomes the drawbacks of FCM as it does not depend on the choice of initial cluster centers and it performs better in terms of convergency, time complexity, robustness and segmentation accuracy. FABC becomes more efficient as it takes the advantage of the randomized characteristics of ABC for the initialization of the cluster centers. The experiments with FABC, GA, PSO and EM have been done over various grayscale images including some synthetic, medical and texture images, and segmentation of such images is very difficult due to the low contrast, noise and other imaging ambiguities. The efficiency of FABC is proven by both quantitative and qualitative measures.  相似文献   

在发声目标的定位监测中,空间的坐标位置和发声时刻均为未知,而确定这些因素也是空间定位监测的关键所在。文中提出改进型人工蜂群算法来实现空间定位功能,以便有效地确定空间发声点位置和发声时间。该算法利用快速群体搜索特性,解决算法后期搜索效率低下以及对初始值敏感的缺陷,减小了误差且提高了计算精度。实验结果表明,改进型人工蜂群算法在实际空间定位中既精确又稳定,并能有效提高定位的准确性,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Recently, cloud computing has been recognized as an effective paradigm for offering an on-demand platform, software services, and an efficient infrastructure to cloud clients. Due to the exponential growth of cloud tasks and the rapidly increasing number of cloud users, scheduling and balancing these tasks among involved heterogeneous virtual machines becomes an Non-deterministic Polynomial hard (NP-hard) optimization problem considering significant constraints, such as high rate of resource usage, low scheduling time, and low implementation cost. Therefore, various meta-heuristic algorithms have been widely used to tackle the issue. The current paper proposes a novel load balancing mechanism using the ant colony optimization and artificial bee colony algorithms, called LBAA, which aims to balance the load division among systems in data centers. The simulation outcomes confirm that our algorithm outperforms previous works regarding response time, imbalance degree, makespan, and resource utilization up to 25%, 15%, 12%, and 10%, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper presents a halftoning-based watermarking method that enables the embedding of a color image into binary black-and-white images. To maintain the quality of halftone images, the method maps watermarks to halftone channels using homogeneous dot patterns. These patterns use a different binary texture arrangement to embed the watermark. To prevent a degradation of the host image, a maximization problem is solved to reduce the associated noise. The objective function of this maximization problem is the binary similarity measure between the original binary halftone and a set of randomly generated patterns. This optimization problem needs to be solved for each dot pattern, resulting in processing overhead and a long running time. To overcome this restriction, parallel computing techniques are used to decrease the processing time. More specifically, the method is tested using a CUDA-based parallel implementation, running on GPUs. The proposed technique produces results with high visual quality and acceptable processing time.  相似文献   

K均值聚类在图像分割时精度较低且缺乏稳定性.人工蜂群算法在对K均值聚类进行优化后存在算法效率不高的缺点.针对以上问题,提出一种改进人工蜂群和K均值聚类的图像分割算法IABC-K.根据人工蜂群算法在蜜源更新和蜜源开采阶段的不同特点,对人工蜂群算法进行了改进.在蜜源更新阶段,采用了最优适应度关联的自适应邻域搜索机制,提高了蜜源更新速度;在蜜源开采阶段,采用了最优适应度关联的线性递减邻域搜索策略,提高了蜜源开采质量.实验结果表明:IABC-K算法在质量、效率和稳定性方面均优于其它类似算法.IABC-K算法可应用在质量和性能要求较高的图像处理领域.  相似文献   

解敏 《电视技术》2018,(3):6-14
为把图像的目标与背景准确地分割开来,将多目标人工蜂群算法引入到多阈值图像分割,提出了一种新的阈值图像分割算法.该算法首先将阈值看做人工蜂群算法中的蜜源,利用类间方差和最大熵原理两个准则作为多目标人工蜂群算法的适应度函数,然后在引领蜂和跟随蜂阶段引入精英解来参与蜜源位置更新,使得算法更有效地逼近最佳阈值,最后采用类间差异和类内差异的加权比值来选取最优解.实验结果表明,该算法能够取得较好的分割结果.  相似文献   

文章针对传统人工蜂群算法收敛速度慢、精度不高的问题,基于差分进化算法中的变异算子,对人工蜂群算法搜索方程进行改进,在种群更新过程中引入当前种群最优个体信息,以提升算法的收敛速度和局部优化能力。  相似文献   

针对人工蜂群算法存在的收敛速度较慢,易陷入局部最优解的问题,提出一种改进的人工蜂群优化算法,并应用于数字图像相关的整像素位移搜索中。该算法借助相关度值的变化来动态调整跟随蜂的搜索步长,平衡其全局和局部的搜索能力;侦察蜂利用遗传算法的交叉运算产生新解,改善全局搜索能力。实验结果表明,改进的算法能有效地提高收敛速度,改善整像素位移搜索的性能。  相似文献   

As a hot‐spot of 5G, the research on detection algorithms for massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system is significant but difficult. The traditional MIMO detection algorithms or their improvements are not appropriate for large scaled antennas. In this paper, we propose artificial bee colony (ABC) detection algorithm for massive MIMO system. As one advanced technology of swarm intelligence, ABC algorithm is most efficient for large scaled constrained numerical combinatorial optimization problem. Therefore, we employ it to search the optimum solution vector in the modulation alphabet with linear detection result as initial. Simulation and data analysis prove the correctness and efficiency. Versus the scale of massive MIMO systems from 64 × 64 to 1024 × 1024 with uncoded four‐quadrature‐amplitude‐modulation signals, the proposed ABC detection algorithm obtains bit error rate of 10 − 5 at low average received signal‐to‐noise‐ratio of 12 dB with rapid convergence rate, which approximates the optimum bit error rate performance of the maximum likelihood and achieves the theoretical optimum spectral efficiency with low required average received signal‐to‐noise‐ratio of 10 dB in similar increasing regularity, over finite time of low polynomial computational complexity of per symbol, where NT denotes the transmitting antennas' number. The proposed ABC detection algorithm is efficient for massive MIMO system. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章针对传统人工蜂群算法收敛速度慢、精度不高的问题,基于差分进化算法中的变异算子,对人工蜂群算法搜索方程进行改进,在种群更新过程中引入当前种群最优个体信息,以提升算法的收敛速度和局部优化能力。  相似文献   

基于人工蜂群算法的支持向量机参数优化及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解决常用的支持向量机(SVM)参数优化方法在寻优过程不同程度的陷入局部最优解的问题,提出一种基于人工蜂群(ABC)算法的SVM参数优化方法。将SVM的惩罚因子和核函数参数作为食物源位置,分类正确率作为适应度,利用ABC算法寻找适应度最高的食物源位置。利用4个标准数据集,将其与遗传(GA)算法、蚁群(ACO)算法、标准粒子群(PSO)算法优化的SVM进行性能比较,结果表明,本文方法能克服局部最优解,获得更高的分类正确率,并在小数目分类问题上有效降低运行时间。将本文方法运用到计算机笔迹鉴别,对提取的笔迹特征进行分类,与GA算法、ACO算法、PSO算法优化的SVM相比,得到了更高的分类正确率。  相似文献   

Technology providers heavily exploit the usage of edge-cloud data centers (ECDCs) to meet user demand while the ECDCs are large energy consumers. Concerning the decrease of the energy expenditure of ECDCs, task placement is one of the most prominent solutions for effective allocation and consolidation of such tasks onto physical machine (PM). Such allocation must also consider additional optimizations beyond power and must include other objectives, including network-traffic effectiveness. In this study, we present a multi-objective virtual machine (VM) placement scheme (considering VMs as fog tasks) for ECDCs called TRACTOR , which utilizes an artificial bee colony optimization algorithm for power and network-aware assignment of VMs onto PMs. The proposed scheme aims to minimize the network traffic of the interacting VMs and the power dissipation of the data center's switches and PMs. To evaluate the proposed VM placement solution, the Virtual Layer 2 (VL2) and three-tier network topologies are modeled and integrated into the CloudSim toolkit to justify the effectiveness of the proposed solution in mitigating the network traffic and power consumption of the ECDC. Results indicate that our proposed method is able to reduce power energy consumption by 3.5% while decreasing network traffic and power by 15% and 30%, respectively, without affecting other QoS parameters.  相似文献   

为合理利用制造资源、缩短开发周期、降低生产成本、提高产品质量,本文针对离散制造行业的工艺规划方法进行了研究.在考虑资源工艺能力、状态以及工序优先关系对工艺方案可行性的约束的基础上,建立了多目标非线性的零件工艺规划模型,对零件工艺方案的质量、成本、工期、环境消耗等多个维度进行了优化,并利用改进的人工蜂群算法对模型进行了求解.最后通过一个代表性的实例证明了模型及算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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