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高温合金铸锭凝固过程内部各区域散热条件不同,冷却速率存在明显差异。采用差示扫描量热分析(DSC)、高温共聚焦显微镜(HT-CLSM)原位观察和定向凝固(DS)的方法,研究了宽冷速范围下GH4738合金的凝固偏析和碳化物析出行为。结果表明, GH4738合金的凝固顺序为L→γ+L,L→γ+L+MC,L→γ+MC+η+(γ+γ′),其中MC型碳化物、η相和(γ+γ′)共晶相为合金凝固过程中的主要偏析产物;Ti、Mo元素是合金的主要枝晶间偏析元素;提高冷却速率能有效降低凝固前沿残余液相中的溶质富集程度;铸态组织中的的碳化物主要为富Ti的MC型碳化物(TiC、Ti(N)C)和以TiN或Al2O3为核心的MC型复合碳化物(Al2O3-TiC、TiN-TiC);随着冷却速率降低,碳化物平均尺寸增大,体积分数减小,形貌由小块状向长条状、汉字状和大块状演变。  相似文献   

试样经酸溶解后,用同一母液对镍基高温合金中Fe、Mo进行联合测定。采用EDTA掩蔽干扰元素后直接进行铁量的测定,硫脲作还原剂测定钼量,两元素线性良好。该方法简便快速,已用于实际样品的测定,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

研究一种镍基高温合金饼坯出现的宏观偏析"黑斑"区域相变行为及析出相的形成特点,并采用热力学相计算手段对合金黑斑区的相变规律和元素的热力学平衡分配进行计算。结果表明,合金中黑斑主要是富Ti的碳化物严重偏析造成。从黑斑的组织特点分析及热力学相计算可以得出,Ti在凝固过程中发生了强烈的枝晶间液态偏聚,同时C也有一定程度的偏聚,这些元素不同程度的液态偏聚行为是造成黑斑相富集的主要原因。  相似文献   

肖桂华 《四川冶金》1997,19(4):37-39
本文较详细地分析了GH536合金的可焊性,介绍了GH536合金焊管的生产工艺流程以及在生产中采用一定的措施保证管坯成形良好;采用合理的焊接规范保证焊缝质量。焊管经过冷轧、冷拔加工后成品焊管的机械性能同母材比较基本一致,焊缝凸量完全消除,说明焊管经过冷轧、冷拔加工后。不仅规格多样化,而且焊管的使用性能进一步得到改善,这种焊管与无缝管生产相结合的方式是可行的。  相似文献   

钴基高温合金DZ40M高温高周疲劳过程中碳化物的行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了DZ40M合金900℃高周疲劳过程中碳化物的行为,在900℃疲劳试验过程中,DZ40M合金中初生碳化物M7C3和MC发生溶解,同时,沉淀析出大量细小的二次碳化物M23C6,它与其他具有立方取向关系。M23C6相钉扎位错及亚晶界,强化合金基体,提高形变抗力。初生碳化物发生了断裂,降低了疲劳断裂抗力。DZ40M合金表面发生了严重的氧化,优先氧化的碳化物是疲劳裂纹源。  相似文献   

镍基高温合金粉末中夹杂的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了等离子旋转电极雾化FGH95镍基高温合金粉末中夹杂的性质(成分分类和形貌)及粉末处理过程去除非金属夹杂效果的影响,介绍了有效去除非金属夹杂的方法。  相似文献   

研究了不同固溶冷速对一种难变形镍基高温合金组织及性能的影响,观察了合金的显微组织、冲击断口形貌、碳化物以及γ′相分布情况,并检测了其抗拉强度和持久寿命.结果表明:经过1 140℃固溶后,随着冷速的降低(风冷>空冷>控温慢冷),合金中析出的碳化物数量增多且尺寸增大,γ′相形貌发生变化且尺寸增大(170 nm→230 nm→680 nm),合金的抗拉强度和持久寿命显著降低(650℃+863 MPa, 169 h→91 h; 750℃+588 MPa, 130 h→94.3 h).在固溶后的冷却过程中冷速较慢,析出并长大的γ′相会与奥氏体基体的晶界有充分的时间发生交互作用.大角度的奥氏体晶界成为合金元素的快速扩展通道,使得晶界处γ′相的长大速度远大于晶内γ′相的长大速度,γ′相的形貌也从花瓣状长成条带状.综合分析,低冷速只能提升该合金的冲击吸收功和断后伸长率,而高冷速能大大提升合金的持久寿命.  相似文献   

介绍了粉末筛分设备及其主要工艺参数 ,并围绕筛分处理的生产效率及粉末质量的影响因素展开了讨论  相似文献   

一种镍基单晶高温合金的显微偏析行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了一种新型镍基单晶高温合金DD98铸态组织的显微偏析行为.实验结果表明,当合金以枝晶凝固时,组织中存在显微偏析.其中元素Mo、Cr、Ti、Ta、Al在枝晶间富集,Ti、Mo、Ta、Cr的偏析较为严重,Al的偏析程度相对小一些,Ni、Co、W为枝晶干偏析元素,其中W的偏析最为严重;共晶中富集Al、Ta、Ti、Ni,贫Co、W、Cr、Mo.凝固速率对枝晶偏析有显著的影响.随着抽拉速率的增加,元素Al、Mo、Co、Ti的偏析程度增加,而Ta的偏析程度降低,其它元素的偏析程度变化不大.  相似文献   

摘要:利用电子探针(EPMA)、场发射扫描电镜(SEM)及差热分析(DTA)研究了GH4151合金的元素偏析行为、铸态组织特征以及析出相种类,并对合金凝固过程进行讨论。结果表明:GH4151合金凝固过程中,W元素偏聚于枝晶干,Mo、Nb、Ti元素偏聚于枝晶间,Co、Cr、Al元素几乎不发生偏析,Nb、Ti元素偏析较重。GH4151铸锭心部为粗大的等轴晶,主要析出相包括强化相γ′相、一次碳化物、η相、(γ+γ′)共晶相以及Laves相,其中枝晶间分布的η相、(γ+γ′)共晶相和Laves相为低温脆性相在凝固末期形成,扩大了合金的凝固区间,从而导致合金热裂敏感性增加。  相似文献   

The element segregation behavior, as cast microstructure characteristics and precipitation phase types of GH4151 alloy were studied by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential thermal analysis (DTA), and the solidification process of the alloy was discussed. During the solidification of GH4151 alloy, element W is segregated to the dendrite cores, elements Mo, Nb and Ti are segregated to the interdendritic regions, and elements Co, Cr, Al are not segregated, elements Nb and Ti are biased more heavily. The core of GH4151 ingot is coarse equiaxed grains, whose main precipitated phases include γ′, MC carbide, η phase, (γ+γ′) eutectic phase and Laves phase. At the end of solidification, low temperature brittle phases such as η phase, (γ+γ′) eutectic phase and Laves phase are formed, which enlarge the solidification range and increase the hot cracking sensitivity of the alloy.  相似文献   

A M23C6 carbide phase has been observed to precipitate at relatively low temperatures (732 to 760 °C) in a nickel base superalloy.* Transmission Electron Microscopy shows the low temperature carbide to reside at the grain boundaries in a continuous morphology. The continuous carbide has a typical width of 25 to 40 nm with aspect ratios on the order of 30:1. The structure of the carbide is face-centered cubic with a lattice parameter (α0) of approximately 1.063 nm, which is typical of the M23C6 carbides that form at higher temperatures. STEM analysis indicates the carbide to have a typical M23C6 chemistry, enriched in chromium with lesser amounts of molybdenum, cobalt, and nickel. The formation of the continuous carbide occurs readily around 760 °C; however, at temperatures 55 °C lower the precipitation kinetics are significantly reduced. The extent of the low temperature carbide reaction is observed to be dependent upon the duration of the low temperature exposure and the degree of prior M23C6 stabilization at an intermediate temperature. Alloy modifications, involving hafnium additions and lower carbon levels, were studied with the aim of reducing the extent of this carbide reaction. Despite these chemistry modifications, the low temperature carbide was still observed to form to an appreciable extent. The presence of the continuous carbide is also observed to reduce the stress-rupture life of the alloy.  相似文献   

A nickel base superalloy (Nimonic 80A) has been rapidly solidified at cooling rates of between 105 to 106 K.S-1 by pendant drop melt extraction and by chill block melt spinning in an evacuated chamber backfilled with helium or argon. The internal structure is described in terms of process variables pertaining to rotating chill block quenching techniques. Both transmission electron microscopy and atom-probe field-ion microscopy have been employed to give structural and constitutional data on quenched and aged specimens. The as-quenched structure is homogeneous apart from fluctuations in titanium concentration which upon aging undergoes a spinodal phase decomposition to form disordered Ni3(Ti,Al,Cr) precipitates in the matrix, which after prolonged aging produces ordered γ (Ni3(Ti,Al)). inin6 particles form readily on grain boundaries and also appear in conjunction with ordered γ, via a discontinuous reaction, after short aging times.  相似文献   

A Nickel base solid solution strengthened alloy has been made with a nominal chemical composition of 15Cr-15Mo (balance Ni) through vacuum melting route and was characterized in hot worked and heat-treated conditions. Processing parameters have been optimized to get the desired microstructure and mechanical properties. The alloy has shown very good mechanical properties at elevated temperatures as well as at cryogenic temperatures. Role of solution treatment temperature and correspondingly role of grain size on mechanical properties at different temperatures has also been evaluated and reported. Heat treatment cycle for application of alloy upto 700°C has been optimized. Properties of the alloy have been compared with similar class of alloys.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜和透射电子显微镜对低碳Ti-Mo系的热轧板进行了组织分析,同时对其中的纳米粒子析出行为进行了研究.强化机理分析表明析出强化对于屈服强度的贡献值可达291 MPa.随着卷取温度的降低,纳米粒子相间析出的排间距会减小,相间析出的排间距与其在铁素体中形核点位置有一定的离散值,但基本上呈一定的固定值.α/γ界面的观察和采用不同理论的计算结果表明相间析出的产生主要与α/γ界面的台阶形成有关,相间析出的排间距大小由台阶高度、晶界扩散系数、等温温度、台阶面迁移速率等决定.  相似文献   

通过蠕变曲线测定和组织形貌观察,研究了FGH95合金的蠕变特征与变形机制.结果表明:经高温固溶及"盐浴"冷却后,FGH95合金的组织结构由细小γ'相及粒状碳化物弥散分布于γ基体所组成,由于沿晶界不连续析出的粒状(Ti,Nb)C相可提高合金的晶界强度,并抑制晶界滑移,故使其在650℃、1 034MPa条件下有较小的应变速率和较长的蠕变寿命.合金在蠕变期间的变形机制是位错切割γ或γ'相,其中,当(1/2)<110>位错切入γ相,或<110>超位错切入γ'相后,可分解形成(1/6)<112>肖克莱不全位错或(1/3)<112>超肖克莱不全位错+层错的位错组态;蠕变后期,合金的变形特征是晶内发生单取向和双取向滑移,随蠕变进行位错在晶界处塞积,其引起的应力集中致使裂纹在晶界处萌生及扩展是合金的蠕变断裂机制.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1988,36(5):1309-1320
Three techniques for measuring γ/γ′ lattice mismatch have been examined in a Ni-base superalloy subjected to two different aging heat treatments. The techniques used for measuring lattice mismatch were X-ray diffraction, convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) and interface dislocation analysis. Additionally, a scanning transmission electron microscope equipped with an X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) system has been used to examine phase compositions. From this study, it has been determined that the X-ray diffraction and CBED yield similar results for room temperature lattice mismatch, although care must be taken in applying the CBED technique due to the complex strain fields present in high volume %γ′ alloys. The dislocation analysis technique gives larger negative values of mismatch. It is believed that these latter values represent those which exist at the aging temperature.  相似文献   

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