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The existence of a physiological integration between the immune and endocrine systems has long been recognized. In spite of the abundant literature data on the presence of cells of the immune system in the testis, mast cells and eosinophil leukocytes have received little attention. We have studied the presence, distribution and numbers of mast cells and eosinophils in the testes of 12 mammalian species. Mast cells were frequently found in equine (stallion, ass and mule) and human testis, whereas eosinophils were nearly absent. On the contrary, eosinophils were abundant in the hare testis, while mast cells were lacking. Both cells types were present in high numbers in swine (wild and domestic boar) testis. Otherwise, mast cells and eosinophils were absent from the testicular parenchyma of several species (rat, dog, cat, bull and deer), although they were present, in most cases, around blood vessels in the tunica albuginea. The presence of high numbers of mast cells and/or eosinophil leukocytes in the testicular parenchyma of some species suggest a role for these cells in local regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Performance of endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) to diagnose myocarditis in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy is controversial because of a lack of evidence favoring immunosuppressive therapy. In spite of advances in heart failure treatment, dilated cardiomyopathy carries a poor prognosis, and myocardial inflammation and viral infection are potential therapeutic targets. METHODS: We used decision analysis to determine the efficacy (5-year risk reduction in mortality or transplantation) that a treatment for myocarditis would require to favor a biopsy-guided approach over conventional therapy. Literature-based estimates included prevalence of myocarditis among patients with dilated cardiomyopathy with or without borderline myocarditis (16% and 11%, respectively); probability of 5-year transplantation-free survival (55%); sensitivity (50% and 63%, respectively), specificity (95.4%), and mortality rate (0.4%) of EMB; side effects resulting in withdrawal of immunosuppressive treatment (4%); and a 6-month mortality rate for immunosuppressive treatment (0.1%). All estimates were varied to determine impact on model results (sensitivity analysis). RESULTS: A therapy that decreased the rate of death or transplantation by 12.7% and 7.1% for patients without or with borderline myocarditis, respectively, favored EMB. Sensitivity analysis indicated that therapeutic efficacy was influenced by myocarditis prevalence and biopsy-related death, but not by accuracy of biopsy or probability of immunosuppressive therapy side effects. Randomized trials powered to detect 7% and 25% reductions in death and transplantation would require 5790 and 380 end points, respectively. CONCLUSION: Decreasing the rate of death or transplantation by 7.1% offsets therapy side effects, EMB-related death, and inaccuracies in histologic diagnosis. Prospective randomized trials of treatments for myocarditis may be more feasible during periods of high prevalence or with more sensitive diagnostic techniques.  相似文献   

Surgical isolation of the left atrium was performed for the treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation secondary to mitral valvular disease in a 65-year-old woman who underwent mitral valvular replacement. Left atrial isolation was simple procedure, prolonging the usual paraseptal atriotomy toward the both mitral valvular commissures anteriorly and posteriorly. The incision was conducted two centimeters apart from the mitral valve annulus, and cryoablation was added at the edges to ensure isolation of the residual left atrium. We suggest performing this simple procedure in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation undergoing mitral valvular replacement, in whom correction of irregular beat and compromised hemodynamics can be obtained.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency catheter ablation was performed in 595 consecutive patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. We attempted ablation of right and left accessory pathways, during sustained atrial fibrillation with rapid anterograde conduction over the accessory pathway in three patients. In other patient, who had an accessory pathway with anterograde decremental conduction properties, referred to as Mahaim atriofascicular fiber, originating from the right posterolateral atrium, who also had sustained atrial fibrillation during the electrophysiological study to assess accessory pathway conduction properties, was also submitted to ablation of the accessory pathway. At the successful ablation sites, a ventricular electrogram was consistently recorded preceding the onset of preexcitation, in the surface electrogram by 20 ms, during atrial fibrillation. All patients were successfully ablated with a single radiofrequency impulse. After successful ablation direct current cardioversion with 200 joules terminated the atrial fibrillation. In conclusion, radiofrequency catheter ablation of accessory pathways during sustained atrial fibrillation is feasible with a high success rate.  相似文献   

AIMS: Surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation is now feasible in selective cases. The aim of this study was to assess the electrophysiological properties of patients undergoing atrial compartment operation for chronic atrial fibrillation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Electrophysiological studies were performed in 20 mitral valve patients with atrial fibrillation who had been maintained in sinus rhythm for more than 1 year after atrial compartment operation. Intra-cardiac recording and programmed electrical stimulation were performed in various atrial compartments. The parameters studied included sinus node function, atrial conduction and refractoriness, atrioventricular conduction function and inducible arrhythmias if any. Intra-cardiac recordings showed that the rhythm was of sinus origin in all cases, with the earliest atrial activity located in the high right atrium. The mean sinus cycle length was 750 +/- 110 ms, AH time 106 +/- 29 ms, and HV time 53 +/- 7 ms. The sinus node function was normal in 18 patients (90%), and only two patients had prolonged sinus node recovery and sino-atrial conduction. The right atrial appendage compartment was driven by the sinus node in all patients. However, the conduction time from the high right atrium to the right atrial appendage compartment was markedly prolonged in 12 of 15 patients (80%) undergoing the three-compartment operation in which an incision was placed between the high right atrium and right atrial appendage compartments. On the other hand, the electrical activities in the left atrial compartment were much more varied. In 13 of 20 patients (65%), the left atrial compartment was driven by the sinus node; 11 of the 13 patients had a normal or mildly prolonged conduction time (ranged 75 to 146 ms), whereas two patients had a marked delay in conduction (200 ms and 266 ms, respectively). In the remaining seven patients, the left atrial compartments were dissociated from the rest of the heart; five of them had a quiescent left atrium, one a fluttering left atrial rhythm, and one a slow left atrial rhythm. The effective refractory period was longer in the left atrial compartment (242 +/- 47 ms) as compared to that of the high right atrium (224 +/- 26 ms, P < 0.01) and right atrial appendage compartments (219 +/- 25 ms, P < 0.01). Programmed electrical stimulation could not induce atrial fibrillation in any patient, whereas two patients had inducible atrial flutter and three repetitive atrial responses. CONCLUSIONS: (1) Atrial compartment operation does not impair sinus node function in most cases. (2) Elimination of atrial fibrillation while maintaining the electrical connection between different atrial compartments is feasible.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and the effects of elimination of accessory pathways on the appearance of atrial fibrillation are still controversial. Fifty-four patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome were classified into three groups: a No AF group (n = 24), patients without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; an RF-AF Group (n = 12), patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation whose accessory pathways were eliminated using radiofrequency catheter ablation; and a Cryo-AF Group (n = 18), patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation whose accessory pathways were eliminated with surgical cryoablation. The electrophysiological characteristics of each group were evaluated prior to and following the elimination of their accessory pathways. As indices of atrial vulnerability, the presence of fragmented atrial activity and repetitive atrial firing zones were assessed. Inducibility of atrial fibrillation was significantly reduced following ablation of accessory pathways in the Cryo-AF group (83.3%-5.6%, P < 0.0001), while it was unchanged in the RF-AF group (83.3%-75%). In preablation studies, the effective refractory periods of the atrium in the RF-AF group and the Cryo-AF group were significantly shorter compared with the No AF group (204 +/- 18 ms, 197 +/- 16 ms vs 246 +/- 44 ms, respectively, P < 0.0001). Following ablation, the effective refractory period for patients in the Cryo-AF group was significantly prolonged compared with before ablation (197 +/- 16 ms to 232 +/- 24 ms, P < 0.0001). As a result of this prolongation of the effective refractory period of the atrium, the fragmented atrial activity and repetitive atrial response zones narrowed following ablation in the Cryo-AF group, but not in the RF-AF group. Therefore, the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome may depend on the refractory period of the atrium rather than on the presence of accessory pathways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Type 1 atrial flutter is produced by a reentry circuit located in the right atrium that can be interrupted applying radiofrequency in the inferior cava-tricuspid valve isthmus. AIM: To report our experience in the treatment of atrial flutter with radiofrequency ablation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nine patients (eight male) whose ages ranged from 6 to 72 years old were studied. Two patients had an operated congenital cardiopathy, two had high blood pressure, one was subjected previously to radiofrequency ablation due to a left paraspecific pathway, one developed a cardiac failure secondary to tachycardia and three did not have evidences of cardiopathy. RESULTS: In two patients, atrial flutter was not interrupted. In the other seven patients, radiofrequency ablation was successful. There were three relapses in the first month after the procedure, of these, two patients were successfully treated again. After a mean follow up of 4.5 months, these patients are asymptomatic and without antiarrhythmic drugs. Analysis of obtained signals, showed that radiofrequency that interrupted atrial flutter always occurred in zones of double potentials. CONCLUSIONS: Radiofrequency ablation is an effective treatment for atrial flutter and the zone of successful ablation is associated to the presence of double atrial potentials.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the transcellular metabolism of leukotriene A4 by rabbit blood cells. mixed peripheral blood leukocyte preparations with and without platelets in a ratio of 1:40 were challenged with the Ca(2+)-ionophore A23187. 5-Lipoxygenase metabolites production was assessed by RP-HPLC coupled with diode-array UV detection. In light of the observation that leukotriene C4 production in leukocyte-platelet coincubation was the same as with leukocytes alone, mixed coincubation of human and rabbit blood cells was tested. Rabbit leukocytes with human platelets resulted in a significant increase of leukotriene C4 production, while no changes were observed in human leukocytes with or without rabbit platelets. In agreement with these results, intact rabbit platelets or rabbit platelet lysates, unlike human platelets, were not able to convert synthetic leukotriene A4 free acid to leukotriene C4. These data provide evidence that rabbit leukocytes are able to make a significant amount of leukotriene A4 available for transcellular metabolism, while rabbit platelets, unlike human platelets, lack leukotriene C4-synthase activity.  相似文献   

Novalvular (nonrheumatic) atrial fibrillation (NVAF) is the most common cardiac condition associated with presumed embolic stroke, accounting for approximately half of the cardiogenic embolic infarctions. Of autopsied stroke patients in the Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital, cerebral infarction was found in 75%, intracranial hemorrhage in 19%, and coexisting cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction in 6%. Twenty-eight percent of the cerebral infarctions were embolic infarctions of cardiac origin, 56% of which were caused by NVAF. The incidence of cardiogenic brain embolism ranged from 6 to 23% of the ischemic strokes, and NVAF is the most frequent substrate for brain embolism. Atrial fibrillation increases in its incidence with increasing age. Chronic AF was observed in 10%, and paroxysmal AF in 7% of the autopsied elderly patients. Most of them were nonrheumatic AF. Twenty-two percent of the AF patients had large cerebral infarction, and 15% had medium-sized cortical infarction at the autopsy. NVAF is a very important cause of fatal massive cerebral infarction in the elderly. Of 56 patients with fatal massive cerebral infarction who died within 2 weeks after the strokes, 25 (45%) had embolic stroke associated with NVAF. Anticoagulant therapy prevents recurrent cerebral embolism of cardiac origin. The proper time to initiate anticoagulant therapy following cardiac brain embolism is controversial. Immediate initiation of anticoagulant therapy can reduce the early recurrence, but can result in secondary brain hemorrhage or hemorrhatic transformation. Patients with NVAF may have a lower risk of recurrence during the first 2 to 4 weeks following the initial embolic stroke compared with other cardioembolic sources. Cerebral embolism with NVAF can recur during a long period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study was to elucidate 1) which subgroups are prone to have ischemic cerebrovascular disease (CVD) among patients with atrial fibrillation (Af), 2) vulnerable period of CVD after the diagnosis of chronic Af and 3) the clinical efficacy of antiplatelet therapy in chronic nonvalvular Af patients. During 9 years, a total of 479 patients included 124 cases with paroxysmal Af, 30 cases with paroxysmal Af initially which later changed to chronic Af and 325 cases with chronic Af were enrolled. Among these 355 cases with chronic Af, 57 cases had valvular heart disease (VHD). The results were as follows: 1) The high risk subgroups (incidence rate/100 person-years is more than 6) were chronic Af with VHD or hypertension. The low risk subgroups (less than 2) were paroxysmal Af under 60 years of age, chronic Af with mitral valve prolapse syndrome or with hyperthyroidism. 2) There was no vulnerable period for occurrence of CVD during 9 years' follow-up from the onset of Af. 3) No significant difference in the incidence of CVD was seen in the groups with antiplatelet therapy and without.  相似文献   

A consecutive series of 80 patients with atrial fibrillation were studied with both precordial and transoesophageal echocardiography. Left atrial spontaneous contrast echoes were observed in one patient with precordial echocardiography and in 26 patients (33%) with transoesophageal echocardiography. They were found most commonly in patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease (67%) but were observed in 28% of patients with lone atrial fibrillation. Their presence was unrelated to the age, gender and therapy of the patient. Although they were more common in patients with a large left atrium, they were sometimes observed in a normal sized atrial chamber. They were more common in chronic (40%) than in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (5.6%). No patient had severe mitral regurgitation, but contrast echoes were observed in some patients with mild or moderate mitral regurgitation. Of the 26 patients with spontaneous contrast echoes, six (23%) had echoes consistent with left atrial thrombus compared to one of the 54 patients without these echoes (1.9%) (P = 0.006); 17 (65%) had suffered a previous thromboembolic event compared to 17 of the 54 without these echoes (32%) (P = 0.009). These data support the concept that spontaneous contrast echoes in the left atrium are associated with sluggish blood flow and a thrombogenic environment. Transoesophageal echocardiography may thus be useful in assessing which patients with atrial fibrillation might most benefit from anticoagulation. This hypothesis needs to be evaluated further in a prospective study.  相似文献   

We compared falloposcopy employing a new coaxial system with traditional laparoscopic chromotubation and hysterosalpingography in a prospective, multicenter clinical trial at five tertiary infertility centers. Based on findings at hysterosalpingography or laparoscopic chromotubation, the 16 women (22 tubes) in group 1 had a presumed diagnosis of proximal tubal obstruction, and the 4 (7 tubes) in group 2 had unexplained infertility. Cannulation was successfully achieved in 83.3% of tubes. In group 1, 85% (17/20) of visualized tubes were patent and 35% (7/20) were normal. In group 2, 40% (2/5) of visualized tubes were abnormal. Management was changed in 52.4% of women as a result of falloposcopic findings. Falloposcopy with this new coaxial system allows improved visualization with less bulky and less traumatic instruments. The system provides valuable information regarding the fallopian tube lumen that correlates poorly with that obtained with more traditional techniques.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The endocrine, metabolic, and immunologic changes during pregnancy give rise to a number of physiologic cutaneous changes. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated 140 pregnant women to determine the pattern of pregnancy-induced physiologic skin changes in our community. RESULTS: The various changes observed include: increased pigmentation (90.7%), striae (77.1%), edema (48.5), melasma (46.4%), vascular changes (34.2%), and others. CONCLUSIONS: Pigmentary changes were the most common finding, whereas the incidence of vascular changes was quite low (p < 0.01).  相似文献   

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