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Restraint theory has been used to model the process that produces binge eating. However, there is no satisfactory explanation for the tendency of restrained eaters (REs) to engage in counterregulatory eating, an ostensible analogue of binge eating. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the authors investigated brain activation of normal weight REs (N = 9) and unrestrained eaters (UREs; N = 10) when fasted and fed and viewing pictures of highly and moderately palatable foods and neutral objects. When fasted and viewing highly palatable foods, UREs showed widespread bilateral activation in areas associated with hunger and motivation, whereas REs showed activation only in the cerebellum, an area previously implicated in low-level processing of appetitive stimuli. When fed and viewing high palatability foods, UREs showed activation in areas related to satiation and memory, whereas REs showed activation in areas implicated in desire, expectation of reward, and goal-defined behavior. These findings parallel those from behavioral research. The authors propose that the counterintuitive findings from preload studies and the present study are due to the fact that REs are less hungry than UREs when fasted and find palatable food more appealing than UREs when fed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Restrained and unrestrained eaters were weighed 5 lb (2.27 kg) heavier or 5 lb lighter than their actual weight or were not weighed at all. Unrestrained eaters and restrained eaters who were told they weighed 5 lb less were not affected by the false weight feedback. However, restrained eaters who were informed that they weighed S lb more reported lower self-esteem, less positive moods, and more negative moods than did restrained eaters in the other 2 conditions. Furthermore, restrained eaters who were led to believe that they weighed heavier ate significantly more food during a subsequent "taste test" than did each of the other groups. Restrained eaters who believed that they were heavier experienced lowered self-worth and a worsening of mood that led them to relinquish their dietary restraint and overindulge in available food. lmplications for patients with eating disorders are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "That swimsuit becomes you: Sex differences in self-objectification, restrained eating, and math performance" by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Stephanie M. Noll, Diane M. Quinn and Jean M. Twenge (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998[Jul], Vol 75[1], 269-284). This article contains errors in the Participants sections. The corrected information is included in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1998-04530-020.) Objectification theory (B. L. Fredrickson & T Roberts, 1997) posits that American culture socializes women to adopt observers' perspectives on their physical selves. This self-objectification is hypothesized to (a) produce body shame, which in turn leads to restrained eating, and (b) consume attentional resources, which is manifested in diminished mental performance. Two experiments manipulated self-objectification by having participants try on a swimsuit or a sweater. Experiment 1 tested 72 women and found that self-objectification increased body shame, which in turn predicted restrained eating. Experiment 2 tested 42 women and 40 men and found that these effects on body shame and restrained eating replicated for women only. Additionally, self-objectification diminished math performance for women only. Discussion centers on the causes and consequences of objectifying women's bodies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of 2 kinds of oral deprivation on reactions to a subliminal and supraliminal food stimulus was investigated. Varying hours of food deprivation (1-5 or more) constituted the 1st independent variable; smoking frequency constituted the 2nd. Different groups of Ss were exposed to a word list preceded by: (a) no stimulus, (b) the subliminal stimulus CHEESE, and (c) the supraliminal stimulus CHEESE. The stimulus word was associatively linked to 10 of the words on the recall list. Relative recall of stimulus-related associates was a function of hours of deprivation in the subliminal and supraliminal conditions, and a function of smoking frequency in the subliminal condition. Other nutritional and oral variables were also investigated. (21 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Emotional responding to salient food cues and effects of food deprivation and consumption were investigated in 32 women with bulimia and 32 control women. One half of each group was food deprived before viewing unpleasant, neutral, pleasant, and food-related pictures. Then participants could eat from a buffet before viewing a parallel picture set. Women with bulimia showed a substantial potentiation of startle responses during viewing of food cues relative to control women. This startle potentiation was attenuated by food deprivation and augmented by increased food consumption. These data support the affective regulation model suggesting that food cues prompt negative affective states in women with bulimia, who are overwhelmed by fasting. The resulting deprivation increases the incentive value of food cues and may thus trigger binge eating. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

20 smokers, 20 abstaining smokers (for 24 hrs), and 20 nonsmokers completed ratings of motivational state before and after a taste test, to examine the mediating effects of motivations to eat and smoke, cross-motivational satiating effects, and restrained eating on post-smoking-cessation food intake in the laboratory. The results suggest that the abstaining smokers consumed more carbohydrates, calories, fat, protein, and mass than the smokers; that food intake was related to the urge to eat, the urge to smoke, and craving for a cigarette; and that eating could reduce the desire to smoke. However, these effects were only apparent for the female smokers. In addition, restrained eating predicted increases in postcessation food intake. The results are discussed in terms of a substitution theory of motivational states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studying play behavior in octopuses is an important step toward understanding the phylogenetic origins and function of play as well as the cognitive abilities of invertebrates. Fourteen Octopus vulgaris (7 subadults and 7 adults) were presented 2 Lego objects and 2 different food items on 7 consecutive days under 2 different levels of food deprivation. Nine subjects showed play-like behavior with the Lego objects. There was no significant difference in play-like behavior corresponding to food deprivation, age, and sex of the octopuses. The sequence of behaviors, from exploration to play-like behavior, had a significant influence on the establishment of play-like behavior, as it occurred mostly on Days 3-6 of the 7-day experiment. The pattern of development of play-like activities after a period of exploration and habituation in this study agrees with the hypothesis that object play follows object exploration. A homologous origin of this behavioral trait in vertebrates and invertebrates is highly unlikely, as the last common ancestor might not have had the cognitive capacity to possess this trait. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the addition and withdrawal of a running wheel affects food intake because of a manipulation of the proximity of the rat to the food dish, a 2nd source of food was made available to the rat when in the running wheel. Ss were 24 male and 24 female ARS/Sprague-Dawley albino rats. Results fail to support the hypothesis. Additional findings were that both sexes showed the reduction in food intake when given access to running wheels, but only the males showed an increase in food intake when deprived of access to running wheels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent research has identified celebration of a 21st birthday as an environmental event during which many college students engage in risky levels of alcohol consumption. The current study examined the relationship between personality and different aspects of alcohol use during 21st birthday celebrations: actual amount consumed for those who had turned 21, anticipated amount consumed for those under the age of 21, and normative beliefs regarding the amount other students consume on their 21st birthdays. Sensation seeking and impulsivity both displayed significant bivariate relationships with all three aspects of 21st birthday drinking. Personality traits did not contribute unique variance to actual 21st birthday drinking after the effects of typical alcohol consumption were accounted for in the models. Impulsivity contributed unique variance to models accounting for anticipated drinking and normative beliefs. Additional research is necessary to better understand the role personality variables play on alcohol consumption during 21st birthday celebrations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Results of 2 experiments with 96 CFE female rats show that both ovariectomy and hypothalamic knife cuts produced hyperphagia and obesity in Ss. The ovarian obesity, however, unlike hypothalamic obesity, was virtually independent of diet palatability. Ovariectomized Ss became obese on quinine-adulterated diets which completely blocked hypothalamic obesity, and they displayed little further weight gain when given a high-fat diet which greatly potentiated hypothalamic obesity. Ovarian and hypothalamic obesity were also found to be additive irrespective of diet condition when both surgical treatments were combined in the same S; that is, ovariectomy increased the food intake and body weight of knife-cut Ss given the quinine or high-fat diet. In contrast to their dissimilar feeding effects, ovariectomy, hypothalamic cuts, and the combined surgeries did not differentially alter the aversion to a 0.01% quinine solution. Results indicate that ovarian obesity and hypothalamic obesity represent 2 different feeding disorders and are mediated by separate neural mechanisms. The functional nature of these disorders is discussed in light of recent body weight set point interpretations. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The unique effects of level of self-esteem, narcissism, and contingencies of self-worth assessed prior to college on alcohol use during the freshman year were examined in a longitudinal study of 620 college students. Narcissism predicted alcohol use, but level of self-esteem did not. Basing self-worth on appearance predicted more alcohol use, whereas the virtue, God's love, and academic competence contingencies predicted less alcohol use, independent of other personality measures and joining a sorority or a fraternity. Further, the virtue and academic competence contingencies were associated with decreases in alcohol use from the 1st to the 2nd semester. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pretested 180 college students on behavioral (objective) and experiential (subjective) responses to the test suggestions of the Barber Suggestibility Scale. After being exposed to 1 of 3 treatments--E modeling, hypnotic induction, or control--each S was retested on the same scale. Strong demands to give honest experiential reports were administered to 1/2 of the Ss under each treatment. Ss who were exposed to E modeling manifested a greater enhancement in objective responsiveness to test suggestions than control Ss and as much enhancement as Ss who were exposed to hypnotic induction. E modeling was as effective as hypnotic induction in enhancing sujective responsiveness to test suggestions with and without demands for honest reports. Under both the E modeling and hypnotic induction treatments, Ss who had initially manifested a high level of suggestibility (pretest) showed as much enhancement in subjective responsiveness to test suggestions as medium- or low-suggestible Ss. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats (Rattus norvegicus) were allowed to hide food items on an 8-arm radial maze by carrying the items from the center to boxes at the end of each arm. Retrieval tests given after rats had hidden 4 items showed that they selectively returned to the maze arms where food had been hidden (Experiments 1 and 2). When rats were allowed to hide pieces of cheese (preferred food) and pretzels (less preferred food) on different arms, they both hid and retrieved cheese before pretzels (Experiments 2-5). In Experiment 6, rats chose between arms where cheese and pretzels were hidden, with cheese degraded at one delay interval but not the other. Together, these experiments indicate memory for what and where but not when. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychiatric disorders characterized by disinhibition--substance use disorders, antisocial personality disorder (PD), and borderline PD--represent a serious risk to the safety and health of college students. The ability of researchers and clinicians to identify students most at risk for disinhibited disorders associated with campus crime, violence, and self-harm depends on measures with strong evidence of diagnostic efficiency, yet data on the diagnostic efficiency of screening measures in college populations are lacking. The authors addressed this need by examining the diagnostic efficiency of commonly used screening measures for disinhibited disorders in a sample of 2,085 students, 79 of whom also completed diagnostic interviews. Results suggest that the diagnostic efficiency (e.g., sensitivity, specificity) of screening measures for substance use disorders and antisocial PD in college samples can be increased by making simple adjustments in screening cutoff criteria. Similar adjustments did not increase the diagnostic efficiency of the screening measure for borderline PD, and this suggested that certain screeners may best be aimed at ruling out disorders. This type of information offers users flexibility with which to tailor the screening threshold to serve different objectives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pharmacological and expectancy effects of 0.3 mg/kg methylphenidate on the behavior and attributions of boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder were evaluated. In a within-subject, balanced-placebo design, 136 boys received 4 medication-expectancy conditions. Attributions for success and failure on a daily report card were gathered. Assessments took place within the setting of a summer treatment program and were repeated in boys' regular classrooms. Expectancy did not affect the boys' behavior; only active medication improved their behavior. Boys attributed their success to their effort and ability and attributed failure to task difficulty and the pill, regardless of medication and expectancy. Results were generally equivalent across the two settings; where there were differences, beneficial effects of medication were more apparent in the school setting. The findings were unaffected by individual difference factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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