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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of a pelleted combination of raw soyhulls and condensed corn steep liquor on performance and plasma metabolites when fed to replace a portion of the grain and forage in diets for lactating dairy cows. The raw soybean hull-corn steep liquor pellet (SHSL) contained 24.2% crude protein, 8.7% rumen undegradable protein, 28.9% acid detergent fiber, 36.7% neutral detergent fiber, and 2.5% ether extract (% of dry matter, [DM]). Eighteen multiparous Holstein cows were assigned to one of three diets in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square design with 28-d periods. Cows were blocked by pretreatment body weight and energy-corrected milk (ECM) and assigned to control, SHSL (20.7% of diet DM), or pelleted raw soybean hulls ([PSH] 14.3% of diet DM). The SHSL product replaced 6.2% alfalfa hay, 3.7% corn silage, 6.6% corn, and 3.3% soybean meal (SBM), and 1.7% expeller SBM replaced solvent SBM in order to maintain dietary levels of rumen undegradable protein. PSH replaced 6.2% alfalfa hay, 3.7% corn silage, and 5.1% corn. Diet crude protein (%) and energy density (Mcal/kg NEL) were 16.6 and 1.64, 16.3 and 1.65, 17.1 and 1.63 for control, SHSL, and PSH, respectively. Cows fed PSH consumed more DM than cows fed control, with the intake of cows fed SHSL being intermediate. SHSL and PSH increased ECM, milk protein, and solids-notfat and showed higher concentrations of milk and plasma urea N and total alpha-amino N in plasma than the control diet. Furthermore, feeding SHSL tended to improve the ratio of ECM to DM intake. There was no effect of diet on concentrations of total essential and nonessential amino acids in plasma. These production data suggest SHSL can replace a portion of the forage, grain, and SBM in diets for lactating dairy cows without decreasing lactational performance.  相似文献   

We used four ruminally cannulated, multiparous Holstein cows (690 kg; 21 kg/d milk) in a 2-period crossover design to determine the impact of feeding a raw soybean hull-corn steep liquor pellet (SHSL) on induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in lactating cows. Cows were fed control [30% alfalfa hay, 15% corn silage, 34% corn, 9% whole cottonseed, 5% soybean meal (SBM)] or SHSL (20% of diet DM) diets as TMR. SHSL replaced 6.2% alfalfa hay, 3.7% corn silage, 6.6% corn, and 3.3% SBM. Periods were 15 d (10 d adaptation, 2 d for prechallenge measures, and 3 d of SARA challenge). Cows were fed once daily at a common DMI dictated by the cow consuming the least. Cows were fasted 12 h before the first SARA challenge. For each of the three SARA challenges, cows were offered 75% of their daily diet at 0600 h. The remaining 25% of diet DM was replaced by ground corn, which was mixed with the orts that remained 2 h after feeding and placed into the rumen. Ruminal pH declined linearly with time after feeding, and this decrease was greater during the SARA challenges. Ruminal lactate increased linearly with repeated SARA challenges. Concentrations of total ruminal VFA increased linearly after feeding, and increases were greater when cows were challenged. No differences were observed due to SHSL inclusion. The model induced SARA, but partial replacement of alfalfa, corn silage, corn, and SBM by SHSL did not influence responses to SARA challenges.  相似文献   

Twenty-four multiparous Holstein cows averaging 566 +/- 43 kg of body weight and 83 +/- 49 d in lactation were assigned to treatments stratified by age, days in milk, and milk yield to evaluate the effects of feeding increasing levels of wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) on lactational performance and milk composition. Complete diets containing 0, 15, 30, or 45% of the total ration dry matter (DM) as WCGF were formulated to be 17.2% crude protein and 1.72 Mcal of NE(L) per kilogram of DM, and fed twice daily to individual cows in Calan gates for 15 wk. All diets had a positive metabolizable protein balance. WCGF did not alter DM intake, but feed intake variance tended to be more consistent among cows fed 15 and 30% WCGF (DM basis). Weight gain was numerically greatest for those cows receiving 45% WCGF. Efficiency of energy and protein utilization was not different among treatments. Milk components of fat, protein, and casein were not different among treatments. Milk urea nitrogen was greater for cows on WCGF. Serum urea nitrogen was greatest in cows fed diets containing 15 and 45% WCGF. Serum insulin was lowest in the groups receiving 30 and 45% WCGF, but serum glucose and total protein were unaffected. The concentration of the ruminal volatile fatty acid, valerate, was greater in cows on the WCGF diet and highest in cows fed 30% WCGF. Ruminal ammonia was greatest in cows receiving 30% WCGF. It was estimated that 18.6% of the dietary DM fed as WCGF as a replacement for both portions of the concentrate and the forage in similar diets would have maximized milk yield without negatively affecting milk composition or feed efficiency.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of increasing dietary inclusion rates of wet corn gluten feed (WCGF; Sweet Bran; Cargill Inc., Blair, NE) on milk production and rumen parameters. Four primiparous and 4 multiparous ruminally cannulated Holstein cows averaging 90 ± 13 d in milk (mean ± SD) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 sequences in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with 28-d periods. Treatments were diets containing 0, 11, 23, and 34% WCGF on a dry matter basis; alfalfa hay, corn silage, corn grain, soybean meal, expeller soybean meal, and mineral supplements were varied to maintain similar nutrient concentrations across diets. Performance and measures of ruminal fermentation were monitored. Linear and quadratic effects of increasing WCGF inclusion rate were assessed using mixed-model analysis. Increasing dietary WCGF linearly increased dry matter intake (26.7, 25.9, 29.3, and 29.7 kg/d for 0, 11, 23, and 34% WCGF, respectively) and milk production (36.8, 37.0, 40.1, and 38.9 kg/d). Concentrations of milk components did not differ among treatments; however, protein and lactose yields increased linearly and fat yield tended to increase linearly when more WCGF was fed. This led to greater production of energy-corrected milk (38.2, 38.8, 41.7, and 40.4 kg/d) and solids-corrected milk (35.2, 35.7, 38.5, and 37.2 kg/d), but efficiency of production linearly decreased. Increased WCGF in the diet tended to linearly decrease ruminal pH (6.18, 6.12, 6.14, and 5.91), possibly because mean particle size was below typical recommendations for all diets, and diets with greater proportions of WCGF had a smaller mean particle size. Ruminal acetate concentration decreased linearly and propionate increased linearly as WCGF inclusion rate increased. Treatments had a quadratic effect on ammonia concentration, with greater concentrations for the 0 and 34% WCGF diets. In situ digestibility of soybean hulls showed a significant diet-by-time interaction, and increasing dietary levels of WCGF linearly decreased in situ neutral detergent fiber disappearance at 24 h. Change in body condition score increased linearly with increasing WCGF inclusion rate. Results indicate that adding WCGF to dairy rations can increase energy-corrected milk yield, and this increase appears to be driven, at least in part, by an increase in dry matter intake.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of varying the alfalfa inclusion rate in diets containing 31% (dry matter basis) wet corn gluten feed (Sweet Bran, Cargill Inc.). Eighty primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows averaging 178 ± 90 d in milk (mean ± SD) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 sequences in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 28-d periods. Treatments were diets containing 0, 7, 14, or 21% alfalfa on a dry matter basis, with corn silage, corn grain, soybean meal, expeller soybean meal, and mineral supplements varying across diets to maintain uniform nutrient densities. Diets were formulated for similar crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and nonfiber carbohydrate concentrations. Feed intake, milk production, body weight, and body condition score were monitored, and linear and quadratic effects of increasing the alfalfa inclusion rate were assessed using mixed model analysis. As the alfalfa inclusion rate increased, dry matter intake tended to increase linearly (26.7, 27.3, 27.4, and 27.5 kg/d for 0, 7, 14, and 21% alfalfa, respectively), and solids-corrected milk (29.9, 30.2, 30.8, and 30.5 kg/d) and energy-corrected milk production (32.9, 33.3, 33.8, and 33.6 kg/d) tended to increase linearly. Body weight gain decreased linearly (22.9, 18.0, 11.2, and 9.5 kg/28 d) with increasing alfalfa inclusion rate. Although increasing the inclusion rate of alfalfa increased the proportion of large particles in the diets, treatments had no effect on milk fat yield or concentration. Feeding more alfalfa (up to 21% of dry matter) tended to increase milk yield while decreasing body weight gain, suggesting that metabolizable energy utilization shifted from body weight gain to milk production in these treatments. However, adding alfalfa to the diet had only minor effects on productivity.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 36 primiparous and 40 multiparous Holstein cows to examine the effects of feeding wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) on 305-d milk production, dry matter (DM) intake, body condition score (BCS), and health. The experimental treatments included: 1) control—WCGF not fed (n = 27); 2) WCGF-L—cows received diets containing WCGF (38% DM basis) during lactation (n = 23); and 3) WCGF-DL—cows received diets containing WCGF (38% DM basis) during the dry period and lactation (n = 26). During the dry period, cows consuming WCGF were observed to have a significant gain in BCS (0.07 ± 0.06) compared with a loss in BCS in cows fed the control diet (control = −0.11 ± 0.06 and WCGF-L = −0.04 ± 0.06). During lactation, there were no differences by treatment on BCS. Cows consuming WCGF during lactation consumed more feed compared with the control: 25.4, 23.8, and 21.2 ± 0.76 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. Milk production was higher for cows consuming WCGF: 35.0, 34.7, and 31.1 ± 2.1 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. No differences were found in either DM intake or actual milk yield between the WCGF-L and WCGF-DL treatments, indicating that prepartum diets did not influence lactational performance. The WCGF diets resulted in significant reductions in the concentration of milk fat (3.94, 3.74, and 4.15 ± 0.08% for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively), but because total milk yield was increased, there were no differences in total milk fat yield. In addition, 3.5% of fat-corrected milk tended to be affected by diet: 38.9, 36.3, and 34.7 ± 1.93 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. The increasing effect of DM intake and milk yield in cows consuming WCGF resulted in a similar efficiency of 3.5% fat-corrected milk production for all treatments, averaging 1.5 ± 0.09. Total protein yields were significantly higher for cows consuming WCGF diets during lactation: 1.15, 1.10, 1.00 ± 0.06 kg/d for WCGF-L, WCGF-DL, and the control, respectively. These results indicate that diets may be formulated to contain as much as 37.5% WCGF (DM basis).  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate responses of primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows to diets containing wet corn gluten feed (WCGF). In both experiments, WCGF replaced a mix of alfalfa hay, corn silage, and corn grain. In experiment 1, 32 primiparous Holstein cows (four pens with eight cows/pen) were used in two 2 x 2 Latin squares with 28-d periods. Cows were housed in free stalls and fed diets containing 0 or 20% WCGF dry matter (DM) basis. Cows fed WCGF consumed more DM and produced more energy-corrected milk (ECM) than controls. Production efficiency (ECM/DM intake) was not affected, but yield of milk components was improved by WCGF. In experiment 2, 24 multiparous Holstein cows were used in six 4 x 4 Latin squares with 28-d periods to determine the optimal dietary inclusion rate for WCGF. Cows were housed in a tie-stall barn and fed a total mixed ration twice daily. Treatments were 0, 20, 27.5, and 35% WCGF (DM basis). Cows fed WCGF produced more ECM than controls, but ECM did not differ among cows fed WCGF diets. Cows fed 20 and 27.5% WCGF consumed more DM as a percentage of body weight than those fed either 0 or 35% WCGF. Cows fed WCGF produced ECM more efficiently than controls. Percent milk fat was lower, but fat yield was not different when WCGF was added to diets. Milk protein and lactose yields were higher when WCGF was fed. Plasma glucose, alpha-amino N, and triglyceride concentrations were similar among diets in both experiments, but plasma urea N was higher for cows fed WCGF in experiment 2.  相似文献   

Forty-five energy balances were completed with 12 multiparous, lactating Holstein cows in a study designed to determine the energy content of wet corn distillers grains. Treatments were applied in a repeated switchback design and consisted of total mixed diets containing 31.4% corn silage, 18.4% alfalfa hay, and either 30.7% rolled corn and 16.7% soybean meal or 17.0% rolled corn and 31.2% wet corn distillers grains (dry matter basis). Replacement of corn and soybean meal with wet corn distillers grains reduced dry matter intake 10.9% but did not affect milk production. Neither digestible nor metabolizable energy were affected by diet composition. Heat and milk energy output did not differ by diet, but body energy retained was 2.8 Mcal/d less in cows fed the wet corn distillers grains diet. Multiple regression estimates of maintenance metabolizable energy requirement and partial efficiencies of metabolizable energy used for lactation and body energy deposition did not differ by diet. Pooled estimates were 136.2, 0.66, and 0.85, kcal of metabolizable energy/ body weight0.75 per day, respectively. Calculated by difference, wet corn distillers grains was estimated to contain 4.09, 3.36, and 2.27 Mcal/kg of dry matter as digestible, metabolizable, and lactational net energy, respectively. These energy estimates were 7 to 11% and 10 to 15%, respectively, greater than those reported for dried corn distillers grains by the 1989 and 2001 dairy NRC publications.  相似文献   

Twelve early lactation Holstein cows (4 fistulated) were used in replicated 4x4 Latin squares with 4-wk periods to determine the effective neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content of wet corn gluten feed and to measure the effect of forage particle size on ruminal mat consistency and passage rate of wet corn gluten feed. Diets were 1) 23.3% NDF (17.4 percentage units of NDF from alfalfa silage), 2) diet 1 plus 11.1 additional percentage units of NDF from alfalfa silage, 3) diet 1 plus 10.7 percentage units of NDF from wet corn gluten feed, and 4) 8.6 percentage units of NDF from alfalfa silage plus 8.9 percentage units of NDF from coarsely chopped alfalfa hay and 10.7 percentage units of NDF from wet corn gluten feed. The calculated effective NDF factor for wet corn gluten feed, using change in milk fat concentration per unit change in NDF, was 0.74 compared with an assumed 1.0 for alfalfa silage. Rumination activity was measured to calculate a physically effective NDF factor for wet corn gluten feed, which was only 0.11 compared with 1.0 for alfalfa silage. Physically effective NDF also was determined for wet corn gluten feed by wet sieving; 22% of the particles were retained on the 3.35-mm screen or greater. Ruminal mat consistency increased and passage rate of wet corn gluten feed decreased with added hay. The inclusion of chopped alfalfa hay to a diet containing wet corn gluten feed increased ruminal mat consistency, rumination activity, and slowed passage rate, resulting in greater ruminal digestion of NDF from wet corn gluten feed. Depending on the response variable, the effectiveness of NDF from wet corn gluten feed varied from 0.11 to 0.74.  相似文献   

Formulating diets with high inclusion rates of a feed that provides necessary nutrients at lower-than-market prices for those nutrients should increase income over feed costs if the feed is not detrimental to yields of milk and milk components. The objective of this study was to determine whether cows fed a diet composed of approximately 53% corn silage, 44% corn milling product (68% dry matter, 21% crude protein, 37% neutral detergent fiber, and 9% starch) and 3% minerals (CMP) would have similar productivity as cows fed a control diet of predominantly corn silage, alfalfa silage, corn grain, and soybean meal. Based on the National Research Council (2001) dairy model, the CMP diet was inadequate in metabolizable methionine and extremely low in metabolizable lysine. A third treatment (CMP+AA) was the same as the CMP diet but was supplemented with rumen-protected lysine and methionine. Twenty-one Holstein cows were used in a replicated Latin square (28-d periods) design to evaluate production responses to the 3 diets. Diets were formulated to contain the same concentration of net energy for lactation and metabolizable protein (MP) based on the National Research Council model, but diets with CMP contained more neutral detergent fiber (38.3 vs. 31.4%) and less starch (21.6 vs. 30.5%) than the control diet. Lysine as a percent of MP was 6.5, 6.0, and 6.8 for the control, CMP, and CMP+AA diets, respectively, and methionine was 1.8, 1.8, and 2.3% of MP, respectively. Dry matter intake was not affected by diet (24.3 kg/d), but milk yield was lower for cows fed either CMP diet than for those fed control (36.0 vs 38.1 kg/d). Milk fat concentrations were normal and not affected by diet (3.7%). Milk protein concentration was greater for cows fed CMP+AA than for cows fed the other 2 treatments (3.19 vs. 3.11%); however, milk protein yield was greatest for cows fed the conventional diet. The concentration of methionine in plasma was significantly greater for cows fed CMP+AA than for cows fed the other diets. Plasma lysine concentrations were greater for cows fed the conventional diet than for those fed the other 2 diets. Plasma concentrations of several essential AA were lower for cows fed either CMP diet. Based on calculated energy balance, diets contained similar concentrations of net energy for lactation, but cows fed CMP diets partitioned more energy toward body energy reserves than did control cows, perhaps because supply of specific AA limited milk synthesis.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to investigate nutrient digestibility, rumen microbial protein synthesis, and lactation performance when a portion of alfalfa was replaced with combinations of dry corn gluten feed (DCGF) and Chinese wild rye grass in the diet of lactating cows. Six multiparous and 3 primiparous Chinese Holsteins were arranged in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square experiment for 21-d periods. The animals were fed 1 of 3 treatment diets during each period: (1) 0% DCGF (0DCGF); (2) 6.5% DCGF (7DCGF); and (3) 11% DCGF (11DCGF). Diets were isonitrogenous, and a portion of alfalfa hay was replaced with DCGF and Chinese wild rye grass, with similar concentrate mixtures and corn silage contents. The dry matter intake was greater for 11DCGF (21.9 kg/d) than for 0DCGF (20.7 kg/d) or 7DCGF (21.2 kg/d). The treatment diets did not result in difference in milk production, fat and lactose concentration, or yield. Compared with 0DCGF, the ration containing 11% DCGF improved the milk protein concentration. Dry matter and neutral detergent fiber digestibility was greater for 7DCGF (62.7% and 45.6%) and 11DCGF (63.1% and 47.2%) than for 0DCGF (59.4% and 42.3%), and the nitrogen digestibility was similar for the 3 treatments. The concentration of rumen volatile fatty acids was higher in cows fed the 11DCGF diet than in those fed the 0DCGF diet, with no difference between the 7DCGF and 11DCGF diets. The estimated microbial crude protein yield was greater for the 11DCGF diet (1985.1 g/d) than for the 0DCGF diet (1745.0 g/d), with no difference between the 0DCGF and 7DCGF diets. Thus, it appears that feeding DCGF and Chinese wild rye grass in combination can effectively replace a portion of alfalfa hay in the rations of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dry corn gluten feed (CGF) is a raw material commonly included in compound feeds, particularly for ruminant animals. Its colour can vary from yellow–light brown to dark brown. A general assumption is that darker CGF has a low nutritive value for animals due to heat‐damaged protein. This study aims to evaluate the use of colour as a practical guide for estimating CGF protein value. RESULTS: Results indicate great variability in the physical and nutritional properties among 28 sources of CGF. Principal component factor analysis was used to reduce a large number of variables into fewer numbers of factors. First factor aggregated 1/Z and acid detergent insoluble N content in opposition to X, Y, eL, and L. Second factor aggregated a, a*, neutral detergent fibre and soluble crude protein (CP) contents in opposition to ash and CP contents, and digestible N and in vitro organic matter digestibility. Multiple regression analysis also showed that physical appearance (colour) was related to nutritional properties, stronger relationships being found between a, a* and L scores and digestible N. CONCLUSION: Colour could potentially be used to quickly predict the nutritive value of CGF, particularly digestible N, a key parameter when formulating rations. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Forty-eight mid-lactation Holstein cows were used in a 6-wk completely randomized block design trial with a 4 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effects of feeding different proportions of corn silage and ryegrass silage with supplemental ground corn (GC), steam-flaked corn (SFC), and hominy feed (HF) on the performance of lactating dairy cows. Forage provided 49% of the dietary dry matter in the experimental diets, which were formulated to meet National Research Council requirements. Ryegrass silage provided 100, 75, 50, or 25% of the total forage dry matter, with corn silage supplying the remainder. There were no interactions between the proportion of forage provided by ryegrass silage and energy supplement. Dry matter intake and milk protein percentage decreased linearly with increasing proportions of ryegrass silage, but milk protein yield was similar among forage treatments. There were no differences among forage treatments in milk yield, milk fat percentage and yield, and energy-corrected milk yield. Dry matter intake was higher and there was a tendency for increased milk fat percentage for GC compared with SFC or HF. No other differences were observed in milk yield or composition among energy supplements. Plasma urea nitrogen and glucose concentrations were similar among treatments. Under the conditions of this trial, our results indicate that feeding a combination of corn silage and ryegrass silage is more desirable than feeding ryegrass silage alone, whereas supplementation with GC, SFC, or HF supports similar levels of milk production.  相似文献   

建立了高效液相色谱法测定玉米浆干粉中维生素B6含量的方法。色谱条件为Symmetry-C18柱(3.9mm×150mm,5μm);流动相:A相为甲醇,B相为含0.05g/L EDTA和1.1g/L庚烷磺酸钠的2.5%乙酸溶液(pH3.40),以A∶B为1∶6比例等度洗脱;流速为0.8mL/min;柱温为30℃;检测波长为280nm;样品分析时间为10min。结果表明,维生素B6的线性范围为0.10100.00μg/mL(r=0.9999),日间和日内精密度均小于15%,低、中、高三种浓度下玉米浆干粉样品中维生素B6的提取回收率分别平均为93.66%±1.38%、95.60%±2.77%、93.52%±2.46%(n=4)。此法操作简便、快速、准确,可作为玉米浆干粉中维生素B6含量的检测方法。   相似文献   

目的:拟以玉米浆发酵液部分替代麸皮用于培养杏鲍菇,提高玉米浆的综合利用价值。方法:在杏鲍菇培养基质中添加6%玉米浆发酵液替代传统基质部分氮源,测定子实体营养价值和氨基酸、有机酸、可溶性糖醇、5′-核苷酸等非挥发性呈味物质含量的差异。结果:试验组和对照组杏鲍菇氨基酸CS值分别为50.31和48.93,BV值分别为157.99和144.61,NI值分别为30.8和28.0,EAARR值分别为0.854和1.025,在多评价体系下试验组营养价值高于对照组;试验组呈味氨基酸含量24.187 g/100 g、可溶性糖醇含量32.14 g/100 g、有机酸含量4 277.258 mg/kg、5′-核苷酸含量280.05 mg/100 g均高于对照组,综合分析等量鲜味浓度EUC试验组(595.14 g MSG/100 g)鲜味呈鲜效果较对照组(565.65 g MSG/100 g)突出,处于第二水平,鲜味明显,呈强烈的鲜味。结论:采用玉米浆发酵液部分替代传统培养杏鲍菇基质中的氮源,能显著提高杏鲍菇子实体营养价值和非挥发性呈味物质含量。  相似文献   

Three corn hybrids (Pioneer 36F30, Mycogen TMF2450, and Mycogen TMF2404) were compared for yield and quality traits, and lactation performance and apparent digestibility by Holstein cows. The three corn silages were harvested at a target of 33 to 35% dry matter. Before harvest, six corn plants were randomly selected for plant fractionation. Grain-to-stover ratios were 0.92, 0.70, and 0.95 for the 36F30, TMF2450, and TMF2404 corn plants, respectively. Fifty-two multiparous Holstein cows were placed on a 120-d lactation trial after a 21-d covariate diet. Cows were blocked by calving date and randomly assigned within block to one of three dietary treatments, containing approximately 40% (dry matter basis) corn silage. Milk yield, milk components, and dry matter intake did not differ among dietary treatments. In vitro true and neutral detergent fiber digestibilities were numerically higher for TMF2404 than the other corn silage hybrids. Apparent total-tract crude protein and neutral detergent fiber digestibilities, as measured by acid insoluble ash, were higher for TMF2450 than the other two hybrids, but starch digestibility was not different between the corn silage dietary treatments. Although small differences in nutrient content and digestibility existed among corn silage hybrids, inclusion of these leafy hybrids in lactating cow diets at 40% of the dietary dry matter did not have a significant impact on lactation performance of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Productivity of lactating dairy cows fed diets with wet corn gluten feed (WCGF, Sweet Bran, Cargill Inc., Blair, NE) as the primary energy substrate and prairie hay as the primary source of physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) was assessed relative to a control diet. Forty-eight Holstein cows, 100 to 250 d in milk, were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 pens and pens were randomly assigned to treatment sequence in a replicated 3×3 Latin square. Treatments were a control diet with 18% alfalfa, 18% corn silage, 33% WCGF, and 15% forage NDF (CON); a diet with 20% tallgrass prairie hay, 46% WCGF, and 13% forage NDF (TPH20); and a diet with 14% tallgrass prairie hay, 56% WCGF, and 9% forage NDF (TPH14). Midway through period 2, TPH14 was discontinued due to the high prevalence of diarrhea among cows on that treatment. Data from period 2 for TPH14 pens were discarded, and the pens that had been assigned to TPH14 for period 3 were randomly assigned to the other 2 treatments. Pen-level data were analyzed using linear mixed models, including the random effects of period and pen and the fixed effect of treatment. For animal-level data, additional random effects were introduced to account for subsampling. No evidence for treatment effects was apparent on dry matter intake. Least squares mean milk yields were 36.2, 34.6, and 35.2 kg/d for CON, TPH20, and TPH14, respectively, and were not significantly different. Milk fat concentration was higher for CON and TPH20 than for TPH14, with means of 3.48, 3.41, and 2.82%, respectively. Fat yield was significantly greater for CON compared with TPH20 and TPH14. Milk urea nitrogen was greatest for TPH20 and TPH14 and least for CON, consistent with differences in dietary protein content. Efficiencies, expressed as energy-corrected milk divided by dry matter intake, were 1.47, 1.42, and 1.24 for CON, TPH20, and TPH14, respectively, and were not significantly different. These data indicate that TPH14 did not provide adequate peNDF to support normal rumen function in mid lactation dairy cows; instead, TPH20 may be a feasible diet for use on dairies where high-NDF grass hay and WCGF are available.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing levels of solvent-extracted palm kernel meal (SPKM) and corn distillers dried grains (CDG) in corn silage-based diets on feed intake and milk production were examined in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, 20 Holstein cows averaging 100 d in milk (DIM) (SD = 61.5) at the start of the experiment were utilized in an 11-wk randomized complete block design with 4 treatments in 5 blocks to study effects of increasing levels of SPKM in the diet. During a 3-wk preliminary period, cows were fed a standard diet. At the end of the preliminary period, cows were blocked by 4% fat-corrected milk yield, parity number (primiparous and multiparous), and DIM, and were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 experimental diets. The total mixed ration (TMR) consisted of (dry matter basis) 40% corn silage, 5% coarsely chopped wheat straw, and 55% concentrate. The increasing dietary levels of SPKM were achieved by replacing protein sources and citrus pulp with SPKM and urea (0, 5, 10, and 15% SPKM and 0.06, 0.22, 0.38, and 0.55% urea for SPKM0, SPKM5, SPKM10, and SPKM15, respectively). In Experiment 2, 18 Holstein cows averaging 93 DIM (SD = 49.1) at the start of the experiment were utilized in an 11-wk randomized complete block design with 3 treatments in 6 blocks to study effects of increasing levels of CDG in the diet. The preliminary period lasted for 2 wk. Assignment of cows to treatments was the same as in Experiment 1. The TMR consisted of (dry matter basis) 40% corn silage, 5% coarsely chopped wheat straw, and 55% concentrate. The increasing dietary levels of CDG were achieved by replacing soybean meal and citrus pulp with CDG and urea (0, 7, and 14% CDG and 0, 0.22, and 0.49% urea for CDG0, CDG7, and CDG14, respectively). There were no significant treatment effects on dry matter intake, milk yield, or milk composition in Experiment 1. Inclusion of SPKM tended to increase protein and lactose contents of milk. The SPKM0 diet promoted body weight loss. There were no treatment effects in Experiment 2, except for milk protein content, which was decreased by CDG. Plasma Lys concentration tended to be affected by SPKM and CDG inclusions. Plasma concentrations of 3-methylhistidine and Leu seemed to be related to body protein degradation/synthesis. The feeding of SPKM up to 15% in the diet decreased feed costs without detrimental effects on productive responses and tended to increase milk protein content. The inclusion of CDG in diets based on corn silage and corn byproducts might decrease milk protein content due to an unbalanced supply of AA, particularly Lys.  相似文献   

This trial tested whether rumen-protected Lys (RPL) supplementation would improve the nutritive value of rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) from corn protein. Thirty-two lactating Holstein cows were blocked by days in milk and parity into 8 squares of 4 cows each in replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares. Treatments provided all supplemental crude protein from: (1) soy protein (67% expeller soybean meal plus 33% solvent soybean meal); (2) a blend of soy and corn protein (33% expeller soybean meal, 17% solvent soybean meal, 25% corn gluten meal plus 25% distillers dried grains with solubles); (3) corn protein (50% corn gluten meal plus 50% distillers dried grains with solubles); or (4) corn protein plus RPL [diet 3 top-dressed with RPL (125 g/d of AjiPro-L Generation 1, supplying an estimated 20 g of absorbable Lys/d)]. Diets contained (dry matter basis) 22% alfalfa silage, 43% corn silage, 18% ground high-moisture and dry corn, 2.4% mineral-vitamin premix, 1.5 to 3.9% soy hulls, 15% crude protein, 30 to 32% neutral detergent fiber and predicted to contain equal rumen-degradable protein, RUP, and metabolizable protein. Cows within squares were randomly assigned to treatment sequences and fed diets for 4-wk periods before switching; production data and blood samples were collected during last 2 wk of each period. Data were analyzed using the mixed procedures of SAS. Intake was highest on diet 1, intermediate on diets 2 and 3, and lowest on diet 4; body weight gain was highest on diet 3, intermediate on diets 1 and 2 and lowest on diet 4. Intakes and body weight changes were reflected by differences in milk/dry matter intake, which was highest on diets 2 and 4 and lowest on diet 3. Milk yield was lower on diet 3 (44.3 kg/d) than on diets 1, 2, and 4 (average 45.8 kg/d) and protein yield was highest on diets 1 and 2 (average 1.35 kg/d), intermediate on diet 4 (1.30 kg/d), and lowest on diet 3 (1.25 kg/d). No effects of diet were detected on ruminal metabolites. Free nonessential amino acids and total protein AA were elevated in blood plasma on diet 3, reflecting reduced utilization for milk protein synthesis. These results indicated that 50% dilution of soybean meal RUP with that from corn protein did not reduce yield and that supplementing RPL to the corn protein-based diet increased yield 1.1 kg of milk/d and 50 g of true protein/d.  相似文献   

Chemical treatment may improve the nutritional value of corn crop residues, commonly referred to as corn stover, and the potential use of this feed resource for ruminants, including lactating dairy cows. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of prestorage chopping, hydration, and treatment of corn stover with Ca(OH)2 on the feeding value for milk production, milk composition, and dry matter intake (DMI). Multiparous mid-lactation Holstein cows (n = 30) were stratified by parity and milk production and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 diets. Corn stover was chopped, hydrated, and treated with 6% Ca(OH)2 (as-fed basis) and stored in horizontal silo bags. Cows received a control (CON) total mixed ration (TMR) or a TMR in which a mixture of treated corn stover and distillers grains replaced either alfalfa haylage (AHsub) or alfalfa haylage and an additional portion of corn silage (AH+CSsub). Treated corn stover was fed in a TMR at 0, 15, and 30% of the diet DM for the CON, AHsub, and AH+CSsub diets, respectively. Cows were individually fed in tiestalls for 10 wk. Milk production was not altered by treatment. Compared with the CON diet, DMI was reduced when the AHsub diet was fed and tended to be reduced when cows were fed the AH+CSsub diet (25.9, 22.7, and 23.1 ± 0.88 kg/d for CON, AHsub, and AH+CSsub diets, respectively). Energy-corrected milk production per unit of DMI (kg/kg) tended to increase with treated corn stover feeding. Milk composition, energy-corrected milk production, and energy-corrected milk per unit of DMI (kg/kg) were not different among treatments for the 10-wk feeding period. Cows fed the AHsub and AH+CSsub diets had consistent DMI over the 10-wk treatment period, whereas DMI for cows fed the CON diet increased slightly over time. Milk production was not affected by the duration of feeding. These data indicate that corn stover processing, prestorage hydration, and treatment with calcium hydroxide can serve as an alternative to traditional haycrop and corn silage in diets fed to mid-lactation dairy cows.  相似文献   

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