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Fly ash from a western U.S. coal source was added to a calcareous soil and an acid soil at rates ranging up to and including 8% by weight. The treated soils were cropped to a native desert plant species followed by barley under greenhouse conditions, with the objective to monitor long-term effects of fly ash on soil and plant composition and plant productivity. Application of fly ash increased pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, B, and SO4 in soil. The increase in soil pH of the calcareous soil was completely buffered following the first crop. Boron and SO4 showed relatively low initial release but increased substantially upon cropping. Dry weight of shoots of the desert species and yield of barley grain were significantly improved upon addition of fly ash to soil. Data on analysis of plants showed positive response to S and Mo from fly ash, whereas the increase in Ca, B, and Na varied among soils and plants. The availability of P, Zn, Fe, and Mn to plants appeared to be diminished by fly ash. Low Cu:Mo ratios were found in the plants, suggesting potential problems of fly ash-treated crops intended for animal use. Although data on soil and plant analysis indicate substantial removal of fly ash-derived elements by plants, a long-term effect of the by-product on their chemical composition was evident.  相似文献   

A sampling strategy, based on previous knowledge of a test area, was compared with a Reference Sampling in the frame of the EU-funded CEEM project. The aim was a comparison of sampling strategies for the drafting of concentration maps for a set of trace elements (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn), with three-dimension information that can be used for risk assessment. The main constraint was that only 15 soil samples were to be analysed. The test area (in Dornach, Switzerland) included different soil types and land uses (forest, arable land and permanent grasslands). The sampling strategy proposed defined strata on the basis of land use, then applying a systematic regular sampling within each stratum. A composite sample was formed from each individual sample. In forests, H and Ah horizons were taken separately. In arable lands, a depth within the ploughed layer (0-15 cm) was analysed. In grasslands, samples were taken at two depths (0-10 and 10-20 cm) to provide information on the vertical variability. The comparison of the results obtained with those derived from the Reference Sampling allowed us to estimate if the information obtained from the proposed sampling strategy was sufficiently representative for an assessment of the level of elements considered. It was concluded that recommendations on sampling strategy depend on the interaction pattern of the element. In this case, for mobile trace elements, such as Cd, the information derived from sampling of two soil layers was not as important as that for the rest of metals studied that accumulated in the upper layer. If the H horizons in forests was not considered this led to unreliable predictions of the concentration levels, since the concentrations in H and Ah horizons differed irrespective of whether they were expressed in mg kg(-1) (the H horizon was enriched in those trace elements, except for Cd) and in mg m(-2) (the low bulk density of the H horizon led to a lower trace element level than in Ah horizon). Finally, in undisturbed systems such as grasslands, sampling 0-10 cm instead of 0-20 cm is recommended to prevent dilution of the concentration of trace elements.  相似文献   

对湿热气候下浅覆土冻结温度场进行了现场实测及有限元反演分析。结果发现:模拟得到的整个截面上的温度场分布和实际的较接近。说明土体参数反分析时等效导热系数取值合理。  相似文献   

采用原子吸收分光光度法和X射线荧光光谱法对南京某热电厂220 t/h煤粉锅炉在不同工况燃烧时底渣和电除尘器飞灰中微量元素Mn、Cr、Pb、As、Se、Zn、Cd和Hg的含量进行了分析,研究了燃烧工况的变化对飞灰和底渣中重金属富集的影响.飞灰中微量元素的分布一般存在以下关系:Hg相似文献   

在冻土工程领域,国内外已经展开了广泛的基础性研究,取得了丰硕的成果.对冻土路基温度场问题,目前已有理论依据和计算方法,但大多只考虑了第一类边界条件.本文利用有限元软件,同时考虑了辐射、蒸发、换热等各种边界条件,对冻土路基非稳态温度场进行了计算分析,根据计算与实测结果的对比分析,从而有力地验证了本文采用有限元计算方法的可靠性,并且进一步根据计算与实测结果,对冻土路基非稳态温度场进行了计算分析.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Slope reliability analyses considering spatially variable soil properties generally necessitate a discretization of a slope region into...  相似文献   

Moss (Scleropodium purum) transplants were used to study bioconcentration originating from dry and bulk deposition, by measuring the tissue contents of Al, As, Ca, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn. Furthermore, a laboratory experiment was carried out to determine the sequence of maximum concentration and affinity of Al, Cu, Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn, in S. purum. We found that in many of the transplants, for the same period of exposure, higher levels of metals were accumulated via dry deposition than via bulk deposition. This result may be explained by the simple washing action of the rain on the surface of the moss, and by the existence of processes that provoke the loss of some of the accumulated elements: intercationic displacement and leaching caused by acid precipitation. Modelling of the final bioconcentration observed, as a balance of inputs and outputs of elements, revealed that this terrestrial moss does not integrate, but rather concentrates atmospheric deposition, and there exists a state of unstable equilibrium between inputs and outputs of elements, a state that is determined by the characteristics of the surrounding environment. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, we can conclude that at present, it is not possible to extrapolate the calibrations between the concentrations of elements accumulated in a certain species of moss to values of atmospheric deposition (bulk deposition) from one place to another with different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Iron plaque is ubiquitously formed on the root surfaces of rice. However, little is known about the role of iron plaque in Cd movement from soil to the plant aboveground parts. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of iron plaque in Cd uptake and accumulation by rice seedlings in soil. Rice seedlings were pre-cultivated in solution culture for 16 days. Two seedlings were transplanted in a nylon bag containing no substrate but surrounded by soil amended with Fe and Cd combined at rates of 0, 1, or 2 g Fe kg(-1) and 0, 2.0, or 10 mg Cd kg(-1) soil. Fe was added to induce different amounts of iron plaque, and Cd to simulate Cd-polluted soils. Plants were grown for a further 43 days and then harvested. The length of the longest leaf and SPAD values of the newly mature leaves were measured during plant growth. Fe and Cd concentrations were determined in dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (DCB) soil extracts and in plant roots and shoots. Shoot and root dry weights were significantly affected by Fe supply level but not by added Cd. Root dry weight declined with increasing Fe supply but shoot dry weight decreased at 2 g Fe kg(-1) and increased at 1 g Fe kg(-1) (except at 2 mg Cd kg(-1)). The length of the longest leaf and SPAD values of the newly mature leaves were significantly affected by plant growth stage and added Fe and Cd. Fe tended to diminish the negative effect of Cd on these two parameters. Cd concentrations in DCB extracts increased with increasing Cd and Fe supply. In contrast, external Fe supply markedly reduced shoot and root Cd concentrations and there was generally no significant difference between the two Fe supply levels. Shoot and root Cd concentrations increased with increasing Cd addition. Root Cd concentrations were negatively correlated with root Fe concentrations. The proportion of Cd in DCB extracts was significantly lower than in roots or shoots. The results indicate that enhanced Fe uptake by plants can diminish the negative effects of Cd to some extent and that iron plaque on root surfaces is of little significance in affecting uptake and accumulation of Cd by rice plants.  相似文献   

The outer keratin layer (scute) of desert tortoise shells consists of incrementally grown laminae in which various bioaccumulated trace elements are sequestered during scute deposition. Laser ablation ICP-MS examination of laminae in scutes of dead tortoises revealed patterns of trace elemental distribution from which the chronology of elemental uptake can be inferred. These patterns may be of pathologic significance in the case of elemental toxicants such as arsenic, which has been linked to both shell and respiratory diseases. Laser ablation transects, performed along the lateral surfaces of sectioned scutes, offered the most successful means of avoiding exogenous contamination that was present on the scute exterior. Semiquantitative determination of elemental concentrations was achieved using sulfur, a keratin matrix element, as an internal standard. The results presented here highlight the potential of laser ablation ICP-MS as a diagnostic tool for investigating toxic element uptake as it pertains to tortoise morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

纤维增强聚合物(FRP)筋耐腐蚀,抗拉强度高,弹性模量小,用于边坡加固锚杆结构是解决钢筋锚杆结构耐久性问题的途径之一,预应力FRP锚杆结构是合理型式。FRP筋抗剪强度低,钢筋锚杆施加预应力采用的刚性夹具不能用于FRP锚杆。基于端部封闭的钢套管充填膨胀剂锚固FRP筋法,设计了FRP锚杆预应力施加及锚索装置,并进行了现场试验。试验结果表明:预应力锁定装置的原理可行,结构合理,使用方便,能较好地完成玄武–玻璃纤维增强聚合物(B-GFRP)锚杆的预应力施加和锁定,经历外部环境变化检验,降雨、震动等环境影响产生的预应力损失均缘于杆体界面的黏结蜕化,没有发生锁定装置失效导致荷载明显损失的现象。B-GFRP锚杆的预应力损失百分率在5%~35%间,达到了精轧螺纹钢锚杆预应力损失的控制标准。  相似文献   

Popular shampoos were screened for their contents in trace elements, using ICP-MS detection in a semi-quantitative mode. Hair samples from volunteers were analyzed before and after hair washing with selected shampoos to demonstrate the effect of the contamination and the impact on occupational medicine. While some shampoos showed high levels of certain elements, the degree of contamination on the hair was found to be negligible. Only one shampoo tested, formulated with selenium sulfide, was found to seriously contaminate the hair.  相似文献   

Neutron activation analysis was used to determine the distribution of trace elements in human hair. Hair samples were obtained from five infants (two to seven years of age) with hair length ranging from 15 to 40 cm. The hairs were divided into segments, each of 2.5 cm, starting from the scalp end and trace elements were analysed in each segment. Concentrations of I, Mg, Ca and Cu increased from the scalp end to the tip. Concentrations of Cl and Br decreased inversely. Different profiles of the concentrations of Hg, Se, Ca and Mn were seen in each sample. These results were discussed with reference to the indication of environmental pollution.  相似文献   

An in situ field investigation into the potential of PCB phytoextraction by Cucurbita pepo ssp. pepo (pumpkin) plants was continued for a second year at a field site known to be contaminated with a mixture of Aroclors 1254 and 1260 (average soil [PCB]=21 microg/g). Plant stem and leaf PCB concentrations in this second field season (11 and 8.9 microg/g, respectively) were observed to increase significantly from the stem and leaf PCB concentrations reported in the previous year (5.7 and 3.9 microg/g, respectively) while the total biomass produced as well as soil and plant root PCB concentrations did not change. Furthermore, the lower stems of some plants exhibited PCB concentrations as high as 43 microg/g, resulting in bioaccumulation factors (where BAF(plant part)=[PCB](plant part)/[PCB](soil)) for parts of the plant shoot as high as 2. Increased planting density was observed to significantly decrease both plant biomass and plant stem PCB concentrations (to 7.7 microg/g), but did not change plant root PCB concentrations. Finally, the results from this study provided further evidence that that under realistic field conditions, PCB transfer to pumpkin plants was primarily via root uptake and translocation. Other contaminant transfer pathways such as direct soil contamination, atmospheric deposition and volatilization from soil and subsequent redeposition on shoots appeared to have negligible contributions to overall pumpkin plant PCB burdens.  相似文献   

The plants grown in seleniferous soils constitute a major source of toxic selenium levels in the food chain of animals and human beings. Greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to study selenium concentrations of weeds, forages and cereals grown on seleniferous soils located between 31.0417° to 31.2175° N and 76.1363° to 76.4147° E in northwestern India. Eleven winter season (November-April) weed plants were grown in the greenhouse in a soil treated with different levels of selenate-Se. Selenium concentrations of weed plants increased progressively with the levels of selenate-Se in soil. The highest Se concentration was recorded by Silene gallica (246 mg kg− 1) and the lowest by Avena ludoviciana (47 mg kg− 1) at 2.5 mg Se kg− 1 soil. A.ludoviciana and Spergula arvensis proved highly tolerant to the presence of 1.25 and 2.5 mg selenate-Se kg− 1 soil and the remaining weeds were sensitive to Se. Dry matter yield of Se-sensitive weed plants was 25 to 62% of the yield in the no-Se control at 1.25 mg selenate-Se kg− 1 and 6 to 40% at 2.5 mg selenate-Se kg− 1 soil. Other symptoms like change in leaf colour and size, burning of leaf tips and margins, and delayed flowering were also observed due to Se. Dry matter yield of Se-sensitive weed plants expressed as percentage of yield in the no-Se control at both the Se levels was inversely correlated with their Se content (r = − 0.731, p < 0.01, N = 17). Among the weed plants grown in seleniferous soils under field situations, Mentha longifolia accumulated the highest Se (365 mg kg− 1) and Phalaris minor the lowest (34 mg kg− 1). Among agricultural crops grown on a naturally contaminated soil in the greenhouse, Se concentrations were the highest for oilseed crops (19-29 mg kg− 1), followed by legumes (6-13 mg kg− 1) and cereals (2-18 mg kg− 1). Helianthus annuus among the oilseed crops, A.ludoviciana among the winter season weeds, M.longifolia among the summer season (May-October) weeds and Cirsium arvense among the perennial weeds can be used for phytoremediation of seleniferous soils as these accumulate the highest amounts of Se.  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪对20种陶瓷地理标志产品中的砷、镉、铬、镍、铅、锑、锌、铜、锰等9种微量元素迁移量情况进行检测。结果显示,镉、铬、锑在20种地理标志产品陶瓷中均未检出;铅、锌、铜、锰迁移量在有釉瓷(陶)器的多数种类中检出,其中锌迁移量突出;砷、镍迁移量在无釉陶器中检出。  相似文献   

非饱和土水气两相渗流有限元数值模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据非饱和土水气两相渗流理论,用Galerkin法建立了用以计算非饱和土水气两相渗流流场的有限元计算模型,编制了三维有限元计算程序,并介绍了该计算模型在可挥发污染物抽气曝气组合清除法中的应用。  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰处理过湿土的可行性试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
贾江立 《山西建筑》2004,30(22):77-78
针对某公路路基场地地质条件 ,对粉煤灰处理过湿土的可行性及有关问题 ,从其改善土的强度性能和膨胀性能等方面进行了探讨 ,提出了粉煤灰的用途和优点  相似文献   

介绍了粉煤灰的理化性质和建材应用机理,分析了其目前应用于高活性粉煤灰水泥混合材料、绿色高性能高掺量粉煤灰混凝土、高掺量粉煤灰烧结砖、衬砌材料、生产轻集料和空心砌块等建材领域的特点,说明使用粉煤灰作建筑材料不仅能节约资源、降低生产成本和工程造价,而且能够生产出性能优良的建筑材料。  相似文献   

Agricultural uses of compost usually have a positive effect on the yield of vegetable crops for human consumption. However, compost that contains heavy metals can transfer these components to soils and plants. To evaluate the contamination levels of metals in soil, compost, and edible vegetables, the Mn, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, and Ni total contents were measured. Metal availability in soils, as well as other variables – the pH, CEC (cation exchange capacity), total nitrogen, organic carbon, particle size distribution and mineralogy of the clay fraction – were examined in the soil samples. The analysed compost samples were produced from urban solid waste, cattle manure, and edible vegetable and tree pruning residues. The values of pH, CEC, total nitrogen, organic matter, exchangeable hydrogen and carboxylic groups were measured in the compost samples. Of the six metals examined in the soils, in general, Mn and Zn attained the highest concentrations, followed by Cu. Relatively high Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb concentrations were found in the soils. Metal concentrations extracted with DTPA were below the critical levels in soils, i.e. the levels above which toxicity is likely. In general, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni concentrations in compost were lower than those reported by other workers, while Mn levels were within the range for this metal in compost. The results showed that there was an effect of the vegetable type (p < 0.01) for all the parameters examined. High Pb concentrations were found in lettuce and chive as compared with the tolerance limit for this metal in fresh vegetables in Brazil. Cadmium concentrations were also enhanced in the fresh vegetables compared with the typical concentrations of metals in plants. Zinc, Cu, Cd, and Ni concentrations were lower than the tolerance limits established for foods by the Brazilian legislation.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the factors which control metal and As phytoavailability in the different microenvironments (Sand Dunes, Salt Flat, Dry River and Shrubs) present at a Mediterranean salt marsh polluted by mining wastes. We performed a field study following a plot sampling survey. The analyses of soil parameters (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon contents, etc.), total metal and As concentrations and their phytoavailability assessed with EDTA were related to each microenvironment and the corresponding plant species uptake. The averages of pH and EC were slightly alkaline (pH ≈ 7.5) and saline (≈ 2.2 to 17.1 dS m−1) respectively. The soil samples from the Salt Flat subzone showed the highest metal concentrations (e.g. 51 mg kg−1 Cd, 11,600 mg kg−1 Pb) while for As, the highest concentrations occurred in the Dry River (380 mg kg−1 As). The total metal and EDTA-extractable concentrations occurred as it follows: Salt Flat > Dry River > Degraded Dunes > Shrubs. In relation to plant metal and As accumulation, the highest root concentrations were obtained in the species from the Salt Flat subzone: ~ 17 mg kg−1 As, ~ 620 mg kg−1 Pb, for both, Juncus maritimus and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum. However the highest metal and As shoot concentrations occurred in species from the Sand Dunes: ~ 23 mg kg−1 As ~ 270 mg kg−1 Pb for Dittrichia viscosa; ~ 23 mg kg−1 As, ~ 390 mg kg−1 Zn for Crucianella maritima. The occurrence of edaphic gradients including salinity and texture determined the vegetation distribution. However, it cannot be concluded that there was a disturbance due to metal(loid)s soil concentrations in terms of vegetation composition except in the Degraded Dunes and Dry River. The higher EDTA-extractable concentrations were coincidental with the most saline soils but this did not result in higher metal(loid)s plant accumulation.  相似文献   

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