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Transformation by simian virus 40 large T antigen (TAg) is dependent on the inactivation of cellular tumor suppressors. Transformation minimally requires the following three domains: (i) a C-terminal domain that mediates binding to p53; (ii) the LXCXE domain (residues 103 to 107), necessary for binding to the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, pRB, and the related p107 and p130; and (iii) an N-terminal domain that is homologous to the J domain of DnaJ molecular chaperone proteins. We have previously demonstrated that the N-terminal J domain of TAg affects the RB-related proteins by perturbing the phosphorylation status of p107 and p130 and promoting the degradation of p130 and that this domain is required for transformation of cells that express either p107 or p130. In this work, we demonstrate that the J domain of TAg is required to inactivate the ability of each member of the pRB family to induce a G1 arrest in Saos-2 cells. Furthermore, the J domain is required to override the repression of E2F activity mediated by p130 and pRB and to disrupt p130-E2F DNA binding complexes. These results imply that while the LXCXE domain serves as a binding site for the RB-related proteins, the J domain plays an important role in inactivating their function.  相似文献   

The qualities of a peripheral Ag that determine whether T cells will be tolerant of or responsive to it are poorly understood. To approach this problem, we studied the T cell response in a line of transgenic mice selectively expressing an oncoprotein in the islets of Langerhans. The SV40 large tumor Ag (SV40-T) is directed to islet beta-cells in Rip1-Tag3 (RT3) mice by a hybrid insulin promoter-SV40-T construct. Ag is first detected on these cells between 10 and 12 wk after birth. RT3 mice were bred with mice expressing a transgenic rearranged TCR recognizing SV40-T in the context of the class I MHC molecule, H-2Kk. T cell response in the resultant RT3/TCR-double transgenic mice was then analyzed. T cells are fully responsive to SV40-T in RT3/TCR-transgenic mice, and T cells infiltrate the islets of both RT3 and RT3/TCR-transgenic mice. This work demonstrates that T cells may remain responsive to self-Ag expressed outside the thymus, and that this responsiveness may result in autoimmunity. The developmentally delayed expression or the oncogenic nature of SV40-T in the RT3-transgenic mice may be important in determining this T cell response.  相似文献   

SV40 large tumor Ag (Tag) contains four H-2b-restricted (I, II/III, IV, and V) CTL epitopes. A hierarchy exists among these CTL epitopes. CTL directed against epitopes I, II/III, and IV are readily detected following immunization of H-2b mice with SV40, Tag-transformed syngeneic cells, or a vaccinia recombinant that expresses full-length Tag, while epitope V-specific CTL are not. The mechanisms that define this hierarchy remain unknown. Initial studies have shown that the locations of epitopes I and V within SV40 Tag do not determine the immunological potencies of these epitopes. Like the wild-type Tag, derivatives in which the locations of epitopes I and V were precisely reversed within Tag failed to induce epitope V-specific CTL, but did induce epitope I-specific CTL. The use of an S206G-substituted epitope I variant (GAINNYAQKL) revealed that the S206G variant sequence induced CTL when located within the native epitope I context, but failed to do so when located within the epitope V context of Tag. Mutagenesis of residues adjacent to the S206G-substituted epitope I variant revealed that the identity of the residue flanking the amino terminus of the S206G variant was critical when it resided within the epitope V location, but not within the epitope I location. These results demonstrate that effects imposed by both regional context and adjacent residues can modulate immunogenicity, but that the relative importance of such effects varies in an epitope-dependent manner.  相似文献   

SV40 small tumor antigen (small-t) was used as a model to identify structural elements involved in the interactions between regulatory proteins and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Using mutant proteins and synthetic peptides, we identified a small domain within small-t that is a major site for interaction with the dimeric form of PP2A. A series of small-t truncation mutants identified a region surrounding the first of two conserved cysteine clusters that was critical for interaction with PP2A. These mutants also identified additional regions of small-t that contribute to high affinity interaction. Deletion of residues 110-119, which encompass the first cysteine cluster, resulted in a protein that failed to bind to PP2A. Synthetic peptides that contained residues 105-122 of small-t blocked binding of small-t to PP2A. These peptides also inhibited the phosphatase activity of PP2A in a manner analogous to full-length small-t. The active small-t peptides adopt a beta-strand structure that was essential for high affinity interaction with the PP2A dimer. Based on circular dichroism measurements, the same cysteine cluster-containing peptides that bind to PP2A also interact with zinc. Interaction with zinc required the conserved cysteines but was not required for interaction with PP2A.  相似文献   

Autographica californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) has been shown to encode many of the enzymes involved in the replication of its own DNA. Although the AcMNPV genome contains multiple sets of reiterated sequences that are thought to function as origins of DNA replication, no initiator protein has yet been identified in the set of viral replication enzymes. In this study, the ability of a heterologous origin initiator system to promote DNA replication in AcMNPV-infected cells was examined. A recombinant AcMNPV that expressed the simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen was surprisingly found to induce the efficient replication of a transfected plasmid containing an SV40 origin. This replication was subsequently found to involve three essential components: (i) T antigen, since replication of SV40 origin-containing plasmids was not induced by wild-type AcMNPV which did not express this protein; (ii) an intact SV40 core origin, since deletion of specific functional motifs within the origin resulted in a loss of replicative abilities; and (iii) one or more AcMNPV-encoded proteins, since viral superinfection was required for plasmid amplification. Characterization of the replicated DNA revealed that it existed as a high-molecular-weight concatemer and underwent significant levels of homologous recombination between inverted repeat sequences. These properties were consistent with an AcMNPV-directed mode of DNA synthesis rather than that of SV40 and suggested that T antigen-SV40 origin complexes may be capable of initiating DNA replication reactions that can be completed by AcMNPV-encoded enzymes.  相似文献   

At least three regions of the simian virus 40 small-t antigen (small-t) contribute to the protein's ability to enhance cellular transformation. As we showed previously for rat F111 cells, one region includes sequences from residues 97 to 103 that are involved in the binding and inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A. In the present study, the role of the protein phosphatase 2A binding region was confirmed in two additional small-t-dependent transformation systems. Second, small-t was found to provide a function previously identified as a large-T transformation domain. Mutations in residues 19 to 28 of large-T affected its transforming ability, but these mutations were complemented by a wild-type small-t. A third region of small-t was also required for efficient transformation. This region, the 42-47 region, is shared by large-T and small-t and contains a conserved HPDKGG hexapeptide. The 42-47 region function could be provided by either small-t or large-T in small-t-dependent systems. Mutations in the 42-47 region reduced the ability of small-t to transactivate the cyclin A promoter, of interest because small-t increased endogenous cyclin A mRNA levels in both human and monkey cells, as well as transactivating the promoter in transient assays.  相似文献   

Physical interactions of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigen with cellular DNA polymerase alpha-primase (Pol/Prim) and replication protein A (RPA) appear to be responsible for multiple functional interactions among these proteins that are required for initiation of viral DNA replication at the origin, as well as during lagging-strand synthesis. In this study, we mapped an RPA binding site in T antigen (residues 164 to 249) that is embedded within the DNA binding domain of T antigen. Two monoclonal antibodies whose epitopes map within this region specifically interfered with RPA binding to T antigen but did not affect T-antigen binding to origin DNA or Pol/Prim, ATPase, or DNA helicase activity and had only a modest effect on origin DNA unwinding, suggesting that they could be used to test the functional importance of this RPA binding site in the initiation of viral DNA replication. To rule out a possible effect of these antibodies on origin DNA unwinding, we used a two-step initiation reaction in which an underwound template was first generated in the absence of primer synthesis. In the second step, primer synthesis was monitored with or without the antibodies. Alternatively, an underwound primed template was formed in the first step, and primer elongation was tested with or without antibodies in the second step. The results show that the antibodies specifically inhibited both primer synthesis and primer elongation, demonstrating that this RPA binding site in T antigen plays an essential role in both events.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication requires the coordinated action of multiple biochemical activities intrinsic to the virus-encoded large tumor antigen (T antigen). We report the preliminary biochemical characterization of the T antigens encoded by three SV40 mutants, 5030, 5031, and 5061, each of which have altered residues within or near the ATP binding pocket. All three mutants are defective for viral DNA replication in cultured cell lines. However, while 5030 and 5031 can be complemented in vivo by providing a wild-type T antigen in trans, 5061 exhibits a strong trans-dominant-negative phenotype. In order to determine the basis for their replication defects and to explore the mechanisms of trans dominance, we purified the T antigens encoded by each of these mutants and examined their activities in vitro. The 5061 T antigen had no measurable ATPase activity and failed to hexamerize in response to ATP, and its affinity for the SV40 origin of DNA replication (ori) DNA was not increased by ATP. In contrast, the 5030 and 5031 T antigens exhibited at least some ATPase activity and both readily formed hexamers in the presence of ATP. These mutants differed in that 5030 was very defective in an ori-dependent unwinding assay while 5031 retained significant activity. Both the 5030 and 5031 T antigens bound to ori-containing DNA, but the binding was less efficient than that of wild-type T antigen and was not affected by the presence of ATP. These results suggest that 5030 and 5031 are defective in some aspect of communication between the ATP binding and DNA binding domains and that the ability of ATP to induce T-antigen hexamerization is distinct from its action to increase the affinity for ori. Finally, all three mutants were defective for the ability to support SV40 DNA replication in vitro. Both the 5031 and 5061 T antigens inhibited wild-type-T-antigen-stimulated replication in vitro, while the 5030 T antigen did not. The fact that the 5031 T antigen was trans dominant in the in vitro assays but not in vivo indicates that the in vitro system does not accurately reflect events occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

Male adult Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups in a 2 x 2 factorial design and were fed diets containing cooked-stored polished rice (CSPR), with and without 0.7 g/100 g of Nebacitin [bacitracinneomycin sulfate (2:1, wt/wt)] and with and without 1 g cholesterol/100 g diet. The CSPR diet contained 1.87 g resistant starch/100 g. After 4 wk, arterial blood and liver were collected. Feces were collected during the last 7 d. Rats fed the diet with Nebacitin and cholesterol had higher serum total cholesterol than the rats fed diets without cholesterol. Serum triglyceride concentration was greater in rats fed Nebacitin, regardless of dietary cholesterol concentration. Rats fed the diet with Nebacitin and cholesterol had higher serum LDL cholesterol concentration and liver total cholesterol concentration than rats fed the other three diets. Rats fed the CSPR diet with Nebacitin both with and without cholesterol had a higher fecal resistant starch concentration and excretion and lower serum short-chain fatty acid concentration than rats fed the diets without Nabacitin. Hepatic cholesterol concentration was greater in rats fed Nebacitin only when the diet also contained cholesterol. Therefore, dietary Nebacitin alters lipid metabolism in rats, and some effects are most pronounced in those also fed cholesterol.  相似文献   

The pattern of expression of the simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen gene and resultant dysplasia were re-examined in a line of transgenic mice in which the T antigen gene was under the control of the SV40 early promoter. We found that T antigen expression in the kidney, and resulting dysplastic lesions, occurred exclusively in the distal convoluted tubules and the ascending limbs of Henle. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) expression in the kidney of normal mice was similarly immunolocalized. The correlation between high EGF immunoreactivity in normal mouse tissues and T antigen expression in the transgenic counterpart was also seen in the choroid plexus epithelium and in the submandibular glands of male mice. T antigen was not found in the submandibular gland of transgenic females. Similarly, EGF was only rarely detected in the normal female submandibular gland. In contrast to the correlation between T antigen expression in the transgenic mice and EGF expression in the corresponding tissues of the normal mice, within the dysplastic lesions of the transgenic mice EGF expression was severely diminished. Adenocarcinomas of the male submandibular gland from another line of transgenic mice that expresses the Int-1 transgene, showed similarly reduced levels of immunostaining for EGF. Thus, reduced expression of EGF might be a general feature of dysplasia and tumorigenesis in those tissues that normally express EGF.  相似文献   

When simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen binds to the virus origin of replication, it forms a double hexamer that functions as a helicase to unwind the DNA bidirectionally. We demonstrate in this report that T antigen can unwind and release an origin DNA single strand of less than full length in the presence of purified human topoisomerase I. The sites nicked by topoisomerase I in the strands released by T antigen during DNA unwinding were localized primarily to the "late" side of the origin, and the template for lagging strand synthesis was preferred significantly over the one for leading strand synthesis. Importantly, these sites were, for the most part, different from the sites nicked by topoisomerase I in the absence of T antigen. These data indicate that T antigen activates topoisomerase I nicking at discrete sites and releases these nicked strands during unwinding. We hypothesize that a single molecule of topoisomerase I can form a functional complex with a double hexamer of T antigen to simultaneously relax and unwind double-stranded origin-containing DNA.  相似文献   

Tumor suppressors of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene family regulate cell growth and differentiation. Polyomavirus large T antigens (large T) bind Rb family members and block their function. Mutations of large T sequences conserved with the DnaJ family affect large T binding to a cellular DnaK, heat shock protein 70. The same mutations abolish large T activation of E2F-containing promoters and Rb binding-dependent large T activation of cell cycle progression. Cotransfection of a cellular DnaJ domain blocks wild-type large T action, showing that the connection between the chaperone system and tumor suppressors is direct. Although they are inactive in assays dependent on Rb family binding, mutants in the J region retain the ability to associate with pRb, p107, and p130. This suggests that binding of Rb family members by large T is not sufficient for their inactivation and that a functional J domain is required as well. This work connects the DnaJ and DnaK molecular chaperones to regulation of tumor suppressors by polyomavirus large T.  相似文献   

Polyomaviruses have proven oncogenicity in nonhost experimental animals; however, studies concerning the association between human brain tumors and simian and human polyomaviruses have yielded inconclusive results. We examined the relationship of SV40 to a malignant astrocytoma found in the right frontal lobe of a pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina) infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Consistent with the histologic diagnosis, the tumor was immunoreactive with antibodies to S-100 protein, vimentin, and glial fibrillary acidic protein, but negative for neurofilament protein, synaptophysin, neuron-specific enolase, and chromogranin A. At the time of SIV inoculation, the animal was seropositive for SV40. Polymerase chain reaction assay of tumor DNA, but not normal brain DNA, yielded a 300 base-pair fragment corresponding to the carboxy-terminal coding region (C-terminus) of the large T antigen gene of SV40, suggesting an association with the tumor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A cohort (20%) of patients with mesothelioma will not have an exposure to asbestos. Recently, a DNA tumor virus (simian virus 40) has been shown to cause hamster mesotheliomas; we previously described simian virus 40-like DNA amino terminus sequences in 29 of 48 mesotheliomas. We analyzed an additional 42 mesotheliomas to determine (1) whether our initial observations were durable and (2) the extent to which the simian virus 40 genome is present in mesotheliomas. METHODS: Genomic DNA was extracted from snap frozen mesothelioma tumor samples and from the simian virus 40-induced hamster mesothelioma tumor H9A. Polymerase chain reaction primers were used to amplify various simian virus 40 large T-antigen regions including a 105-base pair amino terminus fragment, a 281-base pair carboxyl terminus fragment, and a 310-base pair fragment of the enhancer promoter region. Endonuclease digestions and Southern blotting were used to verify the expected product. RESULTS: Thirty of the 42 (71%) samples amplified T-antigen amino sequences, and specificity was verified by Southern hybridization. Sixteen of 42 samples (38%) amplified the appropriate size fragment for the carboxyl terminus, and digestion with BsaB1 matched that of H9A. Twenty-two of 42 samples (52%) amplified simian virus 40 regulatory sequences and Fok1 digestion matched that of the hamster control tumor. Sequence analysis (4 patients) revealed 100% homology with the regulatory region of simian virus 40 strain 776. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest an association between the simian virus 40 virus and human mesothelioma that could be exploited for diagnostic/therapeutic options including early detection and potential vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: DNA sequences and immunoreactivity associated with Simian virus 40 transforming factors, large T and small t antigens (SV40LTAg), suggestive of an aetiopathogenetic link have been identified in fresh frozen tissue of a high proportion of recent cases of pleural mesotheliomas from the United States, Italy and Germany. SV40 is not normally infective in man though it can transform human cells in tissue culture. A large cohort of people in the western world was accidentally parenterally inoculated with live SV40 through contaminated polio vaccines given between 1959 and 1961, and this might be a factor in the current continuing rise in the incidence of mesothelioma in the United States, Britain and Europe. The present study investigated the presence of SV40LTAg DNA in recently diagnosed cases of mesothelioma in Britain and the feasibility of detecting the SV40 DNA in archival tissue for retrospective analysis of cases in the peri-vaccination period. METHODS: DNA was extracted from fresh frozen and/or rehydrated formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections from nine recently diagnosed cases of mesothelioma, nine cases of pulmonary adenocarcinoma, and three reactive pleurae, and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the primer pairs used previously on fresh frozen tissues-namely, the SV primer set directed at the LTAg gene sequence unique to SV40 and the PYV primer set directed at a sequence shared by SV40 and papovavirus strains BK and JC, respectively. RESULTS: PCR positivity with the SV primer set was restricted to four of the nine cases of mesothelioma. In contrast, six of the nine mesotheliomas, two of the nine adenocarcinomas, and one of the three reactive pleurae showed positivity with the PYV primers. The fresh frozen and corresponding formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue results concorded well with each other. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide evidence for the association of SV40LTAg primer specific DNA with human pulmonary mesothelioma in the British population.  相似文献   

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