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Time-resolved EPR oximetry has been used to determine the oxygen release kinetics in spinach thylakoids and PSII membranes. We observe release kinetics with half-times of approximately 0.85 and approximately 1.45 ms for thylakoids and PSII membranes, respectively, which are in close agreement with the EPR determined Yz decay kinetics for the S3 --> --> S0 transition in these systems. The results show conclusively that water-oxygen chemistry is not a rate-limiting step in the donor side of PSII under normal turnover conditions. By analyzing the oxygen release kinetics in thylakoids under nonphysiological, but still functionally competent conditions (low pH or high salt), we observed an initial delay in the O2 release of up to 200 microseconds following flash turnover from the S3 state. This is the first direct indication of a probable quasi-stable intermediate in the S3 --> --> S0 turnover of PSII, possibly representing the putative S4 state. Under conditions more closely approaching physiological, no such delay was resolved, indicating that the S4 --> O2 transition occurs within 50 microseconds under such circumstances. Two possible reaction sequences for O2 formation consistent with these and other data are discussed. It is suggested that the more probable form of "S4" is in fact the S3 + Yz* combination, which must undergo some molecular rearrangement on the tens to hundreds of microseconds time scale before O2 formation chemistry occurs.  相似文献   

One can obtain population-based estimates of the penetrance of a measurable mutation from cohort studies, from population-based case-control studies, and from genotyped-proband designs (GPD). In a GPD, we assume that representative individuals (probands) agree to be genotyped, and one then obtains information on the phenotypes of first-degree relatives. We also consider an extension of the GPD in which a relative is genotyped (GPDR design). In this paper, we give methods and tables for determining sample sizes needed to achieve desired precision for penetrance estimates from such studies. We emphasize dichotomous phenotypes, but methods for survival data are also given. In an example based on the BRCA1 gene and parameters given by Claus et al. [(1991) Am J Hum Genet 48:232-242], we find that similar large numbers of families need to be studied using the cohort, case-control, and GPD designs if the allele frequency is known, though the GPDR design requires fewer families, and, if one can study mainly probands with disease, the GPD design also requires fewer families. If the allele frequency is not known, somewhat larger sample sizes are required. Surprisingly, studies with mixtures of families of affected and non-affected probands can sometimes be more efficient than studies based exclusively on affected probands when the allele frequency is unknown. We discuss the feasibility and validity of these designs and point out that GPD and GPDR designs are more susceptible to a bias that results when the tendency for an individual to volunteer to be a proband or to be a subject in a cohort or case-control study depends on the phenotypes of his or her relatives.  相似文献   

Human DNA helicase VIII (HDH VIII) was isolated in the course of a systematic study of the DNA unwinding enzymes present in human cells. From a HeLa cell nuclear extract a protein with an Mrof 68 kDa in SDS-PAGE was isolated, characterised and micro-sequenced. The enzyme shows ATP- and Mg2+-dependent activity is not stimulated by RPA, prefers partially unwound 3'-tailed substrates and moves along the bound strand in the 5' to 3' direction. HDH VIII can also unwind partial RNA/DNA and RNA/RNA duplexes. Microsequencing of the polypeptide showed that this enzyme corresponds to G3BP, an element of the Ras pathway which binds specifically to the GTPase-activating protein. HDH VIII/G3BP is analogous to the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins and contains a sequence rich in RGG boxes similar to the C-terminal domain of HDH IV/nucleolin, another DNA and RNA helicase.  相似文献   

We report on the results of five independent and unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of an RNA tetraloop, r(GGACUUCGGUCC), and its related structures with the loop UUCG sugars changed to deoxyribose. Two separate NMR structures have been reported for the loop portion of this molecule, with the second refinement resulting in a slightly different and more accurate conformation for the loop. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSd) between the two NMR structures, for the loop portions only, is 2.5 A. Our simulations, starting from the two NMR structures, demonstrate that this tetraloop is a very stable and rigid structure with both nanosecond length simulations staying very close to the initial structures. Additionally, both simulations preserved most, if not all, of the NMR-derived interactions and violated very few of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)-derived distances used in the structure refinements. However, when the two NMR structures were simulated with deoxyriboses in the loops instead of the native riboses, the flexibility of the systems increased and we observed a conversion from the incorrect to the correct loop conformation in the simulation which started in the incorrect loop conformation. When the riboses were subsequently re-introduced back into the structure which underwent the conversion, the agreement between this simulation and the one starting from the correct NMR structure was a remarkably low 0.5 A, demonstrating an almost complete convergence from the incorrect to the correct structure using unrestrained molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

Among the main DNA-reactive metabolites of 1,3-butadiene (BD), both 1,2:3,4-butadiene diepoxide (BDE) and 1,2-epoxy-3-butene (BME) have been reported in mice and rats exposed to BD, but blood and tissue levels of these metabolites are much higher in mice than in rats under similar exposure conditions. BDE, being more reactive and genotoxic than BME, is thought to be responsible for the greater susceptibility of mice to BD carcinogenicity. While BDE is a DNA-alkylating agent and some BDE adducts have been characterized, no sufficiently sensitive method has been reported for studying BDE-DNA binding in vivo. In the present investigation, a modified dinucleotide/monophosphate version of the 32P-postlabeling assay was applied to detect BDE-DNA adducts, which were prepared by reacting BDE with calf thymus DNA or deoxyribooligonucleotides [(AC)10, (AG)10, (CCT)7 and (GGT)7] in vitro or with skin DNA of mice in vivo upon topical treatment. Optimal resolution by 2-D PEI-cellulose TLC of the highly polar 5'-monophosphate adducts was achieved at +4 degrees C using 0.3 M LiCI (DI) and 0.4 M NaCl, 0.04 M H3BO3, pH 7.6 (D2). The profiles of the 32P-postlabeled adducts were similar for calf thymus and skin DNA, with 3 major spots being detected. Adducts obtained in in vitro and in vivo experiments were compared by re- and cochromatography in 4 or 5 different solvents, and these experiments provided evidence that corresponding BDE adducts, for the most part, were identical and represented adenine derivatives. Guanine adducts were not detected by this method although literature data indicate their formation. Quantitatively, the assay responded linearly to adduct concentration, as shown in an experiment where BDE-modified skin DNA was serially diluted up to 81-fold with control DNA. The limit of detection was approximately 1 adduct in 10(8) normal nucleotides. Further, in an in vivo dosimetry study, skin DNA from groups of 8 individual mice treated with different doses of BDE (1.9, 5.7, 17, 51 and 153 mumol/mouse) for 3 days exhibited a linear relationship (r > or = 0.992) between adduct levels and dose. The results suggest that the 32P-postlabeling assay described herein will have utility in mechanistic studies and biomonitoring of DNA adduct formation from BDE and possibly other polar epoxides.  相似文献   

Unexpected failures on 18/8 CrNi and 17/12/2 CrNiMo steels in indoor swimming pool atmospheres made it necessary to reinvestigate chloride induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC). SCC in the active state was investigated on stainless steels 1.3974, 1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4439, 1.4462, 1.4522, 1.4539 and 1.4571 by testing under constant load at temperatures up to 50°C. Selected tests were performed on the material with the highest SCC susceptibility, 1.4301, in solutions with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride. SCC was only observed in critical ranges of hydrogen-ion concentration and only in conjunction with pronounced general corrosion. In a solution with c(HCl) = 1.0 mol/l and c(NaCl) = 0.5 mol/l, which had proved to be highly SCC-inducing, the effects of different parameters on SCC behaviour were studied. Temperature, stress level and degree of cold deformation exerted only a secondary influence, in contrast to alloy composition: austenitic steels containing about 10% nickel (1.4301, 1.4303, 1.4571) exhibited very pronounced SCC. The other materials with nickel contents distinctively higher or lower proved, respectively, to be less susceptible or resistant to SCC. Thus, the same effect of nickel content was observed as is known for resistance to chloride induced SCC in the passive state. All materials were prone to pronounced general corrosion. The corrosion phenomena observed were completely different from the swimming pool failures reported.  相似文献   

The Golgi marker enzyme, UDP-galactose:N-acetylglucosamine beta 1-4galactosyltransferase (beta 1-4GalT) was purified 44300-fold in its intact, membrane-bound form from rat liver membranes. The protein was isolated from detergent extracts as a high-M(r) form, having a Stokes radius approximating a globular protein of M(r) 440,000. It is comprised of a single protein component as observed on SDS/polyacrylamide gels, having an M(r) near 51,000, and does not have intermolecular disulfide cross-links. N-terminal sequencing of the enzyme demonstrated that it contains an N-terminal hydrophobic stretch deduced previously from cDNA encoding for the enzyme. Previous studies have indicated that the protein may be translated at either of two AUG sites near the 5' end of the mRNA [Russo, R. N., Shaper, N. L. & Shaper, J. H. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 3324-3331], giving rise to two polypeptides, one appended with 13 amino acids. In the work described here, evidence was only found for the sequence of the short form, missing a single methionine at the N-terminus. Mild proteolytic treatment cleaved the enzyme, giving rise to low-M(r) forms which were fully catalytically active and which, upon sequencing, were missing a 66-amino-acid stretch from the N-terminus (as compared to the mouse cDNA). Proteolytic treatment was accompanied by conversion of the form having a large Stokes radius to one approximating a globular protein with M(r) near 50,000. The N-terminal stretch appears to contribute to maintenance of the form having a large Stokes radius. This may be the result of interaction with a detergent micelle, dimerization or oligomerization, or interaction with some other large, non-protein molecule, although a detergent exchange still resulted in a form having a large Stokes radius.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A phase III, randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial of active specific immunotherapy (ASI) using vaccinia melanoma oncolysate (VMO) was performed in patients with stage III (American Joint Commission on Cancer) melanoma to determine the efficacy of VMO to increase the disease-free interval (DFI) or overall survival (OS) in these patients. Two interim analyses of data from this trial were performed in May 1994 and June 1995. Although the results from these analyses showed no statistically significant improvement in DFI or OS in all patients using VMO, two subsets-men aged 44-57 years with one to five positive nodes and all patients with clinical stage I and pathologic stage II disease-showed an overall survival advantage with VMO therapy. A final analysis of data from this trial was performed in May 1996 and is reported here. The design of future melanoma vaccine trials is discussed based on information learned from this first randomized, multicenter trial of ASI therapy. STUDY DESIGN: A polyvalent VMO was prepared using melanoma cells derived from four melanoma cell lines and vaccinia vaccine virus (V). Patients were accrued from 11 United States institutions and were randomized by the Statistical Center at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. Two hundred fifty patients were randomized to treatment with either VMO (1 U containing 2 mg of total protein derived from 5 x 10(6) melanoma cells and 10(5.6) 50% tissue culture infectious dose of vaccinia virus) or control V (1 U containing 10(5.4) 50% tissue culture infectious dose of vaccinia virus) once a week for 13 weeks and then once every 2 weeks for a total of 12 months, or until recurrence. Patient data were collected by the Statistical Center and analyzed as of May 1996 for DFI and OS using Wilcoxon test and log-rank analysis. RESULTS: Two hundred seventeen patients were found to be eligible according to the inclusion criteria. Data from these patients were analyzed for DFI and OS after a median followup of 46.3 months (50.2 months for VMO and 41.3 months for V). This final analysis showed no statistically significant increase in either DFI (p = 0.61) or OS (p = 0.79) of patients treated with VMO (n = 104) compared with V (n = 113). At 2-, 3-, and 5-year intervals, 47.8%, 43.8%, and 41.7% of patients treated with VMO were disease-free, respectively, compared with 51.2%, 44.8%, and 40.4% of patients treated with V. At the same intervals, 70.0%, 60.0%, and 48.6% of patients treated with VMO survived, compared with 65.4%, 55.6%, and 48.2% of patients treated with V. In a retrospective subset analysis, male patients aged 44-57 years (n = 20) with one to five positive nodes showed 18.9%, 26.82%, and 21.3% improvement in survival at 2-, 3-, and 5-year intervals, respectively, after treatment with VMO when compared with V (n = 18) (p = 0.046). CONCLUSIONS: This study was a randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled evaluation of an active specific immunotherapeutic agent to increase the DFI or OS of patients with stage III melanoma in a surgical adjuvant setting. In this trial, ASI with VMO when compared with V showed no difference in either DFI or OS. In a retrospective subset analysis, however, a subset of men with one to five positive nodes, between the ages of 44 and 57 years, showed a survival advantage with VMO. This result suggests that one must include a detailed subset analysis in the design of future trials of ASI for patients with American Joint Commission on Cancer stage III melanoma. An appropriate control arm also must be included in ASI trials.  相似文献   

Esophageal cancer is one of the most fatal cancers worldwide and is characterized by great variation in rates among different populations. Linxian, a county in Henan Province, located in north-central China, has one of the highest rates of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in the world. Most squamous cell carcinomas in low-risk populations are attributable to alcohol and tobacco consumption, but the causative agents in high-risk populations are less clear. The prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer in high-risk regions, such as Linxian, are limited by our inability to identify these agent(s). During a preliminary histological review, the authors noticed characteristic findings in the arteries, nerves, and lymph nodes of esophagectomy specimens from Linxian and wondered whether these findings might offer clues to the cause of squamous cell carcinoma (eg, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure) in the Linxian population. The purpose of this study was to report these previously undescribed histopathologic changes and to compare their presence and severity with those found in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas from a lower-risk population in the United States. Forty esophagectomies were reviewed, including 13 squamous cell carcinomas from Linxian and 21 squamous cell carcinomas and six adenocarcinomas from the United States. The presence and severity of arteriosclerosis and myxoid degeneration of nerves and the presence of anthracosis in periesophageal lymph nodes were recorded. The prevalence and severity of these findings in the three groups of esophagectomies were compared. The esophageal squamous cell carcinomas from Linxian, China, had a higher prevalence of arteriosclerotic vessels, nerves with myxoid degeneration, and anthracotic lymph nodes than the squamous cell carcinomas from the United States (Wilcoxon test, P < .04 for all comparisons). There were also significant differences in the prevalence of arteriosclerotic vessels and anthracotic lymph nodes between the esophageal squamous cell carcinomas from Linxian and the adenocarcinomas from the United States. Arteriosclerosis and the myxoid degeneration were significantly more severe in the esophageal squamous cell carcinomas from Linxian than in the esophageal squamous cell carcinomas or adenocarcinomas from the United States (Mantel trend test, P < .006 for all comparisons). Arteriosclerotic vessels, nerves with myxoid degeneration, and anthracotic lymph nodes can be seen in association with esophageal squamous cell carcinomas from the high-risk region of Linxian, China. These changes appear to be more prevalent and severe than those seen in association with esophageal squamous cell carcinomas or adenocarcinomas from a low-risk population in the United States. These characteristic changes may be causatively significant and may represent histological evidence of high-level environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

This review chronicles prior approaches to research on small groups, critiques contemporary theories and methods, and notes some future possibilities. Early group researchers worked in isolated "schools," treating groups as social systems for influencing members, for patterning interaction, or for performing tasks. Assumptions of those 3 schools are blended in some contemporary approaches, treating groups as systems for processing information; for managing consensus and conflict; and for motivating, regulating, and coordinating member behavior. Past and contemporary approaches are limited by their analytic focus, limited temporal scope, and failure to treat groups in context. The article points to an alternative theoretical approach that treats groups as complex, adaptive, dynamic systems and notes some methodological issues and possibilities raised by that approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the rationale and design, and to discuss the preliminary screening data, of the Study to Prevent NIDDM (STOP-NIDDM Trial), an international study on the efficacy of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose in preventing or delaying the development of type 2 diabetes in a population with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 1,418 subjects diagnosed with IGT according to the World Health Organization's criteria and having a fasting plasma glucose concentration > or =5.6 mmol/L were randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive either acarbose (100 mg t.i.d.) or placebo for a predictive median follow-up period of 3.9 years. The primary outcome is the development of type 2 diabetes diagnosed using a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test according to the new criteria. The secondary outcomes are changes in blood pressure, lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular events, and morphometric profile. RESULTS: Screening was performed in a high-risk population. As of 1 March 1997, 4,424 subjects had been screened, and data were available for 3,919 (88.5%) subjects. Of these subjects, 1,200 (30.6%) had glucose intolerance. Of the subjects with glucose intolerance, 521 (13.3%) had previously undetected type 2 diabetes, and 679 (17.3%) had IGT. Of the IGT population, 412 (60.7%) subjects were eligible for the study This population had the following characteristics: the mean age was 54.8 years, 52% of the subjects were female, 53% had more than one risk factor for type 2 diabetes, >90% had a family history of diabetes, 78.2% had a BMI > or =27 kg/m2, 47.5% had high blood pressure, 51.2% had dyslipidemia, and 22.8% of the women had a history of gestational diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: Screening of a high-risk population yields one eligible subject per every 10 volunteers screened. This study should definitely answer the question of whether acarbose can prevent or delay the progression of IGT to type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Personality traits show normative patterns of development toward maturity during adolescence. Yet individuals follow these normative patterns to differing degrees. This study used growth mixture modeling to characterize personality development patterns and their associations with outcomes in a population-based sample of 1,537 girls aged 14 to 24. The authors used latent class analysis to identify 3 trajectory groups labeled alright (47%), growing up (42%), and trouble (11%). Alright group members were more likely at age 24 to have completed college, remained involved with their families, and obtained good jobs. Trouble group members were more likely to be involved with drugs and alcohol, to display interpersonal problems, and to behave antisocially. Growing up group members fell in between. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Six adult Soay rams were housed under artificial lighting conditions of long days (16 h light:8 h darkness) for 4 months and this caused the animals to lapse into a state of reproductive quiescence with low levels of gonadotrophins in the circulation and regressed testes secreting very low amounts of testosterone. The photoperiod was changed abruptly to short days (8 h light:16 h darkness) to induce a resurgence of sexual activity, and a detailed study was made of the pituitary and testicular responses over the first 100 days. Plasma levels of LH and FSH first began to increase between days 6 and 12 of short days, and rose progressively until days 33-54 before declining again. Testicular growth of the rams began on days 19-26 and continued for most of the remaining period of study. Plasma testosterone levels rose in parallel with the growth of the testes, and were greatly increased by day 100 when gonadotrophin levels were reduced. At most stages there were short-term fluctuations in the plasma levels of FSH, LH and testosterone indicative of episodic secretion. Peaks in plasma levels of LH were especially conspicuous and from the changes in frequency and amplitude of these peaks it was possible to predict the way in which photoperiod influenced gonadotrophin secretion by its effect on hypothalamic LH-RH secretion. A slight 24 h rhythm in the plasma levels of all three hormones was observed, and the significance of this in relation to the photoperiodic response is discussed.  相似文献   

A. W. Inhoff, B. M. Eiter, and R. Radach (see record 2005-13471-012) reported the results of 2 experiments that they claimed were problematic for serial attention models of eye movements in reading (such as the E-Z Reader model). In this reply, the authors demonstrate via argumentation and simulations that their data pose no serious problem for the E-Z Reader model or serial attention models in general. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-II, acting under the regulatory control of growth hormone, are the principal mediators of vertebrate growth. We have previously demonstrated that like humans, but unlike rodents, rainbow trout maintain high hepatic IGF-II messenger RNA levels into adulthood. Here we describe a rainbow trout IGF-II gene with a proximal promoter that contains two CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) binding sites (TCBS1 and TCBS2). Nuclear proteins corresponding in size to rat C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta were detected on Western immunoblots of growth-hormone-treated and mock-treated trout liver extracts. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay of these nuclear extracts further suggests the presence of C/EBPs in trout liver and confirms the ability of TCBS1 to form a complex with trout liver nuclear proteins that is identical in mobility and specificity to that formed by a mammalian consensus CBS construct. In both Western blot and mobility assay results, the growth-hormone-treated trout livers appeared to have a greater accumulation of C/EBP, suggesting a molecular mechanism by which growth hormone can influence the level of serum IGF-II.  相似文献   

The inositol depletion hypothesis of lithium (Li) action has been criticized, because depletion of inositol after chronic Li treatment has not been reproducible, effects of inositol to reverse Li-induced behaviors occurred also with epi-inositol, a unnatural isomer, and because inositol is ubiquitous in brain and hard to relate to the pathogenesis of affective disorder. Therefore, we review our studies showing that lithium depletion of brain inositol occurs chronically in the hypothalamus, a region not previously examined; that behavioral effects of four different inositol isomers including epi-inositol correlate perfectly with their biochemical effects; and that inositol in postmortem human brain is reduced by 25% in frontal cortex of bipolars and suicides as compared with controls. Because inositol in postmortem brain is reduced and not increased in bipolar patients, the relationship between inositol, lithium, and affective disorder is complex.  相似文献   

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